
Function Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray
    Add property CollectionTime (based on current time) to all entries on the object
    Gives capability to do proper searching in queries to find latest set of records with same collection time
    Time Generated cannot be used when you are sending data in batches, as TimeGenerated will change
    An example where this is important is a complete list of applications for a computer. We want all applications to
    show up when queriying for the latest data
    Object to modify
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Updated object with CollectionTime
    # Variables
    $Verbose = $true # $true or $false
    # Collecting data (in)
    $DNSName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName +"." + (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).Domain
    $ComputerName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName
    [datetime]$CollectionTime = ( Get-date ([datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK" )
    $UserLoggedOnRaw = Get-Process -IncludeUserName -Name explorer | Select-Object UserName -Unique
    $UserLoggedOn = $UserLoggedOnRaw.UserName
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty "CIM*"
    # Preparing data structure
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Adding CollectionTime to all entries in array .... please wait !
    Caption : Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 5
    Description : Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 5
    InstallDate :
    Name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz
    Status : OK
    Availability : 3
    ConfigManagerErrorCode :
    ConfigManagerUserConfig :
    CreationClassName : Win32_Processor
    DeviceID : CPU0
    ErrorCleared :
    ErrorDescription :
    LastErrorCode :
    PNPDeviceID :
    PowerManagementCapabilities :
    PowerManagementSupported : False
    StatusInfo : 3
    SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem
    SystemName : STRV-MOK-DT-02
    AddressWidth : 64
    CurrentClockSpeed : 2904
    DataWidth : 64
    Family : 198
    LoadPercentage : 1
    MaxClockSpeed : 2904
    OtherFamilyDescription :
    Role : CPU
    Stepping :
    UniqueId :
    UpgradeMethod : 1
    Architecture : 9
    AssetTag : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    Characteristics : 252
    CpuStatus : 1
    CurrentVoltage : 8
    ExtClock : 100
    L2CacheSize : 2048
    L2CacheSpeed :
    L3CacheSize : 16384
    L3CacheSpeed : 0
    Level : 6
    Manufacturer : GenuineIntel
    NumberOfCores : 8
    NumberOfEnabledCore : 8
    NumberOfLogicalProcessors : 16
    PartNumber : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    ProcessorId : BFEBFBFF000A0655
    ProcessorType : 3
    Revision :
    SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions : False
    SerialNumber : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    SocketDesignation : U3E1
    ThreadCount : 16
    Version :
    VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled : False
    VMMonitorModeExtensions : False
    VoltageCaps :
    PSComputerName :
    CollectionTime : 12-03-2023 16:08:33


    [datetime]$CollectionTime = ( Get-date ([datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK" )

    Write-Verbose " Adding CollectionTime to all entries in array .... please wait !"

    $IntermediateObj = @()
    ForEach ($Entry in $Data)
            $Entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CollectionTime -Value $CollectionTime -Force | Out-Null

            $IntermediateObj += $Entry

    return [array]$IntermediateObj

Function Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray
    Adds up to 3 extra columns and data to the object
    Gives capability to extend the data with for example Computer and UserLoggedOn, which are nice data to have in the inventory
    Object to modify
    .PARAMETER Column1Name
    Name of the column to add (for example Computer)
    .PARAMETER Column1Data
    Data to add to the column1 (for example $Env:Computer)
    .PARAMETER Column2Name
    Name of the column to add (for example UserLoggedOn)
    .PARAMETER Column2Data
    Data to add to the column1 (for example $UserLoggedOn)
    .PARAMETER Column3Name
    Name of the column to add (for example ComputerType)
    .PARAMETER Column3Data
    Data to add to the column1 (for example $ComputerType)
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Updated object with CollectionTime
    # Variables
    $Verbose = $true # $true or $false
    # Collecting data (in)
    $DNSName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName +"." + (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).Domain
    $ComputerName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName
    [datetime]$CollectionTime = ( Get-date ([datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK" )
    $UserLoggedOnRaw = Get-Process -IncludeUserName -Name explorer | Select-Object UserName -Unique
    $UserLoggedOn = $UserLoggedOnRaw.UserName
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty "CIM*"
    # Preparing data structure
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn -Verbose:$verbose
    # Output
    Caption : Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 5
    Description : Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 5
    InstallDate :
    Name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz
    Status : OK
    Availability : 3
    ConfigManagerErrorCode :
    ConfigManagerUserConfig :
    CreationClassName : Win32_Processor
    DeviceID : CPU0
    ErrorCleared :
    ErrorDescription :
    LastErrorCode :
    PNPDeviceID :
    PowerManagementCapabilities :
    PowerManagementSupported : False
    StatusInfo : 3
    SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem
    SystemName : STRV-MOK-DT-02
    AddressWidth : 64
    CurrentClockSpeed : 2904
    DataWidth : 64
    Family : 198
    LoadPercentage : 1
    MaxClockSpeed : 2904
    OtherFamilyDescription :
    Role : CPU
    Stepping :
    UniqueId :
    UpgradeMethod : 1
    Architecture : 9
    AssetTag : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    Characteristics : 252
    CpuStatus : 1
    CurrentVoltage : 8
    ExtClock : 100
    L2CacheSize : 2048
    L2CacheSpeed :
    L3CacheSize : 16384
    L3CacheSpeed : 0
    Level : 6
    Manufacturer : GenuineIntel
    NumberOfCores : 8
    NumberOfEnabledCore : 8
    NumberOfLogicalProcessors : 16
    PartNumber : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    ProcessorId : BFEBFBFF000A0655
    ProcessorType : 3
    Revision :
    SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions : False
    SerialNumber : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    SocketDesignation : U3E1
    ThreadCount : 16
    Version :
    VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled : False
    VMMonitorModeExtensions : False
    VoltageCaps :
    PSComputerName :
    CollectionTime : 12-03-2023 16:19:12
    Computer : STRV-MOK-DT-02
    UserLoggedOn : 2LINKIT\mok#>



    Write-Verbose " Adding columns to all entries in array .... please wait !"
    $IntermediateObj = @()
    ForEach ($Entry in $Data)
            If ($Column1Name)
                    $Entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Column1Name -Value $Column1Data -Force

            If ($Column2Name)
                    $Entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Column2Name -Value $Column2Data -Force

            If ($Column3Name)
                    $Entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Column3Name -Value $Column3Data -Force

