
  "FeatureName": "Storage",
  "Reference": "",
  "IsManintenanceMode": false,
  "Controls": [
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_AuthN_Dont_Allow_Anonymous",
      "Description": "The Access Type for containers must NOT allow public access with anonymous authentication",
      "Id": "AzureStorage110",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "Yes",
      "MethodName": "CheckStorageContainerPublicAccessTurnOff",
      "Recommendation": "Run command 'Set-AzureStorageContainerAcl -Name '<ContainerName>' -Permission 'Off' -Context '<StorageContext>''. Run 'Get-Help Set-AzureStorageContainerAcl -full' to get the complete details about this command.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_Audit_Issue_Alert_AuthN_Req",
      "Description": "Alerts must be issued for authentication request data",
      "Id": "AzureStorage120",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "Yes",
      "MethodName": "CheckStorageMetricAlert",
      "Recommendation": "Run command 'Add-AzureRmMetricAlertRule -MetricName 'AnonymousSuccess' -Operator 'GreaterThan' -Threshold '0' -TimeAggregationOperator 'Total' -WindowSize '01:00:00' -Actions '<New-AzureRmAlertRuleEmail -SendToServiceOwners>' -Name '<AlertName>' -ResourceGroup '<RGName>' -TargetResourceId '<TargetResourceId>' -Location '<Location>''. Run 'Get-Help Add-AzureRmMetricAlertRule -full' to get the complete details about this command.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_Deploy_Use_Geo_Redundant",
      "Description": "Use geo-redundant storage accounts",
      "Id": "AzureStorage130",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "Yes",
      "MethodName": "CheckStorageGeoRedundantReplication",
      "Recommendation": "Run command 'Set-AzureRmStorageAccount -Name '<StorageAccountName>' -ResourceGroupName '<RGName>' -SkuName '<Standard_GRS/Standard_RAGRS>''. Run 'Get-Help Set-AzureRmStorageAccount -full' to get the complete details about this command.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_DP_Encrypt_At_Rest_Blob",
      "Description": "Sensitive data in Storage Blob must be encrypted at rest",
      "Id": "AzureStorage140",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "Yes",
      "MethodName": "CheckStorageBlobEncryptionEnabled",
      "Recommendation": "Run command 'Set-AzureRmStorageAccount -Name '<StorageAccountName>' -ResourceGroupName '<RGName>' -EnableEncryptionService 'Blob''. Run 'Get-Help Set-AzureRmStorageAccount -full' to get the complete details about this command.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_Audit_AuthN_Requests",
      "Description": "Storage Account must be configured to log and monitor authentication request data",
      "Id": "AzureStorage150",
                         "ControlSeverity": "Medium",
      "Automated": "Yes",
      "MethodName": "CheckStorageEnableDiagnosticsLog",
      "Recommendation": "Run command 'Set-AzureStorageServiceLoggingProperty -ServiceType '<Blob/Queue/Table>' -LoggingOperations 'All' -Context '<StorageContext>' -RetentionDays '365' -PassThru'. Run 'Get-Help Set-AzureStorageServiceLoggingProperty -full' to get the complete details about this command. Set-AzureStorageServiceMetricsProperty -MetricsType 'Hour' -ServiceType '<Blob/Queue/Table/File>' -Context '<StorageContext>' -MetricsLevel 'ServiceAndApi' -RetentionDays '365' -PassThru. Run 'Get-Help Set-AzureStorageServiceMetricsProperty -full' to get the complete details about this command.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_DP_Encrypt_In_Transit",
      "Description": "HTTPS protocol must be used for accessing Storage Account resources",
      "Id": "AzureStorage160",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "No",
      "MethodName": "",
      "Recommendation": "Connection to Storage Account can be established using either SAS token or connection string. Refer to connect to Storage Account using HTTPS configured SAS token. Refer to connect to Storage Account using HTTPS configured connection string.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_AuthZ_Use_IP_ACL",
      "Description": "Storage Account must be ACL'd to only permit access from intended IP addresses",
      "Id": "AzureStorage180",
                         "ControlSeverity": "Medium",
      "Automated": "No",
      "MethodName": "",
      "Recommendation": "IP address restriction can be configured on the SAS token used to connect to Storage Account. Refer for more details.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_AuthZ_Clients_Use_SAS",
      "Description": "Client / End user apps should always access Storage Account through SAS token only",
      "Id": "AzureStorage190",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "No",
      "MethodName": "",
      "Recommendation": "SAS token provides limited access to the clients accessing Storage Account, without exposing the account key. Refer for details on creating SAS token.",
      "Tags": [
        "Best Practice",
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_DP_Rotate_Keys",
      "Description": "Storage Account keys must be rotated periodically",
      "Id": "AzureStorage200",
                         "ControlSeverity": "Medium",
      "Automated": "No",
      "MethodName": "",
      "Recommendation": "Run command 'New-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -KeyName '<key1/key2>' -Name '<StorageAccountName>' -ResourceGroupName '<RGName>' to regenerate the account keys. Run 'Get-Help New-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -full' to get the complete details about this command.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_AuthZ_Allow_Limited_Access_to_Services",
      "Description": "Service-level Shared Access Signatures (SAS) with Stored Access Policies must be used to grant limited access to services in the Storage Account.",
      "Id": "AzureStorage210",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "No",
      "MethodName": "",
      "Recommendation": "Refer for details on creating SAS token with Stored Access Policy",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_DP_Encrypt_At_Rest_Table",
      "Description": "Sensitive data in Storage Table must be encrypted at rest",
      "Id": "AzureStorage220",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "No",
      "MethodName": "",
      "Recommendation": "Refer for details on encrypting Storage Table content.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_DP_Encrypt_At_Rest_Queue",
      "Description": "Sensitive data in Storage Queue must be encrypted at rest",
      "Id": "AzureStorage230",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "No",
      "MethodName": "",
      "Recommendation": "Refer for details on encrypting Storage Queue content.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true
      "ControlID": "Azure_Storage_DP_Encrypt_At_Rest_File",
      "Description": "Sensitive data in Storage File must be encrypted at rest",
      "Id": "AzureStorage240",
                         "ControlSeverity": "High",
      "Automated": "No",
      "MethodName": "",
      "Recommendation": "Run command 'Set-AzureRmStorageAccount -Name '<StorageAccountName>' -ResourceGroupName '<RGName>' -EnableEncryptionService 'File''. Run 'Get-Help Set-AzureRmStorageAccount -full' to get the complete details about this command.",
      "Tags": [
      "Enabled": true