#Acquire Access token class PIM: AzCommandBase { hidden $APIroot = [string]::Empty hidden $headerParams = ""; hidden $UserId = ""; hidden $AccessToken = ""; hidden $AccountId = "" ; hidden $abortflow = 0; PIM([string] $subscriptionId, [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) : Base([string] $subscriptionId, [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) { $this.DoNotOpenOutputFolder = $true; $this.AccessToken = ""; $this.AccountId = ""; $this.APIroot = ""; } #Acquire Access token AcquireToken() { # Using helper method to get current context and access token $ResourceAppIdURI = [WebRequestHelper]::GetServiceManagementUrl() [ContextHelper]::ResetCurrentRMContext $this.AccessToken = [ContextHelper]::GetAccessToken($ResourceAppIdURI); $this.headerParams = @{'Authorization' = "Bearer $($this.AccessToken)" } $this.AccountId = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentSessionUser() $ADUserDetails = Get-AzADUser -UserPrincipalName $this.AccountId if($null -ne $ADUserDetails) { $this.UserId = ($ADUserDetails).Id } } #Gets the jit assignments for logged-in user hidden [PSObject] MyJitAssignments() { $this.AcquireToken(); if( -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.UserId)) { $urlme = $this.APIroot + "/roleAssignments?`$expand=linkedEligibleRoleAssignment,subject,roleDefinition(`$expand=resource)&`$filter=(subject/id%20eq%20%27$($this.UserId)%27)" $assignments = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest('Get', $urlme, $this.headerParams, $null, [string]::Empty, $false, $false ) $assignments = $assignments | Where-Object {$_.IsPermanent -eq $false} $assignments = $assignments | Sort-Object roleDefinition.resource.type , roleDefinition.resource.displayName $obj = @() if (($assignments | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $i = 0 foreach ($assignment in $assignments) { $item = New-Object psobject -Property @{ Id = ++$i IdGuid = $ ResourceId = $ OriginalId = $assignment.roleDefinition.resource.externalId ResourceName = $assignment.roleDefinition.resource.displayName ResourceType = $assignment.roleDefinition.resource.type RoleId = $ RoleName = $assignment.roleDefinition.displayName ExpirationDate = $assignment.endDateTime SubjectId = $ AssignmentState = $assignment.assignmentState } $obj = $obj + $item } } return $obj } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to retrieve details for the current context.",[MessageType]::Error) return $null } } # This function resolves the resource that matches to parameters passed in command hidden [PIMResource[]] PIMResourceResolver($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $IsActivationRequest) { $this.AcquireToken(); $rtype = 'subscription' $selectedResourceName = $SubscriptionId.Trim() if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resourcegroupName))) { $selectedResourceName = $resourcegroupName; $rtype = 'resourcegroup' } if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resourceName))) { $selectedResourceName = $resourceName; $rtype = 'resource' } $item = New-Object psobject -Property @{ ResourceType = $rtype ResourceName = $selectedResourceName } $resolvedResource = [PIMResource]::new() if($IsActivationRequest) { $resolvedResources = ($this.MyJitAssignments() | Where-Object {$_.OriginalId -match $SubscriptionId}) $PIMResources = @(); if(($resolvedResources | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 ) { if( $item.ResourceType -eq 'subscription') { $resolvedResources = $resolvedResources | Where-Object{$_.OriginalId -eq ("/subscriptions/$($SubscriptionId)") } } if( $item.ResourceType -eq 'resourcegroup') { $resolvedResources = $resolvedResources | Where-Object{$_.OriginalId -match $ResourceGroupName } } if( $item.ResourceType -eq 'resource'){ $resolvedResources = $resolvedResources | Where-Object{$_.ResourceName -eq $ResourceName } } if(($resolvedResources|Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $resObj = [PIMResource]::new() foreach($res in $resolvedResources) { $resObj.ExternalId = $res.OriginalId $resObj.ResourceName = $res.ResourceName $resObj.ResourceId = $res.ResourceId $PIMResources += $resObj } } } return $PIMResources; } else { $resources = $this.ListResources($SubscriptionId, $item.ResourceType, $item.ResourceName); if($item.ResourceType -eq 'resource') { $resolvedResource = $resources | Where-Object { $_.ResourceName -eq $item.ResourceName} #If context has access over resourcegroups or resources with same name, get a match based on Subscription and rg passed in param if (($resolvedResource | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1) { $resolvedResource = $resolvedResource | Where-Object { $_.ExternalId -match $SubscriptionId } if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResourceGroupName)) -and ($resolvedResource | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $resolvedResource = $resolvedResource | Where-Object { $_.ExternalId -match $ResourceGroupName } } } } else { if($item.ResourceType -eq 'subscription') { $resolvedResource.ExternalId = "/subscriptions/$($item.ResourceName)" } elseif($item.ResourceType -eq 'resourcegroup') { $resolvedResource.ExternalId = "/subscriptions/$($SubscriptionId.Trim())/resourceGroups/$($item.ResourceName)" } if($null -ne $resources) { $temp = $resources | Where-Object { $_.ExternalId -eq $resolvedResource.ExternalId} if(($temp| Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $resolvedResource = $temp } } } return $resolvedResource } } #List all the resources accessible to context. hidden [System.Collections.Generic.List[PIMResource]] ListResources($subscriptionId, $type, $resourceName) { $this.AcquireToken(); $resources = $null $resourceUrl = $null Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId | Out-Null # This seperation is required due to nature of API, it operates in paging/batching manner when we query for all types # Note: At present, we do not provide PIM operation management for management group. However, if needed in the future, it can be added in the else statement. >> $filter=(type%20eq%20%27managementgroup%27) if($type -eq 'subscription') { # Fetch PIM details of the all subscriptions user has access to $resourceUrl = $this.APIroot + "/resources?`$filter=(type%20eq%20%27subscription%27)&`$orderby=type" } elseif($type -eq 'resourcegroup') { # Fetch PIM details of the specified resource group $resourceUrl = $this.APIroot + "/resources?`$filter=(type%20eq%20%27resourcegroup%27)%20and%20contains(tolower(displayName),%20%27{0}%27)&`$orderby=type" -f $resourceName.ToLower() } elseif($type -eq 'resource') { # Fetch PIM details of the specified resource $resourceUrl = $this.APIroot + "/resources?`$filter=(type%20ne%20%27resourcegroup%27%20and%20type%20ne%20%27subscription%27%20and%20type%20ne%20%27managementgroup%27)%20and%20contains(tolower(displayName),%20%27{0}%27)" -f $resourceName.ToLower() } $response = $null try { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Headers $this.headerParams -Uri $resourceUrl -Method Get $values = ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content $resources = $values.value $hasOdata = $values | Get-Member -Name '@odata.nextLink' while ($null -ne $hasOdata -and -not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty(($values).'@odata.nextLink'))) { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Headers $this.headerParams -Uri $(($values).'@odata.nextLink') -Method Get $values = ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content $resources += $values.value $hasOdata = $values | Get-Member -Name '@odata.nextLink' } } catch { if([Helpers]::CheckMember($_,"ErrorDetails.Message")) { $this.PublishCustomMessage($_.ErrorDetails.Message,[MessageType]::Error) } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage($_.Exception, [MessageType]::Error) } return $null; } $i = 0 $obj = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[PIMResource]" foreach ($resource in $resources) { $item = New-Object PIMResource $item.Id = ++$i $item.ResourceId = $ $item.ResourceName = $resource.DisplayName $item.Type = $resource.type $item.ExternalId = $resource.externalId $obj.Add($item); } return $obj } #List roles from PIM API hidden [PSObject] ListRoles($resourceId) { $this.AcquireToken(); $url = $this.APIroot + "/resources/" + $resourceId + "/roleDefinitions?`$select=id,displayName,type,templateId,resourceId,externalId,subjectCount,eligibleAssignmentCount,activeAssignmentCount&`$orderby=activeAssignmentCount%20desc" $roles = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest("Get", $url, $this.headerParams, $null, [string]::Empty, $false, $false ) $i = 0 $obj = @() foreach ($role in $roles) { $item = New-Object psobject -Property @{ Id = ++$i RoleDefinitionId = $ RoleName = $role.DisplayName SubjectCount = $role.SubjectCount } $obj = $obj + $item } return $obj } #List Assignment for a particular resource hidden [PSObject] ListAssignmentsWithFilter($resourceId, $IsPermanent) { $this.AcquireToken() $url = $this.APIroot + "/resources/" + $resourceId + "`/roleAssignments?