
# Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

# class AIOrgTelemetry: ListenerBase {
# [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient] $TelemetryClient;

# hidden AIOrgTelemetry() {
# $this.TelemetryClient = [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient]::new()
# }

# hidden static [AIOrgTelemetry] $Instance = $null;

# static [AIOrgTelemetry] GetInstance() {
# if ( $null -eq [AIOrgTelemetry]::Instance -or $null -eq [AIOrgTelemetry]::Instance.TelemetryClient) {
# [AIOrgTelemetry]::Instance = [AIOrgTelemetry]::new();
# }
# return [AIOrgTelemetry]::Instance
# }

# [void] RegisterEvents() {
# $this.UnregisterEvents();

# $this.RegisterEvent([AzSKRootEvent]::GenerateRunIdentifier, {
# $currentInstance = [AIOrgTelemetry]::GetInstance();
# try
# {
# $runIdentifier = [AzSKRootEventArgument] ($Event.SourceArgs | Select-Object -First 1)
# $currentInstance.SetRunIdentifier($runIdentifier);
# }
# catch
# {
# $currentInstance.PublishException($_);
# }
# });

# $this.RegisterEvent([SVTEvent]::EvaluationCompleted, {
# $currentInstance = [AIOrgTelemetry]::GetInstance();
# try
# {
# $invocationContext = [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $currentInstance.InvocationContext
# $SVTEventContexts = [SVTEventContext[]] $Event.SourceArgs
# $featureGroup = [RemoteReportHelper]::GetFeatureGroup($SVTEventContexts)
# if($featureGroup -eq [FeatureGroup]::Subscription){
# $currentInstance.PushSubscriptionScanResults($SVTEventContexts)
# }elseif($featureGroup -eq [FeatureGroup]::Service){
# $currentInstance.PushServiceScanResults($SVTEventContexts)
# }else{
# }
# }
# catch
# {
# $currentInstance.PublishException($_);
# }
# });

# $this.RegisterEvent([AzSKGenericEvent]::Exception, {
# $currentInstance = [AIOrgTelemetry]::GetInstance();
# try
# {
# [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $er = ($Event.SourceArgs | Select-Object -First 1)
# [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackException($er, $currentInstance.InvocationContext)
# }
# catch
# {
# # Handling error while registration of Exception event.
# # No need to break execution
# }
# });

# $this.RegisterEvent([AzSKRootEvent]::CommandError, {
# $currentInstance = [AIOrgTelemetry]::GetInstance();
# try
# {
# [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $er = $Event.SourceArgs.ExceptionMessage
# [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackException($er, $currentInstance.InvocationContext)
# }
# catch
# {
# # Handling error while registration of CommandError event at AzSKRoot.
# # No need to break execution
# }
# });

# $this.RegisterEvent([SVTEvent]::CommandError, {
# $currentInstance = [AIOrgTelemetry]::GetInstance();
# try
# {
# [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $er = $Event.SourceArgs.ExceptionMessage
# [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackException($er, $currentInstance.InvocationContext)
# }
# catch
# {
# # Handling error while registration of CommandError event at SVT.
# # No need to break execution
# }
# });

# $this.RegisterEvent([SVTEvent]::EvaluationError, {
# $currentInstance = [AIOrgTelemetry]::GetInstance();
# try
# {
# [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $er = $Event.SourceArgs.ExceptionMessage
# [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackException($er, $currentInstance.InvocationContext)
# }
# catch
# {
# # Handling error while registration of EvaluationError event at SVT.
# # No need to break execution
# }
# });

# $this.RegisterEvent([SVTEvent]::ControlError, {
# $currentInstance = [AIOrgTelemetry]::GetInstance();
# try
# {
# [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $er = $Event.SourceArgs.ExceptionMessage
# [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackException($er, $currentInstance.InvocationContext)
# }
# catch
# {
# # Handling error while registration of ControlError event at SVT.
# # No need to break execution
# }
# });
# $this.RegisterEvent([SVTEvent]::CommandStarted, {
# $currentInstance = [RemoteReportsListener]::GetInstance();
# try
# {
# $scanSource = [RemoteReportHelper]::GetScanSource();
# if($scanSource -ne [ScanSource]::Runbook) { return; }
# $tenantId = ([AccountHelper]::GetCurrentRmContext()).Subscription.Id;
# $resources= Get-AzResource
# $resourceGroups = Get-AzResourceGroup
# $telemetryEvents = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# foreach($res in $resources){
# $rgTags = ($resourceGroups | where-object {$_.Name -eq $res.ResourceGroupName}).Tags;
# $resourceProperties = @{
# "Name" = $res.Name;
# "ResourceId" = $res.ResourceId;
# "ResourceName" = $res.Name;
# "ResourceType" = $res.ResourceType;
# "ResourceGroupName" = $res.ResourceGroupName;
# "Location" = $res.Location;
# "tenantId" = $tenantId;
# "Tags" = [Helpers]::FetchTagsString($res.Tags);
# "Env" = $res.Tags.Env;
# "ComponentID" = $res.Tags.ComponentID;
# "RGComponentID" = $rgTags.ComponentID;
# "RGEnv" = $rgTags.Env;
# }
# $telemetryEvent = "" | Select-Object Name, Properties, Metrics
# $telemetryEvent.Name = "Resource Inventory"
# $telemetryEvent.Properties = $resourceProperties
# $telemetryEvents.Add($telemetryEvent) | Out-Null
# }
# [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackEvents($telemetryEvents);

