using namespace System.Management.Automation Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Base class for all classes being called from PS commands # Provides functionality to fire important events at command call class CommandBase: AzSKRoot { [string[]] $FilterTags = @(); [bool] $DoNotOpenOutputFolder = $false; [bool] $Force = $false CommandBase([string] $subscriptionId, [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext): Base($subscriptionId) { [Helpers]::AbstractClass($this, [CommandBase]); if (-not $invocationContext) { throw [System.ArgumentException] ("The argument 'invocationContext' is null. Pass the `$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation from PowerShell command."); } $this.InvocationContext = $invocationContext; [PrivacyNotice]::ValidatePrivacyAcceptance() if($null -ne $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["DoNotOpenOutputFolder"]) { $this.DoNotOpenOutputFolder = $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["DoNotOpenOutputFolder"]; } if($null -ne $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["Force"]) { $this.Force = $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["Force"]; } } [void] CommandStarted() { $this.PublishAzSKRootEvent([AzSKRootEvent]::CommandStarted, $this.CheckModuleVersion()); } [void] CommandError([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $exception) { [AzSKRootEventArgument] $arguments = $this.CreateRootEventArgumentObject(); $arguments.ExceptionMessage = $exception; $this.PublishEvent([AzSKRootEvent]::CommandError, $arguments); } [void] CommandCompleted([MessageData[]] $messages) { $this.PublishAzSKRootEvent([AzSKRootEvent]::CommandCompleted, $messages); } [string] InvokeFunction([PSMethod] $methodToCall) { return $this.InvokeFunction($methodToCall, @()); } [string] InvokeFunction([PSMethod] $methodToCall, [System.Object[]] $arguments) { if (-not $methodToCall) { throw [System.ArgumentException] ("The argument 'methodToCall' is null. Pass the reference of method to call. e.g.: [YourClass]::new().YourMethod"); } $this.PublishRunIdentifier($this.InvocationContext); [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackCommandExecution("Command Started", @{"RunIdentifier" = $this.RunIdentifier}, @{}, $this.InvocationContext); $sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew(); $isExecutionSuccessful = $true $this.CommandStarted(); $this.PostCommandStartedAction(); $methodResult = @(); try { $methodResult = $methodToCall.Invoke($arguments); } catch { $isExecutionSuccessful = $true # Unwrapping the first layer of exception which is added by Invoke function [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackCommandExecution("Command Errored", @{"RunIdentifier" = $this.RunIdentifier; "ErrorRecord"= $_.Exception.InnerException.ErrorRecord}, @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 0}, $this.InvocationContext); $this.CommandError($_.Exception.InnerException.ErrorRecord); } $this.CommandCompleted($methodResult); [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackCommandExecution("Command Completed", @{"RunIdentifier" = $this.RunIdentifier}, @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 1}, $this.InvocationContext) $this.PostCommandCompletedAction($methodResult); $folderPath = $this.GetOutputFolderPath(); #Generate PDF report $GeneratePDFReport = $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["GeneratePDF"]; try { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($folderpath)) { switch ($GeneratePDFReport) { None { # Do nothing } Landscape { [AzSKPDFExtension]::GeneratePDF($folderpath, $this.SubscriptionContext, $this.InvocationContext, $true); } Portrait { [AzSKPDFExtension]::GeneratePDF($folderpath, $this.SubscriptionContext, $this.InvocationContext, $false); } } } } catch { # Unwrapping the first layer of exception which is added by Invoke function $this.CommandError($_); } $AttestControlParamFound = $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["AttestControls"]; if($null -eq $AttestControlParamFound) { if((-not $this.DoNotOpenOutputFolder) -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($folderPath))) { try { Invoke-Item -Path $folderPath; } catch { #ignore if any exception occurs } } } return $folderPath; } [void] PostCommandStartedAction() { } [string] GetOutputFolderPath() { return [WriteFolderPath]::GetInstance().FolderPath; } [void] CheckModuleVersion() { $currentModuleVersion = [System.Version] $this.GetCurrentModuleVersion() $serverVersion = [System.Version] ([ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().GetLatestAzSKVersion($this.GetModuleName())); $currentModuleVersion = [System.Version] $this.GetCurrentModuleVersion() if($currentModuleVersion -ne "" -and $serverVersion -gt $this.GetCurrentModuleVersion()) { $this.RunningLatestPSModule = $false; $this.InvokeAutoUpdate() $this.PublishCustomMessage(([Constants]::VersionCheckMessage -f $serverVersion), [MessageType]::Warning); $this.PublishCustomMessage(([ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().InstallationCommand + "`r`n"), [MessageType]::Update); $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::VersionWarningMessage, [MessageType]::Warning); $serverVersions = @() [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().GetAzSKVersionList($this.GetModuleName()) | ForEach-Object { #Take major and minor version and ignore build version for comparision $serverVersions+= [System.Version] ("$($_.Major)" +"." + "$($_.Minor)") } $serverVersions = $serverVersions | Select-Object -Unique $latestVersionList = $serverVersions | Where-Object {$_ -gt $currentModuleVersion} if(($latestVersionList | Measure-Object).Count -gt [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().BackwardCompatibleVersionCount) { throw ([SuppressedException]::new(("Your version of AzSK is too old. Please update now!"),[SuppressedExceptionType]::Generic)) } } #block if the migration