Set-StrictMode -Version Latest class CDN: SVTBase { hidden [PSObject] $ResourceObject; CDN([string] $subscriptionId, [string] $resourceGroupName, [string] $resourceName): Base($subscriptionId, $resourceGroupName, $resourceName) { $this.GetResourceObject(); } CDN([string] $subscriptionId, [SVTResource] $svtResource): Base($subscriptionId, $svtResource) { } hidden [ControlResult] CheckCDNHttpsProtocol([ControlResult] $controlResult) { $cdnEndpoints = Get-AzureRmCdnEndpoint -ProfileName $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName ` -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName ` -ErrorAction Stop if(($cdnEndpoints | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, [MessageData]::new("No CDN endpoints are found in the CDN profile.")); } else { $httpAllowedEndpointList = $cdnEndpoints | Where-Object { $_.IsHttpAllowed -eq $true } if(($httpAllowedEndpointList | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Passed, [MessageData]::new("All CDN endpoints in the CDN profile [" + $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName + "] are using HTTPS protocol only - ", ($cdnEndpoints | Select-Object -Property Name, HostName, OriginHostHeader, IsHttpAllowed, IsHttpsAllowed))); } else { $controlResult.AddMessage([VerificationResult]::Failed, [MessageData]::new("Below CDN endpoints in the CDN profile [" + $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName + "] are using HTTP protocol - ", ($httpAllowedEndpointList | Select-Object -Property Name, HostName, OriginHostHeader, IsHttpAllowed, IsHttpsAllowed))); } } return $controlResult; } } |