Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class VariableGroup: ADOSVTBase { hidden [PSObject] $VarGrp; hidden [PSObject] $ProjectId; hidden [PSObject] $VarGrpId; hidden [string] $checkInheritedPermissionsPerVarGrp = $false hidden $pipelinePermission = $null hidden [PSObject] $variableGroupIdentities = $null VariableGroup([string] $organizationName, [SVTResource] $svtResource): Base($organizationName,$svtResource) { $this.ProjectId = ($this.ResourceContext.ResourceId -split "project/")[-1].Split('/')[0]; $this.VarGrpId = $ $apiURL = "$($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName)/$($this.ProjectId)/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($this.VarGrpId)?api-version=6.1-preview.2" $this.VarGrp = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($apiURL); if ([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings, "VariableGroup.CheckForInheritedPermissions") -and $this.ControlSettings.VariableGroup.CheckForInheritedPermissions) { $this.checkInheritedPermissionsPerVarGrp = $true } } [ControlItem[]] ApplyServiceFilters([ControlItem[]] $controls) { $result = $controls; # Applying filter to exclude certain controls based on Tag if($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName -notin [Constants]::OrgsSupportingCMControls) { if($null -eq $env:OrgsSupportingCM -or $this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName -ne $env:OrgsSupportingCM){ $result = $controls | Where-Object { $_.Tags -notcontains "AutomatedFromCloudmine" }; } } return $result; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckPipelineAccess([ControlResult] $controlResult) { try { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed $url = '{0}/{1}/_apis/build/authorizedresources?type=variablegroup&id={2}&api-version=6.0-preview.1' -f $($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName),$($this.ProjectId) ,$($this.VarGrpId); $responseObj = @([WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url)); # # When var grp is shared across all pipelines - the below condition will be true. if([Helpers]::CheckMember($responseObj[0],"authorized") -and $responseObj[0].authorized -eq $true ) { $isSecretFound = $false $secretVarList = @(); # Check if variable group has any secret or linked to KV if ($this.VarGrp.Type -eq 'AzureKeyVault') { $isSecretFound = $true } else { Get-Member -InputObject $this.VarGrp.variables -MemberType Properties | ForEach-Object { #no need to check if isSecret val is true, as it will always be true if isSecret is present if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp.variables.$($_.Name),"isSecret")) { $isSecretFound = $true $secretVarList += $_.Name } } } if ($isSecretFound -eq $true) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Variable group contains secrets accessible to all YAML pipelines."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV = "SecretVarsList: $($secretVarList -join '; ')"; $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "SecretVarsList: $($secretVarList -join '; ')"; if ($this.ControlFixBackupRequired -or $this.BaselineConfigurationRequired) { #Data object that will be required to fix the control $controlResult.BackupControlState = $isSecretFound; } if($this.BaselineConfigurationRequired){ $controlResult.AddMessage([Constants]::BaselineConfigurationMsg -f $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName); $this.CheckPipelineAccessAutomatedFix($controlResult); } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Variable group does not contain secret."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV += "NA" } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Variable group is not accessible to all YAML pipelines."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV += "NA" } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error,"Could not fetch authorization details of variable group."); $controlResult.LogException($_) } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckPipelineAccessAutomatedFix ([ControlResult] $controlResult) { try { # Backup data object is not required in this scenario. #$RawDataObjForControlFix = @(); #if($this.BaselineConfigurationRequired){ # $RawDataObjForControlFix = $controlResult.BackupControlState; #} #else{ # $RawDataObjForControlFix = ([ControlHelper]::ControlFixBackup | where-object {$_.ResourceId -eq $this.ResourceId}).DataObject #} $this.PublishCustomMessage("Note: After changing the pipeline permission, YAML pipelines that need access on variable group needs to be granted permission explicitly.`n",[MessageType]::Warning); $body = "" if (-not $this.UndoFix) { if ($body.length -gt 1) {$body += ","} $body += @" { "resource": { "type": "variablegroup", "id": "$($this.VarGrpId)" }, "allPipelines": { "authorized": false, "authorizedBy":null, "authorizedOn":null }, "pipelines":[] } "@; } else { if ($body.length -gt 1) {$body += ","} $body += @" { "resource": { "type": "variablegroup", "id": "$($this.VarGrpId)" }, "allPipelines": { "authorized": true, "authorizedBy":null, "authorizedOn":null }, "pipelines":[] } "@; } $url = "{0}/{1}/_apis/pipelines/pipelinePermissions/variablegroup/{2}?api-version=5.1-preview.1" -f $($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName),$($this.projectId),$($this.VarGrpId); $header = [WebRequestHelper]::GetAuthHeaderFromUriPatch($url) $webRequestResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Patch -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $header -Body $body $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Fixed, "Pipeline permissions for variable group have been changed."); } catch{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not apply fix."); $controlResult.LogException($_) } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckInheritedPermissions([ControlResult] $controlResult) { try { if ($null -eq $this.variableGroupIdentities) { $url = '{0}/_apis/securityroles/scopes/distributedtask.variablegroup/roleassignments/resources/{1}%24{2}?api-version=6.1-preview.1' -f $($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName), $($this.ProjectId), $($this.VarGrpId); $this.variableGroupIdentities = @([WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url)); } $inheritedRoles = $this.variableGroupIdentities | Where-Object {$_.access -eq "inherited"} if(($inheritedRoles | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $roles = @(); $roles += ($inheritedRoles | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Name"; Expression = {$_.identity.displayName}}, @{Name="Role"; Expression = {$_.role.displayName}}); $controlResult.AddMessage("Total number of inherited role assignments on variable group: ", ($roles | Measure-Object).Count); $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed,"Review the list of inherited role assignments on variable group: ", $roles); $controlResult.SetStateData("List of inherited role assignments on variable group: ", $roles); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "Total number of inherited role assignments on variable group: " + ($roles | Measure-Object).Count; } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed,"No inherited role assignments found on variable group.") } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error,"Could not fetch permission details of variable group."); $controlResult.LogException($_) } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckRBACAccess([ControlResult] $controlResult) { <# { "ControlID": "ADO_VariableGroup_AuthZ_Grant_Min_RBAC_Access", "Description": "All teams/groups must be granted minimum required permissions on variable group.", "Id": "VariableGroup110", "ControlSeverity": "High", "Automated": "Yes", "MethodName": "CheckRBACAccess", "Rationale": "Granting minimum access by leveraging RBAC feature ensures that users are granted just enough permissions to perform their tasks. This minimizes exposure of the resources in case of user/service account compromise.", "Recommendation": "Refer:", "Tags": [ "SDL", "TCP", "Automated", "AuthZ", "RBAC" ], "Enabled": true } #> try { if ($null -eq $this.variableGroupIdentities) { $url = '{0}/_apis/securityroles/scopes/distributedtask.variablegroup/roleassignments/resources/{1}%24{2}?api-version=6.1-preview.1' -f $($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName), $($this.ProjectId), $($this.VarGrpId); $this.variableGroupIdentities = @([WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url)); } if($this.variableGroupIdentities.Count -gt 0) { $roles = @(); $roles += ($this.variableGroupIdentities | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Name"; Expression = {$_.identity.displayName}}, @{Name="Role"; Expression = {$_.role.displayName}}, @{Name="AccessType"; Expression = {$_.access}}); $controlResult.AddMessage("Total number of role assignments on variable group: ", ($roles | Measure-Object).Count); $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify,"Review the list of role assignments on variable group: ", $roles); $controlResult.SetStateData("List of role assignments on variable group: ", $roles); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "Total number of role assignments on variable group: " + ($roles | Measure-Object).Count; } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed,"No role assignments found on variable group.") } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error,"Could not fetch RBAC details of variable group."); $controlResult.LogException($_) } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckCredInVarGrp([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed if([Helpers]::CheckMember([ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings(),"SecretsScanToolFolder")) { $ToolFolderPath = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings().SecretsScanToolFolder $SecretsScanToolName = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings().SecretsScanToolName if((-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ToolFolderPath)) -and (Test-Path $ToolFolderPath) -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SecretsScanToolName))) { $ToolPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $ToolFolderPath -File -Filter $SecretsScanToolName -Recurse if($ToolPath) { if($this.VarGrp) { try { $varGrpDefFileName = $($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName).Replace(" ","") $varGrpDefPath = [Constants]::AzSKTempFolderPath + "\VarGrps\"+ $varGrpDefFileName + "\"; if(-not (Test-Path -Path $varGrpDefPath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $varGrpDefPath -Force | Out-Null } $this.VarGrp | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File "$varGrpDefPath\$varGrpDefFileName.json" $searcherPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $($ToolPath.Directory.FullName) -Include "buildsearchers.xml" -Recurse ."$($Toolpath.FullName)" -I $varGrpDefPath -S "$($searcherPath.FullName)" -f csv -Ve 1 -O "$varGrpDefPath\Scan" $scanResultPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $varGrpDefPath -File -Include "*.csv" if($scanResultPath -and (Test-Path $scanResultPath.FullName)) { $credList = Get-Content -Path $scanResultPath.FullName | ConvertFrom-Csv if(($credList | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage("No. of credentials found:" + ($credList | Measure-Object).Count ) $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed,"Found credentials in variables.") $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "No. of credentials found in variables: " + ($credList | Measure-Object).Count; } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed,"No credentials found in variables.") } } } catch { #Publish Exception $this.PublishException($_); $controlResult.LogException($_) } finally { #Clean temp folders Remove-ITem -Path $varGrpDefPath -Recurse } } } } } else { try { if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp[0],"variables")) { $varList = @(); $variablesWithCreds=@{}; $noOfCredFound = 0; $patterns = @($this.ControlSettings.Patterns | where-object {$_.RegexCode -eq "SecretsInVariables"} | Select-Object -Property RegexList); $exclusions = $this.ControlSettings.Build.ExcludeFromSecretsCheck; $exclusions += $this.ControlSettings.Release.ExcludeFromSecretsCheck; $exclusions = @($exclusions | select-object -unique) if($patterns.Count -gt 0) { #Compare all non-secret variables with regex Get-Member -InputObject $this.VarGrp[0].variables -MemberType Properties | ForEach-Object { if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp[0].variables.