.Description # Context class for indenity details. # Provides functionality to login, create context, get token for api calls #> using namespace Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory class ContextHelper { static hidden [Context] $currentContext; #This will be used to carry current org under current context. static hidden [string] $orgName; hidden static [PSObject] GetCurrentContext() { return [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext($false); } hidden static [PSObject] GetCurrentContext([bool]$authNRefresh) { if( (-not [ContextHelper]::currentContext) -or $authNRefresh) { $clientId = [Constants]::DefaultClientId ; $replyUri = [Constants]::DefaultReplyUri; $azureDevOpsResourceId = [Constants]::DefaultAzureDevOpsResourceId; [AuthenticationContext] $ctx = $null; $ctx = [AuthenticationContext]::new(""); [AuthenticationResult] $result = $null; $azSKUI = $null; if ( !$authNRefresh -and ($azSKUI = Get-Variable 'AzSKADOLoginUI' -Scope Global -ErrorAction 'Ignore')) { if ($azSKUI.Value -eq 1) { $result = $ctx.AcquireToken($azureDevOpsResourceId, $clientId, [Uri]::new($replyUri),[PromptBehavior]::Always); } else { $result = $ctx.AcquireToken($azureDevOpsResourceId, $clientId, [Uri]::new($replyUri),[PromptBehavior]::Auto); } } else { $result = $ctx.AcquireToken($azureDevOpsResourceId, $clientId, [Uri]::new($replyUri),[PromptBehavior]::Auto); } [ContextHelper]::ConvertToContextObject($result) } return [ContextHelper]::currentContext } hidden static [PSObject] GetCurrentContext([System.Security.SecureString] $PATToken) { if(-not [ContextHelper]::currentContext) { [ContextHelper]::ConvertToContextObject($PATToken) } return [ContextHelper]::currentContext } static [string] GetAccessToken([string] $resourceAppIdUri) { return [ContextHelper]::GetAccessToken() } static [string] GetAccessToken() { if([ContextHelper]::currentContext) { # Validate if token is PAT using lenght (PAT has lengh of 52), if PAT dont go to refresh login session. #TODO: Change code to find token type supplied PAT or login session token #if token expiry is within 2 min, refresh. if (([ContextHelper]::currentContext.AccessToken.length -ne 52) -and ([ContextHelper]::currentContext.TokenExpireTimeLocal -le [DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes(2))) { [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext($true); } return [ContextHelper]::currentContext.AccessToken } else { return $null } } hidden [SubscriptionContext] SetContext([string] $subscriptionId) { if((-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($subscriptionId))) { $SubscriptionContext = [SubscriptionContext]@{ SubscriptionId = $subscriptionId; Scope = "/Organization/$subscriptionId"; SubscriptionName = $subscriptionId; }; # $subscriptionId contains the organization name (due to framework). [ContextHelper]::orgName = $subscriptionId; [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext() } else { throw [SuppressedException] ("OrganizationName name [$subscriptionId] is either malformed or incorrect.") } return $SubscriptionContext; } hidden [SubscriptionContext] SetContext([string] $subscriptionId, [System.Security.SecureString] $PATToken) { if((-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($subscriptionId))) { $SubscriptionContext = [SubscriptionContext]@{ SubscriptionId = $subscriptionId; Scope = "/Organization/$subscriptionId"; SubscriptionName = $subscriptionId; }; # $subscriptionId contains the organization name (due to framework). [ContextHelper]::orgName = $subscriptionId; [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext($PATToken) } else { throw [SuppressedException] ("OrganizationName name [$subscriptionId] is either malformed or incorrect.") } return $SubscriptionContext; } static [void] ResetCurrentContext() { } hidden static ConvertToContextObject([PSObject] $context) { $contextObj = [Context]::new() $contextObj.Account.Id = $context.UserInfo.DisplayableId $contextObj.Tenant.Id = $context.TenantId $contextObj.AccessToken = $context.AccessToken # Here subscription basically means ADO organization (due to framework). # We do not get ADO organization Id as part of current context. Hence appending org name to both Id and Name param. $contextObj.Subscription = [Subscription]::new() $contextObj.Subscription.Id = [ContextHelper]::orgName $contextObj.Subscription.Name = [ContextHelper]::orgName $contextObj.TokenExpireTimeLocal = $context.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime #$contextObj.AccessToken = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $context.AccessToken -asplaintext -Force [ContextHelper]::currentContext = $contextObj } hidden static ConvertToContextObject([System.Security.SecureString] $patToken) { $contextObj = [Context]::new() $contextObj.Account.Id = [string]::Empty $contextObj.Tenant.Id = [string]::Empty $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($patToken) $contextObj.AccessToken = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR) # Here subscription basically means ADO organization (due to framework). # We do not get ADO organization Id as part of current context. Hence appending org name to both Id and Name param. $contextObj.Subscription = [Subscription]::new() $contextObj.Subscription.Id = [ContextHelper]::orgName $contextObj.Subscription.Name = [ContextHelper]::orgName #$contextObj.AccessToken = $patToken #$contextObj.AccessToken = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $context.AccessToken -asplaintext -Force [ContextHelper]::currentContext = $contextObj } static [string] GetCurrentSessionUser() { $context = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext() if ($null -ne $context) { return $context.Account.Id } else { return "NO_ACTIVE_SESSION" } } } |