class ADOSVTBase: SVTBase { hidden [ControlStateExtension] $ControlStateExt; hidden [AzSKSettings] $AzSKSettings; ADOSVTBase() { } ADOSVTBase([string] $subscriptionId): Base($subscriptionId) { $this.CreateInstance(); } ADOSVTBase([string] $subscriptionId, [SVTResource] $svtResource): Base($subscriptionId) { $this.CreateInstance($svtResource); } #Create instance for organization scan hidden [void] CreateInstance() { [Helpers]::AbstractClass($this, [SVTBase]); Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "No mapping!? Do we use this .ctor?" #$this.LoadSvtConfig([SVTMapping]::SubscriptionMapping.JsonFileName); $this.ResourceId = $this.SubscriptionContext.Scope; } #Add PreviewBaselineControls hidden [bool] CheckBaselineControl($controlId) { if (($null -ne $this.ControlSettings) -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings, "BaselineControls.ResourceTypeControlIdMappingList")) { $baselineControl = $this.ControlSettings.BaselineControls.ResourceTypeControlIdMappingList | Where-Object { $_.ControlIds -contains $controlId } if (($baselineControl | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 ) { return $true } } return $false } hidden [bool] CheckPreviewBaselineControl($controlId) { if (($null -ne $this.ControlSettings) -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings, "PreviewBaselineControls.ResourceTypeControlIdMappingList")) { $PreviewBaselineControls = $this.ControlSettings.PreviewBaselineControls.ResourceTypeControlIdMappingList | Where-Object { $_.ControlIds -contains $controlId } if (($PreviewBaselineControls | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 ) { return $true } } return $false } hidden [void] UpdateControlStates([SVTEventContext[]] $ControlResults) { if ($null -ne $this.ControlStateExt -and $this.ControlStateExt.HasControlStateWriteAccessPermissions() -and ($ControlResults | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and ($this.ResourceState | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $effectiveResourceStates = @(); if (($this.DirtyResourceStates | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $this.ResourceState | ForEach-Object { $controlState = $_; if (($this.DirtyResourceStates | Where-Object { $_.InternalId -eq $controlState.InternalId -and $_.ChildResourceName -eq $controlState.ChildResourceName } | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { $effectiveResourceStates += $controlState; } } } else { #If no dirty states found then no action needed. return; } #get the uniqueid from the first control result. Here we can take first as it would come here for each resource. $id = $ControlResults[0].GetUniqueId(); $resourceType = $ControlResults[0].FeatureName $resourceName = $ControlResults[0].ResourceContext.ResourceName $this.ControlStateExt.SetControlState($id, $effectiveResourceStates, $true, $resourceType, $resourceName, $ControlResults[0].ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName) } } #isRescan parameter is added to check if method is called from rescan. state data is fetching for rescan hidden [ControlState[]] GetResourceState([bool] $isRescan = $false) { if ($null -eq $this.ResourceState) { $this.ResourceState = @(); if ($this.ControlStateExt -and $this.ControlStateExt.HasControlStateReadAccessPermissions()) { $resourceType = ""; if ($this.ResourceContext) { $resourceType = $this.ResourceContext.ResourceTypeName } #Fetch control state for organization only if project is configured for org spesific control attestation (Check for Organization only, for other resource go inside without project check). if($resourceType -ne "Organization" -or $this.ControlStateExt.GetProject()) { $resourceStates = $this.ControlStateExt.GetControlState($this.ResourceId, $resourceType, $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName, $this.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName, $isRescan) if ($null -ne $resourceStates) { $this.ResourceState += $resourceStates } } } } return $this.ResourceState; } hidden [void] PostProcessData([SVTEventContext] $eventContext) { $tempHasRequiredAccess = $true; $controlState = @(); $controlStateValue = @(); try { $resourceStates = $this.GetResourceState($false) if (!