Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class VariableGroup: ADOSVTBase { hidden [PSObject] $VarGrp; hidden [PSObject] $ProjectId; hidden [PSObject] $VarGrpId; VariableGroup([string] $subscriptionId, [SVTResource] $svtResource): Base($subscriptionId,$svtResource) { $apiURL = $this.ResourceContext.ResourceId $this.ProjectId = $this.ResourceContext.ResourceId.Split('/')[3] $this.VarGrpId = $ $this.VarGrp = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($apiURL); } hidden [ControlResult] CheckPipelineAccess([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $url = 'https://{0}{1}/_apis/build/authorizedresources?type=variablegroup&id={2}&api-version=5.1-preview.1' -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName),$($this.ProjectId) ,$($this.VarGrpId); try { $responseObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url); # If var grp is not shared across all pipelines, 'count' property is available for $responseObj[0] and its value is 0. # If var grp is shared across all pipelines, 'count' property is not available for $responseObj[0]. #'Count' is a PSObject property and 'count' is response object property. Notice the case sensitivity here. # TODO: When there var grp is not shared across all pipelines, CheckMember in the below condition returns false when checknull flag [third param in CheckMember] is not specified (default value is $true). Assiging it $false. Need to revisit. if(([Helpers]::CheckMember($responseObj[0],"count",$false)) -and ($responseObj[0].count -eq 0)) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Variable group is not accessible to all pipelines."); } # When var grp is shared across all pipelines - the below condition will be true. elseif((-not ([Helpers]::CheckMember($responseObj[0],"count"))) -and ($responseObj.Count -gt 0) -and ([Helpers]::CheckMember($responseObj[0],"authorized"))) { if($responseObj[0].authorized -eq $true) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Variable group is accessible to all pipelines."); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Variable group is not accessible to all pipelines."); } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error, "Could not fetch authorization details of variable group."); } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error,"Could not fetch authorization details of variable group."); } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckInheritedPermissions([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $url = 'https://{0}{1}%24{2}?api-version=6.1-preview.1' -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName),$($this.ProjectId) ,$($this.VarGrpId); try { $responseObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url); $inheritedRoles = $responseObj | Where-Object {$_.access -eq "inherited"} if(($inheritedRoles | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $roles = @(); $roles += ($inheritedRoles | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Name"; Expression = {$_.identity.displayName}}, @{Name="Role"; Expression = {$_.role.displayName}}); $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed,"Review the list of inherited role assignments on variable group: ", $roles); $controlResult.SetStateData("List of inherited role assignments on variable group: ", $roles); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed,"No inherited role assignments found on variable group.") } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error,"Could not fetch permission details of variable group."); } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckRBACAccess([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $url = 'https://{0}{1}%24{2}?api-version=6.1-preview.1' -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName), $($this.ProjectId), $($this.VarGrpId); try { $responseObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($url); if(($responseObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $roles = @(); $roles += ($responseObj | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Name"; Expression = {$_.identity.displayName}}, @{Name="Role"; Expression = {$_.role.displayName}}, @{Name="AccessType"; Expression = {$_.access}}); $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify,"Review the list of role assignments on variable group: ", $roles); $controlResult.SetStateData("List of role assignments on variable group: ", $roles); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed,"No role assignments found on variable group.") } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Error,"Could not fetch RBAC details of variable group."); } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckCredInVarGrp([ControlResult] $controlResult) { if([Helpers]::CheckMember([ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings(),"ScanToolPath")) { $ToolFolderPath = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings().ScanToolPath $ScanToolName = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings().ScanToolName if((-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ToolFolderPath)) -and (Test-Path $ToolFolderPath) -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScanToolName))) { $ToolPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $ToolFolderPath -File -Filter $ScanToolName -Recurse if($ToolPath) { if($this.VarGrp) { try { $varGrpDefFileName = $($this.ResourceContext.ResourceName).Replace(" ","") $varGrpDefPath = [Constants]::AzSKTempFolderPath + "\VarGrps\"+ $varGrpDefFileName + "\"; if(-not (Test-Path -Path $varGrpDefPath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $varGrpDefPath -Force | Out-Null } $this.VarGrp | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File "$varGrpDefPath\$varGrpDefFileName.json" $searcherPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $($ToolPath.Directory.FullName) -Include "buildsearchers.xml" -Recurse ."$($Toolpath.FullName)" -I $varGrpDefPath -S "$($searcherPath.FullName)" -f csv -Ve 1 -O "$varGrpDefPath\Scan" $scanResultPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $varGrpDefPath -File -Include "*.csv" if($scanResultPath -and (Test-Path $scanResultPath.FullName)) { $credList = Get-Content -Path $scanResultPath.FullName | ConvertFrom-Csv if(($credList | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage("No. of credentials found:" + ($credList | Measure-Object).Count ) $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed,"Found credentials in variables.") } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed,"No credentials found in variables.") } } } catch { #Publish Exception $this.PublishException($_); } finally { #Clean temp folders Remove-ITem -Path $varGrpDefPath -Recurse } } } } } else { try { if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp[0],"variables")) { $varList = @(); $noOfCredFound = 0; $patterns = $this.ControlSettings.Patterns | where {$_.RegexCode -eq "SecretsInBuild"} | Select-Object -Property RegexList; $exclusions = $this.ControlSettings.Build.ExcludeFromSecretsCheck; if(($patterns | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { Get-Member -InputObject $this.VarGrp[0].variables -MemberType Properties | ForEach-Object { if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp[0].variables.$($_.Name),"value") -and (-not [Helpers]::CheckMember($this.VarGrp[0].variables.$($_.Name),"isSecret"))) { $varName = $_.Name $varValue = $this.VarGrp[0].variables.$varName.value <# helper code to build a list of vars and counts if ([Build]::BuildVarNames.Keys -contains $buildVarName) { [Build]::BuildVarNames.$buildVarName++ } else { [Build]::BuildVarNames.$buildVarName = 1 } #> if ($exclusions -notcontains $varName) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $patterns.RegexList.Count; $i++) { #Note: We are using '-cmatch' here. #When we compile the regex, we don't specify ignoreCase flag. #If regex is in text form, the match will be case-sensitive. if ($varValue -cmatch $patterns.RegexList[$i]) { $noOfCredFound +=1 $varList += " $varName"; break } } } } } if($noOfCredFound -gt 0) { $varList = $varList | select -Unique $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found credentials in variable group. Variables name: $varList" ); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No credentials found in variable group."); } $patterns = $null; } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Regular expressions for detecting credentials in variable groups are not defined in your organization."); } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "No variables found in variable group."); } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Could not fetch the variable group definition."); $controlResult.AddMessage($_); } } return $controlResult; } } |