# }
# catch{
# $currentInstance.PublishException($_);
# }
# });
# }

# hidden [void] PushSubscriptionScanResults([SVTEventContext[]] $SVTEventContexts)
# {
# $SVTEventContextFirst = $SVTEventContexts[0]
# $baseProperties = @{
# "RunIdentifier" = $this.RunIdentifier;
# [TelemetryKeys]::FeatureGroup = [FeatureGroup]::Subscription;
# "ScanKind" = [RemoteReportHelper]::GetSubscriptionScanKind(
# $this.InvocationContext.MyCommand.Name,
# $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters);
# "SubscriptionMetadata" = [Helpers]::ConvertToJsonCustomCompressed($SVTEventContextFirst.TenantContext.SubscriptionMetadata);
# }
# $this.PushControlResults($SVTEventContexts, $baseProperties)
# }

# hidden [void] PushServiceScanResults([SVTEventContext[]] $SVTEventContexts)
# {
# $SVTEventContextFirst = $SVTEventContexts[0]
# $baseProperties = @{
# "RunIdentifier" = $this.RunIdentifier;
# [TelemetryKeys]::FeatureGroup = [FeatureGroup]::Service;
# "ScanKind" = [RemoteReportHelper]::GetServiceScanKind(
# $this.InvocationContext.MyCommand.Name,
# $this.InvocationContext.BoundParameters);
# "Feature" = $SVTEventContextFirst.FeatureName;
# "ResourceGroup" = $SVTEventContextFirst.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName;
# "ResourceName" = $SVTEventContextFirst.ResourceContext.ResourceName;
# "ResourceId" = $SVTEventContextFirst.ResourceContext.ResourceId;
# "ResourceMetadata" = [Helpers]::ConvertToJsonCustomCompressed($SVTEventContextFirst.ResourceContext.ResourceMetadata);
# }
# $this.PushControlResults($SVTEventContexts, $baseProperties)
# }

# hidden [void] PushControlResults([SVTEventContext[]] $SVTEventContexts, [hashtable] $BaseProperties){
# $telemetryEvents = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# foreach($context in $SVTEventContexts){
# $propertiesCollection = $this.AttachControlProperties($BaseProperties, $context)
# foreach($properties in $propertiesCollection){
# $telemetryEvent = "" | Select-Object Name, Properties, Metrics
# $telemetryEvent.Name = "Control Scanned"
# $telemetryEvent.Properties = $properties
# $telemetryEvent = [AIOrgTelemetry]::SetCommonProperties($telemetryEvent);
# $telemetryEvents.Add($telemetryEvent) | Out-Null
# }
# }
# [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackEvents($telemetryEvents);
# }

