class KubernetesClusterCA : AzCommandBase { [PSObject] $ResourceObject; [string] $ResourceGroupName; [string] $ResourceName; [string] $LAWorkspaceId; [string] $LASharedSecret; [string] $ResourceType = "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters"; [string] $nameSpace = "azsk-scanner" [string] $serviceAccountName = "azsk-scanner-account" [string] $clusterRoleName = "azsk-scanner-clusterrole" [string] $configMapName = "azsk-config" [string] $clusterRoleBindingName = "azsk-scanner-rolebinding" [string] $cronJobName = "azsk-ca-job" [string] $deploymentFileBaseUrl = "" [string] $deploymentFileName = "deploy_azsk_ca_job.yml" [string] $configMapFileName = "update_azsk_ca_job_configmap.yml" [string] $runtimeAccountFileName = "update_azsk_ca_job_runtime.yml" [string] $jobSpecificationsFileName = "update_azsk_ca_job_spec.yml" KubernetesClusterCA( [string] $subscriptionId, ` [string] $ResourceGroupName, ` [string] $ResourceName, ` [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) : Base($subscriptionId, $invocationContext) { if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ResourceGroupName)) { $this.ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName; } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ResourceName)) { $this.ResourceName = $ResourceName; } $this.CheckPrerequisites(); $this.GetResourceObject(); $this.SetKubernetesContext(); $defaultOrgNeutralPolicyServerURL = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().DefaultOrgNeutralPolicyServerURL; $this.deploymentFileBaseUrl = [String]::Format([constants]::AKSBaseConfigurationUrl, $defaultOrgNeutralPolicyServerURL); } hidden [bool] CheckPrerequisites() { # This method verifies that if both Azure CLI and Kubernetes CLI are installed or not $IsPrerequisitesPresent = $false try{ $azCliCmdOutput = az --help --output json }catch{ $azCliCmdOutput = $null } try{ $aksCliCmdOuput = kubectl help }catch{ $aksCliCmdOuput = $null } if($null -ne $azCliCmdOutput -and $null -ne $aksCliCmdOuput ){ $IsPrerequisitesPresent = $true }else{ if($null -eq $azCliCmdOutput){ $IsPrerequisitesPresent = $false $this.PublishCustomMessage("Azure CLI is not presnet in machine, you need to install Azure CLI. To install, please refer:", [MessageType]::Warning) } if($null -eq $aksCliCmdOuput){ $IsPrerequisitesPresent = $false $this.PublishCustomMessage( "The Kubernetes command-line client 'kubectl' is not present in machine, it is required to connect to the Kubernetes cluster. To install, please run command: 'az aks install-cli' ", [MessageType]::Warning) } } # If any one of Azure CLI and Kubernetes CLI are not present in Users Machine, throw error if(-not $IsPrerequisitesPresent){ throw ([SuppressedException]::new(("Both Azure CLI and Kubernetes client 'kubectl' must be present in machine to perform any operation."), [SuppressedExceptionType]::InvalidOperation)) } return $IsPrerequisitesPresent } hidden [PSObject] GetResourceObject() { if (-not $this.ResourceObject) { # Get App Service details $this.ResourceObject = Get-AzResource -Name $this.ResourceName ` -ResourceType $this.ResourceType ` -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceGroupName if(-not $this.ResourceObject) { throw ([SuppressedException]::new(("Resource '$($this.ResourceName)' not found under Resource Group '$($this.ResourceGroupName)'"), [SuppressedExceptionType]::InvalidOperation)) } } return $this.ResourceObject; } [Void] InstallKubernetesContinuousAssurance($LAWorkspaceId, $LASharedSecret) { # Get the App Insight Key $AppInsightKey = [RemoteReportHelper]::GetAIOrgTelemetryKey() if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AppInsightKey)) { $AppInsightKey = 'None' }else { $AppInsightKey = $AppInsightKey.Trim() } # Check if LAWorkspaceId and LASharedSecret param are passed by user if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LAWorkspaceId) -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LASharedSecret)) { $this.LAWorkspaceId = $LAWorkspaceId $this.LASharedSecret = $LASharedSecret }else{ # Get values from local settings file $this.GetLASettings() } # Check if LA ID and Keys are non-empty if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.LAWorkspaceId)) { $this.LAWorkspaceId = 'None' }else { $this.LAWorkspaceId = $this.LAWorkspaceId.Trim() } if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.LASharedSecret)) { $this.LASharedSecret = 'None' }else { $this.LASharedSecret = $this.LASharedSecret.Trim() } # Prepare job schedule $Schedule = '"0 #h#/24 * * *"' $jobHrs = ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().Hour + 1)%24 $Schedule = $Schedule -replace '\#h\#', $jobHrs # Download deployment file from server and store it in temp location $deploymentFileUrl = $this.deploymentFileBaseUrl + $this.deploymentFileName $InClusterCATempFolderPath = Join-Path $([Constants]::AzSKTempFolderPath) "InClusterCA"; if(-not (Test-Path -Path $InClusterCATempFolderPath -PathType Container)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $InClusterCATempFolderPath } $filePath = Join-Path $($InClusterCATempFolderPath) $($this.deploymentFileName) Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $deploymentFileUrl -OutFile $filePath # Bootstrap basic properties like App Insight Key and job schedule in deployment file (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#AppInsightKey\#', $AppInsightKey | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#Schedule\#', $Schedule | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#RGName\#', $this.ResourceGroupName | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#ResourceName\#', $this.ResourceName | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#SubscriptionID\#', $this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#LAWSId\#', $this.LAWorkspaceId | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#LAWSSharedKey\#', $this.LASharedSecret | Set-Content $filePath -Force # create ca scan job $this.PublishCustomMessage("Setting up AzSK Continuous Assurance in Kubernetes cluster...", [MessageType]::Warning) kubectl apply -f $filePath # Check if job created successfully $jobName = kubectl get cronjob $this.cronJobName --namespace $this.nameSpace -o jsonpath='{}' if($null -ne $jobName) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("AzSK Continuous Assurance setup completed.", [MessageType]::Update) $this.PublishCustomMessage("Your cluster will be scanned periodically by AzSK CA.", [MessageType]::Warning) $this.PublishCustomMessage("The first CA scan job will be triggered within next 60 mins. You can check control evaluation results (job logs of 'azsk-ca-job') after that.", [MessageType]::Warning) $this.PublishCustomMessage("All security control evaluation results will also be sent to App Insight if an instrumentation key was provided during setup above.", [MessageType]::Warning) $this.PublishCustomMessage("For more info, please see docs:", [MessageType]::Warning) }else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("AzSK Continuous Assurance setup could not be completed. Please check error logs above for next steps." , [MessageType]::Error) } } [Void] SetKubernetesContext() { # Try to read existing context present in local try { $contexts = kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.contexts[*].name}' $contextList = $contexts.Split("") Write-Host "Found the following cluster contexts in your local setup:" -ForegroundColor "Yellow" $contextList | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ } $choice = Read-Host -Prompt 'To use one of the contexts above enter "Y". To use/create a new context enter "N"' if($choice -eq "Y") { $contextName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the name of the context for setting up CA" kubectl config use-context $contextName } } catch { # If any error occur while reading existing context, try to fetch new credentials and set context $choice = "N" } if($choice -ne "Y") { # Login az login *> $null # Set Subscription Context az account set --subscription $this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId # Fetch credentails of the cluster in which ca scan need to be setup az aks get-credentials --resource-group $this.ResourceGroupName --name $this.ResourceName } } [void] GetLASettings() { # Get LA settings if not passed [LogAnalyticsHelper]::SetLAWSDetails() $settings = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKSettings() $this.LAWorkspaceId = $settings.LAWSId $this.LASharedSecret = $settings.LAWSSharedKey } [Void] RemoveKubernetesContinuousAssurance($DownloadJobLogs, $Force) { $deploymentFileUrl = $this.deploymentFileBaseUrl + $this.deploymentFileName $choice = "N" if(-not $Force){ $choice = Read-Host -Prompt 'This action will remove AzSK Continuous Assurance from cluster. Do you want to continue "Y/N"' } else{ $choice = "Y" } if($choice -eq "Y"){ # download all logs to local before deleting job if($DownloadJobLogs -eq "Yes"){ $response = kubectl get pods --namespace $this.nameSpace -o json if($null -ne $response){ $allJObPods = $response | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty items $jobPodsCount = ($allJObPods | Measure-Object).Count if($jobPodsCount -gt 0){ $moduleName = $this.GetModuleName(); $this.PublishCustomMessage("Downloading existing job's log to local machine..." , [MessageType]::Warning) $baseFolder = Join-Path $([Constants]::AzSKAppFolderPath) "Logs" | Join-Path -ChildPath "ClusterScans\Kubernetes"| Join-Path -ChildPath $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId )| Join-Path -ChildPath $($this.ResourceGroupName)| Join-Path -ChildPath $($this.ResourceName) If(!