            $IntermediateObj += $Entry
    return [array]$IntermediateObj

Function Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema
    Rebuilds the source object to match modified schema structure - used after usage of ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames
    Builds new PSCustomObject object
    This is the data array
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Updated $DataVariable with valid column names
    # Collecting data (in)
    $DNSName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName +"." + (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).Domain
    $ComputerName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName
    [datetime]$CollectionTime = ( Get-date ([datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK" )
    $UserLoggedOnRaw = Get-Process -IncludeUserName -Name explorer | Select-Object UserName -Unique
    $UserLoggedOn = $UserLoggedOnRaw.UserName
    Write-Output "Get-Process is pretty slow .... take a cup coffee :-)"
    $DataVariable = Get-Process
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn -Verbose:$Verbose
    # adding prohibted columns to data - to demonstrate how it works
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name "Type" -Column1Data "MyDataType" -Verbose:$Verbose
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name "Id" -Column1Data "MyId" -Verbose:$Verbose
    # schema - before changes - we see columns named Type and Id (prohibited)
    Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable
    # Data before changes - we see columns named Type and Id (prohibited)
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # schema - after changes - we see columns named Type has been renamed to Type_ and Id to Id_ (prohibited)
    Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Data after changes - we see data was transferred to new columns (type_ and id_ - and the wrong columns (type, id) were removed
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Aligning source object structure with schema ... Please Wait !
    BasePriority : 8
    CollectionTime : 12-03-2023 16:25:37
    Company :
    Computer : STRV-MOK-DT-02
    Container :
    CPU : 0,015625
    Description :
    EnableRaisingEvents : False
    ExitCode :
    ExitTime :
    FileVersion :
    Handle : 10044
    HandleCount : 377
    Handles : 377
    HasExited : False
    Id_ : MyId
    MachineName : .
    MainModule : @{ModuleName=AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; FileName=C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AcrobatNotificationClient_
                       \AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; BaseAddress=6225920; ModuleMemorySize=438272; Entr
                                 yPointAddress=6460140; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}
    MainWindowHandle : 0
    MainWindowTitle :
    MaxWorkingSet : 1413120
    MinWorkingSet : 204800
    Modules : {@{ModuleName=AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; FileName=C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AcrobatNotificationClient
                                 _1.0.4.0_x86__e1rzdqpraam7r\AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; BaseAddress=6225920; ModuleMemorySize=438272; Ent
                                 ryPointAddress=6460140; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}, @{ModuleName=ntdll.dll; FileName=C:\WINDOWS\SY
                                 STEM32\ntdll.dll; BaseAddress=140715251924992; ModuleMemorySize=2179072; EntryPointAddress=0; FileVersionInf
                                 o=; Site=; Container=}, @{ModuleName=wow64.dll; FileName=C:\WINDOWS\System32\wow64.dll; BaseAddress=14071524
                                 5764608; ModuleMemorySize=356352; EntryPointAddress=140715245870880; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}, @
                                 {ModuleName=wow64base.dll; FileName=C:\WINDOWS\System32\wow64base.dll; BaseAddress=140715221450752; ModuleMe
                                 morySize=36864; EntryPointAddress=140715221454864; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}...}
    Name : AcrobatNotificationClient
    NonpagedSystemMemorySize : 23424
    NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 : 23424
    NounName :
    NPM : 23424
    PagedMemorySize : 10592256
    PagedMemorySize64 : 10592256
    PagedSystemMemorySize : 466384
    PagedSystemMemorySize64 : 466384
    Path : C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AcrobatNotificationClient_1.0.4.0_x86__e1rzdqpraam7r\AcrobatNotificationClient.
    PeakPagedMemorySize : 11440128
    PeakPagedMemorySize64 : 11440128
    PeakVirtualMemorySize : 318820352
    PeakVirtualMemorySize64 : 318820352
    PeakWorkingSet : 39202816
    PeakWorkingSet64 : 39202816
    PM : 10592256
    PriorityBoostEnabled : True
    PriorityClass : 32
    PrivateMemorySize : 10592256
    PrivateMemorySize64 : 10592256
    PrivilegedProcessorTime : @{Ticks=156250; Days=0; Hours=0; Milliseconds=15; Minutes=0; Seconds=0; TotalDays=1,80844907407407E-07; Tota
                                 lHours=4,34027777777778E-06; TotalMilliseconds=15,625; TotalMinutes=0,00026041666666666666; TotalSeconds=0,0
    ProcessName : AcrobatNotificationClient
    ProcessorAffinity : 65535
    Product :
    ProductVersion :
    Responding : True
    SafeHandle : @{IsInvalid=False; IsClosed=False}
    SessionId : 1
    SI : 1
    Site :
    StandardError :
    StandardInput :
    StandardOutput :
    StartInfo : @{Verb=; Arguments=; CreateNoWindow=False; EnvironmentVariables=System.Object[]; Environment=System.Object[]
                                 ; RedirectStandardInput=False; RedirectStandardOutput=False; RedirectStandardError=False; StandardErrorEncod
                                 ing=; StandardOutputEncoding=; UseShellExecute=True; Verbs=System.Object[]; UserName=; Password=; PasswordIn
                                 ClearText=; Domain=; LoadUserProfile=False; FileName=; WorkingDirectory=; ErrorDialog=False; ErrorDialogPare
                                 ntHandle=0; WindowStyle=0}
    StartTime : 08-03-2023 22:22:46
    SynchronizingObject :
    Threads : {@{BasePriority=8; CurrentPriority=8; Id=24524; PriorityBoostEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProces
                                 sorTime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; U
                                 serProcessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}, @{BasePriority=8; CurrentPriority=9; Id=18836; Priority
                                 BoostEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProcessorTime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-
                                 2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; UserProcessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}, @{B
                                 asePriority=8; CurrentPriority=8; Id=18608; PriorityBoostEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProcessorT
                                 ime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; UserP
                                 rocessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}, @{BasePriority=8; CurrentPriority=9; Id=18832; PriorityBoos
                                 tEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProcessorTime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-2023
                                  22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; UserProcessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}...}
    TotalProcessorTime : @{Ticks=156250; Days=0; Hours=0; Milliseconds=15; Minutes=0; Seconds=0; TotalDays=1,80844907407407E-07; Tota
                                 lHours=4,34027777777778E-06; TotalMilliseconds=15,625; TotalMinutes=0,00026041666666666666; TotalSeconds=0,0
    Type_ : MyDataType
    UserLoggedOn : 2LINKIT\mok
    UserProcessorTime : @{Ticks=0; Days=0; Hours=0; Milliseconds=0; Minutes=0; Seconds=0; TotalDays=0; TotalHours=0; TotalMillisecon
                                 ds=0; TotalMinutes=0; TotalSeconds=0}
    VirtualMemorySize : 289554432
    VirtualMemorySize64 : 289554432
    VM : 289554432
    WorkingSet : 6758400
    WorkingSet64 : 6758400
    WS : 6758400


    Write-Verbose " Aligning source object structure with schema ... Please Wait !"
    # Get schema
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $Data -Verbose:$Verbose

    $DataCount  = ($Data | Measure-Object).Count

    $DataVariableQA = @()

    $Data | ForEach-Object -Begin  {
            $i = 0
    } -Process {
                    # get column names
                  # $ObjColumns = $_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty

                    # enum schema
                    ForEach ($Column in $Schema)
                            # get column name & data
                            $ColumnName = $Column.Name
                            $ColumnData = $_.$ColumnName

                            $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ColumnName -Value $ColumnData -Force
                    $DataVariableQA += $_

                    # Increment the $i counter variable which is used to create the progress bar.
                    $i = $i+1

                    # Determine the completion percentage
                    $Completed = ($i/$DataCount) * 100
                    Write-Progress -Activity "Aligning source object structure with schema" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete $Completed
            } -End {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Aligning source object structure with schema" -Status "Ready" -Completed
                # return data from temporary array to original $Data
                $Data = $DataVariableQA
        Return $Data

Function CheckCreateUpdate-TableDcr-Structure
    Create or Update Azure Data Collection Rule (DCR) used for log ingestion to Azure LogAnalytics using Log Ingestion API (combined)
    Combined function which will combine 3 functions in one call:
    Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -
    Data object
    .PARAMETER Tablename
    Specifies the table name in LogAnalytics
    .PARAMETER SchemaSourceObject
    This is the schema in hash table format coming from the source object
    .PARAMETER EnableUploadViaLogHub
    $false = send logs directly to Azure, $true = send via remote path (log-hub), where log-engine will process data and upload. Made for legacy OS with TLS 1.0/1.1, PSVersion < 5.1
    .PARAMETER AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
    This is the Loganaytics Resource Id
    .PARAMETER DceName
    This is name of the Data Collection Endpoint to use for the upload
    Function will automatically look check in a global variable ($global:AzDceDetails) - or do a query using Azure Resource Graph to find DCE with name
    Goal is to find the log ingestion Uri on the DCE
    Variable $global:AzDceDetails can be build before calling this cmdlet using this syntax
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose -Verbose:$Verbose
    .PARAMETER DcrName
    This is name of the Data Collection Rule to use for the upload
    Function will automatically look check in a global variable ($global:AzDcrDetails) - or do a query using Azure Resource Graph to find DCR with name
    Goal is to find the DCR immunetable id on the DCR
    .PARAMETER DcrResourceGroup
    This is name of the resource group, where Data Collection Rules will be stored
    Variable $global:AzDcrDetails can be build before calling this cmdlet using this syntax
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose -Verbose:$Verbose
    .PARAMETER TableName
    This is tablename of the LogAnalytics table (and is also used in the DCR naming)
    .PARAMETER AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel
    Choose TRUE if you want to set Monitoring Publishing Contributor permissions on DCR level
    Choose FALSE if you would like to use inherited permissions from the resource group level (recommended)
    .PARAMETER LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId
    This is the object id of the Azure App service-principal
    NOTE: Not the object id of the Azure app, but Object Id of the service principal (!)
    .PARAMETER AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine
    Array with list of computers, where schema management can be done
    .PARAMETER AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine
    True means schema changes can be made from any computer - FALSE means it can only happen from reference machine(s)
    This is the Azure app id
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    # Variables
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine = @()
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine = $true
    # building global variable with all DCEs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # building global variable with all DCRs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable
    # Create/Update Schema for LogAnalytics Table & Data Collection Rule schema
    CheckCreateUpdate-TableDcr-Structure -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId `
                                            -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId `
                                            -DceName $DceName -DcrName $DcrName -TableName $TableName -Data $DataVariable `
                                            -LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId `
                                            -AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel `
                                            -AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine `
                                            -AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine
    # Output
    Collecting OS information
    VERBOSE: Checking LogAnalytics table and Data Collection Rule configuration .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1468-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: LogAnalytics table wasn't found !
    VERBOSE: DCR was not found [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ]
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1468-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Trying to update existing LogAnalytics table schema for table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] in
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/works
    VERBOSE: PATCH with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 7764-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: LogAnalytics Table doesn't exist or problems detected .... creating table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] in
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/works
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 7764-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"properties":{"totalRetentionInDays":30,"archiveRetentionInDays":0,"plan":"Analytics","retentionInDaysAsDefault":tru
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Pragma: no-cache
                        Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:c7ec48f5-2684-46e8-accb-45e7dbec242b
                        X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
                        api-supported-versions: 2015-03-20, 2015-11-01-preview, 2017-01-...
    Forms : {}
    Headers : {[Pragma, no-cache], [Request-Context, appId=cid-v1:c7ec48f5-2684-46e8-accb-45e7dbec242b], [X-Content-Type-Options, n
                        osniff], [api-supported-versions, 2015-03-20, 2015-11-01-preview, 2017-01-01-preview, 2017-03-03-preview, 2017-03-15-
                        preview, 2017-04-26-preview, 2020-03-01-preview, 2020-08-01, 2020-10-01, 2021-03-01-privatepreview, 2021-07-01-privat
                        epreview, 2021-12-01-preview, 2022-09-01-privatepreview, 2022-10-01]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 7764
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1468-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1342-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Found required DCE info using Azure Resource Graph
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 898-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Found required LogAnalytics info
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 291-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Creating/updating DCR [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] with limited payload
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/providers/micros
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 2094-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"properties":{"immutableId":"dcr-3433400ee8ca4570b606a9a21f2eea79","dataCollectionEndpointId":"/subscriptions/fce4f2
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Pragma: no-cache
                        Vary: Accept-Encoding
                        x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests: 149
                        Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3
    Forms : {}
    Headers : {[Pragma, no-cache], [Vary, Accept-Encoding], [x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests, 149], [Reques
                        t-Context, appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 2094
    VERBOSE: Updating DCR [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] with full schema
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/providers/micros
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 4546-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"properties":{"immutableId":"dcr-3433400ee8ca4570b606a9a21f2eea79","dataCollectionEndpointId":"/subscriptions/fce4f2
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Pragma: no-cache
                        Vary: Accept-Encoding
                        x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests: 148
                        Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3
    Forms : {}
    Headers : {[Pragma, no-cache], [Vary, Accept-Encoding], [x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests, 148], [Reques
                        t-Context, appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 4546
    VERBOSE: Waiting 10 sec to let Azure sync up so DCR rule can be retrieved from Azure Resource Graph
    VERBOSE: Getting Data Collection Rules from Azure Resource Graph .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1468-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 104224-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8

