#using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Search.Models Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class SubscriptionCore: SVTBase { hidden [AzureSecurityCenter] $ASCSettings hidden [ManagementCertificate[]] $ManagementCertificates hidden [PSObject] $RoleAssignments hidden [PSObject] $ApprovedAdmins; hidden [PSObject] $MandatoryAccounts; hidden [PSObject] $DeprecatedAccounts; hidden [PSObject] $CurrentContext; hidden [bool] $HasGraphAPIAccess; SubscriptionCore([string] $subscriptionId): Base($subscriptionId) { $this.GetResourceObject(); } hidden [void] GetResourceObject() { $this.ASCSettings = [AzureSecurityCenter]::new() $this.CurrentContext = Get-AzureRmContext -ErrorAction Ignore $this.MandatoryAccounts = $null $this.RoleAssignments = $null $this.ApprovedAdmins = $null $this.DeprecatedAccounts = $null $this.HasGraphAPIAccess = [RoleAssignmentHelper]::HasGraphAccess() } hidden [ControlResult] CheckSubscriptionAdminCount([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $this.GetRoleAssignments() $this.LoadRBACConfig() #Excessive number of admins (> 5) $scope = $this.SubscriptionContext.Scope; $SubAdmins = @(); $SubAdmins += $this.RoleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.RoleDefinitionName -eq 'CoAdministrator' ` -or $_.RoleDefinitionName -like '*ServiceAdministrator*' ` -or ($_.RoleDefinitionName -eq 'Owner' -and $_.Scope -eq $scope)} if($this.HasGraphAPIAccess -eq $false) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Current Azure login context doesn't have graph api access"); } $ClientSubAdmins = @() $ApprovedSubAdmins = @() $SubAdmins | ForEach-Object{ $tempAdmin = $_ $objId = $_.ObjectId $isApprovedAdmin = $false foreach($admin in $this.ApprovedAdmins) { $tempObjId = $admin.ObjectId if($admin.ObjectType -eq "ServicePrincipal") { $out = $null #do we need to check for scope try { $out = $this.RoleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.ObjectId -eq $admin.ObjectId} } catch {} if($null -ne $out) { $tempObjId = $out[0].ObjectId } } if($objId -eq $tempObjId) { $ApprovedSubAdmins += $tempAdmin $isApprovedAdmin = $true } } if(-not $isApprovedAdmin) { $ClientSubAdmins += $tempAdmin } } #$controlResult.AddMessage("There are a total of $($SubAdmins.Count) admin/owner accounts in your subscription`r`nOf these, the following $($ClientSubAdmins.Count) admin/owner accounts are not from a central team.", ($ClientSubAdmins | Select-Object DisplayName,SignInName,ObjectType, ObjectId), $true, "ClientSubAdmins"); $controlResult.AddMessage("There are a total of $($SubAdmins.Count) admin/owner accounts in your subscription`r`nOf these, the following $($ClientSubAdmins.Count) admin/owner accounts are not from a central team.", ($ClientSubAdmins | Select-Object DisplayName,SignInName,ObjectType, ObjectId)); if(($ApprovedSubAdmins | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #$controlResult.AddMessage("The following $($ApprovedSubAdmins.Count) admin/owner (approved) accounts are from a central team:`r`n", ($ApprovedSubAdmins | Select-Object DisplayName, SignInName, ObjectType, ObjectId), $true, "ApprovedSubAdmins"); $controlResult.AddMessage("The following $($ApprovedSubAdmins.Count) admin/owner (approved) accounts are from a central team:`r`n", ($ApprovedSubAdmins | Select-Object DisplayName, SignInName, ObjectType, ObjectId)); } $controlResult.AddMessage("Note: Approved central team accounts don't count against your limit"); #$ClientSubAdminsState = $this.GetControlState("ClientSubAdmins", $this.CurrentControlItem.ControlID) #[bool] $IsStateCheckEnabled = $true #[bool] $isMatch = $true; #if($ClientSubAdminsState -ne $null -and ($ClientSubAdminsState | Get-Member DataObject) -ne $null -and $ClientSubAdminsState.DataObject -ne $null -and ($ClientSubAdminsState.DataObject | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) #{ # if($ClientSubAdminsState.DataObject.Count -eq ($ClientSubAdmins | Measure-Object).Count) # { # $ClientSubAdmins | ForEach-Object { # $clientSubAdmin = $_ # if(($ClientSubAdminsState.DataObject.value | Where-Object { $_.ObjectId -eq $clientSubAdmin.ObjectId} | Measure-Object).Count -le 0) # { # $isMatch = $false # } # } # } # else # { # $isMatch = $false # } #} #if($isMatch) #{ # $ApprovedSubAdminsState = $this.GetControlState("ApprovedSubAdmins", $this.CurrentControlItem.ControlID) # if($ApprovedSubAdminsState -ne $null -and ($ApprovedSubAdminsState | Get-Member DataObject) -ne $null -and $ApprovedSubAdminsState.DataObject -ne $null -and ($ApprovedSubAdminsState.DataObject | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) # { # if($ApprovedSubAdminsState.DataObject.Count -eq ($ApprovedSubAdmins | Measure-Object).Count) # { # $ApprovedSubAdmins | ForEach-Object { # $approvedSubAdmin = $_ # if(($ApprovedSubAdminsState.DataObject.value | Where-Object { $_.ObjectId -eq $approvedSubAdmin.ObjectId} | Measure-Object).Count -le 0) # { # $isMatch = $false # } # } # } # else # { # $isMatch = $false # } # } #} if($ClientSubAdmins.Count -gt $this.ControlSettings.NoOfApprovedAdmins) { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed $controlResult.AddMessage("Number of admins/owners configured at subscription scope are more than the approved limit: $($this.ControlSettings.NoOfApprovedAdmins). Total: " + $ClientSubAdmins.Count); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Number of admins/owners configured at subscription scope are with in approved limit: $($this.ControlSettings.NoOfApprovedAdmins). Total: " + $ClientSubAdmins.Count); } return $controlResult; } hidden [ControlResult] CheckApprovedCentralAccountsRBAC([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $this.GetRoleAssignments() $this.LoadRBACConfig() $state = $true $scope = $this.SubscriptionContext.Scope $out = $null $missingMandatoryAccount = @() $foundMandatoryAccount = @() if($null -ne $this.MandatoryAccounts) { foreach($admin in $this.MandatoryAccounts) { try{ $out = $this.RoleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.ObjectId -eq $admin.ObjectId -and $_.Scope -eq $scope -and $_.RoleDefinitionName -eq $admin.RoleDefinitionName }} catch { } if($null -eq $out) { $missingMandatoryAccount+= $admin $state = $false } else { $foundMandatoryAccount += $admin } } if(($foundMandatoryAccount | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #$controlResult.AddMessage("Found mandatory accounts:",$foundMandatoryAccount, $true, "FoundMandatoryAccounts") $controlResult.AddMessage("Found mandatory accounts:",$foundMandatoryAccount) } if(($missingMandatoryAccount | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #$controlResult.AddMessage("Missing mandatory accounts:",$missingMandatoryAccount, $true, "MissingMandatoryAccounts") $controlResult.AddMessage("Missing mandatory accounts:",$missingMandatoryAccount) } } if(-not $state) { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed; } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Passed } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckDeprecatedAccountsRBAC([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $this.GetRoleAssignments() $this.LoadRBACConfig() $state = $true $scope = $this.SubscriptionContext.Scope $depCounter = 0 $out = $null $foundDeprecatedAccounts = @() if($null -ne $this.DeprecatedAccounts) { foreach($depAcct in $this.DeprecatedAccounts) { try{ $out = $this.RoleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.ObjectId -eq $depAcct.ObjectId} } catch { } if($null -ne $out) { #$controlResult.AddMessage("`r`nFound deprecated account: [User] [$($depAcct.Name )] Type:[$($depAcct.ObjectType)]",$out) $foundDeprecatedAccounts += $depAcct $depCounter++ $state = $false } } } if(-not $state) { #$controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found deprecated accounts on the subscription:", $foundDeprecatedAccounts, $true, "DeprecatedAccounts") $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found deprecated accounts on the subscription:", $foundDeprecatedAccounts) } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Passed } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckNonAADAccountsRBAC([ControlResult] $controlResult) { if($this.HasGraphAPIAccess) { $this.GetRoleAssignments() Set-Variable -Name liveAccounts -Scope Local $liveAccounts = [array]($this.RoleAssignments | Where-Object {$_.SignInName -like '*#EXT#@*'} ) if(($liveAccounts | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found non-AAD account access present on the subscription:",($liveAccounts | Select-Object SignInName,DisplayName, Scope, RoleDefinitionName)) #$controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found non-AAD account access present on the subscription:",($liveAccounts | Select-Object SignInName,DisplayName, Scope, RoleDefinitionName), $true, "NonAADAccounts") $controlResult.VerificationResult =[VerificationResult]::Failed } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult =[VerificationResult]::Passed } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Not able to query Graph API. This has to be manually