`$expand=subject,roleDefinition(`$expand=resource)" #Write-Host $url $roleAssignments = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest('Get', $url, $this.headerParams, $null, [string]::Empty, $false, $false ) $i = 0 $obj = @() $assignments = @(); foreach ($roleAssignment in $roleAssignments) { $item = New-Object psobject -Property @{ Id = ++$i RoleAssignmentId = $ ResourceId = $ OriginalId = $roleAssignment.roleDefinition.resource.externalId ResourceName = $roleAssignment.roleDefinition.resource.displayName ResourceType = $roleAssignment.roleDefinition.resource.type RoleId = $ IsPermanent = $roleAssignment.IsPermanent RoleName = $roleAssignment.roleDefinition.displayName ExpirationDate = $roleAssignment.endDateTime SubjectId = $ SubjectType = $roleAssignment.subject.type UserName = $roleAssignment.subject.displayName AssignmentState = $roleAssignment.AssignmentState MemberType = $roleAssignment.memberType PrincipalName = $roleAssignment.subject.principalName } $obj = $obj + $item } if (($obj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { if ($IsPermanent) { $assignments = $obj | Where-Object { $_.IsPermanent -eq $true } } else { $assignments = $obj | Where-Object { $_.IsPermanent -eq $false } } } return $assignments } #List Permanent or PIM assignment for a resource hidden ListAssignment($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $RoleNames, $CheckPermanent) { $this.AcquireToken(); $criticalRoles = @(); $criticalRoles += $this.ConvertToStringArray($RoleNames) $resources = $this.PIMResourceResolver($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName,$false) if (($resources | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resources.ResourceId))) { $roleAssignments = $this.ListAssignmentsWithFilter($resources.ResourceId, $CheckPermanent) if(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RoleNames)) { $roleAssignments = $roleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.RoleName -in $criticalRoles -and $_.MemberType -ne 'Inherited' -and ($_.SubjectType -eq 'User' -or $_.SubjectType -eq 'Group') } } else { $roleAssignments = $roleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -ne 'Inherited' -and ($_.SubjectType -eq 'User' -or $_.SubjectType -eq 'Group') } } if (($roleAssignments | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $roleAssignments = $roleAssignments | Sort-Object -Property RoleName, Name, AssignmentState $this.PublishCustomMessage("") $this.PublishCustomMessage("Note: The assignments listed below do not include 'inherited' assignments for the scope.", [MessageType]::Warning) $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Default) $this.PublishCustomMessage($($roleAssignments | Format-Table -Property @{Label = "Role"; Expression = { $_.RoleName } }, PrincipalName, AssignmentState, @{Label = "Type"; Expression = { $_.SubjectType } } | Out-String), [MessageType]::Default) } else { if ($CheckPermanent) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No permanent assignments found for this combination.", [MessageType]::Warning); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No PIM eligible assignments found for this combination.", [MessageType]::Warning); } } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to query requested resource for the current logged in context.", [MessageType]::Warning ) } } #Activates the user assignment for a role hidden Activate($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $roleName, $Justification, $Duration) { $this.AcquireToken(); $assignments = $this.MyJitAssignments() $resource = $this.PIMResourceResolver($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $true) if(($resource | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resource.ExternalId))) { if (($assignments | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 ) { $matchingAssignment = $assignments | Where-Object { $_.OriginalId -in $resource.ExternalId -and $_.RoleName -eq $roleName } if (($matchingAssignment | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Requesting activation of your [$($matchingAssignment.RoleName)] role on [$($matchingAssignment.ResourceName)]... ", [MessageType]::Info); $resourceId = $matchingAssignment.ResourceId $roleDefinitionId = $matchingAssignment.RoleId $subjectId = $matchingAssignment.SubjectId $RoleActivationurl = $this.APIroot + "/roleAssignmentRequests " $postParams = '{"roleDefinitionId":"' + $roleDefinitionId + '","resourceId":"' + $resourceId + '","subjectId":"' + $subjectId + '","assignmentState":"Active","type":"UserAdd","reason":"' + $Justification + '","schedule":{"type":"Once","startDateTime":"' + (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") + '","duration":"PT' + $Duration + 'H"},"linkedEligibleRoleAssignmentId":"' + $matchingAssignment.IdGuid + '"}' $response = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest('Post', $RoleActivationurl, $this.headerParams, $postParams, "application/json", $false, $true ) if ($response.StatusCode -eq 201) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Activation