                [boolean]$EnableUploadViaLogHub = $false,

    # Create/Update Schema for LogAnalytics Table & Data Collection Rule schema

        If ($EnableUploadViaLogHub -eq $false)
                If ( ($AzAppId) -and ($AzAppSecret) )
                        # Check if table and DCR exist - or schema must be updated due to source object schema changes
                            # Get insight about the schema structure
                            $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $Data
                            $StructureCheck = Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId -TableName $TableName -DcrName $DcrName -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                                                -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

                        # Structure check = $true -> Create/update table & DCR with necessary schema

                            If ($StructureCheck -eq $true)
                                    If ( ( $env:COMPUTERNAME -in $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine) -or ($AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine -eq $true) )    # manage table creations
                                            # build schema to be used for LogAnalytics Table
                                            $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $Data -ReturnType Table -Verbose:$Verbose

                                            $ResultLA = CreateUpdate-AzLogAnalyticsCustomLogTableDcr -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId -SchemaSourceObject $Schema -TableName $TableName `
                                                                                                     -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose 

                                            # build schema to be used for DCR
                                            $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $Data -ReturnType DCR

                                            $ResultDCR = CreateUpdate-AzDataCollectionRuleLogIngestCustomLog -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                                                             -DceName $DceName -DcrName $DcrName -DcrResourceGroup $DcrResourceGroup -TableName $TableName `
                                                                                                             -LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId $LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId `
                                                                                                             -AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel `
                                                                                                             -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

                                            Return $ResultLA, $ResultDCR
                        } # create table/DCR

Function Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure
    Converts CIM array and remove CIM class information
    Used to remove "noice" information of columns which we shouldn't send into the logs
    Specifies the data object to modify
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Modified array
    # Variables
    $Verbose = $true # $true or $false
    # Collecting data (in)
    $DNSName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName +"." + (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).Domain
    $ComputerName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName
    [datetime]$CollectionTime = ( Get-date ([datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK" )
    $UserLoggedOnRaw = Get-Process -IncludeUserName -Name explorer | Select-Object UserName -Unique
    $UserLoggedOn = $UserLoggedOnRaw.UserName
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty "CIM*"
    # Preparing data structure
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Converting CIM array to Object & removing CIM class data in array .... please wait !
    Caption : Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 5
    Description : Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 5
    InstallDate :
    Name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz
    Status : OK
    Availability : 3
    ConfigManagerErrorCode :
    ConfigManagerUserConfig :
    CreationClassName : Win32_Processor
    DeviceID : CPU0
    ErrorCleared :
    ErrorDescription :
    LastErrorCode :
    PNPDeviceID :
    PowerManagementCapabilities :
    PowerManagementSupported : False
    StatusInfo : 3
    SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem
    SystemName : STRV-MOK-DT-02
    AddressWidth : 64
    CurrentClockSpeed : 2904
    DataWidth : 64
    Family : 198
    LoadPercentage : 1
    MaxClockSpeed : 2904
    OtherFamilyDescription :
    Role : CPU
    Stepping :
    UniqueId :
    UpgradeMethod : 1
    Architecture : 9
    AssetTag : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    Characteristics : 252
    CpuStatus : 1
    CurrentVoltage : 8
    ExtClock : 100
    L2CacheSize : 2048
    L2CacheSpeed :
    L3CacheSize : 16384
    L3CacheSpeed : 0
    Level : 6
    Manufacturer : GenuineIntel
    NumberOfCores : 8
    NumberOfEnabledCore : 8
    NumberOfLogicalProcessors : 16
    PartNumber : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    ProcessorId : BFEBFBFF000A0655
    ProcessorType : 3
    Revision :
    SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions : False
    SerialNumber : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
    SocketDesignation : U3E1
    ThreadCount : 16
    Version :
    VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled : False
    VMMonitorModeExtensions : False
    VoltageCaps :
    PSComputerName :


    Write-Verbose " Converting CIM array to Object & removing CIM class data in array .... please wait !"

    # remove CIM info columns from object
    $Object = $Data | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty CimClass, CimInstanceProperties, CimSystemProperties

    # Convert from array to object
    $ObjectModified = $Object | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | ConvertFrom-Json 

    return $ObjectModified

Function Convert-PSArrayToObjectFixStructure
    Converts PS array and remove PS class information
    Used to remove "noice" information of columns which we shouldn't send into the logs
    Specifies the data object to modify
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Modified array
    # Collecting data (in)
    $verbose = $true
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting installed applications information via registry ... Please Wait !"
    $UninstallValuesX86 = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $UninstallValuesX64 = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $DataVariable = $UninstallValuesX86
    $DataVariable += $UninstallValuesX64
    # Preparing data structure
    # removing apps without DisplayName fx KBs
    $DataVariable = $DataVariable | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -ne $null }
    # We see lots of "noice", which we don't want in our logs - PSPath, PSParentPath, PSChildname, PSDrive, PSProvider
    # Output
    AuthorizedCDFPrefix :
    Comments :
    Contact :
    DisplayVersion :
    HelpLink :
    HelpTelephone :
    InstallDate : 20221101
    InstallLocation : C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\
    InstallSource : C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp\{F09BB9BD-4825-4C23-B08A-4F622CB57050}\
    ModifyPath : "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{54ECA61C-83AE-4EE3-A9F7-848155A33386}\setup.exe" -
                           runfromtemp -l0x0409
    NoModify : 1
    Publisher : HP Inc.
    Readme :
    Size :
    EstimatedSize : 54156
    SystemComponent : 0
    UninstallString : "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{54ECA61C-83AE-4EE3-A9F7-848155A33386}\setup.exe" -
                           runfromtemp -l0x0409 -removeonly
    URLInfoAbout :
    URLUpdateInfo :
    VersionMajor : 8
    VersionMinor : 8
    WindowsInstaller : 1
    Version : 134742050
    Language : 1033
    DisplayName : HP Support Assistant
    LogFile : C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{54ECA61C-83AE-4EE3-A9F7-848155A33386}\Setup.ilg
    DisplayIcon : C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{54ECA61C-83AE-4EE3-A9F7-848155A33386}\ARPPRODUCTICON.exe
    RegOwner : mok
    RegCompany :
    NoRepair : 1
    QuietUninstallString : C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\UninstallHPSA.exe -s
    PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Unins
    PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Unins
    PSChildName : {54ECA61C-83AE-4EE3-A9F7-848155A33386}
    PSDrive : HKLM
    PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry
    # convert PS object and remove PS class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-PSArrayToObjectFixStructure -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Now we have removed the "noice" from all objects
    # Output
    AuthorizedCDFPrefix :
    Comments :
    Contact :
    DisplayVersion :
    HelpLink :
    HelpTelephone :
    InstallDate : 20221101
    InstallLocation : C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\
    InstallSource : C:\Users\MOK~1.2LI\AppData\Local\Temp\{F09BB9BD-4825-4C23-B08A-4F622CB57050}\
    ModifyPath : "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{54ECA61C-83AE-4EE3-A9F7-848155A33386}\setup.exe" -
                           runfromtemp -l0x0409
    NoModify : 1
    Publisher : HP Inc.
    Readme :
    Size :
    EstimatedSize : 54156
    SystemComponent : 0
    UninstallString : "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{54ECA61C-83AE-4EE3-A9F7-848155A33386}\setup.exe" -
                           runfromtemp -l0x0409 -removeonly
    URLInfoAbout :
    URLUpdateInfo :
    VersionMajor : 8
    VersionMinor : 8
    WindowsInstaller : 1
    Version : 134742050
    Language : 1033
    DisplayName : HP Support Assistant
    LogFile : C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{54ECA61C-83AE-4EE3-A9F7-848155A33386}\Setup.ilg
    DisplayIcon : C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{54ECA61C-83AE-4EE3-A9F7-848155A33386}\ARPPRODUCTICON.exe
    RegOwner : mok
    RegCompany :
    NoRepair : 1
    QuietUninstallString : C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\UninstallHPSA.exe -s


    Write-Verbose " Converting PS array to Object & removing PS class data in array .... please wait !"