$($_.Name),"value") -and (-not [Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp[0].variables.$($_.Name),"isSecret"))) { $varName = $_.Name $varValue = $this.VarGrp[0].variables.$varName.value <# helper code to build a list of vars and counts if ([Build]::BuildVarNames.Keys -contains $buildVarName) { [Build]::BuildVarNames.$buildVarName++ } else { [Build]::BuildVarNames.$buildVarName = 1 } #> if ($exclusions -notcontains $varName) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $patterns.RegexList.Count; $i++) { #Note: We are using '-cmatch' here. #When we compile the regex, we don't specify ignoreCase flag. #If regex is in text form, the match will be case-sensitive. if ($varValue -cmatch $patterns.RegexList[$i]) { $noOfCredFound +=1 $varList += $varName; #if auto fix is required save the variable value after encrypting it, will be needed during undofix if($this.ControlFixBackupRequired -or $this.BaselineConfigurationRequired){ $variablesWithCreds[$varName] = ($varValue | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString) } if($this.BaselineConfigurationRequired){ $controlResult.AddMessage([Constants]::BaselineConfigurationMsg -f $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName); $this.CheckCredInVarGrpAutomatedFix($controlResult); } break } } } } } if($noOfCredFound -gt 0) { $varList = @($varList | Select-Object -Unique) if($this.ControlFixBackupRequired){ $controlResult.BackupControlState = $variablesWithCreds } $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found secrets in variable group.`nList of variables: ", $varList ); $controlResult.SetStateData("List of variable name containing secret: ", $varList); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "Count of variable(s) containing secret: " + $varList.Count; $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV += "List of variable name containing secret:" + $varList ; } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No credentials found in variable group."); } $patterns = $null; } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Regular expressions for detecting credentials in variable groups are not defined in your organization."); } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No variables found in variable group."); } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not fetch the variable group definition."); $controlResult.AddMessage($_); $controlResult.LogException($_) } } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckCredInVarGrpAutomatedFix([ControlResult] $controlResult){ try{ $RawDataObjForControlFix = @(); if($this.BaselineConfigurationRequired){ $RawDataObjForControlFix = $controlResult.BackupControlState; } else{ $RawDataObjForControlFix = ([ControlHelper]::ControlFixBackup | where-object {$_.ResourceId -eq $this.ResourceId}).DataObject } $varList = @(); if (-not $this.UndoFix) { $RawDataObjForControlFix.PSObject.Properties | foreach { #The api does not allow updating individual variables inside a var grp, all variables have to be a part of the body or else they will be removed from the grp. #Hence using the global var grp object to store all variables details inside the post body and updating only the required variable. $this.VarGrp.variables.($_.Name) | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "isSecret" -value $true $varList+=$_.Name; } $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Fixed, "Following variables have been marked as secret: "); } else { $RawDataObjForControlFix.PSObject.Properties | foreach { #The api does not allow updating individual variables inside a var grp, all variables have to be a part of the body or else they will be removed from the grp. #Hence using the global var grp object to store all variables details inside the post body and updating only the required variable. $this.VarGrp.variables.($_.Name).isSecret = $false #We do not get variable value in API response, if we do not set the value, the variable becomes null, thus decrypting the value from backup state $secureVariableValue = $_.Value | ConvertTo-SecureString $this.VarGrp.variables.($_.Name).value = [Helpers]::ConvertToPlainText($secureVariableValue); $varList+=$_.Name; } $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Fixed, "Following variables have been removed as secret: "); } $rmContext = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext(); $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f "", $rmContext.AccessToken))) $apiURL = "$($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName)/$($this.ProjectId)/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/$($this.VarGrpId)?api-version=6.1-preview.2" $body = @($this.VarGrp) | ConvertTo-JSON -depth 99; Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $apiURL -Body $body -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo) }; $display = ($varList | FT -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 512); $controlResult.AddMessage("`n$display"); } catch{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not apply fix."); $controlResult.LogException($_) } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckBroaderGroupAccess ([ControlResult] $controlResult) { try { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed $restrictedBroaderGroups = @{} $restrictedBroaderGroupsForVarGrp = $this.ControlSettings.VariableGroup.RestrictedBroaderGroupsForVariableGroup; if(@($restrictedBroaderGroupsForVarGrp.psobject.Properties).Count -gt 0){ $ | foreach { $restrictedBroaderGroups[$_.Name] = $_.Value } #Fetch variable group RBAC $roleAssignments = @(); if ($null -eq $this.variableGroupIdentities) { $url = '{0}/_apis/securityroles/scopes/distributedtask.variablegroup/roleassignments/resources/{1}%24{2}?api-version=6.1-preview.1' -f $($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName), $($this.ProjectId), $($this.VarGrpId); $this.variableGroupIdentities = @([WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url)); } if($this.variableGroupIdentities.Count -gt 0) { if ($this.checkInheritedPermissionsPerVarGrp -eq $false) { $roleAssignments = @($this.variableGroupIdentities | where-object { $_.access -ne "inherited" }) } $roleAssignments = @($roleAssignments | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Name"; Expression = {$_.identity.displayName}},@{Name="Id"; Expression = {$}}, @{Name="Role"; Expression = {$_.role.displayName}}); } # Checking whether the broader groups have User/Admin permissions $backupDataObject = @($roleAssignments | Where-Object { ($restrictedBroaderGroups.keys -contains $_.Name.split('\')[-1]) -and ($_.Role -in $restrictedBroaderGroups[$_.Name.split('\')[-1]])}) $restrictedGroups = @($backupDataObject | Select-Object Name,role) if ($this.ControlSettings.CheckForBroadGroupMemberCount -and $restrictedGroups.Count -gt 0) { $broaderGroupsWithExcessiveMembers = @([ControlHelper]::FilterBroadGroupMembers($restrictedGroups, $true)) $restrictedGroups = @($restrictedGroups | Where-Object {$broaderGroupsWithExcessiveMembers -contains $_.Name}) } $restrictedGroupsCount = $restrictedGroups.Count # fail the control if restricted group found on variable group if ($restrictedGroupsCount -gt 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "`nCount of broader groups that have excessive permissions on variable group: $($restrictedGroupsCount)"); $controlResult.AddMessage("`nList of groups: ") $controlResult.AddMessage(($restrictedGroups | FT Name,Role -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 512)); $controlResult.SetStateData("List of groups: ", $restrictedGroups) $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "Count of broader groups that have excessive permissions on variable group: $($restrictedGroupsCount)"; if ($this.ControlFixBackupRequired -or $this.BaselineConfigurationRequired) { #Data object that will be required to fix the control $controlResult.BackupControlState = $backupDataObject; } if($this.BaselineConfigurationRequired){ $controlResult.AddMessage([Constants]::BaselineConfigurationMsg -f $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName); $this.CheckBroaderGroupAccessAutomatedFix($controlResult); } $formatedRestrictedGroups = $restrictedGroups | ForEach-Object { $_.Name + ': ' + $_.Role } $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV = ($formatedRestrictedGroups -join '; ' ) $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "List of groups: ", $($formatedRestrictedGroups -join '; ' ) } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No broader groups have excessive permissions on variable group."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV += "NA" } $displayObj = $restrictedBroaderGroups.Keys | Select-Object @{Name = "Broader Group"; Expression = {$_}}, @{Name = "Excessive Permissions"; Expression = {$restrictedBroaderGroups[$_] -join ', '}} $controlResult.AddMessage("Note:`nThe following groups are considered 'broad' and should not have excessive permissions: `n$( $displayObj| FT | out-string)"); } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "List of restricted broader groups and restricted roles for variable group is not defined in the control settings for your organization policy."); } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not fetch the variable group permissions."); $controlResult.LogException($_) } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckBroaderGroupAccessAutomatedFix ([ControlResult] $controlResult) { try { $RawDataObjForControlFix = @(); if($this.BaselineConfigurationRequired){ $RawDataObjForControlFix = $controlResult.BackupControlState; } else{ $RawDataObjForControlFix = ([ControlHelper]::ControlFixBackup | where-object {$_.ResourceId -eq $this.ResourceId}).DataObject } $body = "[" if (-not $this.UndoFix) { foreach ($identity in $RawDataObjForControlFix) { if ($body.length -gt 1) {$body += ","} $body += @" { "userId": "$($", "roleName": "Reader" } "@; } $RawDataObjForControlFix | Add-Member -NotePropertyName NewRole -NotePropertyValue "Reader" $RawDataObjForControlFix = @($RawDataObjForControlFix | Select-Object @{Name="DisplayName"; Expression={$_.Name}}, @{Name="OldRole"; Expression={$_.Role}},@{Name="NewRole"; Expression={$_.NewRole}}) } else { foreach ($identity in $RawDataObjForControlFix) { if ($body.length -gt 1) {$body += ","} $body += @" { "userId": "$($", "roleName": "$($identity.role)" } "@; } $RawDataObjForControlFix | Add-Member -NotePropertyName OldRole -NotePropertyValue "Reader" $RawDataObjForControlFix = @($RawDataObjForControlFix | Select-Object @{Name="DisplayName"; Expression={$_.Name}}, @{Name="OldRole"; Expression={$_.OldRole}},@{Name="NewRole"; Expression={$_.Role}}) } $body += "]" #Put request $url = "{0}/_apis/securityroles/scopes/distributedtask.variablegroup/roleassignments/resources/{1}%24{2}?api-version=6.1-preview.1" -f $($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName),$($this.ProjectId),$($this.VarGrpId); $rmContext = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext(); $user = ""; $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user,$rmContext.AccessToken))) $webRequestResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Put -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo) } -Body $body $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Fixed, "Permission for broader groups have been changed as below: "); $display = ($RawDataObjForControlFix | FT -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 512) $controlResult.AddMessage("`n$display"); } catch{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not apply fix."); $controlResult.LogException($_) } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckBroaderGroupAccessForVarGrpWithSecrets([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed; try { $restrictedBroaderGroups = @{} $restrictedBroaderGroupsForVarGrp = $this.ControlSettings.VariableGroup.RestrictedBroaderGroupsForVariableGroup; $ | foreach { $restrictedBroaderGroups[$_.Name] = $_.Value } if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp[0],"variables")) { $secretVarList = @(); $VGMembers = @(Get-Member -InputObject $this.VarGrp[0].variables -MemberType Properties) $patterns = @($this.ControlSettings.Patterns | Where-Object {$_.RegexCode -eq "SecretsInVariables"} | Select-Object -Property RegexList); $VGMembers | ForEach-Object { $varName = $_.Name if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp[0].variables.