
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
class AutoCloseBugManager {
    hidden [string] $OrganizationName;
    hidden [PSObject] $ControlSettings;
    hidden [string] $ScanSource;
    hidden [bool] $UseAzureStorageAccount = $false;
    hidden [BugLogHelper] $BugLogHelperObj;
    static [SVTEventContext []] $ClosedBugs=$null;
    hidden $ClosedBugTemplate= $null;

    AutoCloseBugManager([string] $orgName) {
        $this.OrganizationName = $orgName;
        $this.ControlSettings = [ConfigurationManager]::LoadServerConfigFile("ControlSettings.json");
        $this.ScanSource = [AzSKSettings]::GetInstance().GetScanSource();
        if ([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings.BugLogging, "UseAzureStorageAccount", $null)) {
            $this.UseAzureStorageAccount = $this.ControlSettings.BugLogging.UseAzureStorageAccount;
            if ($this.UseAzureStorageAccount) {
                $this.BugLogHelperObj = [BugLogHelper]::BugLogHelperInstance
                if (!$this.BugLogHelperObj) {
                    $this.BugLogHelperObj = [BugLogHelper]::GetInstance($this.OrganizationName);

    #function to auto close resolved bugs
    hidden [void] AutoCloseBug([SVTEventContext []] $ControlResults) {

        #tags that need to be searched
        $TagSearchKeyword = ""
        #flag to check number of current keywords in the tag
        $QueryKeyWordCount = 0;
        #maximum no of keywords that need to be checked per batch
        #all passing control results go here
        $PassedControlResults = @();


        try {
            $MaxKeyWordsToQuery = $this.ControlSettings.BugLogging.MaxKeyWordsToQueryForBugClose;
        catch {

        #collect all passed control results
        $ControlResults | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_.ControlResults[0].VerificationResult -eq "Passed") {
                #to check if org level bugs should be auto closed based on control settings
                if($_.FeatureName -eq "Organization"){
                    if($autoCloseOrgBugFlag -eq $true){
                        $PassedControlResults += $_
                #to check if proj level bugs should be auto closed based on control settings
                elseif($_.FeatureName -eq "Project"){
                    if($autoCloseProjBugFlag -eq $true){
                        $PassedControlResults += $_
                else {
                    $PassedControlResults += $_

        #number of passed controls
        $PassedControlResultsLength = ($PassedControlResults | Measure-Object).Count
        #This Hash map is used to map an ADOScan hashtag value to a control.
        #the following loop will call api for bug closing in batches of size as defined in control settings,
        #first check if passed controls length is less than the batch size, if yes then we have to combine all tags in one go
        #and call the api
        #if length is more divide the control results in chunks of batch size, after a particular batch is made call the api
        #reinitialize the variables for the next batch

        $PassedControlResults | ForEach-Object {
            $control = $_;

            #if control results are less than the maximum no of tags per batch
            #ToDo add common method for both if and else condition
            if ($PassedControlResultsLength -lt $MaxKeyWordsToQuery) {
                #check for number of tags in current query

                if ($this.UseAzureStorageAccount -and $this.ScanSource -eq "CA")
                    $tagHash=$this.GetHashedTag($control.ControlItem.Id, $control.ResourceContext.ResourceId)
                    #complete the query
                    $TagSearchKeyword += "(ADOScannerHashId eq '" + $tagHash + "') or "
                    #if the query count equals the passing control results, search for bugs for this batch
                    if ($QueryKeyWordCount -eq $PassedControlResultsLength) {
                        #to remove OR from the last tag keyword. Ex: Tags: Tag1 OR Tags: Tag2 OR. Remove the last OR from this keyword
                        $TagSearchKeyword = $TagSearchKeyword.Substring(0, $TagSearchKeyword.length - 3)
                        $closedBugsResponse = $this.BugLogHelperObj.GetTableEntityAndCloseBug($TagSearchKeyword)
                        if ($closedBugsResponse){
                            $this.closedBugInfoCollect($closedBugsResponse, $hashToControlIDMap)
                else {
                    $tagHash=$this.GetHashedTag($control.ControlItem.Id, $control.ResourceContext.ResourceId)
                    $TagSearchKeyword += "Tags: " + $tagHash + " OR "
                    #if the query count equals the passing control results, search for bugs for this batch
                    if ($QueryKeyWordCount -eq $PassedControlResultsLength) {
                        #to remove OR from the last tag keyword. Ex: Tags: Tag1 OR Tags: Tag2 OR. Remove the last OR from this keyword
                        $TagSearchKeyword = $TagSearchKeyword.Substring(0, $TagSearchKeyword.length - 3)
                        $response = $this.GetWorkItemByHash($TagSearchKeyword,$MaxKeyWordsToQuery)
                        #if bug was present
                        if ($response[0].results.count -gt 0) {
                            $ids = @();
                            $ids += $response.results.fields."";
                            $closedBugsResponse = $this.CloseBugsInBulk($ids);
                            #$response.results | ForEach-Object {
                            # #close the bug
                            # $id = $_.fields.""
                            # $Project = $
                            # $this.CloseBug($id, $Project)
                            if ($closedBugsResponse){
                                $this.closedBugInfoCollect($closedBugsResponse, $hashToControlIDMap)
                #if the number of control results was more than batch size
                else {
                    if ($this.UseAzureStorageAccount -and $this.ScanSource -eq "CA")
                        $tagHash=$this.GetHashedTag($control.ControlItem.Id, $control.ResourceContext.ResourceId)
                        $TagSearchKeyword += "(ADOScannerHashId eq '" + $tagHash + "') or "

