Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class AADResourceResolver: Resolver { [SVTResource[]] $SVTResources = @(); [string] $ResourcePath; [string] $tenantId; [int] $SVTResourcesFoundCount=0; [bool] $scanTenant; [int] $MaxObjectsToScan; [string[]] $ObjectTypesToScan; hidden static [string[]] $AllTypes = @("Application", "Device", "Group", "ServicePrincipal", "User"); AADResourceResolver([string]$tenantId, [bool] $bScanTenant): Base($tenantId) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tenantId)) { $this.tenantId = ([AccountHelper]::GetCurrentAADContext()).TenantId } else { $this.tenantId = $tenantId } $this.scanTenant = $bScanTenant } [void] SetScanParameters([string[]] $objTypesToScan, $maxObj) { $this.MaxObjectsToScan = $maxObj if ($objTypesToScan.Contains("All")) { if ($objTypesToScan.Count -ne 1) { throw ([SuppressedException]::new("The objectType 'All' cannot be used in combination with other types.", [SuppressedExceptionType]::InvalidOperation)) } $this.ObjectTypesToScan = [AADResourceResolver]::AllTypes } elseif ($objTypesToScan.Contains("None")) { if ($objTypesToScan.Count -ne 1) { throw ([SuppressedException]::new("The objectType 'None' cannot be used in combination with other types.", [SuppressedExceptionType]::InvalidOperation)) } $this.ObjectTypesToScan = $objTypesToScan } else { $this.ObjectTypesToScan = $objTypesToScan } } [bool] NeedToScanType([string] $objType) { return $this.ObjectTypesToScan -contains $objType } [void] LoadResourcesForScan() { $tenantInfoMsg = [AccountHelper]::GetCurrentTenantInfo(); #Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $tenantInfoMsg #TODO: Need to do with PublishCustomMessage...just before #-of-resources...etc.? $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::DoubleDashLine + "`r`n$tenantInfoMsg`r`n" + [Constants]::DoubleDashLine, [MessageType]::Update ) #TODO: TBD - for use later... $bAdmin = [AccountHelper]::IsUserInAPermanentAdminRole(); #scanTenant is used to determine is the scan is tenant wide or just within the scope of the current (logged-in) user. if ($this.scanTenant) { $svtResource = [SVTResource]::new(); $svtResource.ResourceName = $this.tenantContext.TenantName; $svtResource.ResourceType = "AAD.Tenant"; $svtResource.ResourceId = $this.tenantId $svtResource.ResourceTypeMapping = ([SVTMapping]::AADResourceMapping | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq $svtResource.ResourceType } | Select-Object -First 1) $this.SVTResources +=$svtResource } $currUser = [AccountHelper]::GetCurrentSessionUserObjectId(); $userOwnedObjects = @() try { #BUGBUG: Investigate why this crashes in the Live tenant (even if user-created-objects exist...which should show up as 'user-owned' by default!) $userOwnedObjects = [array] (Get-AzureADUserOwnedObject -ObjectId $currUser) } catch { #As a workaround, we take user-created objects, which seems to work (strange!) $userCreatedObjects = [array] (Get-AzureADUserCreatedObject -ObjectId $currUser) $userOwnedObjects = $userCreatedObjects } #TODO Explore delta between 'user-created' v. 'user-owned' for Apps/SPNs $maxObj = $this.MaxObjectsToScan if ($this.NeedToScanType("Application")) { $appObjects = @() if ($this.scanTenant) { $appObjects = [array] (Get-AzureADApplication -Top $maxObj) } else { $appObjects = [array] ($userOwnedObjects | ?{$_.ObjectType -eq 'Application'}) } $appTypeMapping = ([SVTMapping]::AADResourceMapping | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq 'AAD.Application' } | Select-Object -First 1) #TODO: Set to 3 for preview release. A user can use a larger value if they want via the 'MaxObj' cmdlet param. $maxObj = $this.MaxObjectsToScan $nObj = $maxObj foreach ($obj in $appObjects) { $svtResource = [SVTResource]::new(); $svtResource.ResourceName = $obj.DisplayName; $svtResource.ResourceGroupName = "" #If blank, the column gets skipped in CSV file. #TODO: If rgName == "" then all LOGs end up in root folder alongside CSV, README.txt. May need to have a reasonable 'mock' RGName. $svtResource.ResourceType = "AAD.Application"; $svtResource.ResourceId = $obj.ObjectId $svtResource.ResourceTypeMapping = $appTypeMapping $this.SVTResources +=$svtResource if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break;} } } if ($this.NeedToScanType("ServicePrincipal")) { $spnObjects = @() if ($this.scanTenant) { $spnObjects = [array] (Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Top $maxObj) } else { $spnObjects = [array] ($userOwnedObjects | ?