
using namespace System.Management.Automation
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest 

# Class to implement Subscription alert controls
class Alerts: CommandBase
    hidden [PSObject[]] $Policy = $null;
    hidden [PSObject[]] $ApplicableAlerts = $null;
    hidden [string] $TargetResourceGroup;
    hidden [string] $ResourceGroup = "AzSDKAlertsRG";
    hidden [string] $ResourceGroupLocation = "East US";
    Alerts([string] $subscriptionId, [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext, [string] $tags): 
        Base($subscriptionId, $invocationContext)
        $this.Policy = [array] $this.LoadServerConfigFile("Subscription.InsAlerts.json"); 
        $this.FilterTags = $this.ConvertToStringArray($tags);

    hidden [PSObject[]] GetApplicableAlerts([string[]] $alertNames)
        if($null -eq $this.ApplicableAlerts)
            $this.ApplicableAlerts = @();

            if($alertNames -and $alertNames.Count -ne 0)
                $this.ApplicableAlerts += $this.Policy | Where-Object { $alertNames.Contains($_.Name) };
            elseif(($this.FilterTags | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
                $this.Policy |
                    ForEach-Object {
                        $currentItem = $_;
                        if(($currentItem.Tags | Where-Object { $this.FilterTags.Contains($_) } | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
                            $this.ApplicableAlerts  += $currentItem;
        return $this.ApplicableAlerts;

    hidden [PSObject[]] GetApplicableAlerts()
        return $this.GetApplicableAlerts(@());

    [MessageData[]] SetAlerts([string] $targetResourceGroup, [string] $securityContactEmails, [string] $alertResourceGroupLocation)
        # Parameter validation
            throw [System.ArgumentException] ("The argument 'securityContactEmails' is null or empty");

        $allEmails = @();        
        $allEmails += $this.ConvertToStringArray($securityContactEmails);
        if($allEmails.Count -eq 0)
            throw [System.ArgumentException] ("Please provide valid email address(es)");

        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($alertResourceGroupLocation))
            $this.ResourceGroupLocation = $alertResourceGroupLocation;

        [MessageData[]] $messages = @();
        if(($this.Policy | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
            if($this.GetApplicableAlerts() -ne 0)
                $startMessage = [MessageData]::new("Processing AzSDK alerts. Total alerts: $($this.GetApplicableAlerts().Count)");
                $messages += $startMessage;
                $this.PublishCustomMessage("Note: Configuring alerts can take about 10-12 minutes depending on number of alerts to be processed...", [MessageType]::Warning);                

                $disabledAlerts = $this.GetApplicableAlerts() | Where-Object { -not $_.Enabled };
                if(($disabledAlerts | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
                    $disabledMessage = "Found alerts which are disabled. Total disabled alerts: $($disabledAlerts.Count)";
                    $messages += [MessageData]::new($disabledMessage, $disabledAlerts);                    

                $enabledAlerts = @();
                $enabledAlerts += $this.GetApplicableAlerts() | Where-Object { $_.Enabled };
                if($enabledAlerts.Count -ne 0)
                    $messages += [MessageData]::new([Constants]::SingleDashLine + "`r`nAdding following alerts to the subscription. Total alerts: $($enabledAlerts.Count)", $enabledAlerts);                                            

                    # Check if Resource Group exists
                    $existingRG = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.ResourceGroup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    if(-not $existingRG)
                        New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.ResourceGroup -Location $this.ResourceGroupLocation -Tag @{
                            "AzSDKVersion" = $this.GetCurrentModuleVersion();
                            "CreationTime" = $this.RunIdentifier;
                            "AzSDKFeature" = "Alerts"
                        } -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

                    $messages += [MessageData]::new("All the alerts registered by this script will be placed in a resource group named: $($this.ResourceGroup)");

                    #Remove Resource Lock on Resource Group if any
                    $messages += $this.RemoveAllResourceGroupLocks();

                    #Add-OutputLogEvent -OutputLogFilePath $outputLogFilePath -EventData ("A resource lock will be deployed on this resource group to protect from accidental deletion.") -RawOutput
                    $isTargetResourceGroup = -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($targetResourceGroup);
                    # Accepting only first email address because of Azure issue in creating Alert rule with multiple emails
                    $emailAction = New-AzureRmAlertRuleEmail -CustomEmails $allEmails[0] -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

                    $errorCount = 0;
                    $currentCount = 0;
                    $enabledAlerts | ForEach-Object {
                        $alertName = $_.Name;
                        $currentCount += 1;
                        # Add alert
                                Add-AzureRmLogAlertRule -Name $_.Name -Location $this.ResourceGroupLocation -ResourceGroup $this.ResourceGroup `
                                                        -TargetResourceGroup $targetResourceGroup -OperationName $_.OperationName `
                                                        -Actions $emailAction -Description $_.Description -WarningAction Ignore
                                Add-AzureRmLogAlertRule -Name $_.Name -Location $this.ResourceGroupLocation -ResourceGroup $this.ResourceGroup `
                                                        -OperationName $_.OperationName `
                                                        -Actions $emailAction -Description $_.Description -WarningAction Ignore
                            $messages += [MessageData]::new("Error while adding alert [$alertName] to the subscription", $_, [MessageType]::Error);
                            $errorCount += 1;

                        $this.CommandProgress($enabledAlerts.Count, $currentCount, 20);

                    [MessageData[]] $resultMessages = @();
                    if($errorCount -eq 0)
                        $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("All AzSDK alerts have been configured successfully.`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Update);
                    elseif($errorCount -eq $enabledAlerts.Count)
                        $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("No alerts have been added to the subscription due to error occured. Please add the alerts manually.`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Error);
                        $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("[$errorCount] alerts have not been added to the subscription. Please add the alerts manually.", [MessageType]::Error);
                        $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("[$($enabledAlerts.Count - $errorCount)] alerts have been added to the subscription successfully`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Update);
                    $messages += $resultMessages;

