
    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "apiVersion": {
            "defaultValue": "2024-02-15-preview",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The api version for deploying a hci cluster"
        "name": {
            "defaultValue": "democlusteratda3",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The name of the hci cluster"
        "arcNodeResourceIds": {
            "defaultValue": [
            "type": "array",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The arc for server node Ids of the hci cluster"
        "domainFqdn": {
            "defaultValue": "contoso.com",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The domain name of the active directory"
        "namingPrefix": {
            "defaultValue": "HCI01",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The computer name prefix"
        "adouPath": {
            "defaultValue": "OU=HCI01,DC=contoso,DC=com",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The oU path"
        "securityLevel": {
            "defaultValue": "Customized",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The security level data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "driftControlEnforced": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The security setting driftControlEnforced data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "credentialGuardEnforced": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The security setting credentialGuardEnforced data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "smbSigningEnforced": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The security setting smbSigningEnforced data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "smbClusterEncryption": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The security setting smbClusterEncryption data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "bitlockerBootVolume": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The security setting bitlockerBootVolume data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "bitlockerDataVolumes": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The security setting bitlockerDataVolumes data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "wdacEnforced": {
            "defaultValue": false,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The security setting wdacEnforced data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "streamingDataClient": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The metrics data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "euLocation": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The location data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "episodicDataUpload": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The diagnostic data for deploying a hci cluster"
        "clusterName": {
            "defaultValue": "democluster",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The name of the hci cluster"
        "cloudAccountName": {
            "defaultValue": "democlustersa",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The storage account for deploying a hci cluster"
        "configurationMode": {
            "defaultValue": "KeepStorage",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The volume type for deploying a hci cluster"
        "subnetMask": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The subnet mask for deploying a hci cluster"
        "defaultGateway": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The default gateway for deploying a hci cluster"
        "startingIPAddress": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The starting ip address for deploying a hci cluster"
        "endingIPAddress": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The ending ip address for deploying a hci cluster"
        "dnsServers": {
            "defaultValue": [
            "type": "array",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The dns servers for deploying a hci cluster"
         "useDhcp": {
             "type": "bool",
              "defaultValue": false,
             "metadata": {
               "description": "Allows customers to use DHCP for Hosts and Cluster IPs. If not declared, the deployment will default to static IPs. When true, GW and DNS servers are not required"
        "physicalNodesSettings": {
            "defaultValue": [
                    "name": "default",
                    "ipv4Address": ""
            "type": "array",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The physical nodes settings for deploying a hci cluster"
        "networkingType": {
            "defaultValue": "singleServerDeployment",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The networking type for deploying a hci cluster"
        "networkingPattern": {
            "defaultValue": "convergedManagementCompute",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The networking pattern for deploying a hci cluster"
        "intentList": {
            "defaultValue": [
                    "name": "Compute_Management",
                    "trafficType": [
                    "adapter": [
                    "overrideVirtualSwitchConfiguration": false,
                    "virtualSwitchConfigurationOverrides": {
                        "enableIov": "",
                        "loadBalancingAlgorithm": ""
                    "overrideQosPolicy": true,
                    "qosPolicyOverrides": {
                        "priorityValue8021Action_Cluster": "7",
                        "priorityValue8021Action_SMB": "3",
                        "bandwidthPercentage_SMB": "50"
                    "overrideAdapterProperty": true,
                    "adapterPropertyOverrides": {
                        "jumboPacket": "9014",
                        "networkDirect": "Enabled",
                        "networkDirectTechnology": "iWARP"
                    "name": "Storage",
                    "trafficType": [
                    "adapter": [
                    "overrideVirtualSwitchConfiguration": false,
                    "virtualSwitchConfigurationOverrides": {
                        "enableIov": "",
                        "loadBalancingAlgorithm": ""
                    "overrideQosPolicy": true,
                    "qosPolicyOverrides": {
                        "priorityValue8021Action_Cluster": "7",
                        "priorityValue8021Action_SMB": "3",
                        "bandwidthPercentage_SMB": "50"
                    "overrideAdapterProperty": true,
                    "adapterPropertyOverrides": {
                        "jumboPacket": "9014",
                        "networkDirect": "Enabled",
                        "networkDirectTechnology": "iWARP"
            "type": "array",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The intent list for deploying a hci cluster"
        "storageNetworkList": {
            "defaultValue": [