                        #if number of tags reaches batch limit
                        if ($QueryKeyWordCount -eq $MaxKeyWordsToQuery) {
                            #query for all these tags and their bugs
                            $TagSearchKeyword = $TagSearchKeyword.Substring(0, $TagSearchKeyword.length - 3)
                            $closedBugsResponse = $this.BugLogHelperObj.GetTableEntityAndCloseBug($TagSearchKeyword);

                            if ($closedBugsResponse){
                                $this.closedBugInfoCollect($closedBugsResponse, $hashToControlIDMap)
                            #Reinitialize for the next batch
                            $QueryKeyWordCount = 0;
                            $TagSearchKeyword = "";
                            $PassedControlResultsLength -= $MaxKeyWordsToQuery
                        $tagHash=$this.GetHashedTag($control.ControlItem.Id, $control.ResourceContext.ResourceId) 
                        $TagSearchKeyword += "Tags: " + $tagHash + " OR "
                        #if number of tags reaches batch limit
                        if ($QueryKeyWordCount -eq $MaxKeyWordsToQuery) {
                        #query for all these tags and their bugs
                        $TagSearchKeyword = $TagSearchKeyword.Substring(0, $TagSearchKeyword.length - 3)
                        $response = $this.GetWorkItemByHash($TagSearchKeyword,$MaxKeyWordsToQuery)
                        if ($response[0].results.count -gt 0) {
                            $ids = @();
                            $ids += $response.results.fields."";
                            $closedBugsResponse = $this.CloseBugsInBulk($ids);
                            #$response.results | ForEach-Object {
                            # $id = $_.fields.""
                            # $Project = $
                            # $this.CloseBug($id, $Project)
                            if ($closedBugsResponse){
                                $this.closedBugInfoCollect($closedBugsResponse, $hashToControlIDMap)
                        #Reinitialize for the next batch
                        $QueryKeyWordCount = 0;
                        $TagSearchKeyword = "";
                        $PassedControlResultsLength -= $MaxKeyWordsToQuery
        Remove-Variable hashToControlIDMap;    

    #function to auto close resolved bugs
    hidden [void] AutoCloseBugCSV([SVTEventContext []] $PassedControlResults) {

        #tags that need to be searched
        $TagSearchKeyword = ""
        #flag to check number of current keywords in the tag
        $QueryKeyWordCount = 0;
        #maximum no of keywords that need to be checked per batch

        try {
            $MaxKeyWordsToQuery = $this.ControlSettings.BugLogging.MaxKeyWordsToQueryForBugClose;
        catch {

        #number of passed controls
        $PassedControlResultsLength = ($PassedControlResults | Measure-Object).Count
        #This Hash map is used to map an ADOScan hashtag value to a control.

        $PassedControlResults | ForEach-Object {                
            $control = $_;

            #if control results are less than the maximum no of tags per batch
            #ToDo add common method for both if and else condition
            if ($PassedControlResultsLength -lt $MaxKeyWordsToQuery) {
                #check for number of tags in current query