$this.AzSKSettings) { $this.AzSKSettings = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings(); } $enableOrgControlAttestation = $this.AzSKSettings.EnableOrgControlAttestation if (($resourceStates | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { $controlStateValue += $resourceStates | Where-Object { $_.InternalId -eq $eventContext.ControlItem.Id }; $controlStateValue | ForEach-Object { $currentControlStateValue = $_; if ($null -ne $currentControlStateValue) { if ($this.IsStateActive($eventContext, $currentControlStateValue)) { $controlState += $currentControlStateValue; } else { #add to the dirty state list so that it can be removed later $this.DirtyResourceStates += $currentControlStateValue; } } } } # If Project name is not configured in ext storage & policy project parameter is not used or attestation repo is not present in policy project, # then 'IsOrgAttestationProjectFound' will be false so that HasRequiredAccess for org controls can be set as false elseif (($eventContext.FeatureName -eq "Organization" -and [ControlStateExtension]::IsOrgAttestationProjectFound -eq $false) -and ($enableOrgControlAttestation -eq $true)){ $tempHasRequiredAccess = $false; } elseif ($null -eq $resourceStates) { $tempHasRequiredAccess = $false; } } catch { $this.EvaluationError($_); } $eventContext.ControlResults | ForEach-Object { try { $currentItem = $_; # Copy the current result to Actual Result field $currentItem.ActualVerificationResult = $currentItem.VerificationResult; #Logic to append the control result with the permissions metadata [SessionContext] $sc = $currentItem.CurrentSessionContext; $sc.Permissions.HasAttestationWritePermissions = $this.ControlStateExt.HasControlStateWriteAccessPermissions(); $sc.Permissions.HasAttestationReadPermissions = $this.ControlStateExt.HasControlStateReadAccessPermissions(); # marking the required access as false if there was any error reading the attestation data $sc.Permissions.HasRequiredAccess = $sc.Permissions.HasRequiredAccess -and $tempHasRequiredAccess; # Disable the fix control feature if (-not $this.GenerateFixScript) { $currentItem.EnableFixControl = $false; } if ($currentItem.StateManagement.CurrentStateData -and $currentItem.StateManagement.CurrentStateData.DataObject -and $eventContext.ControlItem.DataObjectProperties) { $currentItem.StateManagement.CurrentStateData.DataObject = [Helpers]::SelectMembers($currentItem.StateManagement.CurrentStateData.DataObject, $eventContext.ControlItem.DataObjectProperties); } if ($controlState.Count -ne 0) { # Process the state if its available $childResourceState = $controlState | Where-Object { $_.ChildResourceName -eq $currentItem.ChildResourceName } | Select-Object -First 1; if ($childResourceState) { # Skip passed ones from State Management if ($currentItem.ActualVerificationResult -ne [VerificationResult]::Passed) { #compare the states if (($childResourceState.ActualVerificationResult -eq $currentItem.ActualVerificationResult) -and $childResourceState.State) { $currentItem.StateManagement.AttestedStateData = $childResourceState.State; # Compare dataobject property of State if ($null -ne $childResourceState.State.DataObject) { if ($currentItem.StateManagement.CurrentStateData -and $null -ne $currentItem.StateManagement.CurrentStateData.DataObject) { $currentStateDataObject = [JsonHelper]::ConvertToJsonCustom($currentItem.StateManagement.CurrentStateData.DataObject) | ConvertFrom-Json try { # Objects match, change result based on attestation status if ($eventContext.ControlItem.AttestComparisionType -and $eventContext.ControlItem.AttestComparisionType -eq [ComparisionType]::NumLesserOrEqual) { if ([Helpers]::CompareObject($childResourceState.State.DataObject, $currentStateDataObject, $true, $eventContext.ControlItem.AttestComparisionType)) { $this.ModifyControlResult($currentItem, $childResourceState); } } else { if ([Helpers]::CompareObject($childResourceState.State.DataObject, $currentStateDataObject, $true)) { $this.ModifyControlResult($currentItem, $childResourceState); } } } catch { $this.EvaluationError($_); } } } else { if ($currentItem.StateManagement.CurrentStateData) { if ($null -eq $currentItem.StateManagement.CurrentStateData.DataObject) { # No object is persisted, change result based on attestation status $this.ModifyControlResult($currentItem, $childResourceState); } } else { # No object is persisted, change result based on attestation status $this.ModifyControlResult($currentItem, $childResourceState); } } } } else { #add to the dirty state list so that it can be removed later $this.DirtyResourceStates += $childResourceState } } } } catch { $this.EvaluationError($_); } }; } # State Machine implementation of modifying verification result hidden [void] ModifyControlResult([ControlResult] $controlResult, [ControlState] $controlState) { # No action required if Attestation status is None OR verification result is Passed if ($controlState.AttestationStatus -ne [AttestationStatus]::None -or $controlResult.VerificationResult -ne [VerificationResult]::Passed) { $controlResult.AttestationStatus = $controlState.AttestationStatus; $controlResult.VerificationResult = [Helpers]::EvaluateVerificationResult($controlResult.VerificationResult, $controlState.AttestationStatus); } } #Function to validate attestation data expiry validation hidden [bool] IsStateActive([SVTEventContext] $eventcontext, [ControlState] $controlState) { try { $expiryIndays = $this.CalculateExpirationInDays([SVTEventContext] $eventcontext, [ControlState] $controlState); #Validate if expiry period is passed #Added a condition so as to expire attested controls that were in 'Error' state. if (($expiryIndays -ne -1 -and $controlState.State.AttestedDate.AddDays($expiryIndays) -lt [DateTime]::UtcNow) -or ($controlState.ActualVerificationResult -eq [VerificationResult]::Error)) { return $false } else { $controlState.State.ExpiryDate = ($controlState.State.AttestedDate.AddDays($expiryIndays)).