queued successfully. The role(s) should get activated in a few minutes.", [MessageType]::Update); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No matching eligible role found for the current context", [MessageType]::Warning) } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No eligible role found for the current context", [MessageType]::Warning) } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No matching eligible assignment found for the current context", [MessageType]::Warning) } } #Deactivates the activated assignment for user hidden Deactivate($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $roleName) { $this.AcquireToken(); $assignments = $this.MyJitAssignments() if(($assignments| Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $assignments = $assignments|Where-Object { -not [string]::IsNullorEmpty($_.ExpirationDate) } $resource = $this.PIMResourceResolver($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName,$false) if (($assignments | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resource.ExternalId))) { $matchingAssignment = $assignments | Where-Object { $_.OriginalId -eq $resource.ExternalId -and $_.RoleName -eq $roleName } if (($matchingAssignment | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Requesting deactivation of your [$($matchingAssignment.RoleName)] role on [$($matchingAssignment.ResourceName)]... ", [MessageType]::Info); $id = $matchingAssignment.IdGuid $resourceId = $matchingAssignment.ResourceId $roleDefinitionId = $matchingAssignment.RoleId $subjectId = $matchingAssignment.SubjectId $deactivationurl = $this.APIroot + "/roleAssignmentRequests " $postParams = '{"roleDefinitionId":"' + $roleDefinitionId + '","resourceId":"' + $resourceId + '","subjectId":"' + $subjectId + '","assignmentState":"Active","type":"UserRemove","linkedEligibleRoleAssignmentId":"' + $id + '"}' $response = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest('Post', $deactivationurl, $this.headerParams, $postParams, "application/json", $false, $true ) if ($response.StatusCode -eq '201') { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Deactivation queued successfully. The role(s) should get deactivated in a few minutes.", [MessageType]::Update); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No active assignments found for the current context.", [MessageType]::Warning); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No active assignments found for the current context.", [MessageType]::Warning); } } } #Assign a user to Eligible Role hidden AssignPIMRole($subscriptionId, $resourcegroupName, $resourceName, $roleName, $PrincipalName, $duration) { $this.AcquireToken(); $resolvedResources = $this.PIMResourceResolver($subscriptionId, $resourcegroupName, $resourceName,$false) if (($resolvedResources | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resolvedResources.ResourceId))) { # if there is same resource name inside and rg for multiple resources, we follow the AzSK standard approach to assign role on both resources foreach($resolvedResource in $resolvedResources) { $resourceId = $resolvedResource.ResourceId $roleDefinitionId ="" $roles = $this.ListRoles($resourceId) try { $roleDefinitionId = ($roles | Where-Object { $_.RoleName -eq $RoleName }).RoleDefinitionId } catch { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to find matching role. Please verify the role name provided is correct.",[MessageType]::Error) return; } $users = $null $subjectId = ""; try { $users = Get-AzADUser -UserPrincipalName $PrincipalName if($null -eq $users ) { $users = Get-AzADGroup -DisplayName $PrincipalName } } catch { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to fetch details of the principal name provided.", [MessageType]::Warning) return; } if (($users | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $subjectId = $users.Id } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Unable to fetch details of the principal name provided.", [MessageType]::Error) return; } $url = $this.APIroot + "/roleAssignmentRequests" $ts = New-TimeSpan -Days $duration $postParams = '{"assignmentState":"Eligible","type":"AdminAdd","reason":"Assign","roleDefinitionId":"' + $roleDefinitionId + '","resourceId":"' + $resourceId + '","subjectId":"' + $subjectId + '","schedule":{"startDateTime":"' + (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") + '","endDateTime":"' + ((get-date) + $ts).