is not completed $IsMigrateSwitchPassed = $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["Migrate"]; $isMigrationCompleted = [UserSubscriptionDataHelper]::IsMigrationCompleted($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId); if($isMigrationCompleted -ne "COMP") { $MigrationWarning = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().MigrationWarning; $isLatestRequired = $this.IsLatestVersionRequired(); if($isLatestRequired) { throw ([SuppressedException]::new($MigrationWarning,[SuppressedExceptionType]::Generic)) } elseif(-not $IsMigrateSwitchPassed) { if($this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["AttestControls"] -or $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["ControlsToAttest"]) { throw ([SuppressedException]::new($MigrationWarning,[SuppressedExceptionType]::Generic)) } else { Write-Host "WARNING: $MigrationWarning" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } } [void] InvokeAutoUpdate() { $AutoUpdateSwitch= [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings().AutoUpdateSwitch; $AutoUpdateCommand = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings().AutoUpdateCommand; if($AutoUpdateSwitch -ne [AutoUpdate]::On) { if($AutoUpdateSwitch -eq [AutoUpdate]::NotSet) { Write-Host "Auto-update for AzSK is currently not enabled for your machine. To set it, run the command below:" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "Set-AzSKPolicySettings -AutoUpdate On`n" -ForegroundColor Green } return; } #Step 1: Get the list of active running powershell prcesses including the current running PS Session $PSProcesses = Get-Process | Where-Object { ($_.Name -eq 'powershell' -or $_.Name -eq 'powershell_ise' -or $_.Name -eq 'powershelltoolsprocesshost')} $userChoice = "" if(($PSProcesses | Measure-Object).Count -ge 1) { Write-Host "A new version of AzSK is available. Starting the auto-update workflow...`nTo prepare for auto-update, please:`n`t a) Save your work from all active PS sessions including the current one and`n`t b) Close all PS sessions other than the current one. " -ForegroundColor Cyan } #User choice that captures the decision to close the active PS Sessions $secondUserChoice ="" $InvalidOption = $true; while($InvalidOption) { if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($userChoice) -or ($userChoice.Trim() -ne 'y' -and $userChoice.Trim() -ne 'n')) { $userChoice = Read-Host "Continue (Y/N)" if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($userChoice) -or ($userChoice.Trim() -ne 'y' -and $userChoice.Trim() -ne 'n')) { Write-Host "Enter the valid option." -ForegroundColor Yellow } continue; } elseif($userChoice.Trim() -eq 'n') { $InvalidOption = $false; } elseif($userChoice.Trim() -eq 'y') { #Get the number of PS active sessions $PSProcesses = Get-Process | Where-Object { ($_.Name -eq 'powershell' -or $_.Name -eq 'powershell_ise' -or $_.Name -eq 'powershelltoolsprocesshost') -and $_.Id -ne $PID} if(($PSProcesses | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { Write-Host "`nThe following other PS sessions are still active. Please save your work and close them. You can also use Task Manager to close these sessions." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host ($PSProcesses | Select-Object Id, ProcessName, Path | Out-String) $secondUserChoice = Read-Host "Continue (Y/N)" } elseif(($PSProcesses | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "`nThe current PS session will be closed now. Have you saved your work?" -ForegroundColor Yellow $secondUserChoice = Read-Host "Continue (Y/N)" } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($secondUserChoice) -and ` (($PSProcesses | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0 -and $secondUserChoice.Trim() -eq 'y') -or ` $secondUserChoice.Trim() -eq 'n') { $InvalidOption = $false; } } } #Check if the first user want to continue with auto-update using userChoice field and then check if user still wants to continue with auto-update after finding the active PS sessions. #In either case it is no it would exit the auto-update process if($userChoice.Trim() -eq "n" -or $secondUserChoice.Trim() -eq 'n') { Write-Host "Exiting auto-update workflow. To disable auto-update permanently, run the command below:" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "Set-AzSKPolicySettings -AutoUpdate Off`n" -ForegroundColor Green return } $AzSKTemp = [Constants]::AzSKAppFolderPath + "\Temp\"; try { $fileName = "au_" + $(get-date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".ps1"; $autoUpdateContent = [ConfigurationHelper]::LoadOfflineConfigFile("ModuleAutoUpdate.ps1"); if(-not (Test-Path -Path $AzSKTemp)) { mkdir -Path $AzSKTemp -Force } Remove-Item -Path "$AzSKTemp\au_*" -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $autoUpdateContent = $autoUpdateContent.Replace("##installurl##",$AutoUpdateCommand); $autoUpdateContent | Out-File "$AzSKTemp\$fileName" -Force Start-Process -WindowStyle Normal -FilePath "powershell.exe" -ArgumentList "$AzSKTemp\$fileName" } catch { $this.CommandError($_.Exception.InnerException.ErrorRecord); } } [void] CommandProgress([int] $totalItems, [int] $currentItem) { $this.CommandProgress($totalItems, $currentItem, 1); } [void] CommandProgress([int] $totalItems, [int] $currentItem, [int] $granularity) { if ($totalItems -gt 0) { # $granularity indicates the number of items after which percentage progress will be printed # Set the max granularity to total items if ($granularity -gt $totalItems) { $granularity = $totalItems; } # Conditions for posting progress: 0%, 100% and based on granularity if ($currentItem -eq 0 -or $currentItem -eq $totalItems -or (($currentItem % $granularity) -eq 0)) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("$([int](($currentItem / $totalItems) * 100))% Completed"); } } } # Dummy function declaration to define the function signature [void] PostCommandCompletedAction([MessageData[]] $messages) { } } |