using namespace System.Management.Automation Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class CommandHelper { static [CommandDetails[]] $Mapping = @( # Services Security Status [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus"; ShortName = "GRS"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKControlsStatus"; ShortName = "GACS"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKExpressRouteNetworkSecurityStatus"; ShortName = "GES"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, #Subscription Security [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus"; ShortName = "GSS"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKSubscriptionSecurity"; ShortName = "SSS"; HasAzSKComponentWritePermission = $true; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Update"; Noun = "AzSKSubscriptionSecurity"; ShortName = "USS"; IsLatestRequired = $false; HasAzSKComponentWritePermission = $true; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Remove"; Noun = "AzSKSubscriptionSecurity"; ShortName = "RSS"; }, # CA [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKContinuousAssurance"; ShortName = "GCA"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Install"; Noun = "AzSKContinuousAssurance"; ShortName = "ICA"; HasAzSKComponentWritePermission = $true; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Remove"; Noun = "AzSKContinuousAssurance"; ShortName = "RCA"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Update"; Noun = "AzSKContinuousAssurance"; ShortName = "UCA"; HasAzSKComponentWritePermission = $true; }, #Alerts [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKAlerts"; ShortName = "SAA"; HasAzSKComponentWritePermission = $true; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Remove"; Noun = "AzSKAlerts"; ShortName = "RAL"; }, #Alerts Monitoring [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKAlertMonitoring"; ShortName = "SAM"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Remove"; Noun = "AzSKAlertMonitoring"; ShortName = "RAM"; }, #ARM Policies [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKARMPolicies"; ShortName = "SAP"; HasAzSKComponentWritePermission = $true; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Remove"; Noun = "AzSKARMPolicies"; ShortName = "RAP"; }, #RBAC [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKSubscriptionRBAC"; ShortName = "SRB"; HasAzSKComponentWritePermission = $true; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Remove"; Noun = "AzSKSubscriptionRBAC"; ShortName = "RRB"; }, # Security Centre [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKAzureSecurityCenterPolicies"; ShortName = "SSC"; HasAzSKComponentWritePermission = $true; }, # OMS [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Install"; Noun = "AzSKMonitoringSolution"; ShortName = "IMS"; }, # FixControl [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Repair"; Noun = "AzSKAzureServicesSecurity"; ShortName = "RRS"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Repair"; Noun = "AzSKSubscriptionSecurity"; ShortName = "RASS"; }, # Policy Store [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Install"; Noun = "AzSKOrganizationPolicy"; ShortName = "IOP"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Update"; Noun = "AzSKOrganizationPolicy"; ShortName = "UOP"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKOrganizationPolicyStats"; ShortName = "GOP"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKInfo"; ShortName = "GAI"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKSecurityRecommendationReport"; ShortName = "GAR"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Clear"; Noun = "AzSKSessionState"; ShortName = "CSS"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, # Update-PersistedState [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Update"; Noun = "AzSKPersistedState"; ShortName = "UPS"; IsLatestRequired = $false; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKAccessToken"; ShortName = "GAT"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKSupportedResourceTypes"; ShortName = "GSRT"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKPolicySettings"; ShortName = "SPS"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKMonitoringSettings"; ShortName = "SMS"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKEventHubSettings"; ShortName = "SEHS"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKWebhookSettings"; ShortName = "SWHS"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKUsageTelemetryLevel"; ShortName = "SUTL"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKLocalAIOrgTelemetrySettings"; ShortName = "SLOTS"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKUserPreference"; ShortName = "SUP"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKPrivacyNoticeResponse"; ShortName = "SPNR"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Send"; Noun = "AzSKInternalData"; ShortName = "SID"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Get"; Noun = "AzSKARMTemplateSecurityStatus"; ShortName = "GATS"; }, [CommandDetails]@{ Verb = "Set"; Noun = "AzSKPIMConfiguration"; ShortName = "PIM"; } ); static BeginCommand([InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) { # Validate Command Prerequisites like AzureRM multiple version load issue [CommandHelper]::CheckCommandPrerequisites($invocationContext); [CommandHelper]::SetAzSKModuleName($invocationContext); [CommandHelper]::SetCurrentAzSKModuleVersion($invocationContext); # display warning if alias [CommandHelper]::CheckForAlias($invocationContext.InvocationName) } static CheckCommandPrerequisites([InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) { # Validate required module version dependency try { #Loop through all required modules list $invocationContext.MyCommand.Module.RequiredModules | ForEach-Object { $requiredModule = $_ $moduleList = Get-Module $requiredModule.Name #Get list of other than required version is loaded into session $otherThanRequiredModule = @(); $otherThanRequiredModule += $moduleList | Where-Object { $_.Version -ne $requiredModule.Version} if($otherThanRequiredModule.Count -gt 0 ) { #Display warning $loadedVersions = @(); $moduleList | ForEach-Object { $loadedVersions += $_.Version.ToString() }; Write-Host "WARNING: Found multiple versions of Azure PowerShell ($($requiredModule.Name)) modules loaded in the session. ($($requiredModule.Name) versions found: $([string]::Join(", ", $loadedVersions)))" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "WARNING: This will lead to issues when running AzSK cmdlets." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host 'Recommendation: Please start a fresh PowerShell session and run "Import-Module AzSK" first to avoid getting into this situation.' -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { # Continue execution without any error or warning Write-Debug ($requiredModule.Name + " module version dependency validation successful") } }; } catch { Write-Debug "Not able to validate version dependency $_" } #check if old and new both modules are loaded in same session $newModule = Get-Module|Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$([Constants]::NewModuleName)*"} | Select-Object -First 1 $oldModule = Get-Module|Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$([Constants]::OldModuleName)*"} | Select-Object -First 1 if($newModule -and $oldModule) { $warningMsg = [String]::Format([Constants]::MultipleModulesWarning, $newModule.Name,$oldModule.Name,$newModule.Name) Write-Host $warningMsg -ForegroundColor Yellow #stop execution throw ([SuppressedException]::new("",[SuppressedExceptionType]::Generic)) } else { # Continue execution without any error or warning Write-Debug ("Multiple modules ($([Constants]::NewModuleName) and $([Constants]::OldModuleName)) load validation successful") } } static [void] SetAzSKModuleName([InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) { if($invocationContext) { [Constants]::SetAzSKModuleName($invocationContext.MyCommand.Module.Name); } } static [void] SetCurrentAzSKModuleVersion([InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) { if($invocationContext) { [Constants]::SetAzSKCurrentModuleVersion($invocationContext.MyCommand.Version); } } static [void] CheckForAlias([string] $methodName) { if($methodName -like "*-$([Constants]::OldModuleName)*") { #get correct casing $methodName = get-command -Name $methodName $newMethodName = $methodName -replace ("-"+[Constants]::OldModuleName),("-"+[Constants]::NewModuleName); $CommandNameChangeWarning = [Constants]::CommandNameChangeWarning -f $methodName,$newMethodName Write-Warning $CommandNameChangeWarning } } } |