Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class IdentityHelpers { static hidden [bool] $hasGraphAccess = $false static hidden [string] $graphAccessToken = $null static hidden [string] $ALTControlEvaluationMethod static hidden [bool] $hasSIPAccess = $false static hidden [string] $dataExplorerAccessToken = $null hidden static [bool] IsAltAccount($SignInName, $graphToken) { $isAltAccount = $false $headers = @{"Authorization"= ("Bearer " + $graphToken); "Content-Type"="application/json"} $uri="" $graphURI = [WebRequestHelper]::GetGraphUrl() if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SignInName)) { $uri = [string]::Format('{0}/v1.0/users/{1}?$select=onPremisesExtensionAttributes', $graphURI, $SignInName) } else { return $false } try { $responseObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($uri, $headers); if ($null -ne $responseObj -and ($responseObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { # extensionAttribute contains 15 different values which define unique properties for users. $extensionAttributes = $responseObj.onPremisesExtensionAttributes #"extensionAttribute2" contains the integer values which represents the different types of users. #"extensionAttribute2: -10" => SC-ALT Accounts if($extensionAttributes.extensionAttribute2 -eq "-10") { $isAltAccount = $true } } } catch { return $false; } return $isAltAccount } hidden static [bool] IsServiceAccount($SignInName, $subjectKind, $graphToken) { $isServiceAccount = $false $headers = @{"Authorization"= ("Bearer " + $graphToken); "Content-Type"="application/json"} $uri="" $graphURI = [WebRequestHelper]::GetGraphUrl() if($subjectKind -eq "User") { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SignInName)) { $uri = [string]::Format('{0}/v1.0/users/{1}?$select=onPremisesImmutableId,onPremisesExtensionAttributes', $graphURI, $SignInName) } else { return $false } } else { return $false } try { $responseObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($uri, $headers); if ($null -ne $responseObj -and ($responseObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { # extensionAttribute contains 15 different values which define unique properties for users. $extensionAttributes = $responseObj.onPremisesExtensionAttributes #"extensionAttribute2" contains the integer values which represents the different types of users. #"extensionAttribute2: -9" => Service Accounts if($extensionAttributes.extensionAttribute2 -eq "-9") { $isServiceAccount = $true } } } catch { return $false; } return $isServiceAccount } hidden static [bool] IsADObjectGUID($immutableId){ try { $decodedII = [system.convert]::frombase64string($immutableId) $guid = [GUID]$decodedII } catch { return $false } return $true } static CheckGraphAccess() { # In CA mode, we use azure context to fetch the graph access token, because VSTS authentication is not supported in CA. $useAzContext = $false $scanSource = [AzSKSettings]::GetInstance().GetScanSource(); if ($scanSource -eq 'CICD') { [IdentityHelpers]::hasGraphAccess = $false } else { if ($scanSource -eq "CA") { $useAzContext = $true } $graphUri = [WebRequestHelper]::GetGraphUrl() $uri = $GraphUri + "/v1.0/users?`$top=1" [IdentityHelpers]::graphAccessToken = [ContextHelper]::GetGraphAccessToken($useAzContext) if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace([IdentityHelpers]::graphAccessToken)) { $header = @{ "Authorization"= ("Bearer " + [IdentityHelpers]::graphAccessToken); "Content-Type"="application/json" }; try { $webResponse = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($uri, $header); [IdentityHelpers]::hasGraphAccess = $true; } catch { [IdentityHelpers]::hasGraphAccess = $false; } } } } static CheckSIPAccess() { # In CA mode, we use azure context to fetch the data explorer access token, because VSTS authentication is not supported in CA. $useAzContext = $false $scanSource = [AzSKSettings]::GetInstance().GetScanSource(); if ($scanSource -eq 'CICD') { [IdentityHelpers]::hasSIPAccess = $false } else { if ($scanSource -eq "CA") { $useAzContext = $true } [IdentityHelpers]::dataExplorerAccessToken = [ContextHelper]::GetDataExplorerAccessToken($useAzContext) if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace([IdentityHelpers]::dataExplorerAccessToken)) { $header = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + [IdentityHelpers]::dataExplorerAccessToken } $apiURL = "" # making a samlple api call, just to check if user has access to required SIP database. $inputbody = "{`"db`": `"AADUsersData`",`"csl`": `"UsersInfo | take 1`"}" try { $kustoResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiURL -Method Post -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers $header -Body $inputbody; [IdentityHelpers]::hasSIPAccess = $true; } catch { [IdentityHelpers]::hasSIPAccess = $false; } } } } #This method differentiate human accounts and service account from the list. hidden static [PSObject] DistinguishHumanAndServiceAccount([PSObject] $allMembers, $orgName) { $humanAccount = @(); $serviceAccount = @(); $defaultSvcAcc = @(); #"Account Service ($orgName)" # This is default service account automatically added by ADO. $allMembers | ForEach-Object{ if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.mailAddress)) { $isServiceAccount = [IdentityHelpers]::IsServiceAccount($_.mailAddress, $_.subjectKind, [IdentityHelpers]::graphAccessToken) if ($isServiceAccount) { $serviceAccount += $_ } else { $humanAccount += $_ } } else { $defaultSvcAcc += $_ } } if ($null -ne $defaultSvcAcc -and $defaultSvcAcc.Count -gt 0) { $serviceAccount += $defaultSvcAcc } $adminMembers = @{serviceAccount = $serviceAccount; humanAccount = $humanAccount;}; return $adminMembers } #This method differentiate alt accounts and non-alt account from the list. hidden static [PSObject] DistinguishAltAndNonAltAccount([PSObject] $allMembers) { $altAccount = @(); $nonAltAccount = @(); $allMembers | ForEach-Object{ $isAltAccount = [IdentityHelpers]::IsAltAccount($_.mailAddress, [IdentityHelpers]::graphAccessToken) if ($isAltAccount) { $altAccount += $_ } else { $nonAltAccount += $_ } } $adminMembers = @{altAccount = $altAccount; nonAltAccount = $nonAltAccount;}; return $adminMembers } } |