    # remove CIM info columns from object
    $Object = $Data | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty PSPath, PSProvider, PSParentPath, PSDrive, PSChildName, PSSnapIn

    # Convert from array to object
    $ObjectModified = $Object | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json 

    return $ObjectModified

Function CreateUpdate-AzDataCollectionRuleLogIngestCustomLog
    Create or Update Azure Data Collection Rule (DCR) used for log ingestion to Azure LogAnalytics using Log Ingestion API
    Uses schema based on source object
    Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -
    .PARAMETER Tablename
    Specifies the table name in LogAnalytics
    .PARAMETER SchemaSourceObject
    This is the schema in hash table format coming from the source object
    .PARAMETER AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
    This is the Loganaytics Resource Id
    .PARAMETER DceName
    This is name of the Data Collection Endpoint to use for the upload
    Function will automatically look check in a global variable ($global:AzDceDetails) - or do a query using Azure Resource Graph to find DCE with name
    Goal is to find the log ingestion Uri on the DCE
    Variable $global:AzDceDetails can be build before calling this cmdlet using this syntax
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose -Verbose:$Verbose
    .PARAMETER DcrResourceGroup
    This is name of the resource group, where Data Collection Rules will be stored
    .PARAMETER DcrName
    This is name of the Data Collection Rule to use for the upload
    Function will automatically look check in a global variable ($global:AzDcrDetails) - or do a query using Azure Resource Graph to find DCR with name
    Goal is to find the DCR immunetable id on the DCR
    Variable $global:AzDcrDetails can be build before calling this cmdlet using this syntax
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose -Verbose:$Verbose
    .PARAMETER TableName
    This is tablename of the LogAnalytics table (and is also used in the DCR naming)
    .PARAMETER AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel
    Choose TRUE if you want to set Monitoring Publishing Contributor permissions on DCR level
    Choose FALSE if you would like to use inherited permissions from the resource group level (recommended)
    .PARAMETER LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId
    This is the object id of the Azure App service-principal
    NOTE: Not the object id of the Azure app, but Object Id of the service principal (!)
    This is the Azure app id
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    # Variables
    $verbose = $true
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information ... Please Wait !"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # We change the tablename to something - for example add TEST (InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2) - table doesn't exist
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable
    $StructureCheck = Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -TableName $TableName -DcrName $DcrName -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # we see that structure is missing, so we set the flag to enforce creating both DCR and table
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Checking LogAnalytics table and Data Collection Rule configuration .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: LogAnalytics table wasn't found !
    VERBOSE: DCR was not found [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2_CL ]
    # build schema to be used for LogAnalytics Table
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType Table -Verbose:$Verbose
    CreateUpdate-AzLogAnalyticsCustomLogTableDcr -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -SchemaSourceObject $Schema -TableName $TableName `
                                                    -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # build schema to be used for DCR
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType DCR
    CreateUpdate-AzDataCollectionRuleLogIngestCustomLog -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                        -DceName $DceName -DcrName $DcrName -TableName $TableName `
                                                        -LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId `
                                                        -AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel `
                                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Found required DCE info using Azure Resource Graph
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 898-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Found required LogAnalytics info
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 291-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Creating/updating DCR [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2_CL ] with limited payload
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/providers/micros
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 2033-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"properties":{"immutableId":"dcr-0189d991f81f43efbcfb6fc520541452","dataCollectionEndpointId":"/subscriptions/fce4f2
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Pragma: no-cache
                        Vary: Accept-Encoding
                        x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests: 149
                        Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3
    Forms : {}
    Headers : {[Pragma, no-cache], [Vary, Accept-Encoding], [x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests, 149], [Reques
                        t-Context, appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 2033
    VERBOSE: Updating DCR [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2_CL ] with full schema
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/providers/micros
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 4485-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"properties":{"immutableId":"dcr-0189d991f81f43efbcfb6fc520541452","dataCollectionEndpointId":"/subscriptions/fce4f2
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Pragma: no-cache
                        Vary: Accept-Encoding
                        x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests: 148
                        Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3
    Forms : {}
    Headers : {[Pragma, no-cache], [Vary, Accept-Encoding], [x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests, 148], [Reques
                        t-Context, appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 4485
    VERBOSE: Waiting 10 sec to let Azure sync up so DCR rule can be retrieved from Azure Resource Graph
    VERBOSE: Getting Data Collection Rules from Azure Resource Graph .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 203914-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8


    # Connection
        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # Get DCEs from Azure Resource Graph
        If ($DceName)
                If ($global:AzDceDetails)   # global variables was defined. Used to mitigate throttling in Azure Resource Graph (free service)
                        # Retrieve DCE in scope
                        $DceInfo = $global:AzDceDetails | Where-Object { $ -eq $DceName }
                            If (!($DceInfo))
                                    Write-Output "Could not find DCE with name [ $($DceName) ]"
                        $AzGraphQuery = @{
                                            'query' = 'Resources | where type =~ "microsoft.insights/datacollectionendpoints" '
                                         } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

                        $ResponseData = @()

                        $AzGraphUri          = ""
                        $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                        $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                        $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"

                        While ($ResponseNextLink -ne $null)
                                $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                                $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                                $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"
                        $DataJson = $ResponseData | ConvertFrom-Json
                        $Data     = $

                        # Retrieve DCE in scope
                        $DceInfo = $Data | Where-Object { $ -eq $DceName }
                            If (!($DceInfo))
                                    Write-Output "Could not find DCE with name [ $($DceName) ]"

        # DCE ResourceId (target for DCR ingestion)
        $DceResourceId  = $
        If ($DceInfo)
                Write-Verbose "Found required DCE info using Azure Resource Graph"
                Write-Verbose ""

    # Getting LogAnalytics Info
        $LogWorkspaceUrl = "" + $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId + "?api-version=2021-12-01-preview"
        $LogWorkspaceId = (invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $LogWorkspaceUrl -Method GET -Headers $Headers).properties.customerId
        If ($LogWorkspaceId)
                Write-Verbose "Found required LogAnalytics info"
                Write-Verbose ""
    # Build variables

        # build variables
        $KustoDefault                               = "source | extend TimeGenerated = now()"
        $StreamNameFull                             = "Custom-" + $TableName + "_CL"

        # streamname must be 52 characters or less
        If ($StreamNameFull.length -gt 52)
                $StreamName                         = $StreamNameFull.Substring(0,52)
                $StreamName                         = $StreamNameFull

        $DceLocation                                = $DceInfo.location

        $DcrSubscription                            = ($AzLogWorkspaceResourceId -split "/")[2]
        $DcrLogWorkspaceName                        = ($AzLogWorkspaceResourceId -split "/")[-1]
        $DcrResourceId                              = "/subscriptions/$($DcrSubscription)/resourceGroups/$($DcrResourceGroup)/providers/microsoft.insights/dataCollectionRules/$($DcrName)"

    # Create resource group, if missing

        $Uri = "" + "/subscriptions/" + $DcrSubscription + "/resourcegroups/" + $DcrResourceGroup + "?api-version=2021-04-01"

        $CheckRG = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $Uri -Method GET -Headers $Headers
        If ($CheckRG -eq $null)
                $Body = @{
                            "location" = $DceLocation
                         } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

                Write-Verbose "Creating Resource group $($DcrResourceGroup) ... Please Wait !"
                $Uri = "" + "/subscriptions/" + $DcrSubscription + "/resourcegroups/" + $DcrResourceGroup + "?api-version=2021-04-01"
                $CreateRG = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $Uri -Method PUT -Body $Body -Headers $Headers

    # build initial payload to create DCR for log ingest (api) to custom logs

        If ($SchemaSourceObject.count -gt 10)
                $SchemaSourceObjectLimited = $SchemaSourceObject[0..10]
                $SchemaSourceObjectLimited = $SchemaSourceObject

        $DcrObject = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                        properties = @{
                                        dataCollectionEndpointId = $DceResourceId
                                        streamDeclarations = @{
                                                                $StreamName = @{
                                                                                      columns = @(
                                        destinations = @{
                                                            logAnalytics = @(
                                                                                    workspaceResourceId = $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
                                                                                    workspaceId = $LogWorkspaceId
                                                                                    name = $DcrLogWorkspaceName

                                        dataFlows = @(
                                                            streams = @(
                                                            destinations = @(
                                                            transformKql = $KustoDefault
                                                            outputStream = $StreamName
                        location = $DceLocation
                        name = $DcrName
                        type = "Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules"

    # create initial DCR using payload

        Write-Verbose ""
        Write-Verbose "Creating/updating DCR [ $($DcrName) ] with limited payload"
        Write-Verbose $DcrResourceId

        $DcrPayload = $DcrObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

        $Uri = "" + "$DcrResourceId" + "?api-version=2022-06-01"
        invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $Uri -Method PUT -Body $DcrPayload -Headers $Headers
        # sleeping to let API sync up before modifying
        Start-Sleep -s 5

    # build full payload to create DCR for log ingest (api) to custom logs

        $DcrObject = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                        properties = @{
                                        dataCollectionEndpointId = $DceResourceId
                                        streamDeclarations = @{
                                                                $StreamName = @{
                                                                                      columns = @(
                                        destinations = @{
                                                            logAnalytics = @(
                                                                                    workspaceResourceId = $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
                                                                                    workspaceId = $LogWorkspaceId
                                                                                    name = $DcrLogWorkspaceName

                                        dataFlows = @(
                                                            streams = @(
                                                            destinations = @(
                                                            transformKql = $KustoDefault
                                                            outputStream = $StreamName
                        location = $DceLocation
                        name = $DcrName
                        type = "Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules"

    # create DCR using payload

        Write-Verbose ""
        Write-Verbose "Updating DCR [ $($DcrName) ] with full schema"
        Write-Verbose $DcrResourceId

        $DcrPayload = $DcrObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

        $Uri = "" + "$DcrResourceId" + "?api-version=2022-06-01"
        invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $Uri -Method PUT -Body $DcrPayload -Headers $Headers

    # sleep 10 sec to let Azure Resource Graph pick up the new DCR

        Write-Verbose ""
        Write-Verbose "Waiting 10 sec to let Azure sync up so DCR rule can be retrieved from Azure Resource Graph"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 10

    # updating DCR list using Azure Resource Graph due to new DCR was created

        $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # delegating Monitor Metrics Publisher Rolepermission to Log Ingest App