                    "name": "StorageNetwork2",
                    "networkAdapterName": "ethernet1",
                    "vlanId": "716"
            "type": "array",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The storage network list for deploying a hci cluster"
        "storageConnectivitySwitchless": {
            "defaultValue": true,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The storage connectivity switchless value for deploying a hci cluster"
            "defaultValue": "test.vault.azure.net",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The custom location for deploying a hci cluster"
        "customLocation": {
            "defaultValue": "democlusloc",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The custom location for deploying a hci cluster"
            "defaultValue": "Validate",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description" : "Can be of two types Validate or Deploy"
         "enableStorageAutoIp": {
            "defaultvalue": false,
            "type": "bool",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The enable storage auto ip value for deploying a hci cluster"
            "defaultValue": {},
            "type": "object",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "SDN Configuration"
        "sbeVersion": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The sbe version"
        "sbeFamily": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The sbe version"
        "sbePublisher": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The sbe version"
        "sbeManifestSource": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The sbe version"
        "sbeManifestCreationDate": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The sbe version"
        "partnerProperties": {
            "defaultValue": [],
            "type": "array",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The partner properties"
        "credentiallist": {
            "defaultValue": [],
            "type": "array",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "The partner credential properties"
    "resources": [
            "type": "microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/deploymentSettings",
            "apiVersion": "[parameters('apiVersion')]",
            "name": "[format('{0}/default', parameters('name'))]",
            "properties": {
                "arcNodeResourceIds": "[parameters('arcNodeResourceIds')]",
                "deploymentMode": "[parameters('deploymentMode')]",
                "deploymentConfiguration": {
                    "version": "",
                    "scaleUnits": [
                            "deploymentData": {
                                "securitySettings": {
                                    "hvciProtection": true,
                                    "drtmProtection": true,
                                    "driftControlEnforced": "[parameters('driftControlEnforced')]",
                                    "credentialGuardEnforced": "[parameters('credentialGuardEnforced')]",
                                    "smbSigningEnforced": "[parameters('smbSigningEnforced')]",
                                    "smbClusterEncryption": "[parameters('smbClusterEncryption')]",
                                    "sideChannelMitigationEnforced": true,
                                    "bitlockerBootVolume": "[parameters('bitlockerBootVolume')]",
                                    "bitlockerDataVolumes": "[parameters('bitlockerDataVolumes')]",
                                    "wdacEnforced": "[parameters('wdacEnforced')]"
                                "observability": {
                                    "streamingDataClient": "[parameters('streamingDataClient')]",
                                    "euLocation": "[parameters('euLocation')]",
                                    "episodicDataUpload": "[parameters('episodicDataUpload')]"
                                "cluster": {
                                    "name": "[parameters('clusterName')]",
                                    "witnessType": "Cloud",
                                    "witnessPath": "",
                                    "cloudAccountName": "[parameters('cloudAccountName')]",
                                    "azureServiceEndpoint": "core.windows.net"
                                "storage": {
                                    "configurationMode": "[parameters('configurationMode')]"
                                "namingPrefix": "[parameters('namingPrefix')]",
                                "domainFqdn": "[parameters('domainFqdn')]",
                                "infrastructureNetwork": [
                                        "subnetMask": "[parameters('subnetMask')]",
                                        "gateway": "[parameters('defaultGateway')]",
                                        "ipPools": [
                                                "startingAddress": "[parameters('startingIPAddress')]",
                                                "endingAddress": "[parameters('endingIPAddress')]"
                                        "dnsServers": "[parameters('dnsServers')]",
                                        "useDhcp": "[parameters('useDhcp')]"
                                "physicalNodes": "[parameters('physicalNodesSettings')]",
                                "hostNetwork": {
                                    "intents": "[parameters('intentList')]",
                                    "storageNetworks": "[parameters('storageNetworkList')]",
                                    "storageConnectivitySwitchless": "[parameters('storageConnectivitySwitchless')]",
                                    "enableStorageAutoIp": "[parameters('enableStorageAutoIp')]"
                                // disabling SDN ingetration until answefile validator bug is fixed
                                // "sdnIntegration": "[parameters('sdnIntegration')]",
                                "adouPath": "[parameters('adouPath')]",
                                "secretsLocation": "[parameters('secretsLocation')]",
                                "optionalServices": {
                                    "customLocation": "[parameters('customLocation')]"
                            "sbePartnerInfo": {
                                "sbeDeploymentInfo": {
                                    "version": "[parameters('sbeVersion')]",
                                    "family": "[parameters('sbeFamily')]",
                                    "publisher": "[parameters('sbePublisher')]",
                                    "sbeManifestSource": "[parameters('sbeManifestSource')]",
                                    "sbeManifestCreationDate": "[parameters('sbeManifestCreationDate')]"
                                "partnerProperties": "[parameters('partnerProperties')]",
                                "credentialList": "[parameters('credentiallist')]"