$varName,"value")) { $varValue = $this.VarGrp[0].variables.$varName.value for ($i = 0; $i -lt $patterns.RegexList.Count; $i++) { #Note: We are using '-cmatch' here. #When we compile the regex, we don't specify ignoreCase flag. #If regex is in text form, the match will be case-sensitive. if ($varValue -cmatch $patterns.RegexList[$i]) { $secretVarList += $varName break } } } elseif (([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp[0].variables.$($_.Name),"isSecret"))) { $secretVarList += $varName } } if ($secretVarList.Count -gt 0) { #Fetch variable group RBAC $roleAssignments = @(); if ($null -eq $this.variableGroupIdentities) { $url = '{0}/_apis/securityroles/scopes/distributedtask.variablegroup/roleassignments/resources/{1}%24{2}?api-version=6.1-preview.1' -f $($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName), $($this.ProjectId), $($this.VarGrpId); $this.variableGroupIdentities = @([WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url)); } if($this.variableGroupIdentities.Count -gt 0) { if ($this.checkInheritedPermissionsPerVarGrp -eq $false) { $roleAssignments = @($this.variableGroupIdentities | where-object { $_.access -ne "inherited" }) } $roleAssignments = @($roleAssignments | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Name"; Expression = {$_.identity.displayName}}, @{Name="Role"; Expression = {$_.role.displayName}}, @{Name="Id"; Expression = {$}}); } # Checking whether the broader groups have User/Admin permissions $restrictedGroups = @($roleAssignments | Where-Object { ($restrictedBroaderGroups.keys -contains $_.Name.split('\')[-1]) -and ($_.Role -in $restrictedBroaderGroups[$_.Name.split('\')[-1]])}) if ($this.ControlSettings.CheckForBroadGroupMemberCount -and $restrictedGroups.Count -gt 0) { $broaderGroupsWithExcessiveMembers = @([ControlHelper]::FilterBroadGroupMembers($restrictedGroups, $true)) $restrictedGroups = @($restrictedGroups | Where-Object {$broaderGroupsWithExcessiveMembers -contains $_.Name}) } $restrictedGroupsCount = $restrictedGroups.Count # fail the control if restricted group found on variable group which contains secrets if ($restrictedGroupsCount -gt 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Broader groups have excessive permissions on the variable group."); $controlResult.AddMessage("`nCount of broader groups that have excessive permissions on the variable group: $($restrictedGroupsCount)") $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "Count of broader groups that have excessive permissions on the variable group: $($restrictedGroupsCount)"; $groups = $restrictedGroups | ForEach-Object { $ + ': ' + $_.role } $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "List of broader groups: , $($groups -join ' ; ')" $controlResult.AddMessage("`nList of broader groups: ",$($restrictedGroups | FT | Out-String)) $controlResult.AddMessage("`nList of variables with secret: ",$secretVarList) $controlResult.SetStateData("List of broader groups: ", $restrictedGroups) if ($this.ControlFixBackupRequired -or $this.BaselineConfigurationRequired) { #Data object that will be required to fix the control $controlResult.BackupControlState = $restrictedGroups; } if($this.BaselineConfigurationRequired){ $controlResult.AddMessage([Constants]::BaselineConfigurationMsg -f $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName); $this.CheckBroaderGroupAccessForVarGrpWithSecretsAutomatedFix($controlResult); } $groups = $restrictedGroups | ForEach-Object { $_.Name + ': ' + $_.Role } $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV = $($groups -join '; ')+"; SecretVarsList: $($secretVarList -join '; ')"; } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No broader groups have excessive permissions on the variable group."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV += "NA" } $displayObj = $restrictedBroaderGroups.Keys | Select-Object @{Name = "Broader Group"; Expression = {$_}}, @{Name = "Excessive Permissions"; Expression = {$restrictedBroaderGroups[$_] -join ', '}} $controlResult.AddMessage("`nNote:`nThe following groups are considered 'broad' and should not have excessive permissions: `n$( $displayObj| FT | out-string -Width 512)"); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No secrets found in variable group."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV += "NA" } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No variables found in variable group."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCSV += "NA" } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not fetch the variable group permissions."); $controlResult.LogException($_) } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckBroaderGroupAccessForVarGrpWithSecretsAutomatedFix ([ControlResult] $controlResult) { try { $RawDataObjForControlFix = @(); if($this.BaselineConfigurationRequired){ $RawDataObjForControlFix = $controlResult.BackupControlState; } else{ $RawDataObjForControlFix = ([ControlHelper]::ControlFixBackup | where-object {$_.ResourceId -eq $this.ResourceId}).DataObject } $body = "[" if (-not $this.UndoFix) { foreach ($identity in $RawDataObjForControlFix) { if ($body.length -gt 1) {$body += ","} $body += @" { "userId": "$($", "roleName": "Reader" } "@; } $RawDataObjForControlFix | Add-Member -NotePropertyName NewRole -NotePropertyValue "Reader" $RawDataObjForControlFix = @($RawDataObjForControlFix | Select-Object @{Name="DisplayName"; Expression={$_.Name}}, @{Name="OldRole"; Expression={$_.Role}},@{Name="NewRole"; Expression={$_.NewRole}}) } else { foreach ($identity in $RawDataObjForControlFix) { if ($body.length -gt 1) {$body += ","} $body += @" { "userId": "$($", "roleName": "$($identity.role)" } "@; } $RawDataObjForControlFix | Add-Member -NotePropertyName OldRole -NotePropertyValue "Reader" $RawDataObjForControlFix = @($RawDataObjForControlFix | Select-Object @{Name="DisplayName"; Expression={$_.Name}}, @{Name="OldRole"; Expression={$_.OldRole}},@{Name="NewRole"; Expression={$_.Role}}) } $body += "]" #Put request $url = "{0}/_apis/securityroles/scopes/distributedtask.variablegroup/roleassignments/resources/{1}%24{2}?api-version=6.1-preview.1" -f $($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName),$($this.ProjectId),$($this.VarGrpId); $rmContext = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext(); $user = ""; $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user,$rmContext.AccessToken))) $webRequestResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Put -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo) } -Body $body $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Fixed, "Permission for broader groups have been changed as below: "); $display = ($RawDataObjForControlFix | FT -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 512) $controlResult.AddMessage("`n$display"); } catch{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not apply fix."); $controlResult.LogException($_) } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckBranchControlOnVariableGroup ([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed $checkObj = $this.GetResourceApprovalCheck() try{ #if resource is not accessible to any YAML pipeline, there is no need to add any branch control, hence passing the control if(!$this.CheckIfResourceAccessibleToPipeline()){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Variable group is not accessible to any YAML pipelines. Hence, branch control is not required."); return $controlResult; } if(!$checkObj.ApprovalCheckObj){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "No approvals and checks have been defined for the variable group."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo = "No approvals and checks have been defined for the variable group." $controlResult.AdditionalInfoInCsv = "No approvals and checks have been defined for the variable group." } else{ #we need to check only for two kinds of approvals and checks: manual approvals and branch controls, hence filtering these two out from the list $branchControl = @() $approvalControl = @() try{ $approvalAndChecks = @($checkObj.value | Where-Object {$_.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "settings"}) $branchControl = @($approvalAndChecks.settings | Where-Object {$_.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "displayName" -and $_.displayName -eq "Branch Control"}) $approvalControl = @($approvalAndChecks | Where-Object {$_.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "type" -and $ -eq "Approval"}) } catch{ $branchControl = @() } #if branch control is not enabled, but manual approvers are added pass this control if($branchControl.Count -eq 0){ if($approvalControl.Count -gt 0){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Branch control has not been defined for the variable group. However, manual approvals have been added to the variable group."); $approvers = $approvalControl.settings.approvers | Select @{n='Approver name';e={$_.displayName}},@{n='Approver id';e = {$_.uniqueName}} $formattedApproversTable = ($approvers| FT -AutoSize | Out-String -width 512) $controlResult.AddMessage("`nList of approvers : `n$formattedApproversTable"); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "List of approvers on variable group $($approvers)."; } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Branch control has not been defined for the variable group."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo = "Branch control has not been defined for the variable group." } } else{ $branches = ($branchControl.inputs.allowedBranches).Split(","); $branchesWithNoProtectionCheck = @($branchControl.inputs | where-object {$_.ensureProtectionOfBranch -eq $false}) if("*" -in $branches){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "All branches have been given access to the variable group."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo = "All branches have been given access to the variable group." } elseif ($branchesWithNoProtectionCheck.Count -gt 0) { #check if branch protection is enabled on all the found branches depending upon the org policy if($this.ControlSettings.VariableGroup.CheckForBranchProtection){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Access to the variable group has not been granted to all branches. However, verification of branch protection has not been enabled for some branches."); $branchesWithNoProtectionCheck = @(($branchesWithNoProtectionCheck.allowedBranches).Split(",")); $controlResult.AddMessage("List of branches granted access to the variable group without verification of branch protection: ") $controlResult.AddMessage("$($branchesWithNoProtectionCheck | FT | Out-String)") $branchesWithProtection = @($branches | where {$branchesWithNoProtectionCheck -notcontains $_}) if($branchesWithProtection.Count -gt 0){ $controlResult.AddMessage("List of branches granted access to the variable group with verification of branch protection: "); $controlResult.AddMessage("$($branchesWithProtection | FT | Out-String)"); } $controlResult.AdditionalInfo = "List of branches granted access to the variable group without verification of branch protection: $($branchesWithNoProtectionCheck)" } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Access to the variable group has not been granted to all branches."); $controlResult.AddMessage("List of branches granted access to the variable group: "); $controlResult.AddMessage("$($branches | FT | Out-String)"); } } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Access to the variable group has not been granted to all branches. Verification of branch protection has been enabled for all allowed branches."); $controlResult.AddMessage("List of branches granted access to the variable group: "); $controlResult.AddMessage("$($branches | FT | Out-String)"); } } } } catch{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not fetch variable group details."); } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckBroaderGroupApproversOnVarGrp ([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed $checkObj = $this.GetResourceApprovalCheck() try{ $restrictedGroups = @(); $restrictedBroaderGroupsForVarGrp = $this.ControlSettings.VariableGroup.RestrictedBroaderGroupsForApprovers; if(!