        If ($AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel -eq $true)
                $DcrRule = $global:AzDcrDetails | where-Object { $ -eq $DcrName }
                $DcrRuleId = $

                Write-Verbose ""
                Write-Verbose "Setting Monitor Metrics Publisher Role permissions on DCR [ $($DcrName) ]"

                $guid = (new-guid).guid
                $monitorMetricsPublisherRoleId = "3913510d-42f4-4e42-8a64-420c390055eb"
                $roleDefinitionId = "/subscriptions/$($DcrSubscription)/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/$($monitorMetricsPublisherRoleId)"
                $roleUrl = "" + $DcrRuleId + "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/$($Guid)?api-version=2018-07-01"
                $roleBody = @{
                    properties = @{
                        roleDefinitionId = $roleDefinitionId
                        principalId      = $LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId
                        scope            = $DcrRuleId
                $jsonRoleBody = $roleBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6

                $result = try
                        invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $roleUrl -Method PUT -Body $jsonRoleBody -headers $Headers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                $StatusCode = $result.StatusCode
                If ($StatusCode -eq "204")
                        Write-host " SUCCESS - data uploaded to LogAnalytics"
                ElseIf ($StatusCode -eq "RequestEntityTooLarge")
                        Write-Error " Error 513 - You are sending too large data - make the dataset smaller"
                        Write-Error $result

                # Sleep 10 sec to let Azure sync up
                Write-Verbose ""
                Write-Verbose "Waiting 10 sec to let Azure sync up for permissions to replicate"
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
                Write-Verbose ""

Function CreateUpdate-AzLogAnalyticsCustomLogTableDcr
    Create or Update Azure LogAnalytics Custom Log table - used together with Data Collection Rules (DCR)
    for Log Ingestion API upload to LogAnalytics
    Uses schema based on source object
    .PARAMETER Tablename
    Specifies the table name in LogAnalytics
    .PARAMETER SchemaSourceObject
    This is the schema in hash table format coming from the source object
    .PARAMETER AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
    This is the Loganaytics Resource Id
    This is the Azure app id
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    # Variables
    $verbose = $true
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information ... Please Wait !"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # We change the tablename to something - for example add TEST (InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2) - table doesn't exist
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $StructureCheck = Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -TableName $TableName -DcrName $DcrName -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # we see that structure is missing, so we set the flag to enforce creating both DCR and table
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Checking LogAnalytics table and Data Collection Rule configuration .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: LogAnalytics table wasn't found !
    VERBOSE: DCR was not found [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2_CL ]
    # build schema to be used for LogAnalytics Table
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType Table -Verbose:$Verbose
    CreateUpdate-AzLogAnalyticsCustomLogTableDcr -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -SchemaSourceObject $Schema -TableName $TableName `
                                                    -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Trying to update existing LogAnalytics table schema for table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2_CL ] in
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/works
    VERBOSE: PATCH with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 7761-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: LogAnalytics Table doesn't exist or problems detected .... creating table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2_CL ] in
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/works
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 7761-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"properties":{"totalRetentionInDays":30,"archiveRetentionInDays":0,"plan":"Analytics","retentionInDaysAsDefault":tru
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Pragma: no-cache
                        Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:c7ec48f5-2684-46e8-accb-45e7dbec242b
                        X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
                        api-supported-versions: 2015-03-20, 2015-11-01-preview, 2017-01-...
    Forms : {}
    Headers : {[Pragma, no-cache], [Request-Context, appId=cid-v1:c7ec48f5-2684-46e8-accb-45e7dbec242b], [X-Content-Type-Options, n
                        osniff], [api-supported-versions, 2015-03-20, 2015-11-01-preview, 2017-01-01-preview, 2017-03-03-preview, 2017-03-15-
                        preview, 2017-04-26-preview, 2020-03-01-preview, 2020-08-01, 2020-10-01, 2021-03-01-privatepreview, 2021-07-01-privat
                        epreview, 2021-12-01-preview, 2022-09-01-privatepreview, 2022-10-01]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 7761


    # Connection
        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # LogAnalytics Table check

        $Table         = $TableName  + "_CL"    # TableName with _CL (CustomLog)

        If ($Table.Length -gt 45)
                Write-Error "ERROR - Reduce length of tablename, as it has a maximum of 45 characters (current length: $($Table.Length))"

    # Creating/Updating LogAnalytics Table based upon data source schema

        # automatic patching of
        $tableBodyPatch = @{
                                properties = @{
                                                schema = @{
                                                                name    = $Table
                                                                columns = @($Changes)
                           } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

        $tableBodyPut   = @{
                                properties = @{
                                                schema = @{
                                                                name    = $Table
                                                                columns = @($SchemaSourceObject)
                           } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

        # create/update table schema using REST
        $TableUrl = "" + $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId + "/tables/$($Table)?api-version=2021-12-01-preview"

                Write-Verbose ""
                Write-Verbose "Trying to update existing LogAnalytics table schema for table [ $($Table) ] in "
                Write-Verbose $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId

                invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $TableUrl -Method Patch -Headers $Headers -Body $TablebodyPatch

            $Result = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $TableUrl -Method PUT -Headers $Headers -Body $TablebodyPut

                        Write-Verbose ""
                        Write-Verbose "LogAnalytics Table doesn't exist or problems detected .... creating table [ $($Table) ] in"
                        Write-Verbose $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId

                        invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $TableUrl -Method PUT -Headers $Headers -Body $TablebodyPut
                        $FailureMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                        $ErrorDetails = $_.ErrorDetails.Message
                        Write-Error ""
                        write-Error $FailureMessage
                        Write-Error ""
                        write-Error $ErrorDetails
                        Write-Error ""
                        Write-Error "Something went wrong .... recreating table [ $($Table) ] in"
                        Write-Error $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId

                        invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $TableUrl -Method DELETE -Headers $Headers
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
                        invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $TableUrl -Method PUT -Headers $Headers -Body $TablebodyPut


Function Delete-AzDataCollectionRules
    Deletes the Azure Loganalytics defined in like-format, so you can fast clean-up for example after demo or testing
    Used to delete many data collection rules in one task
    .PARAMETER DcrnameLike
    Here you can put in the DCR name(s) you want to delete using like-format - sample *demo*
    .PARAMETER AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
    This is resource id of the Azure LogAnalytics workspace
    This is the Azure app id og an app with Contributor permissions in LogAnalytics + Resource Group for DCRs
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    $verbose = $true
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    # delete Azure LogAnalytics data collection rules - based on name - NOTE: tenant-wide (use with caution) - DcrNameLike can include wildcard like *demo*
    Delete-AzDataCollectionRules -DcrNameLike "*test*" -Verbose:$true
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Sent top=1000 skip=0 skipToken=
    VERBOSE: Received results: 69
    Data Collection Rules deletions in scope:
    Deleting Data Collection Rules [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest3V2_CL ] ... Please Wait !
    Headers : {[Pragma, System.String[]], [Request-Context, System.String[]], [x-ms-correlation-request-id, System.String[]], [x-ms-client
                 -request-id, System.String[]]...}
    Version : 1.1
    StatusCode : 200
    Method : DELETE
    Content :
    Deleting Data Collection Rules [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] ... Please Wait !
    Headers : {[Pragma, System.String[]], [Request-Context, System.String[]], [x-ms-correlation-request-id, System.String[]], [x-ms-client
                 -request-id, System.String[]]...}
    Version : 1.1
    StatusCode : 200
    Method : DELETE
    Content :
    Deleting Data Collection Rules [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest5V2_CL ] ... Please Wait !
    Headers : {[Pragma, System.String[]], [Request-Context, System.String[]], [x-ms-correlation-request-id, System.String[]], [x-ms-client
                 -request-id, System.String[]]...}
    Version : 1.1
    StatusCode : 200
    Method : DELETE
    Content :
    Deleting Data Collection Rules [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2_CL ] ... Please Wait !
    Headers : {[Pragma, System.String[]], [Request-Context, System.String[]], [x-ms-correlation-request-id, System.String[]], [x-ms-client
                 -request-id, System.String[]]...}
    Version : 1.1
    StatusCode : 200
    Method : DELETE
    Content :


    # Connection

        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # Getting list of Azure Data Collection Rules using ARG

        $DCR_Rules_All = @()
        $pageSize = 1000
        $iteration = 0
        $searchParams = @{
                            Query = "Resources `
                                    | where type =~ 'microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules' "

                            First = $pageSize

        $results = do {
            $iteration += 1
            $pageResults = Search-AzGraph -UseTenantScope @searchParams
            $searchParams.Skip += $pageResults.Count
            $DCR_Rules_All += $pageResults
        } while ($pageResults.Count -eq $pageSize)

    # Building list of DCRs to delete

        $DcrScope = $DCR_Rules_All | Where-Object { $ -like $DcrNameLike }

    # Deleting DCRs

        If ($DcrScope)
                Write-host "Data Collection Rules deletions in scope:"

                $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes","Delete"
                $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No","Cancel"
                $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)
                $heading = "Delete Azure Data Collection Rules"
                $message = "Do you want to continue with the deletion of the shown data collection rules?"
                $Prompt = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($heading, $message, $options, 1)
                switch ($prompt) {
                                            ForEach ($DcrInfo in $DcrScope)
                                                    $DcrResourceId = $
                                                    Write-host "Deleting Data Collection Rules [ $($ ] ... Please Wait !"
                                                    Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path ("$DcrResourceId"+"?api-version=2022-06-01") -Method DELETE
                                            Write-Host "No" -ForegroundColor Red


