Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Get-AzSKADOSecurityStatusCombinedResults { [OutputType([String])] [Alias("Get-AzSKAzureDevOpsSecurityStatusCombinedResults")] Param ( [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias("oz")] $OrganizationName, [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias("fn")] $FolderName, [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("UPC","GADSBM")] [Alias("md")] $Mode ) Begin { [CommandHelper]::BeginCommand($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation); [ListenerHelper]::RegisterListeners(); } Process { try { $basePath = [Constants]::AzSKLogFolderPath; $outputPath = Join-Path $basePath ($([Constants]::AzSKModuleName)+"Logs") ; $sanitizedPath = [Helpers]::SanitizeFolderName($OrganizationName); if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sanitizedPath)) { $sanitizedPath = $context.OrganizationName; } $folderSanitizedPath = [Helpers]::SanitizeFolderName($FolderName) $fileName="" if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($foldersanitizedPath)) { if($Mode -eq 'UPC'){ $outputPath = Join-Path $outputPath -ChildPath ([Constants]::ParentFolder + $sanitizedPath) | Join-Path -ChildPath $folderSanitizedPath ; $fileName = "SecurityReport_CollatedUPC.csv" } else{ $outputPath = Join-Path $outputPath -ChildPath ([Constants]::ParentFolder + $sanitizedPath) | Join-Path -ChildPath "BatchScan" | Join-Path -ChildPath $folderSanitizedPath ; $fileName = "SecurityReport_CollatedBatchScan.csv" } } if(-not (Test-Path $outputPath)) { Write-Host "Could not find path $($outputPath). Make sure the folder exists in the correct path." -ForegroundColor Red return; } $folderCount = (Get-ChildItem $outputPath -Directory | Measure-Object).Count; $progress=1; Get-ChildItem $outputPath | foreach { $scanFolder = $; $csvFolder = Join-Path $outputPath -ChildPath $scanFolder; $csvFilePath = $csvFolder+"\*.csv"; Get-ChildItem $csvFilePath | foreach { $csv=$_ $temp = Import-Csv $csv $temp | foreach { $oldDetailedLogFile = $_.DetailedLogFile $newDetailedLogFile = Join-Path $scanFolder $oldDetailedLogFile $_.DetailedLogFile = $newDetailedLogFile } $temp | Export-Csv (Join-Path $outputPath $fileName) -append -NoTypeInformation Write-Progress -Activity "Combined results from $($progress) folders out of $($folderCount) folders " -PercentComplete ($progress / $folderCount * 100) $progress+=1 } } Write-Progress -Activity "All results collated" -Status "Ready" -Completed Write-Host "Results from $($Mode) mode have been combined and exported to $(Join-Path $outputPath $fileName) " -ForegroundColor Green } catch { [EventBase]::PublishGenericException($_); } } End { [ListenerHelper]::UnregisterListeners(); } } |