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") + '","type":"Once"}}' $response = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest('Post', $url, $this.headerParams, $postParams, "application/json", $false, $true ) if ($response.StatusCode -eq 201) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Assignment request for [$PrincipalName] for the [$RoleName] role on [$($resolvedResource.ResourceName)] queued successfully.", [MessageType]::Update); } elseif ($response.StatusCode -eq 401) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("You are not eligible to assign a role. If you have recently elevated/activated your permissions, please run Connect-AzAccount and re-run the script.", [MessageType]::Error); } } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage( "Unable to find resource on which assignment was requested. Either the resource does not exist or you may not have permissions for assigning a role on it", [MessageType]::Warning) } } hidden ListMyEligibleRoles() { $assignments = $this.MyJitAssignments() if (($assignments | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Your eligible role assignments:", [MessageType]::Default) $this.PublishCustomMessage(""); $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Default) $this.PublishCustomMessage(($assignments | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap @{Label = "ResourceId"; Expression = { $_.OriginalId }}, ResourceName, RoleName, ResourceType, AssignmentState, ExpirationDate | Out-String), [MessageType]::Default) $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Default) $this.PublishCustomMessage(""); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No eligible roles found for the current login.", [MessageType]::Warning); } } # Below method is intended to assign equivalent PIM eligible roles for permanent assignments for a given role on a particular resource hidden AssignPIMforPermanentAssignemnts($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $RoleNames, $DurationInDays, $Force) { $resolvedResource = $this.PIMResourceResolver($subscriptionId, $resourcegroupName, $resourceName,$false) if (($resolvedResource | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resolvedResource.ResourceId))) { $resourceId = $resolvedResource.ResourceId $roles = $this.ListRoles($resourceId) $roles = ($roles | Where-Object { $_.RoleName -in $($RoleNames.split(",").Trim()) }) $CriticalRoles = $roles.RoleName $this.PublishCustomMessage("Fetching permanent assignment for [$(($criticalRoles) -join ", ")] role on $($resolvedResource.Type) [$($resolvedResource.ResourceName)]...",[MessageType]::Info) $permanentRoles = $this.ListAssignmentsWithFilter($resourceId, $true) if (($permanentRoles | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $permanentRolesForTransition = $permanentRoles | Where-Object { ($_.SubjectType -eq 'User' -or $_.SubjectType -eq 'Group' )-and $_.MemberType -ne 'Inherited' -and $_.RoleName -in $CriticalRoles } if (($permanentRolesForTransition | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $ToContinue = '' if(!$Force) { $this.PublishCustomMessage($($permanentRolesForTransition | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap PrincipalName, ResourceName, SubjectType, ResourceType, RoleName | Out-String), [MessageType]::Default) $this.PublishCustomMessage(""); Write-Host "The above role assignments will be moved from 'permanent' to 'PIM'. `nPlease confirm (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline $ToContinue = Read-Host } if ($ToContinue -eq 'y' -or $Force) { $Assignmenturl = $this.APIroot + "/roleAssignmentRequests" $roles = $this.ListRoles($resourceId) $ts = $DurationInDays; $totalPermanentAssignments = ($permanentRolesForTransition | Measure-Object).Count $this.PublishCustomMessage("Initiating PIM assignment for [$totalPermanentAssignments] permanent assignments..."); #TODO: Check the color $i = 1 $permanentRolesForTransition | ForEach-Object { $roleName = $_.RoleName $roleDefinitionId = ($roles | Where-Object { $_.RoleName -eq $roleName }).RoleDefinitionId $subjectId = $_.SubjectId $PrincipalName = $_.PrincipalName $postParams = '{"assignmentState":"Eligible","type":"AdminAdd","reason":"Assign","roleDefinitionId":"' + $roleDefinitionId + '","resourceId":"' + $resourceId + '","subjectId":"' + $subjectId + '","schedule":{"startDateTime":"' + (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") + '","endDateTime":"' + ((get-date).AddDays($ts).