Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class Constants { #All constant used across all modules Defined Here. static [string] $DoubleDashLine = "================================================================================" static [string] $HashLine = "################################################################################" static [string] $SingleDashLine = "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" static [string] $UnderScoreLineLine= "________________________________________________________________________________" static [string] $Info = "Info:" static [string] $OutputLogFilePath = "null" static [string] $RemediationMsg = "** Next steps **`r`n Look at the individual control evaluation status in the CSV file.`r a) If the control has passed, no action is necessary.`r b) If the control has failed, look at the control evaluation detail in the LOG file to understand why.`r c) If the control status says 'Verify', it means that human judgement is required to determine the final control status. Look at the control evaluation output in the LOG file to make a determination.`r d) Lastly, if the control status says 'Manual', it means that AzSDK (currently) does not cover the control via automation OR AzSDK is not able to fetch the data. You need to manually implement/verify it.`r" static [string] $OfflineModeWarning = "Running in offline policy mode. Commands will run against local JSON files!" #Constants for SVTs static [string] $ModuleStartHeading = [Constants]::DoubleDashLine + "`r`nInfo: Starting analysis - [FeatureName: {0}] [ResourceGroupName: {1}] [ResourceName: {2}] `r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine static [string] $ModuleStartHeadingSub = [Constants]::DoubleDashLine + "`r`nInfo: Starting analysis - [FeatureName: {0}] [SubscriptionName: {1}] [SubscriptionId: {2}] `r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine static [string] $AnalysingControlHeading = "Info: Checking: [{0}]-[{1}]" static [string] $AnalysingControlHeadingSub = "Info: Checking: [{0}]-[{1}]" static [string] $CompletedAnalysis = [Constants]::SingleDashLine + "`r`nCompleted analysis: [FeatureName: {0}] [ResourceGroupName: {1}] [ResourceName: {2}] `r`n" + [Constants]::DoubleDashLine static [string] $CompletedAnalysisSub = [Constants]::SingleDashLine + "`r`nCompleted analysis: [FeatureName: {0}] [SubscriptionName: {1}] [SubscriptionId: {2}] `r`n" + [Constants]::DoubleDashLine #Constants for Attestation static [string] $ModuleAttestStartHeading = [Constants]::DoubleDashLine + "`r`nInfo: Starting attestation - [FeatureName: {0}] [ResourceGroupName: {1}] [ResourceName: {2}] `r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine static [string] $ModuleAttestStartHeadingSub = [Constants]::DoubleDashLine + "`r`nInfo: Starting attestation - [FeatureName: {0}] [SubscriptionName: {1}] [SubscriptionId: {2}] `r`n" + [Constants]::SingleDashLine static [string] $CompletedAttestAnalysis = [Constants]::SingleDashLine + "`r`nCompleted attestation: [FeatureName: {0}] [ResourceGroupName: {1}] [ResourceName: {2}] `r`n" + [Constants]::DoubleDashLine static [string] $CompletedAttestAnalysisSub = [Constants]::SingleDashLine + "`r`nCompleted attestation: [FeatureName: {0}] [SubscriptionName: {1}] [SubscriptionId: {2}] `r`n" + [Constants]::DoubleDashLine static [string] $AzSdkAppFolderPath = $Env:LOCALAPPDATA + "\Microsoft\AzSDK" static [string] $AzSdkLogFolderPath = $Env:LOCALAPPDATA + "\Microsoft\" static [string] $AzSdkTempFolderPath = $env:TEMP + "\AzSDK\" static [string] $ARMManagementUri = ""; static [string] $VersionCheckMessage = "Warning: You are not running on latest version: {0} `r`nYou can get latest version by executing: {1} `r`n" + [Constants]::DoubleDashLine; static [string] $UsageTelemetryKey = "cf4c5e1a-d68d-4ea1-9901-37b67f58a192"; static [string] $AzSDKRGLocation = "eastus2"; } |