(test-path $baseFolder)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $baseFolder | Out-Null } $allJObPods | ForEach-Object { $jobPodName = $ $jobTimeStamp = $_.metadata.creationTimestamp $dateTime = $jobTimeStamp.split("T") $date = $dateTime[0] $time = $dateTime[1] $fileName = $date.Replace("-","")+"_"+ $time.Replace(":","") + ".txt" $fileName = Join-Path $baseFolder $fileName Kubectl logs $jobPodName --namespace $this.nameSpace| Out-File $fileName -Force } $this.PublishCustomMessage("All previous job logs have been exported to: $($baseFolder)" , [MessageType]::Update) }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("No previous job's log found." , [MessageType]::Warning) } }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Some error occurred while fetching previous job logs." , [MessageType]::Error) $choice = Read-Host -Prompt 'Do you want to remove AzSK Continuous Assurance from cluster without downloading previous logs "Y/N"' if($choice -ne "Y"){ return; } } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("You have choosen not to download previous logs." , [MessageType]::Warning) } $this.PublishCustomMessage("Removing AzSK Continuous Assurance from cluster..." , [MessageType]::Warning) $response = kubectl delete -f $deploymentFileUrl if($null -ne $response){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Successfully removed AzSK Continuous Assurance from cluster." , [MessageType]::Update) }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Some error occurred while removing AzSK Continuous Assurance from cluster." , [MessageType]::Error) } } } [Void] GetKubernetesContinuousAssurance() { $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nCheck 01: Presence of required configuration settings.",[MessageType]::Info) $configJson = kubectl get configmaps $this.configMapName --namespace $this.nameSpace -o json if($null -ne $configJson){ $configJson = $configJson| ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object data $configMaps = $ $presentConfig = $null if($null -eq $configMaps){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nConfiguration settings for your cluster are missing.",[MessageType]::Error) }else{ $presentConfig = @{ "AppInsightKey " = $configMaps.APP_INSIGHT_KEY "SubscriptionId " = $configMaps.SUBSCRIPTION_ID "ResourceName " = $configMaps.RESOURCE_NAME "ResourceGroupName" = $configMaps.RG_NAME } $this.PublishCustomMessage("Configuration settings for your cluster are as follows:") foreach($key in $presentConfig.keys) { Write-Host "$($key) : $($presentConfig.Item($key))" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } if($null -eq $configMaps -or $null -eq $configMaps.APP_INSIGHT_KEY){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nApplication Inight key is not present. Scan logs will not be sent to telelmetry.",[MessageType]::Warning) }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nScan logs will be sent to Application Insight: $($configMaps.APP_INSIGHT_KEY)",[MessageType]::Update) } if($null -eq $configMaps -or $null -eq $configMaps.LA_WS_ID -or $null -eq $configMaps.LA_WS_SHAREDKEY){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nLA Workspace details are not present. Scan logs will not be sent to LA workspace.",[MessageType]::Warning) }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nScan logs will be sent to LA workspace: $($configMaps.LA_WS_ID)",[MessageType]::Update) } }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to fetch Cluster's Configuration settings.",[MessageType]::Error) } $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nCheck 02: Validate runtime permissions to scan cluster.",[MessageType]::Info) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $true $svcAccountJson = kubectl get ServiceAccount $this.serviceAccountName --namespace $this.nameSpace -o json if($null -ne $svcAccountJson){ $svcAccountJson = $svcAccountJson | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object metadata $svcAccountUID = $svcAccountJson.metadata.uid if($null -eq $svcAccountUID){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Service account is not present.",[MessageType]::Error) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $false } }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to fetch Service account details.",[MessageType]::Error) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $false } $requiredApiGroups = "*" $requiredResources = @("pods","deployments","nodes","serviceaccounts","configmaps","clusterrolebindings") $requiredVerbs = @("get","watch","list") $clusterRoleJson = kubectl get ClusterRole $this.clusterRoleName --namespace $this.nameSpace -o json if($null -ne $clusterRoleJson){ $clusterRoleJson = $clusterRoleJson | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object rules $clusterRoleRules = $clusterRoleJson.rules if(Compare-Object $clusterRoleRules.resources $requiredResources){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Required resources permission is not correctly configured.",[MessageType]::Error) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $false } if(Compare-Object $clusterRoleRules.verbs $requiredVerbs){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Required verbs permission is not correctly configured.",[MessageType]::Error) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $false } if(Compare-Object $clusterRoleRules.apiGroups $requiredApiGroups){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Required api groups permission is not correctly configured.",[MessageType]::Error) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $false } }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to fetch Cluster role details.",[MessageType]::Error) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $false } $roleBindingJson = kubectl get ClusterRoleBinding $this.clusterRoleBindingName --namespace $this.nameSpace -o json if($null -ne $roleBindingJson){ $roleBindingJson = $roleBindingJson | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object roleRef, subjects $roleRef = $roleBindingJson.roleRef $subjects = $roleBindingJson.subjects if($roleRef.kind -ne "ClusterRole" -or $ -ne $this.clusterRoleName ){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Required Cluster role binding is not properly configured. ",[MessageType]::Error) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $false } if($subjects.kind -ne "ServiceAccount" -or $ -ne $this.serviceAccountName){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Required Cluster role binding is not properly configured. ",[MessageType]::Error) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $false } }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to fetch Cluster role details.",[MessageType]::Error) $isRuntimeAccountValid = $false } if($isRuntimeAccountValid){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Required runtime account for scanning cluster is properly configured.", [MessageType]::Update) }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Required runtime account for scanning cluster is not properly configured.",[MessageType]::Error) } $this.PublishCustomMessage("`ncheck 03: Check if latest image is used.",[MessageType]::Info) $controlSettings = $this.LoadServerConfigFile("ControlSettings.json"); $requiredImagePath = $controlSettings.InClusterCA.AKS.RequiredImagePath $reuiredImageTag = $controlSettings.InClusterCA.AKS.RequiredImageTag $requiredImage = $requiredImagePath + ":"+ $reuiredImageTag $cronJobJson = kubectl get CronJob $this.cronJobName --namespace $this.nameSpace -o json | ConvertFrom-Json if($null -ne $cronJobJson){ $jobContainer = $cronJobJson.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.spec.containers[0] # Get image if($jobContainer.image -ne $requiredImage) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Job is not running with latest image.",[MessageType]::Error) }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Job is running with latest image." , [MessageType]::Update) } }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("AzSK CA job is not present in cluster.",[MessageType]::Error) # return if job not found, because other check depends on CA job specification return } $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nCheck 04: Job scan interval.",[MessageType]::Info) # Get last job, schedule and logs retention $jobSpec = $cronJobJson.spec $jobSchedule = $jobSpec.schedule if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($jobSchedule)){ $startIndex = $jobSchedule.IndexOf("/") $lastIndex = $jobSchedule.IndexOf("*") $jobSchedule = $jobSchedule.Substring($startIndex+1, $lastIndex - $startIndex-1) }else{ $jobSchedule = "Not Found" } $this.PublishCustomMessage("Current scan interval for job is: $($jobSchedule)" , [MessageType]::Update) $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nCheck 05: Job's recent schdeule.",[MessageType]::Info) $lastScheduleTime = "NA" if([Helpers]::CheckMember($cronJobJson,"status.lastScheduleTime")){ $lastScheduleTime = $cronJobJson.status.lastScheduleTime } $this.PublishCustomMessage("Job's last scheduled time: $($lastScheduleTime)" , [MessageType]::Update) $this.PublishCustomMessage("`nCheck 06: Log retention.",[MessageType]::Info) $this.PublishCustomMessage("Log retention period: $($jobSpec.successfulJobsHistoryLimit)" , [MessageType]::Update) } [Void] UpdateKubernetesContinuousAssurance($AppInsightKey, $LAWorkspaceId, $LASharedSecret, $FixRuntimeAccount, $LogRetentionInDays, $ScanIntervalInHours, $ImageTag) { $updateConfigDetails = -not ( [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LAWorkspaceId) -and [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AppInsightKey) -and [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LASharedSecret)) if($updateConfigDetails){ $configJson = kubectl get configmaps $this.configMapName --namespace $this.nameSpace -o json if($null -ne $configJson){ $configJson = $configJson| ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object data $configMaps = $ if(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AppInsightKey)){ $newAppInsightKey = $AppInsightKey }elseif ($null -ne $configMaps -and $null -ne $configMaps.APP_INSIGHT_KEY) { $newAppInsightKey = $configMaps.APP_INSIGHT_KEY } else{ $newAppInsightKey = 'None' } if(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LAWorkspaceId)){ $newLAWSId = $LAWorkspaceId }elseif ($null -ne $configMaps -and $null -ne $configMaps.LA_WS_ID) { $newLAWSId = $configMaps.LA_WS_ID } else{ $newLAWSId = 'None' } if(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LASharedSecret)){ $newLAWSKey = $LAWorkspaceId }elseif ($null -ne $configMaps -and $null -ne $configMaps.LA_WS_SHAREDKEY) { $newLAWSKey = $configMaps.LA_WS_SHAREDKEY } else{ $newLAWSKey = 'None' } # Download deployment file from server and store it in temp location $deploymentFileUrl = $this.deploymentFileBaseUrl + $this.configMapFileName $InClusterCATempFolderPath = Join-Path $([Constants]::AzSKTempFolderPath) "InClusterCA"; if(-not (Test-Path -Path $InClusterCATempFolderPath -PathType Container)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $InClusterCATempFolderPath } $filePath = Join-Path $($InClusterCATempFolderPath) $this.configMapFileName Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $deploymentFileUrl -OutFile $filePath (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#AppInsightKey\#', $newAppInsightKey | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#RGName\#', $this.ResourceGroupName | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#ResourceName\#', $this.ResourceName | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#SubscriptionID\#', $this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#LAWSId\#', $newLAWSId | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#LAWSSharedKey\#', $newLAWSKey | Set-Content $filePath -Force # update ca config maps like App Insight key $this.PublishCustomMessage("Upadting App Insight Key...",[MessageType]::Warning) $response = kubectl apply -f $filePath if($null -ne $response){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Successfully updated App Insight Key.",[MessageType]::Update) }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Some error occurred while updating App Insight Key. See logs above for details.",[MessageType]::Error) } }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Some error occurred while updating App Insight Key/Log Analytics workspace details. See logs above for details.",[MessageType]::Error) } } if($FixRuntimeAccount -eq $true){ # Download deployment file from server and store it in temp location $deploymentFileUrl = $this.deploymentFileBaseUrl + $this.runtimeAccountFileName $InClusterCATempFolderPath = Join-Path $([Constants]::AzSKTempFolderPath) "InClusterCA"; if(-not (Test-Path -Path $InClusterCATempFolderPath -PathType Container)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $InClusterCATempFolderPath } $filePath = Join-Path $($InClusterCATempFolderPath) $this.runtimeAccountFileName Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $deploymentFileUrl -OutFile $filePath # update ca scan job runtime account $this.PublishCustomMessage("Upadting AzSK Continuous Assurance job runtime account...",[MessageType]::Warning) $response = kubectl apply -f $filePath if($null -ne $response){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Successfully Upadted AzSK Continuous Assurance job runtime account.",[MessageType]::Update) }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Some error occurred while updating AzSK Continuous Assurance job runtime account. See logs above for details.",[MessageType]::Error) } } if($LogRetentionInDays -gt 0 -or $ScanIntervalInHours -gt 0 -or -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ImageTag)){ # Upadte scan interval (if provided, deafult is 24) $Schedule = '"0 #h#/#i# * * *"' $jobHrs = ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().Hour + 1)%24 $Schedule = $Schedule -replace '\#h\#', $jobHrs # Update job history limit (if provided , deafult is 7) if($LogRetentionInDays -gt 0){ $JobHistoryLimit = $LogRetentionInDays }else{ $JobHistoryLimit = 7 } if($ScanIntervalInHours -gt 0){ $Schedule = $Schedule -replace '\#i\#', $ScanIntervalInHours }else{ $Schedule = $Schedule -replace '\#i\#', 24 } $controlSettings = $this.LoadServerConfigFile("ControlSettings.json"); $requiredImagePath = $controlSettings.InClusterCA.AKS.RequiredImagePath $reuiredImageTag = $controlSettings.InClusterCA.AKS.RequiredImageTag if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ImageTag)){ $ImagePath = $requiredImagePath + ":" + $reuiredImageTag }else{ $ImagePath = $requiredImagePath + ":" + $ImageTag } # Download deployment file from server and store it in temp location $deploymentFileUrl = $this.deploymentFileBaseUrl + $this.jobSpecificationsFileName $InClusterCATempFolderPath = Join-Path $([Constants]::AzSKTempFolderPath) "InClusterCA"; if(-not (Test-Path -Path $InClusterCATempFolderPath -PathType Container)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $InClusterCATempFolderPath } $filePath = Join-Path $($InClusterCATempFolderPath) $this.jobSpecificationsFileName Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $deploymentFileUrl -OutFile $filePath (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#Schedule\#', $Schedule | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#JobHistoryLimit\#', $JobHistoryLimit | Set-Content $filePath -Force (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\#ImagePath\#', $ImagePath | Set-Content $filePath -Force # update ca job configuration like scan interval, job history limit etc. $this.PublishCustomMessage("Upadting AzSK Continuous Assurance job configuration...",[MessageType]::Warning) $response = kubectl apply -f $filePath if($null -ne $response){ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Successfully Upadted AzSK Continuous Assurance job configuration.",[MessageType]::Update) }else{ $this.PublishCustomMessage("Some error occurred while updating AzSK Continuous Assurance job configuration. See logs above for details.",[MessageType]::Error) } } } } |