Function Delete-AzLogAnalyticsCustomLogTables
    Deletes the Azure Loganalytics defined in like-format, so you can fast clean-up for example after demo or testing
    Used to delete many tables in one task
    .PARAMETER TableNameLike
    Here you can put in the table name(s) you wan to delete using like-format - sample *demo*
    .PARAMETER AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
    This is resource id of the Azure LogAnalytics workspace
    This is the Azure app id og an app with Contributor permissions in LogAnalytics + Resource Group for DCRs
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    $verbose = $true
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    # delete Azure LogAnalytics custom logs tables with name like - * can be used like *demo*
    Delete-AzLogAnalyticsCustomLogTables -TableNameLike "*test*" -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -verbose:$verbose
    # Output
    Getting list of tables in
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1562867-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    LogAnalytics Resource Id
    Table deletions in scope:
    Deleting LogAnalytics table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2_CL ] ... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: DELETE with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 0-byte response of content type
    Deleting LogAnalytics table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTest3V2_CL ] ... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: DELETE with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 0-byte response of content type
    Deleting LogAnalytics table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] ... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: DELETE with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 0-byte response of content type
    Deleting LogAnalytics table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTest5V2_CL ] ... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: DELETE with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 0-byte response of content type


    # Connection

        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # Getting list of Azure LogAnalytics tables

        Write-host "Getting list of tables in "
        Write-host $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId

        # create/update table schema using REST
        $TableUrl   = "" + $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId + "/tables?api-version=2021-12-01-preview"
        $TablesRaw  = invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $TableUrl -Method GET -Headers $Headers
        $Tables     = $TablesRaw.value

    # Building list of tables to delete

        # custom Logs only
        $TablesScope = $Tables | where-object { $ -eq "CustomLog" }
        $TablesScope = $TablesScope  | where-object { $ -like $TableNameLike }

    # Deleting tables

        If ($TablesScope)
                Write-host "LogAnalytics Resource Id"
                Write-host $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
                Write-host ""
                Write-host "Table deletions in scope:"

                $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes","Delete"
                $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No","Cancel"
                $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)
                $heading = "Delete Azure Loganalytics tables"
                $message = "Do you want to continue with the deletion of the shown tables?"
                $Prompt = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($heading, $message, $options, 1)
                switch ($prompt) {
                                            ForEach ($TableInfo in $TablesScope)
                                                    $Table = $
                                                    Write-host "Deleting LogAnalytics table [ $($Table) ] ... Please Wait !"

                                                    $TableUrl = "" + $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId + "/tables/$($Table)?api-version=2021-12-01-preview"
                                                    invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $TableUrl -Method DELETE -Headers $Headers
                                            Write-Host "No" -ForegroundColor Red


Function Filter-ObjectExcludeProperty
    Removes columns from the object which is considered "noice" and shouldn't be send to logs
    Ensures that the log schema and data looks nice and clean
    Object to modify
    .PARAMETER ExcludeProperty
    Array of columns to remove from the data object
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Updated object
    # Variables
    $Verbose = $true
    # Collecting data (in)
    $DNSName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName +"." + (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).Domain
    $ComputerName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName
    [datetime]$CollectionTime = ( Get-date ([datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK" )
    $UserLoggedOnRaw = Get-Process -IncludeUserName -Name explorer | Select-Object UserName -Unique
    $UserLoggedOn = $UserLoggedOnRaw.UserName
    Write-Output "Get-Process is pretty slow .... take a cup coffee :-)"
    $DataVariable = Get-Process
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn -Verbose:$Verbose
    # we try to see the data in JSON format - and notice some columns, which we want to remote (noice)
    $DataVariable[0] | ConvertTo-Json
    # We remove unnecessary columns in schema (StartInfo, __NounName, Threads) for all records
    $DataVariable = Filter-ObjectExcludeProperty -Data $DataVariable -ExcludeProperty StartInfo, __NounName, Threads -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Now we can see, that data was removed - we have removed data, which aren't relevant
    $DataVariable[0] | ConvertTo-Json
    # Schema after changes - we see the 3 columns (StartInfo, __NounName, Threads) are gone
    Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    name type
    ---- ----
    BasePriority int
    CollectionTime datetime
    Company dynamic
    Computer string
    Container dynamic
    CPU dynamic
    Description dynamic
    EnableRaisingEvents boolean
    ExitCode dynamic
    ExitTime dynamic
    FileVersion dynamic
    Handle int
    HandleCount int
    Handles int
    HasExited boolean
    Id_ string
    MachineName string
    MainModule dynamic
    MainWindowHandle int
    MainWindowTitle string
    MaxWorkingSet int
    MinWorkingSet int
    Modules dynamic
    Name string
    NonpagedSystemMemorySize int
    NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 int
    NounName dynamic
    NPM int
    PagedMemorySize int
    PagedMemorySize64 int
    PagedSystemMemorySize int
    PagedSystemMemorySize64 int
    Path string
    PeakPagedMemorySize int
    PeakPagedMemorySize64 int
    PeakVirtualMemorySize int
    PeakVirtualMemorySize64 int
    PeakWorkingSet int
    PeakWorkingSet64 int
    PM int
    PriorityBoostEnabled boolean
    PriorityClass int
    PrivateMemorySize int
    PrivateMemorySize64 int
    PrivilegedProcessorTime dynamic
    ProcessName string
    ProcessorAffinity int
    Product dynamic
    ProductVersion dynamic
    Responding boolean
    SafeHandle dynamic
    SessionId int
    SI int
    Site dynamic
    StandardError dynamic
    StandardInput dynamic
    StandardOutput dynamic
    StartTime datetime
    SynchronizingObject dynamic
    TotalProcessorTime dynamic
    Type_ string
    UserLoggedOn string
    UserProcessorTime dynamic
    VirtualMemorySize int
    VirtualMemorySize64 int
    VM int
    WorkingSet int
    WorkingSet64 int
    WS int


    $Data = $Data | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty
    Return $Data

Function Get-AzAccessTokenManagement
    Get access token for connecting - used for REST API connectivity
    Can be used under current connected user - or by Azure app connectivity with secret
    This is the Azure app id
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    JSON-header to use in invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing / invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing commands
    # using App
    $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                           -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                           -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    Accept application/json
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization Bearer xxxxxx
    # connect using currently logged on admin
    $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement
    #Output sample
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    Accept application/json
    Content-Type application/json
    Authorization Bearer xxxxxx


    If ( ($AzAppId) -and ($AzAppSecret) -and ($TenantId) )
            $AccessTokenUri = ''
            $oAuthUri       = "$($TenantId)/oauth2/token"
            $authBody       = [Ordered] @{
                                            resource = $AccessTokenUri
                                            client_id = $AzAppId
                                            client_secret = $AzAppSecret
                                            grant_type = 'client_credentials'
            $authResponse = invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -Uri $oAuthUri -Body $authBody -ErrorAction Stop
            $token = $authResponse.access_token

            # Set the WebRequest headers
            $Headers = @{
                            'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
                            'Accept' = 'application/json'
                            'Authorization' = "Bearer $token"
            $AccessToken = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl -Verbose:$Verbose
            $Token = $AccessToken.Token

            $Headers = @{
                            'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
                            'Accept' = 'application/json'
                            'Authorization' = "Bearer $token"

    Return [array]$Headers

Function Get-AzDceListAll
    Builds list of all Data Collection Endpoints (DCEs), which can be retrieved by Azure using the RBAC context of the Log Ingestion App
    Data is retrieved using Azure Resource Graph
    Result is saved in global-variable in Powershell
    Main reason for saving as global-variable is to optimize number of times to do lookup - due to throttling in Azure Resource Graph
    This is the Azure app id
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Updated object with CollectionTime
    # Build data array
    # building global variable with all DCEs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId
    # Output
    id : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/provi
    name : dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p
    type : microsoft.insights/datacollectionendpoints
    tenantId : f0fa27a0-8e7c-4f63-9a77-ec94786b7c9e
    kind :
    location : westeurope
    resourceGroup : rg-dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p
    subscriptionId : fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3
    managedBy :
    sku :
    plan :
    properties : @{provisioningState=Succeeded; description=DCE for LogIngest to LogAnalytics log-platform-management-client-demo1-p; n
                       etworkAcls=; immutableId=dce-7a8a2d176844444b9e89719b702dccec; configurationAccess=; logsIngestion=; metricsIngestion=
    tags :
    identity :
    zones :
    extendedLocation :


    Write-Verbose ""
    Write-Verbose "Getting Data Collection Endpoints from Azure Resource Graph .... Please Wait !"