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")) + '","type":"Once"}}' $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::SingleDashLine) try{ $response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Headers $this.headerParams -Uri $Assignmenturl -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $postParams if ($response.StatusCode -eq 201) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("[$i`/$totalPermanentAssignments] Successfully requested PIM assignment for [$PrincipalName]", [MessageType]::Update); } $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::SingleDashLine) } catch { $err = $_ | ConvertFrom-Json if ($err.error.code -eq "RoleAssignmentExists") { $this.PublishCustomMessage("[$i`/$totalPermanentAssignments] PIM Assignment for [$PrincipalName] already exists.", [MessageType]::Warning) } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("[$i`/$totalPermanentAssignments] $($err.error.message)", [MessageType]::Error) } } $i++; }#foreach } else { return; } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No permanent assignments eligible for PIM assignment found.", [MessageType]::Warning); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No permanent assignments found for this resource.", [MessageType]::Warning); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No matching resource found for the current context.", [MessageType]::Warning) } } # Remove permanent assignments for a particular role on a given resource hidden RemovePermanentAssignments($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $RoleNames, $RemoveAssignmentFor, $Force) { $this.AcquireToken(); $resolvedResource = $this.PIMResourceResolver($subscriptionId, $resourcegroupName, $resourceName,$false) if(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($resolvedResource.ResourceId)) { $resourceId = ($resolvedResource).ResourceId $users = @(); $CriticalRoles = $RoleNames.split(",").Trim() $this.PublishCustomMessage("Note: This command will *not* remove your permanent assignment if one exists.", [MessageType]::Warning) $this.PublishCustomMessage("Fetching permanent assignment for [$(($criticalRoles) -join ", ")] role on $($resolvedResource.Type) [$($resolvedResource.ResourceName)]...", [MessageType]::Info) $permanentRoles = $this.ListAssignmentsWithFilter($resourceId, $true) $eligibleAssignments = $this.ListAssignmentsWithFilter($resourceId, $false) $eligibleAssignments = $eligibleAssignments | Where-Object { ($_.SubjectType -eq 'User' -or $_.SubjectType -eq 'Group') -and $_.MemberType -ne 'Inherited' -and $_.RoleName -in $CriticalRoles } if (($permanentRoles | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $permanentRolesForTransition = $permanentRoles | Where-Object {($_.SubjectType -eq 'User' -or $_.SubjectType -eq 'Group') -and $_.MemberType -ne 'Inherited' -and $_.RoleName -in $CriticalRoles } $successfullyassignedRoles = @(); $currentContext = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentRmContext(); $permanentRolesForTransition = $permanentRolesForTransition | Where-Object { $_.PrincipalName -ne $currentContext.Account.Id } if ($RemoveAssignmentFor -ne "AllExceptMe") { $eligibleAssignments | ForEach-Object { $allUser = $_; $permanentRolesForTransition | ForEach-Object { if ($_.SubjectId -eq $allUser.SubjectId -and $_.RoleName -eq $allUser.RoleName) { $successfullyassignedRoles += $_ } } } $users = $successfullyassignedRoles } else { $users = $permanentRolesForTransition } } if (($users | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $userResp = '' $totalRemovableAssignments = ($users | Measure-Object).Count if(!$Force) { $this.PublishCustomMessage($($users | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap -Property PrincipalName, RoleName, OriginalId | Out-String), [MessageType]::Default) Write-Host "The above listed role assignments will be removed. `nPlease confirm (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline $userResp = Read-Host } if ($userResp -eq 'y' -or $Force) { $i = 0 $this.PublishCustomMessage("Initiating removal of [$totalRemovableAssignments] permanent assignments...") foreach ($user in $users) { $i++; $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::SingleDashLine); Remove-AzRoleAssignment -SignInName $user.PrincipalName -RoleDefinitionName $user.RoleName -Scope $user.OriginalId $this.PublishCustomMessage("[$i`/$totalRemovableAssignments]Successfully removed permanent assignment", [MessageType]::Update ) $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::SingleDashLine); } } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No permanent assignments found for the scope.", [MessageType]::Warning) } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No matching resource found for the current context.", [MessageType]::Warning) } } # Get the assignments that are expiring in n days hidden [PSObject] ListSoonToExpireAssignments($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $RoleNames, $ExpiringInDays) { $this.AcquireToken(); $criticalRoles = @(); $soonToExpireAssignments = @(); $criticalRoles += $this.ConvertToStringArray($RoleNames) $resources = $this.PIMResourceResolver($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $false) if(($resources | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resources.ResourceId))) { $roleAssignments = $this.ListAssignmentsWithFilter($resources.ResourceId, $false) $roleAssignments = $roleAssignments | Where-Object{$_.SubjectType -eq 'User' -or $_.SubjectType -eq 'Group' -and $_.memberType -ne 'Inherited'} if(($roleAssignments | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { [int]$soonToExpireWindow = $ExpiringInDays; $soonToExpireAssignments += $roleAssignments | Where-Object {([DateTime]::UTCNow).AddDays($soonToExpireWindow) -gt $_.ExpirationDate -and $_.RoleName -in $criticalRoles -and $_.AssignmentState -eq 'Eligible'} if(($soonToExpireAssignments| Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage($($soonToExpireAssignments | Format-Table -Wrap 'SubjectId', 'PrincipalName', 'SubjectType', 'ExpirationDate'| Out-String), [MessageType]::Default) } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No assignment found for `"$($criticalRoles -join ", ")`" role expiring in $ExpiringInDays days. ",[MessageType]::Error) } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No eligible assignments found for the provided scope and role. ",[MessageType]::Error) } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage( "Unable to find resource on which assignment was requested. Either the resource does not exist or you may not have permissions for assigning a role on it", [MessageType]::Warning) } return $soonToExpireAssignments } # Extend assignments for roles by n days from expiration date hidden [void] ExtendSoonToExpireAssignments($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $RoleNames, $ExpiringInDays, $DurationInDays, $force) { $soonToExpireAssignments = $this.ListSoonToExpireAssignments($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $RoleNames, $ExpiringInDays); $AssignmentCount = ($soonToExpireAssignments | Measure-Object).Count if($AssignmentCount -gt 0) { $ts =$DurationInDays $url = $this.APIroot +"/roleAssignmentRequests " # get maximum number of days an assigment $urlrole = $this.APIroot+"/roleSettings?`$expand=resource,roleDefinition(`$expand=resource)&`$filter=(resource/id+eq+%27$($soonToExpireAssignments[0].ResourceId)%27)+and+(roleDefinition/id+eq+%27$($soonToExpireAssignments[0].RoleId)%27)" $rolesettings = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest("Get", $urlrole, $this.headerParams, $null, [string]::Empty, $false, $false ) $maxAllowedDays = ((($($rolesettings.adminEligibleSettings| Where-Object{$_.RuleIdentifier -eq 'ExpirationRule'}).setting| ConvertFrom-Json).maximumGrantPeriodInMinutes)/60)/24 # If force switch is used extend to expire without any prompt $this.PublishCustomMessage(""); $this.PublishCustomMessage("Initiating assignment extension for [$AssignmentCount] PIM assignments..."); #TODO: Check the color $UserResponse = 'N' [int] $i =1 $soonToExpireAssignments | ForEach-Object{ if(-not $force) { $this.PublishCustomMessage(""); $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Default) Write-Host "[$i/$AssignmentCount] Do you want to extend assignment for [$($_.PrincipalName)]? `nPlease confirm (Y/N): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline #TODO: Check the color $UserResponse = Read-Host } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("[$i/$AssignmentCount] Requesting assignment extension for [$($_.PrincipalName)] by $DurationInDays days",[MessageType]::Default) } if($force -or ($UserResponse -eq 'Y')) { [DateTime]$startDate = $_.ExpirationDate $extendedDate = (($startDate).AddDays($ts).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")) if($extendedDate -gt ((get-date).AddDays($maxAllowedDays).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ"))) { $extendedDate = ((get-date).AddDays($maxAllowedDays).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")) } $postParams = '{"roleDefinitionId":"'+ $_.RoleId+'","resourceId":"'+$_.ResourceId+'","subjectId":"'+ $_.SubjectId+'","assignmentState":"Eligible","type":"AdminExtend","reason":"Admin Extend by '+$this.AccountId+'","schedule":{"type":"Once","startDateTime":"'+ ((get-date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ"))+'","endDateTime":"'+($extendedDate)+'"}}' $response = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest('Post', $url, $this.headerParams, $postParams, "application/json", $false, $true ) if ($response.StatusCode -eq 201) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("[$i/$AssignmentCount] Assignment extension request for [$($_.PrincipalName)] for the [$($_.RoleName)] role queued successfully.", [MessageType]::Update); } elseif ($response.StatusCode -eq 401) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("You