$checkObj.ApprovalCheckObj){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No approvals and checks have been defined for the VariableGroup."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo = "No approvals and checks have been defined for the VariableGroup." } else { $approvalControl = @() try{ $approvalAndChecks = @($checkObj.ApprovalCheckObj | Where-Object {$_.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "settings"}) $approvalControl = @($approvalAndChecks | Where-Object {$_.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "type" -and $ -eq "Approval"}) } catch{ $approvalControl = @() } if($approvalControl.Count -gt 0) { $approvers = $approvalControl.settings.approvers | Select @{n='Approver name';e={$_.displayName}},@{n='Approver id';e = {$_.uniqueName}} $formattedApproversTable = ($approvers| FT -AutoSize | Out-String -width 512) # match all the identities added on variable group with defined restricted list $restrictedGroups = $approvalControl.settings.approvers | Where-Object { $restrictedBroaderGroupsForVarGrp -contains $_.displayName.split('\')[-1] } | select displayName # fail the control if restricted group found on variable group if($restrictedGroups) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed,"Broader groups have been added as approvers on variable group."); $controlResult.AddMessage("Count of broader groups that have been added as approvers to variable group: ", @($restrictedGroups).Count) $controlResult.AddMessage("List of broader groups that have been added as approvers to variable group: ",$restrictedGroups) $controlResult.SetStateData("Broader groups have been added as approvers to variable group",$restrictedGroups) $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "Count of broader groups that have been added as approvers to variable group: " + @($restrictedGroups).Count; $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "List of broader groups added as approvers: "+ @($restrictedGroups) } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed,"No broader groups have been added as approvers to variable group."); $controlResult.AddMessage("`nList of approvers : `n$formattedApproversTable"); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo += "List of approvers on variable group $($approvers)."; } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed,"No broader groups have been added as approvers to variable group."); } } $displayObj = $restrictedBroaderGroupsForVarGrp | Select-Object @{Name = "Broader Group"; Expression = {$_}} $controlResult.AddMessage("`nNote:`nThe following groups are considered 'broader' groups which should not be added as approvers: `n$($displayObj | FT | out-string -width 512)`n"); $restrictedGroups = $null; $restrictedBroaderGroupsForVarGrp = $null; } catch{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not fetch variable group details."); } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckTemplateBranchForVarGrp ([ControlResult] $controlResult) { try{ $checkObj = $this.GetResourceApprovalCheck() if(!$checkObj.ApprovalCheckObj){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No approvals and checks have been defined for the variable group."); $controlResult.AdditionalInfo = "No approvals and checks have been defined for the variable group." } else{ $yamlTemplateControl = @() try{ $yamlTemplateControl = @($checkObj.ApprovalCheckObj | Where-Object {$_.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "settings"}) $yamlTemplateControl = @($yamlTemplateControl.settings | Where-Object {$_.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "extendsChecks"}) } catch{ $yamlTemplateControl = @() } if($yamlTemplateControl.Count -gt 0){ $yamlChecks = $yamlTemplateControl.extendsChecks $unProtectedBranches = @() #for branches with no branch policy $protectedBranches = @() #for branches with branch policy $unknownBranches = @() #for branches from external sources $yamlChecks | foreach { $yamlCheck = $_ #skip for any external source repo objects if($yamlCheck.repositoryType -ne 'git'){ $unknownBranches += (@{branch = ($yamlCheck.repositoryRef);repository = ($yamlCheck.repositoryName)}) return; } #repository name can be in two formats: "project/repo" OR for current project just "repo" if($yamlCheck.repositoryName -like "*/*"){ $project = ($yamlCheck.repositoryName -split "/")[0] $repository = ($yamlCheck.repositoryName -split "/")[1] } else{ $project = $this.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName $repository = $yamlCheck.repositoryName } $branch = $yamlCheck.repositoryRef #policy API accepts only repo ID. Need to extract repo ID beforehand. $url = "{0}/{1}/_apis/git/repositories/{2}?api-version=6.0" -f $this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName,$project,$repository $repoId = $null; try{ $response = @([WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url)) $repoId = $ } catch{ return; } $url = "{0}/{1}/_apis/git/policy/configurations?repositoryId={2}&refName={3}&api-version=5.0-preview.1" -f $this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName,$project,$repoId,$branch $policyConfigResponse = @([WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url)) if([Helpers]::CheckMember($policyConfigResponse[0],"id")){ $branchPolicy = @($policyConfigResponse | Where-Object {$_.isEnabled -and $_.isBlocking}) #policyConfigResponse also contains repository policies, we need to filter out just branch policies $branchPolicy = @($branchPolicy | Where-Object {[Helpers]::CheckMember($_.settings.scope[0],"refName")}) if($branchPolicy.Count -gt 0) { $protectedBranches += (@{branch = $branch;repository = ($project+"/"+$repository)}) } else{ $unProtectedBranches += (@{branch = $branch;repository = ($project+"/"+$repository)}) } } else{ $unProtectedBranches += (@{branch = $branch;repository = ($project+"/"+$repository)}) } } #if branches with no branch policy is found, fail the control if($unProtectedBranches.Count -gt 0){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Required template on the variable group extends from unprotected branches."); $unProtectedBranches =$unProtectedBranches | Select @{l="Repository";e={$_.repository}}, @{l="Branch";e={$_.branch}} $formattedGroupsTable = ($unProtectedBranches | FT -AutoSize | Out-String -width 512) $controlResult.AddMessage("`nList of unprotected branches: ", $formattedGroupsTable) $controlResult.SetStateData("List of unprotected branches: ", $formattedGroupsTable) } #if branches from external sources are found, control needs to be evaluated manually elseif($unknownBranches.Count -gt 0){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Required template on the variable group extends from external sources."); $unknownBranches =$unknownBranches | Select @{l="Repository";e={$_.repository}}, @{l="Branch";e={$_.branch}} $formattedGroupsTable = ($unknownBranches | FT -AutoSize | Out-String -width 512) $controlResult.AddMessage("`nList of branches from external sources: ", $formattedGroupsTable) $controlResult.SetStateData("List of branches from external sources: ", $formattedGroupsTable) } #if all branches are protected, pass the control elseif($protectedBranches.Count -gt 0){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Required template on the variable group extends from protected branches."); } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Branch policies on required template on the variable group could not be determined."); } if($protectedBranches.Count -gt 0){ $protectedBranches =$protectedBranches | Select @{l="Repository";e={$_.repository}}, @{l="Branch";e={$_.branch}} $formattedGroupsTable = ($protectedBranches | FT -AutoSize | Out-String -width 512) $controlResult.AddMessage("`nList of protected branches: ", $formattedGroupsTable) $controlResult.SetStateData("List of protected branches: ", $formattedGroupsTable) } } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No required template has been defined for the variable group."); } } } catch{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not fetch variable group details."); } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckInactiveVarGrp([ControlResult] $controlResult){ try{ $cloudmineResourceData = [ControlHelper]::GetInactiveControlDataFromCloudMine($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName,$this.ProjectId,$this.ResourceContext.ResourceDetails.Id,"VariableGroup") #if storage does not contain any data for the given org and project if($cloudmineResourceData.Count -gt 0 -and -not [Helpers]::CheckMember($cloudmineResourceData[0],"ResourceID") -and $cloudmineResourceData[0] -eq [Constants]::CMErrorMessage){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Variable group details are not found in the storage. Inactivity cannot be determined."); return $controlResult } if($cloudmineResourceData.Count -gt 0 -and -not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($cloudmineResourceData.PipelineLastModified))){ $lastActivity = $cloudmineResourceData.PipelineLastModified $inActivityDays = ((Get-Date) - [datetime] $lastActivity).Days $inactiveLimit = $this.ControlSettings.VariableGroup.VariableGroupHistoryPeriodInDays if ($inActivityDays -gt $inactiveLimit){ if($this.CheckIfResourceAccessibleToPipeline()){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Variable group is accessible to one or more pipelines. Inactivity cannot be determined"); } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Variable group has not been used since $($inActivityDays) days."); } } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Variable group has been used within last $($inactiveLimit) days."); } $formattedDate = ([datetime] $lastActivity).ToString("d MMM yyyy") $controlResult.AddMessage("Variable group was last used on $($formattedDate)"); $controlResult.AddMessage("The variable group was last used by the pipeline: ") $pipelineDetails = $cloudmineResourceData | Select @{l="Pipeline ID"; e={$_.PipelineID}},@{l="Pipeline type";e={$_.PipelineType}} $controlResult.AddMessage($pipelineDetails) $controlResult.AdditionalInfo+="Variable group was last used on $($formattedDate)" $controlResult.AdditionalInfo+="The variable group was last used by the pipeline: $($pipelineDetails)" } else{ if($this.CheckIfResourceAccessibleToPipeline()){ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Variable group is accessible to one or more pipelines. Inactivity cannot be determined."); } else{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Variable group has not been used within last 1500 days."); $controlResult.AddMessage("Details of pipelines using the variable group is not available.") } } } catch{ $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not fetch variable group details."); $controlResult.LogException($_); } return $controlResult; } hidden [bool] CheckIfResourceAccessibleToPipeline(){ $isRsrcAccessibleToAnyPipeline = $false; if($null -eq $this.pipelinePermission){ $apiURL = "{0}/{1}/_apis/pipelines/pipelinePermissions/variablegroup/{2}?api-version=6.1-preview.1" -f $($this.OrganizationContext.OrganizationName),$($this.ProjectId),$($this.VarGrpId) $this.pipelinePermission = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($apiURL); } if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.pipelinePermission,"allPipelines") -and $this.pipelinePermission.allPipelines.authorized){ $isRsrcAccessibleToAnyPipeline = $true; } if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.pipelinePermission[0],"pipelines") -and $this.pipelinePermission[0].pipelines.Count -gt 0){ $isRsrcAccessibleToAnyPipeline = $true; } return $isRsrcAccessibleToAnyPipeline } } |