    # Connection

        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # Get DCEs from Azure Resource Graph

        $AzGraphQuery = @{
                            'query' = 'Resources | where type =~ "microsoft.insights/datacollectionendpoints" '
                            } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

        $ResponseData = @()

        $AzGraphUri          = ""
        $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
        $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
        $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"

        While ($ResponseNextLink -ne $null)
                $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"
        $DataJson = $ResponseData | ConvertFrom-Json
        $Data     = $

        Return $Data

Function Get-AzDcrDceDetails
    Retrieves information about data collection rules and data collection endpoints - using Azure Resource Graph
    Used to retrieve information about data collection rules and data collection endpoints - using Azure Resource Graph
    Used by other functions which are looking for DCR/DCE by name
    .PARAMETER DcrName
    Here you can put in the DCR name you want to find
    .PARAMETER DceName
    Here you can put in the DCE name you want to find
    This is the Azure app id
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Information about DCR/DCE
    $verbose = $true
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information ... Please Wait !"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # We change the tablename to something - for example add TEST (InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2) - table doesn't exist
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable
    $StructureCheck = Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -TableName $TableName -DcrName $DcrName -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                        -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # build schema to be used for DCR
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType DCR
    $StructureCheck = Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -TableName $TableName -DcrName $DcrName -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    $AzDcrDceDetails = Get-AzDcrDceDetails -DcrName $DcrName -DceName $DceName `
                                            -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # required information is returned in the stream as variables $AzDcrDceDetails[0], $AzDcrDceDetails[1], etc
    # Output
    source | extend TimeGenerated = now()


    # Connection

        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # Get DCEs from Azure Resource Graph
        If ($DceName)
                If ($global:AzDceDetails)   # global variables was defined. Used to mitigate throttling in Azure Resource Graph (free service)
                        # Retrieve DCE in scope
                        $DceInfo = $global:AzDceDetails | Where-Object { $ -eq $DceName }
                            If (!($DceInfo))
                                    # record not found - rebuild list and try again
                                    Write-Output "DCE name was not found in index ... fallback to Azure Resource Graph query !"
                                    $AzGraphQuery = @{
                                                        'query' = 'Resources | where type =~ "microsoft.insights/datacollectionendpoints" '
                                                        } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

                                    $ResponseData = @()

                                    $AzGraphUri          = ""
                                    $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                                    $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                                    $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"

                                    While ($ResponseNextLink -ne $null)
                                            $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                                            $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                                            $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"
                                    $DataJson = $ResponseData | ConvertFrom-Json
                                    $Data     = $

                                    # Retrieve DCE in scope
                                    $DceInfo = $Data | Where-Object { $ -eq $DceName }
                                        If (!($DceInfo))
                                                Write-Output "Could not find DCE with name [ $($DceName) ]"
                        $AzGraphQuery = @{
                                            'query' = 'Resources | where type =~ "microsoft.insights/datacollectionendpoints" '
                                         } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

                        $ResponseData = @()

                        $AzGraphUri          = ""
                        $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                        $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                        $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"

                        While ($ResponseNextLink -ne $null)
                                $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                                $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                                $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"
                        $DataJson = $ResponseData | ConvertFrom-Json
                        $Data     = $

                        # Retrieve DCE in scope
                        $DceInfo = $Data | Where-Object { $ -eq $DceName }
                            If (!($DceInfo))
                                    Write-Output "Could not find DCE with name [ $($DceName) ]"

    # Get DCRs from Azure Resource Graph

        If ($DcrName)
                If ($global:AzDcrDetails)   # global variables was defined. Used to mitigate throttling in Azure Resource Graph (free service)
                        # Retrieve DCE in scope
                        $DcrInfo = $global:AzDcrDetails | Where-Object { $ -eq $DcrName }
                            If (!($DcrInfo))
                                    Write-Output "DCR name was not found in index ... fallback to Azure Resource Graph query !"
                                    $AzGraphQuery = @{
                                                        'query' = 'Resources | where type =~ "microsoft.insights/datacollectionendpoints" '
                                                        } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

                                    $ResponseData = @()

                                    $AzGraphUri          = ""
                                    $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                                    $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                                    $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"

                                    While ($ResponseNextLink -ne $null)
                                            $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                                            $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                                            $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"
                                    $DataJson = $ResponseData | ConvertFrom-Json
                                    $Data     = $
                                    $DcrInfo = $Data | Where-Object { $ -eq $DcrName }
                                       If (!($DcrInfo))
                                            Write-Output "Could not find DCR with name [ $($DcrName) ]"
                        $AzGraphQuery = @{
                                            'query' = 'Resources | where type =~ "microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules" '
                                         } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

                        $ResponseData = @()

                        $AzGraphUri          = ""
                        $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                        $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                        $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"

                        While ($ResponseNextLink -ne $null)
                                $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                                $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                                $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"
                        $DataJson = $ResponseData | ConvertFrom-Json
                        $Data     = $

                        $DcrInfo = $Data | Where-Object { $ -eq $DcrName }
                            If (!($DcrInfo))
                                    Write-Output "Could not find DCR with name [ $($DcrName) ]"

    # values
        If ( ($DceName) -and ($DceInfo) )
                $DceResourceId                                  = $
                $DceLocation                                    = $DceInfo.location
                $DceURI                                         = $
                $DceImmutableId                                 = $

                # return / output

        If ( ($DcrName) -and ($DcrInfo) )
                $DcrResourceId                                  = $
                $DcrLocation                                    = $DcrInfo.location
                $DcrImmutableId                                 = $
                $DcrStream                                      = $
                $DcrDestinationsLogAnalyticsWorkSpaceName       = $
                $DcrDestinationsLogAnalyticsWorkSpaceId         = $
                $DcrDestinationsLogAnalyticsWorkSpaceResourceId = $
                $DcrTransformKql                                = $[0].transformKql

                # return / output


Function Get-AzDcrListAll
    Builds list of all Data Collection Rules (DCRs), which can be retrieved by Azure using the RBAC context of the Log Ingestion App
    Data is retrieved using Azure Resource Graph
    Result is saved in global-variable in Powershell
    Main reason for saving as global-variable is to optimize number of times to do lookup - due to throttling in Azure Resource Graph
    This is the Azure app id
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Updated object with CollectionTime
    # Build data array
    # building global variable with all DCRs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId
    # Output
    id : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/provi
    name : dcr-clt1-InvClientWindowsUpdateLastInstallationsV2_CL
    type : microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules
    tenantId : f0fa27a0-8e7c-4f63-9a77-ec94786b7c9e
    kind :
    location : westeurope
    resourceGroup : rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p
    subscriptionId : fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3
    managedBy :
    sku :
    plan :
    properties : @{provisioningState=Succeeded; destinations=; immutableId=dcr-536e17acf300416a87ec3e48408c5c51; dataFlows=System.Objec
                       t[]; dataCollectionEndpointId=/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dce-log-platform-m
                       -p; streamDeclarations=}
    tags :
    identity :
    zones :
    extendedLocation :
    id : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/provi
    name : dcr-clt1-InvClientWindowsUpdateLastResultsV2_CL
    type : microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules
    tenantId : f0fa27a0-8e7c-4f63-9a77-ec94786b7c9e
    kind :
    location : westeurope
    resourceGroup : rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p
    subscriptionId : fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3
    managedBy :
    sku :
    plan :
    properties : @{provisioningState=Succeeded; destinations=; immutableId=dcr-70fc262b839c41b4a3b1bd83b9f6d323; dataFlows=System.Objec
                       t[]; dataCollectionEndpointId=/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dce-log-platform-m
                       -p; streamDeclarations=}
    tags :
    identity :
    zones :
    extendedLocation :
    id : /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/provi
    name : dcr-clt1-InvClientWindowsUpdatePendingUpdatesV2_CL
    type : microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules
    tenantId : f0fa27a0-8e7c-4f63-9a77-ec94786b7c9e
    kind :
    location : westeurope
    resourceGroup : rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p
    subscriptionId : fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3
    managedBy :
    sku :
    plan :
    properties : @{provisioningState=Succeeded; destinations=; immutableId=dcr-a08cb890c5f14bb9af47fe76af051f82; dataFlows=System.Objec
                       t[]; dataCollectionEndpointId=/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dce-log-platform-m
                       -p; streamDeclarations=}
    tags :
    identity :
    zones :
    extendedLocation :


    Write-Verbose ""
    Write-Verbose "Getting Data Collection Rules from Azure Resource Graph .... Please Wait !"

    # Connection

        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # Get DCRs from Azure Resource Graph

        $AzGraphQuery = @{
                            'query' = 'Resources | where type =~ "microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules" '
                            } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

        $ResponseData = @()

        $AzGraphUri          = ""
        $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
        $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
        $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"

        While ($ResponseNextLink -ne $null)
                $ResponseRaw         = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Method POST -Uri $AzGraphUri -Headers $Headers -Body $AzGraphQuery
                $ResponseData       += $ResponseRaw.content
                $ResponseNextLink    = $ResponseRaw."@odata.nextLink"
        $DataJson = $ResponseData | ConvertFrom-Json
        $Data     = $

        Return $Data

Function Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus
    Get status about Azure Loganalytics tables and Data Collection Rule.
    Used to detect if table/DCR must be create/updated - or it is valid to send in data
    .PARAMETER DcrName
    Specifies the DCR name
    .PARAMETER Tablename
    Specifies the table name in LogAnalytics
    .PARAMETER SchemaSourceObject
    This is the schema in hash table format coming from the source object
    .PARAMETER AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
    This is the Loganaytics Resource Id
    This is the Azure app id
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    This is the data array
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    TRUE means existing environment must be updated - or table/DCR must be created
    FALSE means everything is ok including schema - next step is to post data
    # Variables
    $verbose = $true
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoV2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoV2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information ... Please Wait !"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable
    $StructureCheck = Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -TableName $TableName -DcrName $DcrName -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Converting CIM array to Object & removing CIM class data in array .... please wait !
    VERBOSE: Adding CollectionTime to all entries in array .... please wait !
    VERBOSE: Validating schema structure of source data ... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: SUCCESS - No issues found in schema structure
    VERBOSE: Aligning source object structure with schema ... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: Checking LogAnalytics table and Data Collection Rule configuration .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 7749-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Success - Schema & DCR structure is OK


    Write-Verbose " Checking LogAnalytics table and Data Collection Rule configuration .... Please Wait !"