                if ($this.UseAzureStorageAccount )
                    $tagHash=$this.GetHashedTag($control.ControlItem.Id, $control.ResourceContext.ResourceId)
                    #complete the query
                    $TagSearchKeyword += "(ADOScannerHashId eq '" + $tagHash + "') or "
                    #if the query count equals the passing control results, search for bugs for this batch
                    if ($QueryKeyWordCount -eq $PassedControlResultsLength) {
                        #to remove OR from the last tag keyword. Ex: Tags: Tag1 OR Tags: Tag2 OR. Remove the last OR from this keyword
                        $TagSearchKeyword = $TagSearchKeyword.Substring(0, $TagSearchKeyword.length - 3)
                        $closedBugsResponse = $this.BugLogHelperObj.GetTableEntityAndCloseBug($TagSearchKeyword)
                        if ($closedBugsResponse){
                            $this.closedBugInfoCollect($closedBugsResponse, $hashToControlIDMap)
                else {
                    $tagHash=$this.GetHashedTag($control.ControlItem.Id, $control.ResourceContext.ResourceId)
                    $TagSearchKeyword += "Tags: " + $tagHash + " OR "
                    #if the query count equals the passing control results, search for bugs for this batch
                    if ($QueryKeyWordCount -eq $PassedControlResultsLength) {
                        #to remove OR from the last tag keyword. Ex: Tags: Tag1 OR Tags: Tag2 OR. Remove the last OR from this keyword
                        $TagSearchKeyword = $TagSearchKeyword.Substring(0, $TagSearchKeyword.length - 3)
                        $response = $this.GetWorkItemByHash($TagSearchKeyword,$MaxKeyWordsToQuery)
                        #if bug was present
                        if ($response[0].results.count -gt 0) {
                            $ids = @();
                            $ids += $response.results.fields."";
                            $closedBugsResponse = $this.CloseBugsInBulk($ids);
                            if ($closedBugsResponse){
                                $this.closedBugInfoCollect($closedBugsResponse, $hashToControlIDMap)
                #if the number of control results was more than batch size
                else {
                    if ($this.UseAzureStorageAccount )
                        $tagHash=$this.GetHashedTag($control.ControlItem.Id, $control.ResourceContext.ResourceId)
                        $TagSearchKeyword += "(ADOScannerHashId eq '" + $tagHash + "') or "

                        #if number of tags reaches batch limit
                        if ($QueryKeyWordCount -eq $MaxKeyWordsToQuery) {
                            #query for all these tags and their bugs
                            $TagSearchKeyword = $TagSearchKeyword.Substring(0, $TagSearchKeyword.length - 3)
                            $closedBugsResponse = $this.BugLogHelperObj.GetTableEntityAndCloseBug($TagSearchKeyword);

                            if ($closedBugsResponse){
                                $this.closedBugInfoCollect($closedBugsResponse, $hashToControlIDMap)
                            #Reinitialize for the next batch
                            $QueryKeyWordCount = 0;
                            $TagSearchKeyword = "";
                            $PassedControlResultsLength -= $MaxKeyWordsToQuery
                        $tagHash=$this.GetHashedTag($control.ControlItem.Id, $control.ResourceContext.ResourceId) 
                        $TagSearchKeyword += "Tags: " + $tagHash + " OR "
                        #if number of tags reaches batch limit
                        if ($QueryKeyWordCount -eq $MaxKeyWordsToQuery) {
                        #query for all these tags and their bugs
                        $TagSearchKeyword = $TagSearchKeyword.Substring(0, $TagSearchKeyword.length - 3)
                        $response = $this.GetWorkItemByHash($TagSearchKeyword,$MaxKeyWordsToQuery)
                        if ($response[0].results.count -gt 0) {
                            $ids = @();
                            $ids += $response.results.fields."";
                            $closedBugsResponse = $this.CloseBugsInBulk($ids);

                            if ($closedBugsResponse){
                                $this.closedBugInfoCollect($closedBugsResponse, $hashToControlIDMap)
                        #Reinitialize for the next batch
                        $QueryKeyWordCount = 0;
                        $TagSearchKeyword = "";
                        $PassedControlResultsLength -= $MaxKeyWordsToQuery
        Remove-Variable hashToControlIDMap;    

    #function to close an active bug
    hidden [void] CloseBug([string] $id, [string] $Project) {
        $url = "{0}/{1}/_apis/wit/workitems/{2}?api-version=6.0" -f $this.OrganizationName, $Project, $id
        #load the closed bug template
        $BugTemplate = [ConfigurationManager]::LoadServerConfigFile("TemplateForClosedBug.Json")
        $BugTemplate = $BugTemplate | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