                    # Create the lock
                    $messages += $this.AddResourceGroupLock();
                $this.PublishCustomMessage("No alerts have been found that matches the specified tags. Tags:[$([string]::Join(",", $this.FilterTags))].", [MessageType]::Warning);
            $this.PublishCustomMessage("No alerts found in the alert policy file", [MessageType]::Warning);

        return $messages;

    [MessageData[]] RemoveAlerts([bool] $deleteResourceGroup, [string] $alertNames)
        [MessageData[]] $messages = @();

        # Check for existence of resource group

        $existingRG = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.ResourceGroup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $startMessage = [MessageData]::new("Found AzSDK alerts resource group: $($this.ResourceGroup)");
            $messages += $startMessage;

            # Remove all locks
            $messages += $this.RemoveAllResourceGroupLocks();

            # Check if user wants to remove resource group
                $messages += [MessageData]::new("Removing all AzSDK configred alerts by removing resource group: $($this.ResourceGroup)");
                # Remove entire RG (containing all alerts).
                Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this.ResourceGroup -Force
                $resultMessage = [MessageData]::new("All AzSDK configred alerts removed successfully");
                $messages += $resultMessage;
                $alertNameArray = @();        
                if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($alertNames))
                    $alertNameArray += $this.ConvertToStringArray($alertNames);
                    if($alertNameArray.Count -eq 0)
                        throw [System.ArgumentException] ("The argument 'alertNames' is null or empty");

                # User wants to remove only specific alerts
                if(($this.Policy | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
                    if($this.GetApplicableAlerts($alertNameArray) -ne 0)
                        $startMessage = [MessageData]::new("Removing alerts. Tags:[$([string]::Join(",", $this.FilterTags))]. Total alerts: $($this.GetApplicableAlerts($alertNameArray).Count)");
                        $messages += $startMessage;
                        $this.PublishCustomMessage("Note: Removing alerts can take few minutes depending on number of alerts to be processed...", [MessageType]::Warning);                

                        $disabledAlerts = $this.GetApplicableAlerts($alertNameArray) | Where-Object { -not $_.Enabled };
                        if(($disabledAlerts | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
                            $disabledMessage = "Found alerts which are disabled and will not be removed. Total disabled alerts: $($disabledAlerts.Count)";
                            $messages += [MessageData]::new($disabledMessage, $disabledAlerts);
                            $this.PublishCustomMessage($disabledMessage, [MessageType]::Warning);

                        $enabledAlerts = @();
                        $enabledAlerts += $this.GetApplicableAlerts($alertNameArray) | Where-Object { $_.Enabled };
                        if($enabledAlerts.Count -ne 0)
                            $messages += [MessageData]::new([Constants]::SingleDashLine + "`r`nRemoving following alerts from the subscription. Total alerts: $($enabledAlerts.Count)", $enabledAlerts);                                            

                            $errorCount = 0;
                            $currentCount = 0;
                            $enabledAlerts | ForEach-Object {
                                $alertName = $_.Name;
                                $currentCount += 1;
                                # Remove alert
                                    Remove-AzureRmAlertRule -ResourceGroup $this.ResourceGroup -Name $alertName -WarningAction SilentlyContinue      
                                    $messages += [MessageData]::new("Error while removing alert [$alertName] from the subscription", $_, [MessageType]::Error);
                                    $errorCount += 1;

                                $this.CommandProgress($enabledAlerts.Count, $currentCount, 20);

                            [MessageData[]] $resultMessages = @();
                            if($errorCount -eq 0)
                                $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("All alerts have been removed from the subscription successfully`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Update);
                            elseif($errorCount -eq $enabledAlerts.Count)
                                $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("No alerts have been removed from the subscription due to error occured. Please add the alerts manually.`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Error);
                                $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("[$errorCount] alerts have not been removed from the subscription. Please remove the alerts manually.", [MessageType]::Error);
                                $resultMessages += [MessageData]::new("[$($enabledAlerts.Count - $errorCount)] alerts have been removed from the subscription successfully`r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine, [MessageType]::Update);
                            $messages += $resultMessages;

                            # Create the lock
                            $messages += $this.AddResourceGroupLock();
                        $this.PublishCustomMessage("No alerts have been found that matches the specified tags. Tags:[$([string]::Join(",", $this.FilterTags))].", [MessageType]::Warning);
                    $this.PublishCustomMessage("No alerts found in the alert policy file", [MessageType]::Warning);
            $this.PublishCustomMessage("No AzSDK configured alerts found in the subscription. Resource group not found: $($this.ResourceGroup)", [MessageType]::Warning);
        return $messages;

    hidden [MessageData[]] RemoveAllResourceGroupLocks()
        $messages = @();
        #Remove Resource Lock on Resource Group if any
        $locks = @();
        $locks += Get-AzureRmResourceLock -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceGroup
        if($locks.Count -ne 0)
            $messages += [MessageData]::new("Removing following existing resource group locks so that alerts can be processed. Total: $($locks.Count)", $locks);

            $locks | ForEach-Object {
                Remove-AzureRmResourceLock -LockId $_.LockId -Force | Out-Null
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        return $messages;

    hidden [MessageData[]] AddResourceGroupLock()
        $messages = @();
        # Create the lock
        $lockName = "AzSDKAlertLock";
        $lockObject = New-AzureRmResourceLock -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceGroup -LockName $lockName -LockLevel ReadOnly -LockNotes "Lock created by AzSDK to protect alert objects" -Force
        $messages += [MessageData]::new("Created ResourceGroup lock to protect the alert objects. Lock name: $lockName", $lockObject);
        return $messages;