{$_.ObjectType -eq 'ServicePrincipal'}) } $spnTypeMapping = ([SVTMapping]::AADResourceMapping | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq 'AAD.ServicePrincipal' } | Select-Object -First 1) $nObj = $maxObj foreach ($obj in $spnObjects) { $svtResource = [SVTResource]::new(); $svtResource.ResourceName = $obj.DisplayName; $svtResource.ResourceGroupName = "" #If blank, the column gets skipped in CSV file. $svtResource.ResourceType = "AAD.ServicePrincipal"; $svtResource.ResourceId = $obj.ObjectId $svtResource.ResourceTypeMapping = $spnTypeMapping $this.SVTResources +=$svtResource if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break;} } #TODO odd that above query does not show user created 'Group' objects. } if ($this.NeedToScanType("Device")) { $deviceObjects = @() if ($this.scanTenant) { $deviceObjects = [array] (Get-AzureADDevice -Top $maxObj) } else { $DeviceObjects = [array] (Get-AzureADUserOwnedDevice -ObjectId $currUser) } $deviceTypeMapping = ([SVTMapping]::AADResourceMapping | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq 'AAD.Device' } | Select-Object -First 1) $nObj = $maxObj foreach ($obj in $deviceObjects) { $svtResource = [SVTResource]::new(); $svtResource.ResourceName = $obj.DisplayName; $svtResource.ResourceGroupName = "" #If blank, the column gets skipped in CSV file. $svtResource.ResourceType = "AAD.Device"; $svtResource.ResourceId = $obj.ObjectId $svtResource.ResourceTypeMapping = $deviceTypeMapping $this.SVTResources +=$svtResource if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break;} } #TODO odd that above query does not show user created 'Group' objects. } if ($this.NeedToScanType("User")) { $userObjects = @() if ($this.scanTenant) { $userObjects = [array] (Get-AzureADUser -Top $maxObj) } else { $userObjects = [array] (Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $currUser) } $userTypeMapping = ([SVTMapping]::AADResourceMapping | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq 'AAD.User' } | Select-Object -First 1) $nObj = $maxObj foreach ($obj in $userObjects) { $svtResource = [SVTResource]::new(); $svtResource.ResourceName = $obj.DisplayName; $svtResource.ResourceGroupName = "" #If blank, the column gets skipped in CSV file. $svtResource.ResourceType = "AAD.User"; $svtResource.ResourceId = $obj.ObjectId $svtResource.ResourceTypeMapping = $userTypeMapping $this.SVTResources +=$svtResource if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break;} } } if ($this.NeedToScanType("Group")) { $grpObjects = @() if ($this.scanTenant) { $grpObjects = [array] (Get-AzureADGroup -Top $maxObj) } else { $grpObjects = [array] ($userOwnedObjects | ?{$_.ObjectType -eq 'Group'}) } $grpTypeMapping = ([SVTMapping]::AADResourceMapping | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq 'AAD.Group' } | Select-Object -First 1) $nObj = $maxObj foreach ($obj in $grpObjects) { $svtResource = [SVTResource]::new(); $svtResource.ResourceName = $obj.DisplayName; $svtResource.ResourceGroupName = "" #If blank, the column gets skipped in CSV file. $svtResource.ResourceType = "AAD.Group"; $svtResource.ResourceId = $obj.ObjectId $svtResource.ResourceTypeMapping = $grpTypeMapping $this.SVTResources +=$svtResource if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break;} } #TODO Why does this not show user created 'Group' objects in live tenant? } $this.SVTResourcesFoundCount = $this.SVTResources.Count } } |