using namespace System.Management.Automation Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Class to implement Subscription alert controls class Alerts: CommandBase { hidden [PSObject[]] $Policy = $null; hidden [PSObject[]] $ApplicableAlerts = $null; hidden [string] $TargetResourceGroup; hidden [string] $ResourceGroup ; hidden [string] $ResourceGroupLocation = "East US"; hidden [PSObject] $AlertPolicyObj = $null hidden [string] $V1AlertRGName; Alerts([string] $subscriptionId, [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext, [string] $tags): Base($subscriptionId, $invocationContext) { $this.V1AlertRGName = [Constants]::V1AlertRGName $this.ResourceGroup = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSdkConfigData().AzSDKRGName $this.AlertPolicyObj = $this.LoadServerConfigFile("Subscription.InsARMAlerts.json"); $this.Policy = $this.AlertPolicyObj.AlertList $this.FilterTags = $this.ConvertToStringArray($tags); } hidden [PSObject[]] GetApplicableAlerts([string[]] $alertNames) { if($null -eq $this.ApplicableAlerts) { $this.ApplicableAlerts = @(); if($alertNames -and $alertNames.Count -ne 0) { $this.ApplicableAlerts += $this.Policy | Where-Object { $alertNames -Contains $_.Name }; } elseif(($this.FilterTags | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { $this.Policy | ForEach-Object { $currentResourceTypeItem = $_; $applicableAlert = @{ Name=$currentResourceTypeItem.Name;Description = $currentResourceTypeItem.Description; OperationNameList =@(); Enabled = $currentResourceTypeItem.Enabled } $currentResourceTypeItem.AlertOperationList | ForEach-Object{ $currentItem = $_ if(($currentItem | Where-Object { $this.FilterTags -Contains $_.Tags -and $_.Enabled -eq $true} | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { $applicableAlert.OperationNameList += $currentItem.OperationName; } } if(($applicableAlert.OperationNameList | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 ) { $this.ApplicableAlerts += $applicableAlert } } } } return $this.ApplicableAlerts; } hidden [PSObject[]] GetApplicableAlerts() { return $this.GetApplicableAlerts(@()); } [MessageData[]] RemoveAlerts( [string] $alertNames, [bool] $DeleteActionGroup) { [MessageData[]] $messages = @(); # Check for existence of resource group $existingRG = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.ResourceGroup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($existingRG) { $startMessage = [MessageData]::new("Found AzSDK alerts resource group: $($this.ResourceGroup)"); $messages += $startMessage; $this.PublishCustomMessage($startMessage); $alertNameArray = @(); if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($alertNames)) { $alertNameArray += $this.ConvertToStringArray($alertNames); if($alertNameArray.Count -eq 0) { throw [System.ArgumentException] ("The argument 'alertNames' is null or empty"); } } # User wants to remove only specific alerts if(($this.Policy | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { if($this.GetApplicableAlerts($alertNameArray) -ne 0) { $startMessage = [MessageData]::new("Removing alerts. Tags:[$([string]::Join(",", $this.FilterTags))]. Total alerts: $($this.GetApplicableAlerts($alertNameArray).Count)"); $messages += $startMessage; $this.PublishCustomMessage($startMessage); $this.PublishCustomMessage("Note: Removing alerts can take few minutes depending on number of alerts to be processed...", [MessageType]::Warning); $disabledAlerts = $this.GetApplicableAlerts($alertNameArray) | Where-Object { -not $_.Enabled }; if(($disabledAlerts | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { $disabledMessage = "Found alerts which are disabled and will not be removed. This is intentional. Total disabled alerts: $($disabledAlerts.Count)"; $messages += [MessageData]::new($disabledMessage, $disabledAlerts); #$this.PublishCustomMessage($disabledMessage, [MessageType]::Warning); } $enabledAlerts = @(); $enabledAlerts += $this.GetApplicableAlerts($alertNameArray) | Where-Object { $_.Enabled }; if($enabledAlerts.Count -ne 0) { $messages += [MessageData]::new([Constants]::SingleDashLine + "`r`nRemoving following alerts from the subscription. Total alerts: $($enabledAlerts.Count)", $enabledAlerts); $errorCount = 0; $currentCount = 0; $enabledAlerts | ForEach-Object { $alertName = $_.Name; $currentCount += 1; # Remove alert try { Remove-AzureRmResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Insights/activityLogAlerts" -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceGroup -Name $alertName -Force #Remove-AzureRmAlertRule -ResourceGroup $this.ResourceGroup -Name $alertName -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } catch { $messages += [MessageData]::new("Error while removing alert [$alertName] from the