# version: 0.2.6 Param( [string] $OnlinePolicyStoreUrl = "#PolicyUrl#" , [string] $RepoUrl = "", [string] $RepoName = "PSGallery", [string] $DocumentationUrl = "", [string] $ControlDetailsUrl = "", [string] $FAQUrl = "", [string] $SupportUrl = "", [string] $AutoUpdateCommand = "#AutoUpdateCommand#", [string] $AzureEnvironment = "#AzureEnv#", [string] $AzSKConfigURL = "#AzSKConfigURL#", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [switch] $UpdateToLatestVersion ) [string] $OldModuleName = "#OldModuleName#" [string] $OldAzSDKConfigURL = "" [string] $ModuleName = "#ModuleName#" [string] $OrgName = "#OrgName#" [string] $SupportEmail = "" [string] $PrerequsitePassed = "Prerequisite Passed"; [string] $PrerequsiteFailed = "Prerequisite Failed"; [string] $Version; function WritePrerequsiteMessage([String] $Status, [string] $Message){ switch ($Status) { Passed { Write-Host "$($PrerequsitePassed): $Message" -ForegroundColor Green } Failed { Write-Host "$($PrerequsiteFailed): $Message" -ForegroundColor Red } Default { } } } function CheckPSVersion { $prerequsite = "PowerShell version needs to be 5.0 or above." if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5){ WritePrerequsiteMessage Failed "$prerequsite Please update PowerShell version to 5.0. For more details contact us at $SupportEmail" break } WritePrerequsiteMessage Passed $prerequsite } function CheckNugetPackageProvider { $minimumRequiredVersion = "" $prerequsite = "PowerShell Nuget PackageProvider version needs to be $minimumRequiredVersion or above." $nugetProvider = Get-PackageProvider -Name "Nuget" -ForceBootstrap -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($null -eq $nugetProvider -or $nugetProvider.Version -lt $minimumRequiredVersion){ WritePrerequsiteMessage Failed $prerequsite try { Write-Host "Installing Nuget PackageProvider..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Install-PackageProvider "NuGet" -MinimumVersion $minimumRequiredVersion -Force -Scope CurrentUser -ErrorAction Stop WritePrerequsiteMessage Passed $prerequsite } catch { Write-Host "Failed to install Nuget PackageProvider. Error:" $_ -ForegroundColor Red break } }else{ WritePrerequsiteMessage Passed $prerequsite } } function BootstrapRepo { $repository = Get-PSRepository -Name $RepoName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Remove old repository names and server url different repo name if($repository) { Write-Host "Found $ModuleName old repository. `nUnregistering $ModuleName old repository..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Unregister-PSRepository -Name $RepoName Write-Host "Completed $ModuleName old repository unregistration." -ForegroundColor Green } } function CheckIfMultipleModulesLoaded { #check if old module is loaded in same session $oldModule = Get-Module|Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$OldModuleName*"} | Select-Object -First 1 if($oldModule) { $warningMsg = "Found older module ($OldModuleName) loaded in the PS session.`r`n"+ "Stopping installation." $recommendationMsg = "Recommendation: Please start a fresh PS session and try again to avoid getting into this situation." Write-Host $warningMsg -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $recommendationMsg -ForegroundColor Yellow #stop execution break } } function BootstrapSetup ($moduleName, $versionConfigUrl) { Write-Host "Checking if a previous version of $moduleName is present on your machine..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $setupModule = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ListAvailable $setupLatestModule = (Find-Module -Name $moduleName -Repository $RepoName) if((-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($versionConfigUrl)) -and (-not $UpdateToLatestVersion)) { $uri = $global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($versionConfigUrl) [System.Uri] $validatedUri = $null; if([System.Uri]::TryCreate($uri, [System.UriKind]::Absolute, [ref] $validatedUri)) { try { $serverFileContent = Invoke-RestMethod ` -Method GET ` -Uri $validatedUri ` -UseBasicParsing if($null -ne $serverFileContent) { if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($serverFileContent.CurrentVersionForOrg)) { $setupLatestModule = (Find-Module -Name $moduleName -Repository $RepoName -RequiredVersion $serverFileContent.CurrentVersionForOrg) } } } catch { # If unable to fetch server config file or module version property then continue and download latest version module. } } } $Global:Version = $setupLatestModule.Version #If module count is greater than 1 then filter module with current active directory if($null -ne $setupModule -and ($setupModule|Measure-Object).Count -gt 1 ) { #$CurrentModulePath= (Get-Item -Path ($setupModule | Select-Object -First 1).ModuleBase).Parent.Parent.FullName #$setupModule = $setupModule | Where-Object { $_.ModuleBase.Contains($CurrentModulePath)} #$setupModule = $setupModule | Where-Object { $_.ModuleBase -like '$($env:USERPROFILE)*'} | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 $setupModule = $setupModule | Where-Object { $_.ModuleBase.Contains($($env:USERPROFILE))} | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } if($null -ne $setupModule -and $null -ne $setupLatestModule -and $setupModule.Version -eq $setupLatestModule.Version) { Write-Host "Latest version of $moduleName already exists." -ForegroundColor Green return } elseif($null -ne $setupModule) { #Module is present Write-Host "Found $moduleName version $($setupModule.Version) . Uninstalling it..." -ForegroundColor Yellow try { $loadedModule = Get-Module -Name $moduleName if($loadedModule) { Write-Host "$moduleName version $($loadedModule.Version) is currently loaded in this PS session.