are not eligible to extend a role. If you have recently elevated/activated your permissions, please run Connect-AzAccount and re-run the script.", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage($response, [MessageType]::Error); } } ++$i; } }# in case no assignments it would error while fetching } # configure PIM role settings for a particular role on a resource hidden [void] ConfigureRoleSettings($SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $ResourceName, $RoleName, $ExpireEligibleAssignmentsAfter, $RequireJustificationOnActivation, $MaximumActivationDuration, $RequireMFAOnActivation) { # 1) get PIM resource id for the resource provided $resolvedResource = $this.PIMResourceResolver($subscriptionId, $resourcegroupName, $resourceName, $false) # 2) get PIM identifier for the particular role on resource identified in 1 if (($resolvedResource | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($resolvedResource.ResourceId))) { $roleforResource = @($this.ListRoles($resolvedResource.ResourceId)) | Where-Object {$_.RoleName -eq $RoleName} # 3) Get json object for role setting if(($roleforResource|Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $url = $this.APIroot+"/roleSettings?`$expand=resource,roleDefinition(`$expand=resource)&`$filter=(resource/id+eq+%27$($resolvedResource.ResourceId)%27)+and+(roleDefinition/id+eq+%27$($roleforResource.RoleDefinitionId)%27)" $rolesettings = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest("Get", $url, $this.headerParams, $null, [string]::Empty, $false, $false ) $updatedroleSetting = $rolesettings # 4) Modify the role settings obtained above by the parameters passed in cmdlet $isPermanentAdminEligible = ($($updatedroleSetting.adminEligibleSettings | Where-Object{$_.RuleIdentifier -eq 'ExpirationRule'}).setting | ConvertFrom-Json).permanentAssignment $isPermanentuserMember = ($($updatedroleSetting.userMemberSettings| Where-Object{$_.RuleIdentifier -eq 'ExpirationRule'}).setting| ConvertFrom-Json).permanentAssignment if($MaximumActivationDuration -eq -1) { $MaximumActivationDuration =($($updatedroleSetting.userMemberSettings | Where-Object{$_.RuleIdentifier -eq 'ExpirationRule'}).setting | ConvertFrom-Json).maximumGrantPeriodInMinutes } if($ExpireEligibleAssignmentsAfter -eq -1) { $ExpireEligibleAssignmentsAfter = ($($updatedroleSetting.adminEligibleSettings | Where-Object{$_.RuleIdentifier -eq 'ExpirationRule'}).setting | ConvertFrom-Json).maximumGrantPeriodInMinutes } $roleSettingId = $ # 5) Create json body for patch request $body = '{"adminEligibleSettings":[{"ruleIdentifier":"ExpirationRule","setting":"{\"permanentAssignment\":'+$isPermanentAdminEligible+',\"maximumGrantPeriodInMinutes\":'+$ExpireEligibleAssignmentsAfter*24*60+'}"}],"userMemberSettings":[{"ruleIdentifier":"ExpirationRule","setting":"{\"permanentAssignment\":'+$isPermanentuserMember+',\"maximumGrantPeriodInMinutes\":'+$MaximumActivationDuration*60+'}"},{"ruleIdentifier":"MfaRule","setting":"{\"mfaRequired\":'+$RequireMFAOnActivation+'}"},{"ruleIdentifier":"JustificationRule","setting":"{\"required\":'+$RequireJustificationOnActivation+'}"}]}' $body = $body -replace "True" ,"true" # the api does not accept "True" so need to lower the casing $body = $body -replace "False", "false" $updateUrl = $this.APIroot+"/roleSettings/$roleSettingId" $result = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeWebRequest('PATCH', $updateUrl, $this.headerParams, $body, "application/json", $false, $true ) if($result.StatusCode -eq 204) { $this.PublishCustomMessage( "Updation request for [$rolename] role setting queued successfully. ", [MessageType]::Update) } elseif ($result.StatusCode -eq 401) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("You are not eligible to configure role settings. If you have recently elevated/activated your permissions, please run Connect-AzAccount and re-run the script.", [MessageType]::Error); } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage($result, [MessageType]::Error); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage( "Unable to find role on which configuration was requested. Either the role does not exist or you may not have sufficient permissions.", [MessageType]::Warning) } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage( "Unable to find resource on which role configuration was requested. Either the resource does not exist or you may not have permissions for configuring role settings on it", [MessageType]::Warning) } } } class PIMResource { [int] $Id [string] $ResourceId #Id refered by PIM API to uniquely identify a resource [string] $ResourceName [string] $Type [string] $ExternalId #ARM resourceId } |