Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class ControlSecurityFixes: CommandBase { hidden [string] $ParameterFilePath = ""; hidden [string[]] $FolderPaths = @(); [bool] $Force = $false; [FixControlConfig] $FixControlParam; ControlSecurityFixes([string] $subscriptionId, [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext, [FixControlConfig] $fixControlParam, [string] $parameterFilePath): Base($subscriptionId, $invocationContext) { if(-not $fixControlParam) { throw [System.ArgumentException] ("The argument 'fixParam' is null"); } $this.FixControlParam = $fixControlParam; if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameterFilePath)) { $this.ParameterFilePath = $parameterFilePath; $this.FolderPaths += [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($parameterFilePath) + "\Services\"; $this.FolderPaths += "$PSScriptRoot\Services\"; } else { throw [System.ArgumentException] "The parameter 'parameterFilePath' is null or empty." } } [string] $ImpactText = "FixControlImpact"; [string] $ControlsText = "Controls"; [string] $TotalText = "Total"; [string] $MarkerText = "--------"; hidden [void] UpdateSummaryCount([PSObject[]] $summary, [ControlParam[]] $controls) { if($controls -and $controls.Count -ne 0) { $totalRow = $summary | Where-Object { $_.$($this.ImpactText) -eq $this.TotalText } | Select-Object -First 1; $controls | Group-Object { $_.$($this.ImpactText) } | ForEach-Object { $item = $_; $currentRow = $summary | Where-Object { $_.$($this.ImpactText) -eq $item.Name } | Select-Object -First 1; if($currentRow) { $currentRow.$($this.ControlsText) += $item.Count; } if($totalRow) { $totalRow.$($this.ControlsText) += $item.Count; } }; } } hidden [void] PrintFixControlImpact() { $summary = @(); [Enum]::GetNames([FixControlImpact]) | ForEach-Object { $row = [PSObject]::new(); Add-Member -InputObject $row -Name $this.ImpactText -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $_.ToString() Add-Member -InputObject $row -Name $this.ControlsText -MemberType NoteProperty -Value 0 $summary += $row; }; $markerRow = [PSObject]::new(); Add-Member -InputObject $markerRow -Name $this.ImpactText -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $this.MarkerText Add-Member -InputObject $markerRow -Name $this.ControlsText -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $this.MarkerText $summary += $markerRow; $totalRow = [PSObject]::new(); Add-Member -InputObject $totalRow -Name $this.ImpactText -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $this.TotalText Add-Member -InputObject $totalRow -Name $this.ControlsText -MemberType NoteProperty -Value 0 $summary += $totalRow; if($this.FixControlParam.SubscriptionControls.Count -ne 0) { $this.UpdateSummaryCount($summary, $this.FixControlParam.SubscriptionControls); } if($this.FixControlParam.ResourceGroups.Count -ne 0) { $this.FixControlParam.ResourceGroups | ForEach-Object { $_.Resources | ForEach-Object { $resource = $_.Controls; $this.UpdateSummaryCount($summary, $_.Controls); }; }; } $this.PublishCustomMessage(" `r`n" + ($summary | Format-Table | Out-String), [MessageType]::Info); } [MessageData[]] ImplementFix() { $this.PrintFixControlImpact(); [MessageData[]] $messages = @(); $this.PublishCustomMessage([MessageData]::new(" `nRunning this command will make changes to your Azure subscription/resource configurations in order to fix/remediate security controls. Please confirm that you have reviewed the proposed changes.", [MessageType]::Warning)); $response = "" if($this.Force) { $response = "y"; $this.PublishCustomMessage([MessageData]::new("User consent has been supressed by -Force parameter.", [MessageType]::Warning)); } while($response -ne "y" -and $response -ne "n") { if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($response)) { Write-Host "Please select appropriate option." } $response = Read-Host "Do you want to continue (Y/N)?" $response = $response.Trim() } if($response -eq "y") { $this.PublishCustomMessage("User has provided consent to implement the control fixes."); $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::DoubleDashLine); $this.PublishCustomMessage("Started implementing control recommendations"); $this.PublishCustomMessage("[SubscriptionId: $($this.FixControlParam.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId)] [SubscriptionName: $($this.FixControlParam.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName)]"); # SSCore Fixes if($this.FixControlParam.SubscriptionControls.Count -ne 0) { $exceptionMessage = "Exception for subscription: [SubscriptionName: $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName)] [SubscriptionId: $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId)]" $messages += $this.FixAllControls([SVTMapping]::SubscriptionMapping, @($this.FixControlParam.SubscriptionControls), [string] $exceptionMessage) } # Resource fixes if($this.FixControlParam.ResourceGroups.Count -ne 0) { $totalResources = 0; [int] $currentCount = 0; $this.FixControlParam.ResourceGroups | ForEach-Object { $totalResources += $_.Resources.Count }; $this.FixControlParam.ResourceGroups | ForEach-Object { $resourceGroup = $_; $resourceGroup.Resources | ForEach-Object { $resource = $_; $exceptionMessage = "Exception for resource: [ResourceType: $($resource.ResourceTypeMapping.ResourceTypeName)] [ResourceGroupName: $($resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName)] [ResourceName: $($resource.ResourceName)]" $currentCount += 1; if($totalResources -gt 1) { $this.PublishCustomMessage(" `r`nFixing resource [$currentCount/$totalResources] "); } $messages += $this.FixAllControls($_.ResourceTypeMapping, @($resource, $resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName), [string] $exceptionMessage) }; }; } } else { $this.PublishCustomMessage("The command execution aborted.") } return $messages; } [MessageData[]] FixAllControls([SubscriptionMapping] $typeMapping, [PSObject[]] $argumentList, [string] $exceptionMessage) { [MessageData[]] $messages = @(); try { if(-not $argumentList) { $argumentList = @(); } foreach ($path in $this.FolderPaths) { $fileToLoad = $path + $typeMapping.FixFileName; if(Test-Path -Path $fileToLoad) { . $fileToLoad break; } } $svtFixObject = $null; $fixClassName = $typeMapping.FixClassName; try { $args = @(); $args += $this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId; $args += $argumentList; $svtFixObject = New-Object -TypeName $fixClassName -ArgumentList $args } catch { $this.PublishCustomMessage($exceptionMessage); # Unwrapping the first layer of exception which is added by New-Object function $this.CommandError($_.Exception.InnerException.ErrorRecord); } if($svtFixObject) { $messages += $svtFixObject.FixAllControls(); } # Register/Deregister all listeners to cleanup the memory [ListenerHelper]::RegisterListeners(); } catch { $this.PublishCustomMessage($exceptionMessage); $this.CommandError($_); } return $messages; } } |