verified."); } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckSVCAccountsRBAC([ControlResult] $controlResult) { if($this.HasGraphAPIAccess) { $this.GetRoleAssignments() $serviceAccounts = @() if($null -ne $this.CurrentContext) { $GraphAccessToken = [Helpers]::GetAccessToken([WebRequestHelper]::GraphAPIUri) } $uniqueUsers = @(); $uniqueUsers += $this.RoleAssignments | Sort-Object SignInName -Unique | Select-Object DisplayName, SignInName,ObjectId, ObjectType $uniqueUsers | ForEach-Object{ Set-Variable -Name user -Scope Local -Value $_ Set-Variable -Name ObjectId -Scope Local -Value $_.ObjectId Set-Variable -Name SignInName -Scope Local -Value $_.SignInName Set-Variable -Name ObjectType -Scope Local -Value $_.ObjectType $isServiceAccount = [IdentityHelpers]::IsServiceAccount($_.ObjectId, $_.SignInName, $_.ObjectType, $GraphAccessToken) if($isServiceAccount) { $userScopes = $this.RoleAssignments | Where-Object {$_.SignInName -eq $SignInName} $userScopes | ForEach-Object{ Set-Variable -Name userScope -Scope Local -Value $_ $serviceAccounts += $userScope } } } if(($serviceAccounts | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $serviceAccounts = $serviceAccounts | Where-Object {-not ($_.SignInName -like 'Sc-*')} } if(($serviceAccounts | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #$controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found non-MFA enabled accounts present on the subscription",($serviceAccounts | Select-Object Scope, DisplayName, SignInName, RoleDefinitionName, ObjectId, ObjectType), $true, "NonMFAAccounts") $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found non-MFA enabled accounts present on the subscription",($serviceAccounts | Select-Object Scope, DisplayName, SignInName, RoleDefinitionName, ObjectId, ObjectType)); } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult =[VerificationResult]::Passed } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Not able to query Graph API. This has to be manually verified."); } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckCoAdminCount([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $this.GetRoleAssignments() Set-Variable -Name classicCoAdmins -Scope Local $classicCoAdmins = $this.RoleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.RoleDefinitionName -eq 'CoAdministrator' ` -or $_.RoleDefinitionName -like '*ServiceAdministrator*' } $count = ($classicCoAdmins | Measure-Object).Count #$controlResult.AddMessage("No. of CoAdministrators found: $count", ($classicCoAdmins | Select-Object DisplayName, Scope, ObjectType, ObjectId), $true, "CoAdminsList") $controlResult.AddMessage("No. of CoAdministrators found: $count", ($classicCoAdmins | Select-Object DisplayName, Scope, ObjectType, ObjectId)) if($count -gt $this.ControlSettings.NoOfClassicAdminsLimit) { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult =[VerificationResult]::Passed } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckManagementCertsPresence([ControlResult] $controlResult) { try { $this.GetManagementCertificates() if($this.ControlSettings.WhitelistedMgmtCerts | Get-Member -Name "Thumbprints") { $this.ManagementCertificates | ForEach-Object { Set-Variable -Name certObject -Value $_ -Scope Local if(($this.ControlSettings.WhitelistedMgmtCerts.Thumbprints | Where-Object {$_ -eq $certObject.CertThumbprint} | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and $certObject.Difference.Days -le $this.ControlSettings.WhitelistedMgmtCerts.ApprovedValidityRangeInDays) { $certObject.Whitelisted = $true } } } $FilteredMgmtCerts = @(); $FilteredMgmtCerts += $this.ManagementCertificates | Where {-not $_.Whitelisted} Set-Variable -Name isCompliant -Scope Local if($null -ne $FilteredMgmtCerts -and $FilteredMgmtCerts.Count -gt 0) { #$controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed,"Found Management certificates on the subscription.",($this.ManagementCertificates | Select-Object CertThumbprint, SubjectName, Issuer, Created , ExpiryDate , IsExpired, Whitelisted), $true, "MgmtCerts") $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed,"Found Management certificates on the subscription.",($this.ManagementCertificates | Select-Object CertThumbprint, SubjectName, Issuer, Created , ExpiryDate , IsExpired, Whitelisted)) } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Passed } } catch { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual,"Doesn't have required permissions to check management certificates on this subscription.") } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckAzureSecurityCenterSettings([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $secCenter = [SecurityCenter]::new($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId); if ($secCenter) { $controlResult.AddMessage([MessageData]::new("Security center policies must be configured with settings mentioned below:", $; $misConfiguredPolicies = $secCenter.GetMisconfiguredPolicies(); if($misConfiguredPolicies.Count -ne 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, [MessageData]::new("Following security center policies are not correctly configured. Please update the policies in order to comply.", $misConfiguredPolicies)); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, [MessageData]::new("All security center policies are correctly configured.")); } } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckAzureSecurityCenterAlerts([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $this.GetASCAlerts() $activeAlerts = ($this.ASCSettings.Alerts | Where-Object {$_.State -eq "Active"}) if(($activeAlerts | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed,"Azure Security Center have active alerts that need to resolved.") } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult =[VerificationResult]::Passed } $controlResult.AddMessage(($activeAlerts | Select-Object State, AlertDisplayName, AlertName, Description, ReportedTimeUTC, RemediationSteps)) return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckAzureSecurityCenterRecommendations([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $this.GetASCTasks() $activeRecommendations = ($this.ASCSettings.Tasks | Where-Object {$_.State -eq "Active"}) if(($activeRecommendations | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed,"Azure Security Center have actives recommendations that need to resolved.") } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult =[VerificationResult]::Passed } $controlResult.AddMessage(($activeRecommendations | Select-Object Name, State, ResourceId)); return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckSPNsRBAC([ControlResult] $controlResult) { if($this.HasGraphAPIAccess) { $this.GetRoleAssignments() $scope = $this.SubscriptionContext.Scope $servicePrincipalNames = $this.RoleAssignments | Where-Object {$_.ObjectType -eq "ServicePrincipal" -and ($_.RoleDefinitionName -eq "Owner" -or $_.RoleDefinitionName -eq "Contributor") -and $_.Scope -eq $scope} if(($servicePrincipalNames | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Failed #$controlResult.AddMessage("Below is the list SPNs which have either owner or contributor access on subscription:", ($servicePrincipalNames | Select-Object DisplayName, SignInName,ObjectType), $true, "CriticalSPNs") $controlResult.AddMessage("Below is the list SPNs which have either owner or contributor access on subscription:", ($servicePrincipalNames | Select-Object DisplayName, SignInName,ObjectType)) } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult =[VerificationResult]::Passed } } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Manual, "Not able to query Graph API. This has to be manually verified."); } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckResourceLocksUsage([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $foundLocks = $true $lockDtls = $null #Command will throw exception if no locks found try { $lockDtls = Get-AzureRmResourceLock -ErrorAction Stop # -Scope "/subscriptions/$SubscriptionId" } catch { $foundLocks = $false } if($null -eq $lockDtls) { $foundLocks = $false } if($foundLocks) { #$controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "Subscription lock details :", ($lockDtls | Select-Object Name, @{Name="Lock Level";Expression={$_.Properties.level}}, LockId, @{Name="Notes";Expression={$_.Properties.notes}} ), $true, "SubscriptionLocks") $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "Subscription lock details :", ($lockDtls | Select-Object Name, @{Name="Lock Level";Expression={$_.Properties.level}}, LockId, @{Name="Notes";Expression={$_.Properties.notes}} )) } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "There are no resource locks present on the subscription."); } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckARMPoliciesCompliance([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $UserTags = @() $UserTags += "mandatory" $subARMPolConfig = $this.LoadServerConfigFile("Subscription.ARMPolicies.json") $output = @() $foundMandatoryPolicies = $true if($null -ne $subARMPolConfig) { $subARMPolConfig = [array]($subARMPolConfig) $subARMPolConfig | ForEach-Object{ Set-Variable -Name pol -Scope Local -Value $_ Set-Variable -Name polEnabled -Scope Local -Value $_.enabled Set-Variable -Name policyDefinitionName -Scope Local -Value $_.policyDefinitionName Set-Variable -Name tags -Scope Local -Value $_.tags $haveMatchedTags = ((($tags | Where-Object { $UserTags.Contains($_.Trim().ToLower()) }) | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) if($polEnabled -and $haveMatchedTags) { $mandatoryPolicies = [array](Get-AzureRMPolicyAssignment | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $policyDefinitionName}) if($null -eq $mandatoryPolicies -or ($mandatoryPolicies | Measure-Object).Count -le 0) { $foundMandatoryPolicies = $false $output += $pol } } } } if($foundMandatoryPolicies) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Found all the mandatory policies on the Subscription."); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Some of the mandatory policies are missing which are demanded by the control tags [$UserTags]", $output); } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckCriticalAlertsPresence([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $UserTags = @() $UserTags += "mandatory" $output = @() $subInsightsAlertsConfig = $this.LoadServerConfigFile("Subscription.InsAlerts.json") $foundRequiredAlerts = $true if($null -ne $subInsightsAlertsConfig) { $subInsightsAlertsConfig =[array]($subInsightsAlertsConfig) $AlertsPkgRG = "AzSDKAlertsRG" $alertsRG = [array] (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup | Where-Object {$_.ResourceGroupName -match "^$AlertsPkgRG"}) $configuredAlerts = $null if (($alertsRG | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1) { $configuredAlerts = Get-AzureRmAlertRule -ResourceGroup $AlertsPkgRG } if((($alertsRG | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1) -and ($null -ne $configuredAlerts)){ $subInsightsAlertsConfig | ForEach-Object{ Set-Variable -Name alert -Scope Local -Value $_ Set-Variable -Name alertEnabled -Scope Local -Value $_.Enabled Set-Variable -Name alertName -Scope Local -Value $_.Name Set-Variable -Name tags -Scope Local -Value $_.Tags $haveMatchedTags = ((($tags | Where-Object { $UserTags.Contains($_.Trim().ToLower()) }) | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) if($alertEnabled -and $haveMatchedTags) { $foundAlert = [array]($configuredAlerts | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $alertName}) if($null -eq $foundAlert -or ($foundAlert | Measure-Object).Count -le 0) { $foundRequiredAlerts = $false $output += $alert } } } } else { $foundRequiredAlerts = $false } } if($foundRequiredAlerts) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, "Insights alerts has been configured on the subscription."); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Missing mandatory critical alerts on the subcription.", $output); } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckCustomRBACRolesPresence([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $this.GetRoleAssignments() $out = @() $output = @() Get-AzureRmRoleDefinition -Custom | ForEach-Object{ Set-Variable -Name RoleDefn -Value $_ $out = "" | Select-Object RoleDefinitionName, RoleAssignmentScope $RoleAssignments = [array]($this.RoleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.RoleDefinitionId -eq $RoleDefn.Id}) if($null -ne $RoleAssignments -and $RoleAssignments.Length -gt 0) { $RoleAssignments | ForEach-Object{ Set-Variable -Name RoleAssignment -Value $_ $out.RoleDefinitionName = $RoleDefn.Name $out.RoleAssignmentScope = $RoleAssignment.Scope $output+= $out } } else { $out.RoleDefinitionName = $RoleDefn.Name $out.RoleAssignmentScope = "UnAssigned" $output+= $out } } $output = [array]($output) if($null -ne $output -and $output.Length -gt 0) { #$controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "Found custom RBAC definitions`r`nNo. of custom RBAC roles: $($output.Length)", $output, $true, "CustomRBAC") $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Verify, "Found custom RBAC definitions`r`nNo. of custom RBAC roles: $($output.Length)", $output) } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Passed } return $controlResult } hidden [ControlResult] CheckPresenceOfClassicResources([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $classicResources = [array] (Get-AzureRMResource | Where-Object {$_.ResourceType -like "*classic*"} ) if(($classicResources | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #$controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found classic resources