        $header = [WebRequestHelper]::GetAuthHeaderFromUriPatch($url)
        try {
            $responseObj = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Patch  -ContentType "application/json-patch+json ; charset=utf-8" -Headers $header -Body $BugTemplate

        catch {
            Write-Host "Could not close the bug" -ForegroundColor Red

    #function to close an active bugs in bulk
    hidden [object] CloseBugsInBulk([string[]] $ids) 
        try {
            $closeBugTemplate = @();
                $this.ClosedBugTemplate = Get-Content $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["ClosedBugTemplateFilePath"] | ConvertFrom-Json
                foreach ($id in $ids) {
                    $closeBugTemplate += [PSCustomObject] @{ method = 'PATCH'; uri = "/_apis/wit/workitems/$($id)?api-version=4.1"; headers = @{"Content-Type" = 'application/json-patch+json'};
                    body =@($this.ClosedBugTemplate)
                foreach ($id in $ids) {
                    $closeBugTemplate += [PSCustomObject] @{ method = 'PATCH'; uri = "/_apis/wit/workitems/$($id)?api-version=4.1"; headers = @{"Content-Type" = 'application/json-patch+json'};
                    body = @(@{op = "add"; "path"= "/fields/System.State"; "value"= "Closed"}; @{op = "add"; "path"= "/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason"; "value"= ""};@{op = "add"; "path"= "/fields/System.History"; "value"= "<div><span style=\\'display:inline !important;\\'>The control has been evaluated to be passing in the most recent scans. Hence the bug has been closed.</span><br> </div>"})
            if ($closeBugTemplate.count -gt 0) {
                $body = $null;
                if ($closeBugTemplate.count -eq 1) {
                    $body = "[$($closeBugTemplate | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10)]"
                else {
                    $body = $closeBugTemplate | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10  
                $uri = 'https://{0}$batch?api-version=4.1' -f $this.OrganizationName
                $header = [WebRequestHelper]::GetAuthHeaderFromUriPatch($uri)
                $adoResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Patch -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $header -Body $body
                if ($adoResult -and $adoResult.count -gt 0) {
                    return $adoResult.value;
            return $false;
        catch {
            Write-Host $_
            Write-Host "Could not close the bug." -ForegroundColor Red
            return $false

    hidden [void] closedBugInfoCollect([object] $closedBugsResponse, [hashtable] $hashToControlIDMap){
        # Hash map checks for duplicate work items
        $closedBugsResponse| ForEach-Object{
            #Store closed bug details
            $bug=$_.body |ConvertFrom-Json
            #Fetch hash From storage account CA response
            if($this.UseAzureStorageAccount -and $this.ScanSource -eq "CA"){
            #Fetch hash for regular scan
                #in case the bug has multiple tags, even if bug is closed, CSV will not be generated if we dont find the tag explicit to scan id
                $controlHashValue = $controlHashValue.Split(";") | where {$_.Trim() -like "ADOScanID: *"}
                $controlHashValue = $controlHashValue.Trim();
            $bugState = 'Closed'
            if($null -ne $this.ClosedBugTemplate){
                $bugState = ($this.ClosedBugTemplate | where {$_.path -eq "/fields/System.State"}).value
            if ($hashToControlIDMap.ContainsKey($controlHashValue) -and $bug.fields.'System.State' -eq $bugState)
                $urlClose= "{0}/{1}/_workitems/edit/{2}" -f $this.OrganizationName, $project , $id;
                $hashToControlIDMap[$controlHashValue].ControlResults.AddMessage("Closed Bug",$urlClose);
                # duplicate work items do not populate static variable $ClosedBugs multiple times

    #function to retrieve all new/active/resolved bugs
    hidden [object] GetWorkItemByHash([string] $hash,[int] $MaxKeyWordsToQuery) 
        $url = "{0}/_apis/search/workitemsearchresults?api-version=6.0-preview.1" -f $this.OrganizationName
        #take results have been doubled, as their might be chances for a bug to be logged more than once, if the tag id is copied.
        #in this case we want all the instances of this bug to be closed
        #sprint 2201: added new states for standalone bug logging
        #TODO: in case we need custom system states for partner teams, fetch system states to check from org policy
        $body = '{"searchText": "{0}","$skip": 0,"$top": 60,"filters": {"System.TeamProject": [],"System.WorkItemType": ["Bug"],"System.State": ["New","Active","Resolved","Approved","Committed","In Progress","In Review"]}}'| ConvertFrom-Json
        $body.searchText = $hash
        $response = [WebRequestHelper]:: InvokePostWebRequest($url, $body)
        return  $response

    #function to create hash for bug tag
    hidden [string] GetHashedTag([string] $ControlId, [string] $ResourceId) {
        $hashedTag = $null
        $stringToHash = "$ResourceId#$ControlId";
        #return the bug tag
        if ($this.UseAzureStorageAccount -and $this.ScanSource -eq "CA") 
            return [AutoBugLog]::ComputeHashX($stringToHash);
        else {
            return "ADOScanID: " + [AutoBugLog]::ComputeHashX($stringToHash)