`nPlease close this session (and any other active PS sessions) and rerun the setup command in a fresh session." -ForegroundColor Red break } Uninstall-Module -Name $moduleName -AllVersions -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Host "Failed to remove previous version of $moduleName. Error:" $_ -ForegroundColor Red $moduleLocation = $setupModule.ModuleBase.Substring(0, $setupModule.ModuleBase.LastIndexOf($setupModule.Name)) Write-Host "Tip: Close all the instances of PowerShell (includes ISE, Visual Studio (PMC), VS Code (Terminal), etc). Remove the folder '$setupModule' at '$moduleLocation' manually." -ForegroundColor Red break } Write-Host "Completed uninstallation." -ForegroundColor Green } if($null -eq $setupModule) { Write-Host "No previous version found." -ForegroundColor Green } try { Write-Host "Installing $moduleName version $($setupLatestModule.Version) . This may take a few minutes..." -ForegroundColor Yellow if((GET-Command Install-Module).Parameters.ContainsKey("AllowClobber")) { Install-Module $moduleName -Scope CurrentUser -Repository $RepoName -RequiredVersion $($setupLatestModule.Version) -AllowClobber -ErrorAction Stop } else { Install-Module $moduleName -Scope CurrentUser -Repository $RepoName -RequiredVersion $($setupLatestModule.Version) -Force -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Host "Completed installation." -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "Failed to install $moduleName. Error:" $_ -ForegroundColor Red break } } function BootstrapOrgPolicy{ try { Write-Host "`nConfiguring $OrgName policy... " -ForegroundColor Yellow #Check for execution policy settings $executionPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser if(($executionPolicy -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy]::Restricted) -or ($executionPolicy -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy]::Undefined) -or ($executionPolicy -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy]::AllSigned)) { Write-Host "Currently PowerShell execution policy is set to '$executionPolicy' mode. `n$ModuleName will need policy to be set to 'RemoteSigned'. `nSelect Y to change policy for current user [Y/N]: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline $executionPolicyAns = Read-Host if($executionPolicyAns.Trim().ToLower() -eq "y") { Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force } else { Write-Host "Not able to configure $OrgName policy. Please try re-running setup in new PS session or get support on $SupportUrl" -ForegroundColor Red break } } Import-Module $ModuleName -RequiredVersion $Version -Force Set-AzSKPolicySettings -OnlinePolicyStoreUrl $OnlinePolicyStoreUrl -AzureEnvironment $AzureEnvironment -AutoUpdateCommand $AutoUpdateCommand -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Completed $OrgName policy configuration." -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "Failed to configure $OrgName policy. Error:" $_ -ForegroundColor Red if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FAQUrl)) { Write-Host "Tip: Refer to the troubleshooting tips at: $DocumentationUrl, $FAQUrl" -ForegroundColor Red } break } } function BootstrapInstaller { #BootstrapRepo #BootstrapSetup -moduleName $OldModuleName -versionConfigUrl $OldAzSDKConfigURL -uninstallAll $true BootstrapSetup -moduleName $ModuleName -versionConfigUrl $AzSKConfigURL BootstrapOrgPolicy Write-Host "`nThe Secure DevOps Kit for Azure is now ready for your use!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "`nImportant links:" -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host "`tDocumentation: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host $DocumentationUrl -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "`tControl details: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host $ControlDetailsUrl -ForegroundColor Cyan if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FAQUrl)) { Write-Host "`tFAQs: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host $FAQUrl -ForegroundColor Cyan } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SupportUrl)) { Write-Host "`tSupport: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host $SupportUrl -ForegroundColor Cyan } } function CheckPrerequsites { Write-Host "Checking Prerequisites... " -ForegroundColor Yellow CheckPSVersion CheckNugetPackageProvider CheckIfMultipleModulesLoaded } function Init { CheckPrerequsites BootstrapInstaller } Init |