on the susbcription.", $classicResources, $true, "ClassicResources") $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, "Found classic resources on the susbcription.", $classicResources) } else { $controlResult.VerificationResult = [VerificationResult]::Passed } return $controlResult } hidden [void] LoadRBACConfig() { if($null -eq $this.MandatoryAccounts` -or $null -eq $this.ApprovedAdmins` -or $null -eq $this.DeprecatedAccounts` ) { $this.MandatoryAccounts = @() $this.ApprovedAdmins = @() $subRBACConfig = $this.LoadServerConfigFile("Subscription.RBAC.json") if($null -ne $subRBACConfig) { $subRBACConfig.ValidActiveAccounts | Where-Object {$_.Enabled} | ForEach-Object{ if($_.RoleDefinitionName -eq "Owner") { $this.ApprovedAdmins += $_ } if(($_.Tags | Where-Object {$_ -eq "Mandatory"} | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $this.MandatoryAccounts += $_ } } } $this.DeprecatedAccounts = $subRBACConfig.DeprecatedAccounts | Where-Object {$_.Enabled} } } hidden [void] GetRoleAssignments() { if($null -eq $this.RoleAssignments) { $this.RoleAssignments = [RoleAssignmentHelper]::GetAzSDKRoleAssignment($true,$true) } } hidden [void] GetManagementCertificates() { $ResourceAppIdURI = [WebRequestHelper]::ClassicManagementUri; $ClassicAccessToken = [Helpers]::GetAccessToken($ResourceAppIdURI) if($null -ne $ClassicAccessToken) { $header = "Bearer " + $ClassicAccessToken $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json"; "x-ms-version" ="2013-08-01"} $uri = [string]::Format("{0}/{1}/certificates","",$this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId) $mgmtCertsResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing if($mgmtCertsResponse.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $mgmtCertsResponse.StatusCode -le 399) { if($null -ne $mgmtCertsResponse.Content) { [xml] $mgmtCerts = $mgmtCertsResponse.Content; $this.ManagementCertificates = @(); if($null -ne $mgmtCerts -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($mgmtCerts, "SubscriptionCertificates.SubscriptionCertificate")) { $this.ManagementCertificates = [ManagementCertificate]::ListManagementCertificates($mgmtCerts.SubscriptionCertificates.SubscriptionCertificate) } } } } } hidden [void] GetASCAlerts() { $ResourceAppIdURI = [WebRequestHelper]::AzureManagementUri; $AccessToken = [Helpers]::GetAccessToken($ResourceAppIdURI) if($null -ne $AccessToken) { $header = "Bearer " + $AccessToken $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json";} $uri=[system.string]::Format("{0}/providers/microsoft.Security/alerts?api-version=2015-06-01-preview",$this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId) $result = "" $err = $null $output = $null try { $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing if($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399){ if($null -ne $result.Content){ $json = (ConvertFrom-Json $result.Content) if($null -ne $json){ if(($json | Get-Member -Name "value")) { $output += $json.value; } else { $output += $json; } } } } } catch{ $err = $_ if($null -ne $err) { if($null -ne $err.ErrorDetails.Message){ $json = (ConvertFrom-Json $err.ErrorDetails.Message) if($null -ne $json){ $return = $json if($json.'odata.error'.code -eq "Request_ResourceNotFound") { $return = $json.'odata.error'.message } } } } } $this.ASCSettings.Alerts = [AzureSecurityCenter]::GetASCAlerts($output) } } hidden [void] GetASCTasks() { $ResourceAppIdURI = [WebRequestHelper]::AzureManagementUri; $AccessToken = [Helpers]::GetAccessToken($ResourceAppIdURI) if($null -ne $AccessToken) { $header = "Bearer " + $AccessToken $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json";} $uri=[system.string]::Format("{0}/providers/microsoft.Security/tasks?api-version=2015-06-01-preview", $this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId) $result = "" $err = $null $output = $null try { $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing if($result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399){ if($null -ne $result.Content){ $json = (ConvertFrom-Json $result.Content) if($null -ne $json){ if($json | Get-Member -Name "value") { $output += $json.value; } else { $output += $json; } } } } } catch{ $err = $_ if($null -ne $err) { if($null -ne $err.ErrorDetails.Message){ $json = (ConvertFrom-Json $err.ErrorDetails.Message) if($null -ne $json){ $return = $json if($json.'odata.error'.code -eq "Request_ResourceNotFound") { $return = $json.'odata.error'.message } } } } } $this.ASCSettings.Tasks = [AzureSecurityCenter]::GetASCTasks($output) } } } |