
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

. $PSScriptRoot\Framework\Framework.ps1

#These are the topmost folder PS1 files that load
@("$PSScriptRoot\SVT", "$PSScriptRoot\AlertMonitoring", "$PSScriptRoot\ContinuousAssurance","$PSScriptRoot\AzSKADOInfo", "$PSScriptRoot\STMapping") |
    ForEach-Object {
    (Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Recurse -File -Include "*.ps1") |
        ForEach-Object {
        . $_.FullName

function Set-AzSKADOPrivacyNoticeResponse {
    This command would help to set user preferences for EULA and Privacy.
    This command would help to set user preferences for EULA and Privacy.
    .PARAMETER AcceptPrivacyNotice
        Provide the flag to suppress the Privacy notice prompt and submit the acceptance. (Yes/No)

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the flag to suppress the Privacy notice prompt and submit the acceptance. (Yes/No)")]
        [ValidateSet("Yes", "No")]
    Begin {
    Process {
        try {
            $azskSettings = [ConfigurationManager]::GetLocalAzSKSettings();

            if ($AcceptPrivacyNotice -eq "yes") {
                $azskSettings.PrivacyNoticeAccepted = $true
                $azskSettings.UsageTelemetryLevel = "Anonymous"

            if ($AcceptPrivacyNotice -eq "no") {
                $azskSettings.PrivacyNoticeAccepted = $false
                $azskSettings.UsageTelemetryLevel = "None"
            [EventBase]::PublishGenericCustomMessage("Successfully updated privacy settings.");
        catch {

    End {

function Clear-AzSKADOSessionState {

    Write-Host "Clearing $([Constants]::AzSKModuleName) session state..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "Session state cleared." -ForegroundColor Yellow


function Set-AzSKADOPolicySettings {
    This command would help to set online policy store URL.
    This command would help to set online policy store URL.
    .PARAMETER AutoUpdateCommand
            Provide org install URL
    .PARAMETER AutoUpdate
            Toggle the auto-update feature


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Project that hosts ADO organization-specific policy")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Provide org install URL")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "AutoUpdatePolicy", HelpMessage = "Toggle the auto-update feature")]
        [ValidateSet("On", "Off", "NotSet")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Turn org/admin control attestation on/off")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Provide scanner tool path")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Provide scanner tool name")]
    Begin {
    Process {
        try {

            $azskSettings = [ConfigurationManager]::GetLocalAzSKSettings();
            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AutoUpdateCommand)) 
                $azskSettings.AutoUpdateCommand = $AutoUpdateCommand;
            if ($AutoUpdate) 
                $azskSettings.AutoUpdateSwitch = $AutoUpdate
            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PolicyProject)) 
                $azskSettings.PolicyProject = $PolicyProject;
            if ($EnableOrgControlAttestation) 
                $azskSettings.EnableOrgControlAttestation = $true
                $azskSettings.EnableOrgControlAttestation = $false

            if($SecretsScanToolFolder -and $SecretsScanToolName)
                $azskSettings.SecretsScanToolFolder = $SecretsScanToolFolder
                $azskSettings.SecretsScanToolName = $SecretsScanToolName
            [EventBase]::PublishGenericCustomMessage("Successfully configured settings.", [MessageType]::Warning);
        catch {
    End {

#$FrameworkPath = $PSScriptRoot

. $FrameworkPath\Helpers\AliasHelper.ps1