Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class PartialScanManager { hidden [string] $SubId = $null; hidden [PSObject] $ScanPendingForResources = $null; hidden [string] $ResourceScanTrackerFileName=$null; hidden [PartialScanResourceMap] $ResourceScanTrackerObj = $null [PSObject] $ControlSettings; hidden [ActiveStatus] $ActiveStatus = [ActiveStatus]::NotStarted; hidden [string] $CAScanProgressSnapshotsContainerName = [Constants]::CAScanProgressSnapshotsContainerName hidden [string] $AzSKTempStatePath = (Join-Path $([Constants]::AzSKAppFolderPath) "TempState" | Join-Path -ChildPath "PartialScanData"); hidden [bool] $StoreResTrackerLocally = $false; hidden [string] $ScanSource = $null; hidden [bool] $IsRTFAlreadyAvailable = $false; hidden [bool] $IsDurableStorageFound = $false; hidden [string] $MasterFilePath; $StorageContext = $null; $ControlStateBlob = $null; hidden static $IsCsvUpdatedAtCheckpoint = $false; hidden static $CollatedSummaryCount = @(); # Matrix of counts for severity and control status hidden static $CollatedBugSummaryCount = @(); # Matrix of counts for severity and Bug status hidden static $ControlResultsWithBugSummary = @(); hidden [string] $SummaryMarkerText = "------"; hidden static [PartialScanManager] $Instance = $null; static [PartialScanManager] GetInstance([PSObject] $StorageAccount, [string] $SubscriptionId) { if ( $null -eq [PartialScanManager]::Instance) { [PartialScanManager]::Instance = [PartialScanManager]::new($SubscriptionId); } [PartialScanManager]::Instance.SubId = $SubscriptionId; return [PartialScanManager]::Instance } static [PartialScanManager] GetInstance() { if ( $null -eq [PartialScanManager]::Instance) { [PartialScanManager]::Instance = [PartialScanManager]::new(); } return [PartialScanManager]::Instance } static [void] ClearInstance() { [PartialScanManager]::Instance = $null } PartialScanManager([string] $SubscriptionId) { $this.ControlSettings = [ConfigurationManager]::LoadServerConfigFile("ControlSettings.json"); $this.SubId = $SubscriptionId; if ([string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName)) { if([ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings().IsCentralScanModeOn) { $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName = Join-Path $SubscriptionId $([Constants]::ResourceScanTrackerCMBlobName) } else { $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName = Join-Path $SubscriptionId $([Constants]::ResourceScanTrackerBlobName) } } $this.GetResourceScanTrackerObject(); } PartialScanManager() { $this.ControlSettings = [ConfigurationManager]::LoadServerConfigFile("ControlSettings.json"); if ([string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName)) { $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName = [Constants]::ResourceScanTrackerBlobName } $this.GetResourceScanTrackerObject(); } hidden [void] GetResourceTrackerFile($subId) { $this.ScanSource = [AzSKSettings]::GetInstance().GetScanSource(); $this.SubId = $subId #Validating the configuration of storing resource tracker file if($null -ne $this.ControlSettings.PartialScan) { $this.StoreResTrackerLocally = [Bool]::Parse($this.ControlSettings.PartialScan.StoreResourceTrackerLocally); } #Use local Resource Tracker files for partial scanning if ($this.StoreResTrackerLocally -and ($this.ScanSource -ne "CA" -and $this.ScanSource -ne "CICD") ) { if($null -eq $this.ScanPendingForResources) { if(![string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.SubId)){ if(Test-Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName)) { $this.ScanPendingForResources = Get-Content (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) -Raw } $this.MasterFilePath = (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) } else { $this.MasterFilePath = (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) } } } if ($this.ScanSource -eq "CA") # use storage in ADOScannerRG in case of CA scan { $this.MasterFilePath = (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) try { #Validate if Storage is found $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $env:StorageRG -Name $env:StorageName $this.StorageContext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $env:StorageName -StorageAccountKey $keys[0].Value -Protocol Https $containerObject = Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $this.StorageContext -Name $this.CAScanProgressSnapshotsContainerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #If checkpoint container is found then get ResourceTracker.json (if exists) if($null -ne $containerObject) { $this.ControlStateBlob = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $this.CAScanProgressSnapshotsContainerName -Context $this.StorageContext -Blob (Join-Path $this.SubId.ToLower() $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #If controlStateBlob is null then it will get created when we first write the resource tracker file to storage #If its not null this means Resource tracker file has been found in storage and will be used to continue pending scan if ($null -ne $this.ControlStateBlob) { if ($null -ne $this.MasterFilePath) { if (-not (Test-Path $this.MasterFilePath)) { $filePath = $this.MasterFilePath.Replace($this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName, "") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $filePath New-Item -Path $filePath -Name $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName -ItemType "file" } #Copy existing RTF locally to handle any non ascii characters as ICloudBlob.DownloadText() was inserting non ascii charcaters Get-AzStorageBlobContent -CloudBlob $this.ControlStateBlob.ICloudBlob -Context $this.StorageContext -Destination $this.MasterFilePath -Force $this.ScanPendingForResources = Get-ChildItem -Path $this.MasterFilePath -Force | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Json #Delete the local RTF file Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) } $this.IsRTFAlreadyAvailable = $true } $this.IsDurableStorageFound = $true } #If checkpoint container is not found then create new else { $containerObject = New-AzStorageContainer -Name $this.CAScanProgressSnapshotsContainerName -Context $this.StorageContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -ne $containerObject ) { $this.IsDurableStorageFound = $true } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Could not find/create partial scan container in storage.", [MessageType]::Warning); } } } catch { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Exception when trying to find/create partial scan container: $_.", [MessageType]::Warning); #Eat exception } } elseif ($this.ScanSource -eq "CICD") # use extension storage in case of CICD partial scan { if(![string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.SubId)) { $rmContext = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext(); $user = ""; $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user,$rmContext.AccessToken))) $uri= ""; if (Test-Path env:partialScanURI) { #Uri is created in cicd task based on jobid $uri = $env:partialScanURI } else { $uri = [Constants]::StorageUri -f $this.SubId, $this.SubId, "ResourceTrackerFile" } try { $webRequestResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} $this.ScanPendingForResources = $webRequestResult.value | ConvertFrom-Json $this.IsRTFAlreadyAvailable = $true; } catch { $this.ScanPendingForResources = $null $this.IsRTFAlreadyAvailable = $false; } } } } #Update resource status in ResourceMapTable object [void] UpdateResourceStatus([string] $resourceId, [ScanState] $state) { $resourceValues = @(); #$this.GetResourceScanTrackerObject(); if($this.IsListAvailableAndActive()) { $resourceValue = $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj.ResourceMapTable | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $resourceId}; if($null -ne $resourceValue) { $resourceValue.ModifiedDate = [DateTime]::UtcNow; $resourceValue.State = $state; } else { $resourceValue = [PartialScanResource]@{ Id = $resourceId; State = $state; ScanRetryCount = 1; CreatedDate = [DateTime]::UtcNow; ModifiedDate = [DateTime]::UtcNow; } $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj.ResourceMapTable +=$resourceValue; } } } [void] UpdateResourceScanRetryCount([string] $resourceId) { $resourceValues = @(); if($this.IsListAvailableAndActive()) { $resourceValue = $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj.ResourceMapTable | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $resourceId}; if($null -ne $resourceValue) { $resourceValue.ModifiedDate = [DateTime]::UtcNow; $resourceValue.ScanRetryCount = $resourceValue.ScanRetryCount + 1; if($resourceValue.ScanRetryCount -ge [Constants]::PartialScanMaxRetryCount) { $resourceValue.State = [ScanState]::ERR } } else { #do nothing } } } # Method to remove obsolete Resource Tracker file [void] RemovePartialScanData() { if ($this.ScanSource -eq "CICD") { if($null -ne $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj) { $rmContext = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext(); $user = ""; $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user,$rmContext.AccessToken))) $uri =""; if (Test-Path env:partialScanURI) { #Uri is created by cicd task based on jobid $uri = $env:partialScanURI } else { $uri = [Constants]::StorageUri -f $this.SubId, $this.SubId, "ResourceTrackerFile" } try { if ($this.ResourceScanTrackerObj.ResourceMapTable -ne $null){ $webRequestResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method Delete -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo) } $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj = $null } } catch { #do nothing } } } elseif ($this.ScanSource -eq "CA" -and $this.IsDurableStorageFound) { #Move resource tracker file to archive folder if($null -ne $this.ControlStateBlob) { $archiveName = "Checkpoint_" +(Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".json"; #Store final RTF file locally and then upload to archive folder [JsonHelper]::ConvertToJsonCustom($this.ResourceScanTrackerObj) | Out-File $this.MasterFilePath -Force Set-AzStorageBlobContent -File $this.MasterFilePath -Container $this.CAScanProgressSnapshotsContainerName -Blob (Join-Path $this.SubId.ToLower() (Join-Path "Archive" $archiveName)) -BlobType Block -Context $this.StorageContext -Force Remove-AzStorageBlob -CloudBlob $this.ControlStateBlob.ICloudBlob -Force -Context $this.StorageContext #Delete local RTF file Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) } } #Use local Resource Tracker files for partial scanning if ($this.StoreResTrackerLocally) { if($null -ne $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj) { if(![string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.SubId)){ if(Test-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId)) { Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) <#Create archive folder if not exists if(-not (Test-Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) "archive"))) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) "archive") } $timestamp =(Get-Date -format "yyMMddHHmmss") Move-Item -Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) -Destination (Join-Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) "archive")"Checkpoint_$($timestamp)") #> } } $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj = $null } } } #Method to fetch all applicable resources as per input command (including those with "COMP" status in ResourceTracker file) [void] CreateResourceMasterList([PSObject] $resourceIds) { if(($resourceIds | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $resourceIdMap = @(); $resourceIds | ForEach-Object { $resourceId = $_; $resourceValue = [PartialScanResource]@{ Id = $resourceId; State = [ScanState]::INIT; ScanRetryCount = 0; CreatedDate = [DateTime]::UtcNow; ModifiedDate = [DateTime]::UtcNow; } #$resourceIdMap.Add($hashId,$resourceValue); $resourceIdMap +=$resourceValue } $masterControlBlob = [PartialScanResourceMap]@{ Id = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); CreatedDate = [DateTime]::UtcNow; ResourceMapTable = $resourceIdMap; } if ($this.ScanPendingForResources -ne $null -and $this.ScanSource -eq "CICD"){ $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj = [PartialScanResourceMap]@{ Id = $this.ScanPendingForResources.Id; CreatedDate = $this.ScanPendingForResources.CreatedDate; ResourceMapTable = $this.ScanPendingForResources.ResourceMapTable.value; } } else{ $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj = $masterControlBlob; } if ($this.ScanSource -eq "CICD" -or $this.ScanSource -eq "CA") { $this.WriteToDurableStorage(); } else { $this.WriteToResourceTrackerFile(); } $this.ActiveStatus = [ActiveStatus]::Yes; } } [void] WriteToResourceTrackerFile() { if ($this.StoreResTrackerLocally) { if($null -ne $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj) { if(![string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.SubId)){ if(-not (Test-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId))) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } else{ if(-not (Test-Path "$this.AzSKTempStatePath")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$this.AzSKTempStatePath" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } [JsonHelper]::ConvertToJsonCustom($this.ResourceScanTrackerObj) | Out-File $this.MasterFilePath -Force } } } [void] WriteToDurableStorage() { if ($this.ScanSource -eq "CICD") { if($null -ne $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj) { if(![string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.SubId)) { $rmContext = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext(); $user = ""; $uri = ""; $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user,$rmContext.AccessToken))) $scanObject = $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj | ConvertTo-Json $body = ""; if (Test-Path env:partialScanURI) { $uri = $env:partialScanURI $JobId =""; $JobId = $uri.Replace('?','/').Split('/')[$JobId.Length -2] if ($this.IsRTFAlreadyAvailable -eq $true){ $body = @{"id" = $Jobid; "__etag"=-1; "value"= $scanObject;} | ConvertTo-Json } else{ $body = @{"id" = $Jobid; "value"= $scanObject;} | ConvertTo-Json } } else { $uri = [Constants]::StorageUri -f $this.SubId, $this.SubId, "ResourceTrackerFile" if ($this.IsRTFAlreadyAvailable -eq $true){ $body = @{"id" = "ResourceTrackerFile";"__etag"=-1; "value"= $scanObject;} | ConvertTo-Json } else{ $body = @{"id" = "ResourceTrackerFile"; "value"= $scanObject;} | ConvertTo-Json } } try { $webRequestResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method Put -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo) } -Body $body $this.IsRTFAlreadyAvailable = $true; } catch { write-host "Could not update resource tracker file." } } } } elseif ($this.ScanSource -eq "CA" -and $this.IsDurableStorageFound) { if ($this.IsRTFAlreadyAvailable) # Copy RTF from memory { $this.ControlStateBlob.ICloudBlob.UploadText([JsonHelper]::ConvertToJsonCustom($this.ResourceScanTrackerObj) ) } else { # If file is not available in storage then upload it from local for the first instance if ($null -ne $this.MasterFilePath -and -not (Test-Path $this.MasterFilePath)) { # Create directory and resource tracker file $filePath = $this.MasterFilePath.Replace($this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName, "") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $filePath New-Item -Path $filePath -Name $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName -ItemType "file" } [JsonHelper]::ConvertToJsonCustom($this.ResourceScanTrackerObj) | Out-File $this.MasterFilePath -Force Set-AzStorageBlobContent -File $this.MasterFilePath -Container $this.CAScanProgressSnapshotsContainerName -Blob (Join-Path $this.SubId.ToLower() $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) -BlobType Block -Context $this.StorageContext -Force $this.ControlStateBlob = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $this.CAScanProgressSnapshotsContainerName -Context $this.StorageContext -Blob (Join-Path $this.SubId.ToLower() $this.ResourceScanTrackerFileName) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $this.IsRTFAlreadyAvailable = $true } } } #Method to fetch ResourceTrackerFile as an object hidden [void] GetResourceScanTrackerObject() { if($null -eq $this.ScanPendingForResources) { return; } if ($this.ScanSource -eq "CICD") # use extension storage in case of CICD partial scan { if(![string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.ScanPendingForResources)) { $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj = [PartialScanResourceMap]@{ Id = $this.ScanPendingForResources.Id; CreatedDate = $this.ScanPendingForResources.CreatedDate; ResourceMapTable = $this.ScanPendingForResources.ResourceMapTable.value; } } } elseif ($this.ScanSource -eq "CA") { if(![string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.ScanPendingForResources)) { $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj = $this.ScanPendingForResources } } elseif ($this.StoreResTrackerLocally) { if(![string]::isnullorwhitespace($this.SubId)){ if(-not (Test-Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId))) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $this.AzSKTempStatePath $this.SubId) -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } else{ if(-not (Test-Path "$this.AzSKTempStatePath")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$this.AzSKTempStatePath" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj = Get-content $this.MasterFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json } } [ActiveStatus] IsPartialScanInProgress($subId) { $this.GetResourceTrackerFile($subId); if($null -ne $this.ControlSettings.PartialScan) { $resourceTrackerFileValidforDays = [Int32]::Parse($this.ControlSettings.PartialScan.ResourceTrackerValidforDays); $this.GetResourceScanTrackerObject(); if($null -eq $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj) { return $this.ActiveStatus = [ActiveStatus]::No; } $shouldStopScanning = ($this.ResourceScanTrackerObj.ResourceMapTable | Where-Object {$_.State -notin ([ScanState]::COMP,[ScanState]::ERR)} | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0 if($this.ResourceScanTrackerObj.CreatedDate.AddDays($resourceTrackerFileValidforDays) -lt [DateTime]::UtcNow -or $shouldStopScanning) { $this.RemovePartialScanData(); $this.ScanPendingForResources = $null; return $this.ActiveStatus = [ActiveStatus]::No; } return $this.ActiveStatus = [ActiveStatus]::Yes } else { $this.ScanPendingForResources = $null; return $this.ActiveStatus = [ActiveStatus]::No; } } [PSObject] GetNonScannedResources() { $nonScannedResources = @(); $this.GetResourceScanTrackerObject(); if($this.IsListAvailableAndActive()) { $nonScannedResources +=[PartialScanResource[]] $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj.ResourceMapTable | Where-Object {$_.State -eq [ScanState]::INIT} return $nonScannedResources; } return $null; } [PSObject] GetAllListedResources() { $nonScannedResources = @(); $this.GetResourceScanTrackerObject(); if($this.IsListAvailableAndActive()) { $nonScannedResources += $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj.ResourceMapTable return $nonScannedResources; } return $null; } [Bool] IsListAvailableAndActive() { if($null -ne $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj -and $this.ActiveStatus -eq [ActiveStatus]::Yes -and $null -ne $this.ResourceScanTrackerObj.ResourceMapTable) { return $true } else { return $false } } # Collect control results summary data and append to it at every checkpoint. Any changes in this method should be synced with WritePSConsole.ps1 PrintSummaryData method [void] CollateSummaryData($event) { $summary = @($event | select-object @{Name="VerificationResult"; Expression = {$_.ControlResults.VerificationResult}},@{Name="ControlSeverity"; Expression = {$_.ControlItem.ControlSeverity}}) if(($summary | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { $severities = @(); $severities += $summary | Select-Object -Property ControlSeverity | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ControlSeverity -Unique; $verificationResults = @(); $verificationResults += $summary | Select-Object -Property VerificationResult | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VerificationResult -Unique; if($severities.Count -ne 0) { # Create summary matrix $totalText = "Total"; $MarkerText = "MarkerText"; $rows = @(); $rows += $severities; $rows += $MarkerText; $rows += $totalText; $rows += $MarkerText; #Execute below block only once (when first resource is scanned) if([PartialScanManager]::CollatedSummaryCount.Count -eq 0) { $rows | ForEach-Object { $result = [PSObject]::new(); Add-Member -InputObject $result -Name "Summary" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $_.ToString() Add-Member -InputObject $result -Name $totalText -MemberType NoteProperty -Value 0 #Get all possible verificationResults initially [Enum]::GetNames([VerificationResult]) | ForEach-Object { Add-Member -InputObject $result -Name $_.ToString() -MemberType NoteProperty -Value 0 }; [PartialScanManager]::CollatedSummaryCount += $result; }; } $totalRow = [PartialScanManager]::CollatedSummaryCount | Where-Object { $_.Summary -eq $totalText } | Select-Object -First 1; $summary | Group-Object -Property ControlSeverity | ForEach-Object { $item = $_; $summaryItem = [PartialScanManager]::CollatedSummaryCount | Where-Object { $_.Summary -eq $item.Name } | Select-Object -First 1; if($summaryItem) { $summaryItem.Total = $_.Count; if($totalRow) { $totalRow.Total += $_.Count } $item.Group | Group-Object -Property VerificationResult | ForEach-Object { $propName = $_.Name; $summaryItem.$propName += $_.Count; if($totalRow) { $totalRow.$propName += $_.Count } }; } }; $markerRows = [PartialScanManager]::CollatedSummaryCount | Where-Object { $_.Summary -eq $MarkerText } $markerRows | ForEach-Object { $markerRow = $_ Get-Member -InputObject $markerRow -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach-Object { $propName = $_.Name; $markerRow.