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); return $true } } catch { #if any exception occurs while getting/validating expiry period, return true. $this.EvaluationError($_); return $true } } hidden [int] CalculateExpirationInDays([SVTEventContext] $eventcontext, [ControlState] $controlState) { try { #For exempt controls, either the no. of days for expiry were provided at the time of attestation or a default of 6 motnhs was already considered, #therefore skipping this flow and calculating days directly using the expiry date already saved. if ($controlState.AttestationStatus -ne [AttestationStatus]::ApprovedException) { #Get controls expiry period. Default value is zero $controlAttestationExpiry = $eventcontext.controlItem.AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays $controlSeverity = $eventcontext.controlItem.ControlSeverity $controlSeverityExpiryPeriod = 0 $defaultAttestationExpiryInDays = [Constants]::DefaultControlExpiryInDays; $expiryInDays = -1; if (($eventcontext.ControlResults | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $isControlInGrace = $eventcontext.ControlResults.IsControlInGrace; } else { $isControlInGrace = $true; } if ([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings, "AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays") ` -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings.AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays, "Default") ` -and $this.ControlSettings.AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays.Default -gt 0) { $defaultAttestationExpiryInDays = $this.ControlSettings.AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays.Default } #Expiry in the case of WillFixLater or StateConfirmed/Recurring Attestation state will be based on Control Severity. if ($controlState.AttestationStatus -eq [AttestationStatus]::NotAnIssue -or $controlState.AttestationStatus -eq [AttestationStatus]::NotApplicable) { $expiryInDays = $defaultAttestationExpiryInDays; } else { # Expire WillFixLater if GracePeriod has expired if (-not($isControlInGrace) -and $controlState.AttestationStatus -eq [AttestationStatus]::WillFixLater) { $expiryInDays = 0; } else { if ($controlAttestationExpiry -ne 0) { $expiryInDays = $controlAttestationExpiry } elseif ([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings, "AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays")) { $controlsev = $this.ControlSettings.ControlSeverity.PSobject.Properties | Where-Object Value -eq $controlSeverity | Select-Object -First 1 $controlSeverity = $ #Check if control severity has expiry period if ([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.ControlSettings.AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays.ControlSeverity, $controlSeverity) ) { $expiryInDays = $this.ControlSettings.AttestationExpiryPeriodInDays.ControlSeverity.$controlSeverity } #If control item and severity does not contain expiry period, assign default value else { $expiryInDays = $defaultAttestationExpiryInDays } } #Return -1 when expiry is not defined else { $expiryInDays = -1 } } } } else { #Calculating the expiry in days for exempt controls if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($controlState.State.ExpiryDate)) { $expiryPeriod = $this.ControlSettings.DefaultAttestationPeriodForExemptControl $expiryDate = ($controlState.State.AttestedDate).AddDays($expiryPeriod) } else { $expiryDate = [DateTime]$controlState.State.ExpiryDate } # #Adding 1 explicitly to the days since the differnce below excludes the expiryDate and that also needs to be taken into account. # $expiryInDays = ($expiryDate - $controlState.State.AttestedDate).Days + 1 # #Calculating the expiry in days for exempt controls # $expiryDate = [DateTime]$controlState.State.ExpiryDate # #Adding 1 explicitly to the days since the differnce below excludes the expiryDate and that also needs to be taken into account. $expiryInDays = ($expiryDate - $controlState.State.AttestedDate).Days + 1 } } catch { #if any exception occurs while getting/validating expiry period, return -1. $this.EvaluationError($_); $expiryInDays = -1 } return $expiryInDays } [SVTEventContext[]] FetchStateOfAllControls() { [SVTEventContext[]] $resourceSecurityResult = @(); if (-not $this.ValidateMaintenanceState()) { if ($this.GetApplicableControls().Count -eq 