subscription", $_, [MessageType]::Error); $errorCount += 1; } $this.CommandProgress($enabledAlerts.Count, $currentCount, 20); }; [MessageData[]] $resultMessages = @(); if($errorCount -eq 0) { #setting the tag at AzSDKRG $azsdkRGName = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSdkConfigData().AzSDKRGName; [Helpers]::SetResourceGroupTags($azsdkRGName,@{"AzSDKAlertsVersion"=$this.AlertPolicyObj.Version}, $true) $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("All alerts have been removed from the subscription successfully`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Update); if($DeleteActionGroup) { Remove-AzureRmResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Insights/actiongroups" -ResourceGroupName $this.REsourceGroup -Name "AzSDKAlertActionGroup" -Force $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("Action Group have been removed from the subscription successfully`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Update); } } elseif($errorCount -eq $enabledAlerts.Count) { $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("No alerts have been removed from the subscription due to error occurred. Please add the alerts manually.`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Error); } else { $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("$errorCount/$($enabledAlerts.Count) alert(s) have not been removed from the subscription. Please remove the alerts manually.", [MessageType]::Error); $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("$($enabledAlerts.Count - $errorCount)/$($enabledAlerts.Count) alert(s) have been removed from the subscription successfully`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Update); } $messages += $resultMessages; $this.PublishCustomMessage($resultMessages); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No alerts have been found that matches the specified tags. Tags:[$([string]::Join(",", $this.FilterTags))].", [MessageType]::Warning); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No alerts found in the alert policy file", [MessageType]::Warning); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No AzSDK configured alerts found in the subscription. Resource group not found: $($this.ResourceGroup)", [MessageType]::Warning); } return $messages; } [MessageData[]] SetAlerts([string] $targetResourceGroup, [string] $securityContactEmails,[string] $SecurityPhoneNumbers, [string] $alertResourceGroupLocation) { $actionGroupResourceId = $null # Parameter validation if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($securityContactEmails)) { #If security contact emails is blank check if old V1 alerts are configured and get email from alert resource #Check if V2 alert action group is present and assign existing action group resource Id $actionGroupResourceId = $this.GetAlertActionGroupId() #If V2 AG is not present then try to get Security email contacts from V1 alerts if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($actionGroupResourceId)) { $securityContactEmails = $this.GetV1AlertSecurityEmailContact() } if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($securityContactEmails) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($actionGroupResourceId)) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("'SecurityContactEmails' is required to configure alerts. Please set up alerts with cmdlet Set-AzSDKAlerts. Run 'Get-Help Set-AzSDKAlerts -full' for more help.", [MessageType]::Error); return $null; } } $allEmails = @(); $allEmails += $this.ConvertToStringArray($securityContactEmails); #Validate emails if((($allEmails | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)) { $invalidEmailList = [Helpers]::ValidateEmailList($allEmails) if(($invalidEmailList| Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $this.PublishCustomMessage(("Please enter valid security contact email id(s): "+ [string]::Join(",", $invalidEmailList)) , [MessageType]::Error); return $null } } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($alertResourceGroupLocation)) { $this.ResourceGroupLocation = $alertResourceGroupLocation; } [MessageData[]] $messages = @(); if(($this.Policy | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { $alertList = $this.GetApplicableAlerts(); if($alertList -ne 0) { $criticalAlerts = $alertList $startMessage = [MessageData]::new("Processing AzSDK alerts. Total alerts: $($criticalAlerts.Count)"); $messages += $startMessage; $this.PublishCustomMessage($startMessage); $this.PublishCustomMessage("Note: Configuring alerts can take about 4-5 min...", [MessageType]::Warning); $disabledAlerts = $criticalAlerts | Where-Object { -not $_.Enabled }; if(($disabledAlerts | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { $disabledMessage = "Found alerts which are disabled. This is intentional. Total disabled alerts: $($disabledAlerts.Count)"; $messages += [MessageData]::new($disabledMessage, $disabledAlerts); } $enabledAlerts = @(); $enabledAlerts += $criticalAlerts | Where-Object { $_.Enabled }; if($enabledAlerts.Count -ne 0) { $messages += [MessageData]::new([Constants]::SingleDashLine + "`r`nAdding following alerts to the subscription. Total alerts: $($enabledAlerts.Count)", $enabledAlerts); # Check if Resource Group exists $existingRG = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.ResourceGroup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if(-not $existingRG) { [Helpers]::NewAzSDKResourceGroup($this.ResourceGroup,$this.ResourceGroupLocation,$this.GetCurrentModuleVersion()) } $messages += [MessageData]::new("All the alerts registered by this script will be placed in a resource group named: $($this.ResourceGroup)"); $isTargetResourceGroup = -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($targetResourceGroup); #if email address are provided, Create/edit the action group. This will not support append functionality. if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($allEmails)) { $actionGroupResourceId = $this.SetupAlertActionGroup($allEmails,$SecurityPhoneNumbers) if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($actionGroupResourceId)) { $this.PublishCustomMessage("Not able to create alert action group. Validate detailed log for more details.", [MessageType]::Error); return $messages } } try { $criticalAlertList = @() $alertArm = $this.LoadServerConfigFile("Subscription.AlertARM.json"); $alert = ($alertArm.resources | Select -First 1).PSObject.Copy() $enabledAlerts | ForEach-Object { $alertObj = [Helpers]::DeepCopy($alert) $ = $_.Name $ = $_.Description $[2].anyOf =@() $_.OperationNameList | ForEach-Object { $[2].anyOf += @{ field = "operationName"; equals =$_ } } if($isTargetResourceGroup) { $ += @{field= "resourceGroup";equals= $targetResourceGroup} } $[0].actionGroupId = $actionGroupResourceId $criticalAlertList += $alertObj } $alertArm.resources = $criticalAlertList $armTemplatePath = [Constants]::AzSdkTempFolderPath + "Subscription.AlertARM.json"; $alertArm | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | New-Item $armTemplatePath -Force | Out-Null $alertDeployment = New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name "AzSDKAlertsDeployment" -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceGroup -TemplateFile $armTemplatePath -ErrorAction Stop Remove-Item $armTemplatePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { $messages += [MessageData]::new("Error while deploying alerts to the subscription", $_, [MessageType]::Error); } [MessageData[]] $resultMessages = @(); #Logic to validate if Alerts are configured. $configuredAlerts = @(); $configuredAlerts = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Insights/activityLogAlerts" -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceGroup $actualConfiguredAlertsCount = ($configuredAlerts | Measure-Object).Count $notConfiguredAlertsCount = $enabledAlerts.Count - $actualConfiguredAlertsCount if( $actualConfiguredAlertsCount -eq $enabledAlerts.Count) { #setting the tag at AzSDKRG $azsdkRGName = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSdkConfigData().AzSDKRGName; [Helpers]::SetResourceGroupTags($azsdkRGName,@{"AzSDKAlertsVersion"=$this.AlertPolicyObj.Version}, $false) #After successfully setting V2 alerts, clean V1 alert rules $messages +=$this.CleanV1Alerts(); $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("All AzSDK alerts have been configured successfully.`r`n", [MessageType]::Update); } else { $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("$notConfiguredAlertsCount/$($enabledAlerts.Count) alert(s) have not been added to the subscription. Please add the alerts manually.", [MessageType]::Error); $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("$actualConfiguredAlertsCount/$($enabledAlerts.Count) alert(s) have been added to the subscription successfully`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Update); } $messages += $resultMessages; $this.PublishCustomMessage($resultMessages); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No alerts have been found that matches the specified tags. Tags:[$([string]::Join(",", $this.FilterTags))].", [MessageType]::Warning); } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("No alerts found in the alert policy file", [MessageType]::Warning); } return $messages; } [MessageData[]] SetAlerts() { return $this.SetAlerts($null,$null,$null,$null); } [MessageData[]] SetAlerts([string] $targetResourceGroup, [string] $securityContactEmails, [string] $alertResourceGroupLocation) { return $this.SetAlerts($targetResourceGroup,$securityContactEmails,[string]::Empty,$alertResourceGroupLocation); } hidden [string] SetupAlertActionGroup([string[]] $securityContactEmails,[string] $SecurityPhoneNumbers) { $actionGroupResourceId = $null try{ #Get ARM template for action group $actionGroupArm = $this.LoadServerConfigFile("Subscription.AlertActionGroup.json"); $actionGroupArmResource = $actionGroupArm.resources | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "AzSDKAlertActionGroup" } $emailReceivers = $ | Select-Object -first 1 $emailReceiversList = @(); $Counter = 1; $securityContactEmails | ForEach-Object { $email = $emailReceivers.PsObject.Copy() $ = "SecurityContactEmail$Counter" $email.emailAddress = $_ $emailReceiversList += $email $Counter+=1 } $ = $emailReceiversList if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SecurityPhoneNumbers)) { $smsReceivers = $ | Select-Object -first 1 $allPhoneNumbers = @(); $allPhoneNumbers += $this.ConvertToStringArray($SecurityPhoneNumbers); $Counter = 1; $smsReceiversList = @(); $allPhoneNumbers | ForEach-Object { $phoneNumberDetails = $smsReceivers.PsObject.Copy() $ = "SecurityPhoneNumber$Counter" $phoneNumberDetails.phoneNumber = $_ $smsReceiversList += $phoneNumberDetails $Counter+=1 } $ = $smsReceiversList } else { $'smsReceivers') } $armTemplatePath =[Constants]::AzSdkTempFolderPath + "Subscription.AlertActionGroup.json" $actionGroupArm | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | New-Item $armTemplatePath -Force $actionGroupResource = New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name "AzSDKAlertActionGroupDeployment" -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceGroup -TemplateFile $armTemplatePath -ErrorAction Stop $actionGroupId = $actionGroupResource.Outputs | Where-Object actionGroupId $actionGroupResourceId = $actionGroupId.Values | Select -ExpandProperty Value Remove-Item $armTemplatePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { $this.PublishException($_); } return $actionGroupResourceId } hidden [MessageData[]] CleanV1Alerts() { #Validate if V1(Old) Alert RG present $messages = @(); $existingRG = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.V1AlertRGName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($existingRG) { # Remove all locks $messages += $this.RemoveAllResourceGroupLocks(); $messages += [MessageData]::new("Found old deprecated alert resource group (AzSDKAlertsRG). Removing all V1 AzSDK configured alerts by removing deprecated resource group"); Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.V1AlertRGName -Force } return $messages } hidden [MessageData[]] RemoveAllResourceGroupLocks() { $messages = @(); #Remove Resource Lock on Resource Group if any $locks = @(); $locks += Get-AzureRmResourceLock -ResourceGroupName $this.V1AlertRGName if($locks.Count -ne 0) { $messages += [MessageData]::new("Removing following existing resource group locks so that old alert RG can be removed.", $locks); $locks | ForEach-Object { Remove-AzureRmResourceLock -LockId $_.LockId -Force | Out-Null } Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 } return $messages; } hidden [string] GetV1AlertSecurityEmailContact() { #Validate if V1(Old) Alert RG present $existingRG = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.V1AlertRGName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $emailList = [string]::Empty if($existingRG) { #Check if V1 alert resource is present $configuredAlerts = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroup $this.V1AlertRGName -ResourceType 'microsoft.insights/alertrules' if(($configuredAlerts | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #Validate if command exists. As this command will soon get deprecated from AzureRM if (Get-Command "Get-AzureRmAlertRule" -errorAction SilentlyContinue) { $alertResourceDetails = $configuredAlerts | Select -First 1 $alertRuleDetails = Get-AzureRMAlertRule -ResourceGroup $this.V1AlertRGName -Name $alertResourceDetails.Name -WarningAction SilentlyContinue if($alertRuleDetails) { $emailList = [string]::Join(",",($alertRuleDetails.Properties.Actions | Select @{N='EmailList';E={$_.CustomEmails}} ).EmailList) } } } } return $emailList } hidden [string] GetAlertActionGroupId() { #Validate if Alert RG present $existingRG = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.ResourceGroup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($existingRG) { $AGRsource = Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceType microsoft.insights/actiongroups -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceGroup | Select-Object -First 1 if($AGRsource) { return $AGRsource.ResourceId } else { return [string]::Empty } } else { return [string]::Empty } } } |