$propName = $this.SummaryMarkerText; } }; } } } # Collect Bug summary data and append to it at every checkpoint. Any changes in this method should be synced with WritePSConsole.ps1 PrintBugSummaryData method [void] CollateBugSummaryData($event){ #gather all control results that have failed/verify as their control result #obtain their control severities $event | ForEach-Object { $item = $_ if ($item -and $item.ControlResults -and ($item.ControlResults[0].VerificationResult -eq "Failed" -or $item.ControlResults[0].VerificationResult -eq "Verify")) { $item $item.ControlResults[0].Messages | ForEach-Object{ if($_.Message -eq "New Bug" -or $_.Message -eq "Active Bug" -or $_.Message -eq "Resolved Bug"){ [PartialScanManager]::CollatedBugSummaryCount += [PSCustomObject]@{ BugStatus=$_.Message ControlSeverity = $item.ControlItem.ControlSeverity; }; } }; #Collecting control results where bug has been found (new/active/resolved). This is used to generate BugSummary at the end of scan [PartialScanManager]::ControlResultsWithBugSummary += $item } }; } # Write to csv and append to it at every checkpoint. Any changes in this method should be synced with WriteSummaryFile.ps1 WriteToCSV method [void] WriteToCSV([SVTEventContext[]] $arguments, $FilePath) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilePath)) { return; } [CsvOutputItem[]] $csvItems = @(); $anyAttestedControls = $null -ne ($arguments | Where-Object { $null -ne ($_.ControlResults | Where-Object { $_.AttestationStatus -ne [AttestationStatus]::None } | Select-Object -First 1) } | Select-Object -First 1); $arguments | ForEach-Object { $item = $_ if ($item -and $item.ControlResults) { $item.ControlResults | ForEach-Object{ $csvItem = [CsvOutputItem]@{ ControlID = $item.ControlItem.ControlID; ControlSeverity = $item.ControlItem.ControlSeverity; Description = $item.ControlItem.Description; FeatureName = $item.FeatureName; Recommendation = $item.ControlItem.Recommendation; Rationale = $item.ControlItem.Rationale }; if($_.VerificationResult -ne [VerificationResult]::NotScanned) { $csvItem.Status = $_.VerificationResult.ToString(); } if($item.ControlItem.IsBaselineControl) { $csvItem.IsBaselineControl = "Yes"; } else { $csvItem.IsBaselineControl = "No"; } if($anyAttestedControls) { $csvItem.ActualStatus = $_.ActualVerificationResult.ToString(); } if($item.IsResource()) { $csvItem.ResourceName = $item.ResourceContext.ResourceName; $csvItem.ResourceGroupName = $item.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName; try { if($item.ResourceContext.ResourceDetails -ne $null -and ([Helpers]::CheckMember($item.ResourceContext.ResourceDetails,"ResourceLink"))) { $csvItem.ResourceLink = $item.ResourceContext.ResourceDetails.ResourceLink; } } catch { $_ } $csvItem.ResourceId = $item.ResourceContext.ResourceId; $csvItem.DetailedLogFile = "/$([Helpers]::SanitizeFolderName($item.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName))/$($item.FeatureName).LOG"; } else { $csvItem.ResourceId = $item.SubscriptionContext.scope; $csvItem.DetailedLogFile = "/$([Helpers]::SanitizeFolderName($item.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName))/$($item.FeatureName).LOG" } if($_.AttestationStatus -ne [AttestationStatus]::None) { $csvItem.AttestedSubStatus = $_.AttestationStatus.ToString(); if($null -ne $_.StateManagement -and $null -ne $_.StateManagement.AttestedStateData) { $csvItem.AttesterJustification = $_.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.Justification $csvItem.AttestedBy = $_.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.AttestedBy if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.ExpiryDate)) { $csvItem.AttestationExpiryDate = $_.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.ExpiryDate } if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.AttestedDate)) { $csvItem.AttestedOn= $_.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.AttestedDate } } } if($_.IsControlInGrace -eq $true) { $csvItem.IsControlInGrace = "Yes" } else { $csvItem.IsControlInGrace = "No" } $csvItems += $csvItem; } } } if ($csvItems.Count -gt 0) { # Remove Null properties $nonNullProps = @(); $nonNullProps = [CsvOutputItem].GetMembers() | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq [System.Reflection.MemberTypes]::Property }| Select-object -Property Name ($csvItems | Select-Object -Property $nonNullProps.Name -ExcludeProperty SupportsAutoFix,ChildResourceName,IsPreviewBaselineControl,UserComments ) | Group-Object -Property FeatureName | Foreach-Object {$_.Group | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -append -NoTypeInformation} [PartialScanManager]::IsCsvUpdatedAtCheckpoint = $true } } } |