# hidden [hashtable[]] AttachControlProperties([hashtable] $BaseProperties, [SVTEventContext] $context){
# if($null -eq $context) {return ([hashtable[]]([System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()))}
# $properties = @{}
# if ($null -ne $BaseProperties) {
# $properties = $BaseProperties.Clone()
# }
# $propertiesArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# $properties.Add("ControlIntId", $context.ControlItem.Id);
# $properties.Add("ControlId", $context.ControlItem.ControlID);
# $properties.Add("ControlSeverity", $context.ControlItem.ControlSeverity);
# $properties.Add("IsBaselineControl", $context.ControlItem.IsBaselineControl)
# if (!$context.ControlItem.Enabled) {
# $properties.Add("VerificationResult", [VerificationResult]::Disabled)
# $properties.Add("AttestationStatus", [AttestationStatus]::None)
# $propertiesArray.Add($properties) | Out-Null
# }else{
# $results = $context.ControlResults
# if($results.Count -eq 1){
# $properties.Add("HasAttestationWritePermissions", $results[0].CurrentSessionContext.Permissions.HasAttestationWritePermissions)
# $properties.Add("HasAttestationReadPermissions", $results[0].CurrentSessionContext.Permissions.HasAttestationReadPermissions)
# $properties.Add("ActualVerificationResult", $results[0].ActualVerificationResult)
# $properties.Add("AttestationStatus", $results[0].AttestationStatus)
# $properties.Add("VerificationResult", $results[0].VerificationResult)
# $properties.Add("HasRequiredAccess", $results[0].CurrentSessionContext.Permissions.HasRequiredAccess)
# if($null -ne $context.ResourceContext){
# if($context.ResourceContext.ResourceName -eq $results[0].ChildResourceName -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($results[0].ChildResourceName)){
# $properties.Add("IsNestedResource", 'No')
# $properties.Add("NestedResourceName", "NA")
# }else{
# $properties.Add("IsNestedResource", 'Yes')
# $properties.Add("NestedResourceName", $results[0].ChildResourceName)
# }
# }
# if(($null -ne $results[0].StateManagement) -and ($null -ne $results[0].StateManagement.AttestedStateData)) {
# $properties.Add("AttestedBy", $results[0].StateManagement.AttestedStateData.AttestedBy)
# $properties.Add("Justification", $results[0].StateManagement.AttestedStateData.Justification)
# $properties.Add("AttestedState", [Helpers]::ConvertToJsonCustomCompressed($results[0].StateManagement.AttestedStateData.DataObject))
# $properties.Add("AttestedDate", ($results[0].StateManagement.AttestedStateData.AttestedDate).Tostring("yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm"))
# $properties.Add("ExpiryDate", ([DateTime]$results[0].StateManagement.AttestedStateData.ExpiryDate).Tostring("yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm"))
# }
# if(($null -ne $results[0].StateManagement) -and ($null -ne $results[0].StateManagement.CurrentStateData)) {
# $properties.Add("CurrentState", [Helpers]::ConvertToJsonCustomCompressed($results[0].StateManagement.CurrentStateData.DataObject))
# }
# $propertiesArray.Add($properties) | Out-Null
# }elseif($results.Count -gt 1){
# $properties.Add("IsNestedResource", 'Yes')
# foreach($result in $results){
# $propertiesIn = $properties.Clone()
# $propertiesIn.Add("ActualVerificationResult", $result.ActualVerificationResult)
# $propertiesIn.Add("AttestationStatus", $result.AttestationStatus)
# $propertiesIn.Add("VerificationResult", $result.VerificationResult)
# $propertiesIn.Add("NestedResourceName", $result.ChildResourceName)
# $propertiesIn.Add("HasRequiredAccess", $result.CurrentSessionContext.Permissions.HasRequiredAccess)
# if(($null -ne $result.StateManagement) -and ($null -ne $result.StateManagement.AttestedStateData)) {
# $propertiesIn.Add("AttestedBy", $result.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.AttestedBy)
# $propertiesIn.Add("Justification", $result.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.Justification)
# $propertiesIn.Add("AttestedState", [Helpers]::ConvertToJsonCustomCompressed($result.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.DataObject))
# $propertiesIn.Add("AttestedDate", ($result.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.AttestedDate).Tostring("yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm"))
# $propertiesIn.Add("ExpiryDate", ([DateTime]$result.StateManagement.AttestedStateData.ExpiryDate).Tostring("yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm"))
# }
# if(($null -ne $result.StateManagement) -and ($null -ne $result.StateManagement.CurrentStateData)) {
# $propertiesIn.Add("CurrentState", [Helpers]::ConvertToJsonCustomCompressed($result.StateManagement.CurrentStateData.DataObject))
# }
# $propertiesArray.Add($propertiesIn) | Out-Null
# }
# }
# }
# $returnObj = [hashtable[]] $propertiesArray
# return $returnObj;
# }

# static [psobject] SetCommonProperties([psobject] $telemetryEvent)
# {
# try
# {
# $NA = "NA";
# try {
# $"ScanSource", [RemoteReportHelper]::GetScanSource());
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# try {
# $module = Get-Module 'AzSK*' | Select-Object -First 1
# $"ScannerModuleName", $module.Name);
# $"ScannerVersion", $module.Version.ToString());
# $"OrgVersion", [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().GetLatestAzSKVersion($module.Name).ToString());
# $"PolicyOrgName", [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().PolicyOrgName)
# $AzSKLatestVersion= [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().GetAzSKLatestPSGalleryVersion($module.Name)
# $"LatestVersion", $AzSKLatestVersion);
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# try {
# $azureContext = [AccountHelper]::GetCurrentRmContext()
# try {
# $[TelemetryKeys]::tenantId, $azureContext.Subscription.Id)
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# try {
# $[TelemetryKeys]::TenantName, $azureContext.Subscription.Name)
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# try {
# $"AzureEnv", $azureContext.Environment.Name)
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# try {
# $"TenantId", $azureContext.Tenant.Id)
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# try {
# $"AccountId", $azureContext.Account.Id)
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# try {
# if ($telemetryEvent.Properties.ContainsKey("RunIdentifier")) {
# $actualRunId = $telemetryEvent.Properties["RunIdentifier"]
# if ($telemetryEvent.Properties.ContainsKey("UniqueRunIdentifier")) {
# $telemetryEvent.Properties["UniqueRunIdentifier"] = [RemoteReportHelper]::Mask($azureContext.Account.Id + '##' + $actualRunId.ToString())
# }
# else
# {
# $"UniqueRunIdentifier", [RemoteReportHelper]::Mask($azureContext.Account.Id + '##' + $actualRunId.ToString()))
# }
# }
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# try {
# $"AccountType", $azureContext.Account.Type);
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# }
# catch {
# # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
# # No need to break execution
# }
# return $telemetryEvent;
# }
# }