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No security controls match the input criteria specified", [MessageType]::Warning); } else { $this.EvaluationStarted(); $resourceSecurityResult += $this.GetControlsStateResult(); if (($resourceSecurityResult | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $this.EvaluationCompleted($resourceSecurityResult); } } } return $resourceSecurityResult; } hidden [SVTEventContext[]] GetControlsStateResult() { [SVTEventContext[]] $automatedControlsResult = @(); $this.DirtyResourceStates = @(); try { $this.GetApplicableControls() | ForEach-Object { $eventContext = $this.FetchControlState($_); #filter controls if there is no state found if ($eventContext) { $eventContext.ControlResults = $eventContext.ControlResults | Where-Object { $_.AttestationStatus -ne [AttestationStatus]::None } if ($eventContext.ControlResults) { $automatedControlsResult += $eventContext; } } }; } catch { $this.EvaluationError($_); } return $automatedControlsResult; } #isRescan parameter is added to check if method is called from rescan. hidden [SVTEventContext] FetchControlState([ControlItem] $controlItem, $isRescan = $false) { [SVTEventContext] $singleControlResult = $this.CreateSVTEventContextObject(); $singleControlResult.ControlItem = $controlItem; $controlState = @(); $controlStateValue = @(); try { $resourceStates = $this.GetResourceState($isRescan); if (($resourceStates | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { $controlStateValue += $resourceStates | Where-Object { $_.InternalId -eq $singleControlResult.ControlItem.Id }; $controlStateValue | ForEach-Object { $currentControlStateValue = $_; if ($null -ne $currentControlStateValue) { #assign expiry date $expiryIndays = $this.CalculateExpirationInDays($singleControlResult, $currentControlStateValue); if ($expiryIndays -ne -1) { $currentControlStateValue.State.ExpiryDate = ($currentControlStateValue.State.AttestedDate.AddDays($expiryIndays)).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } $controlState += $currentControlStateValue; } } } } catch { $this.EvaluationError($_); } if (($controlState | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #Added check to resolve duplicate log issue in rescan if (!$isRescan) { $this.ControlStarted($singleControlResult); } if ($controlItem.Enabled -eq $false) { $this.ControlDisabled($singleControlResult); } else { $controlResult = $this.CreateControlResult($controlItem.FixControl); $singleControlResult.ControlResults += $controlResult; $singleControlResult.ControlResults | ForEach-Object { try { $currentItem = $_; if ($controlState.Count -ne 0) { # Process the state if it's available $childResourceState = $controlState | Where-Object { $_.ChildResourceName -eq $currentItem.ChildResourceName } | Select-Object -First 1; if ($childResourceState) { $currentItem.StateManagement.AttestedStateData = $childResourceState.State; $currentItem.AttestationStatus = $childResourceState.AttestationStatus; $currentItem.ActualVerificationResult = $childResourceState.ActualVerificationResult; $currentItem.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::NotScanned } } } catch { $this.EvaluationError($_); } }; } #Added check to resolve duplicate log issue in rescan if (!$isRescan) { $this.ControlCompleted($singleControlResult); } } return $singleControlResult; } hidden [void] GetManualSecurityStatusExt($arg) { $this.PostProcessData($arg); } hidden [void] RunControlExt($singleControlResult) { $this.PostProcessData($singleControlResult); } hidden [void] EvaluateAllControlsExt($resourceSecurityResult) { $this.PostEvaluationCompleted($resourceSecurityResult); } hidden [void] PostEvaluationCompleted([SVTEventContext[]] $ControlResults) { $this.UpdateControlStates($ControlResults); $BugLogParameterValue =$this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters["AutoBugLog"] #perform bug logging after control scans for the current resource if ($BugLogParameterValue) { if (($ControlResults.ControlResults.VerificationResult -contains "Failed") -or ($ControlResults.ControlResults.VerificationResult -contains "Verify")) { $this.BugLoggingPostEvaluation($ControlResults, $BugLogParameterValue) } } } #function to call AutoBugLog class for performing bug logging hidden [void] BugLoggingPostEvaluation([SVTEventContext []] $ControlResults,[string] $BugLogParameterValue) { $AutoBugLog = [AutoBugLog]::AutoBugInstance if (!$AutoBugLog) { #Settting initial value true so will evaluate in all different cmds.(Powershell keeping static variables in memory in next command also.) [BugLogPathManager]::checkValidPathFlag = $true; $AutoBugLog = [AutoBugLog]::GetInstance($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName, $this.InvocationContext, $this.ControlStateExt, $BugLogParameterValue); } $AutoBugLog.LogBugInADO($ControlResults) } } |