    # by default ($false)
    $AzDcrDceTableCustomLogCreateUpdate = $false     # $True/$False - typically used when updates to schema detected

    # Connection

        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

        # Check if Azure LogAnalytics Table exist

            $TableUrl = "" + $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId + "/tables/$($TableName)_CL?api-version=2021-12-01-preview"
            $TableStatus = Try
                                    invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $TableUrl -Method GET -Headers $Headers
                                    Write-Verbose " LogAnalytics table wasn't found !"
                                    # initial setup - force to auto-create structure
                                    $AzDcrDceTableCustomLogCreateUpdate = $true     # $True/$False - typically used when updates to schema detected

        # Compare schema between source object schema and Azure LogAnalytics Table

            If ($TableStatus)
                    $CurrentTableSchema = $

                    # Checking number of objects in schema
                        $CurrentTableSchemaCount = $CurrentTableSchema.count
                        $SchemaSourceObjectCount = ($SchemaSourceObject.count) + 1  # add 1 because TimeGenerated will automatically be added

                        If ($SchemaSourceObjectCount -gt $CurrentTableSchemaCount)
                               Write-Verbose " Schema mismatch - Schema source object contains more properties than defined in current schema"
                               $AzDcrDceTableCustomLogCreateUpdate = $true     # $True/$False - typically used when updates to schema detected

                    # Verify LogAnalytics table schema matches source object ($SchemaSourceObject) - otherwise set flag to update schema in LA/DCR
                        ForEach ($Entry in $SchemaSourceObject)
                                $ChkSchema = $CurrentTableSchema | Where-Object { ($ -eq $ -and ($_.type -eq $Entry.type) }
                                If ($ChkSchema -eq $null)
                                        Write-Verbose " Schema mismatch - property missing or different type (name: $($, type: $($Entry.type))"
                                        # Set flag to update schema
                                        $AzDcrDceTableCustomLogCreateUpdate = $true # $True/$False - typically used when updates to schema detected


        # Check if Azure Data Collection Rule exist

            # Check in global variable
            $DcrInfo = $global:AzDcrDetails | Where-Object { $ -eq $DcrName }
                If (!($DcrInfo))
                        Write-Verbose " DCR was not found [ $($DcrName) ]"
                        # initial setup - force to auto-create structure
                        $AzDcrDceTableCustomLogCreateUpdate = $true     # $True/$False - typically used when updates to schema detected

            If ($AzDcrDceTableCustomLogCreateUpdate -eq $false)
                    Write-Verbose " Success - Schema & DCR structure is OK"

        Return $AzDcrDceTableCustomLogCreateUpdate

Function Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray
    Gets the schema of the object as array with column-names and their type (strin, boolean, dynamic, etc.)
    Used to validate the data structure - and give insight of any potential data manipulation
    Object to modify
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Updated object with CollectionTime
    $verbose = $true
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoV2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information ... Please Wait !"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable
    # Output
    name type
    ---- ----
    BootDevice string
    BuildNumber string
    BuildType string
    Caption string
    CodeSet string
    CollectionTime datetime
    Computer string
    CountryCode string
    CreationClassName string
    CSCreationClassName string
    CSDVersion dynamic
    CSName string
    CurrentTimeZone int
    DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications boolean
    DataExecutionPrevention_Available boolean
    DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers boolean
    DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy int
    Debug boolean
    Description string
    Distributed boolean
    EncryptionLevel int
    ForegroundApplicationBoost int
    FreePhysicalMemory int
    FreeSpaceInPagingFiles int
    FreeVirtualMemory int
    InstallDate datetime
    LargeSystemCache dynamic
    LastBootUpTime datetime
    LocalDateTime datetime
    Locale string
    Manufacturer string
    MaxNumberOfProcesses long
    MaxProcessMemorySize long
    MUILanguages dynamic
    Name string
    NumberOfLicensedUsers int
    NumberOfProcesses int
    NumberOfUsers int
    OperatingSystemSKU int
    Organization dynamic
    OSArchitecture string
    OSLanguage int
    OSProductSuite int
    OSType int
    OtherTypeDescription dynamic
    PAEEnabled dynamic
    PlusProductID dynamic
    PlusVersionNumber dynamic
    PortableOperatingSystem boolean
    Primary boolean
    ProductType int
    PSComputerName dynamic
    RegisteredUser string
    SerialNumber string
    ServicePackMajorVersion int
    ServicePackMinorVersion int
    SizeStoredInPagingFiles int
    Status string
    SuiteMask int
    SystemDevice string
    SystemDirectory string
    SystemDrive string
    TotalSwapSpaceSize dynamic
    TotalVirtualMemorySize int
    TotalVisibleMemorySize int
    UserLoggedOn string
    Version string
    WindowsDirectory string

                [ValidateSet("Table", "DCR")]

        $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormat = @()
        $SchemaArrayDcrFormat = @()
        $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormatHash = @()
        $SchemaArrayDcrFormatHash = @()

        # Requirement - Add TimeGenerated to array
        $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormatHash += @{
                                                     name        = "TimeGenerated"
                                                     type        = "datetime"
                                                     description = ""

        $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormat += [PSCustomObject]@{
                                                     name        = "TimeGenerated"
                                                     type        = "datetime"
                                                     description = ""

        # Loop source object and build hash for table schema
        ForEach ($Entry in $Data)
                $ObjColumns = $Entry | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty
                ForEach ($Column in $ObjColumns)
                        $ObjDefinitionStr = $Column.Definition
                                If ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "int*")                                            { $ObjType = "int" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "real*")                                           { $ObjType = "int" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "long*")                                           { $ObjType = "long" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "guid*")                                           { $ObjType = "dynamic" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "string*")                                         { $ObjType = "string" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "datetime*")                                       { $ObjType = "datetime" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "bool*")                                           { $ObjType = "boolean" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "object*")                                         { $ObjType = "dynamic" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject*")    { $ObjType = "dynamic" }

                        # build for array check
                        $SchemaLogAnalyticsTableFormatObjHash = @{
                                                                   name        = $Column.Name
                                                                   type        = $ObjType
                                                                   description = ""

                        $SchemaLogAnalyticsTableFormatObj     = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                                                   name        = $Column.Name
                                                                   type        = $ObjType
                                                                   description = ""
                        $SchemaDcrFormatObjHash = @{
                                                      name        = $Column.Name
                                                      type        = $ObjType

                        $SchemaDcrFormatObj     = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                                      name        = $Column.Name
                                                      type        = $ObjType

                        If ($Column.Name -notin $
                                $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormat       += $SchemaLogAnalyticsTableFormatObj
                                $SchemaArrayDcrFormat                     += $SchemaDcrFormatObj

                                $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormatHash   += $SchemaLogAnalyticsTableFormatObjHash
                                $SchemaArrayDcrFormatHash                 += $SchemaDcrFormatObjHash

            If ($ReturnType -eq "Table")
                # Return schema format for LogAnalytics table
                Return $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormat
        ElseIf ($ReturnType -eq "DCR")
                # Return schema format for DCR
                Return $SchemaArrayDcrFormat
                # Return schema format for DCR
                Return $SchemaArrayDcrFormat

Function Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash
    Gets the schema of the object as hash table with column-names and their type (strin, boolean, dynamic, etc.)
    Used to validate the data structure - and give insight of any potential data manipulation
    Support to return in both LogAnalytics table-format and DCR-format
    Object to modify
    .PARAMETER ReturnType
    Object to modify
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Updated object with CollectionTime
    $verbose = $true
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoV2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information ... Please Wait !"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # build schema to be used for LogAnalytics Table
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType Table -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    PS $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType Table -Verbose:$Verbose
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    name TimeGenerated
    type datetime
    name BootDevice
    type string
    name BuildNumber
    type string
    name BuildType
    type string
    name Caption
    type string
    name CodeSet
    type string
    name CollectionTime
    type datetime
    name Computer
    type string
    name CountryCode
    type string
    name CreationClassName
    type string
    name CSCreationClassName
    type string
    name CSDVersion
    type dynamic
    name CSName
    type string
    name CurrentTimeZone
    type int
    name DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications
    type boolean
    name DataExecutionPrevention_Available
    type boolean
    name DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers
    type boolean
    name DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy
    type int
    name Debug
    type boolean
    name Description
    type string
    name Distributed
    type boolean
    name EncryptionLevel
    type int
    name ForegroundApplicationBoost
    type int
    name FreePhysicalMemory
    type int
    name FreeSpaceInPagingFiles
    type int
    name FreeVirtualMemory
    type int
    name InstallDate
    type datetime
    name LargeSystemCache
    type dynamic
    name LastBootUpTime
    type datetime
    name LocalDateTime
    type datetime
    name Locale
    type string
    name Manufacturer
    type string
    name MaxNumberOfProcesses
    type long
    name MaxProcessMemorySize
    type long
    name MUILanguages
    type dynamic
    name Name
    type string
    name NumberOfLicensedUsers
    type int
    name NumberOfProcesses
    type int
    name NumberOfUsers
    type int
    name OperatingSystemSKU
    type int
    name Organization
    type dynamic
    name OSArchitecture
    type string
    name OSLanguage
    type int
    name OSProductSuite
    type int
    name OSType
    type int
    name OtherTypeDescription
    type dynamic
    name PAEEnabled
    type dynamic
    name PlusProductID
    type dynamic
    name PlusVersionNumber
    type dynamic
    name PortableOperatingSystem
    type boolean
    name Primary
    type boolean
    name ProductType
    type int
    name PSComputerName
    type dynamic
    name RegisteredUser
    type string
    name SerialNumber
    type string
    name ServicePackMajorVersion
    type int
    name ServicePackMinorVersion
    type int
    name SizeStoredInPagingFiles
    type int
    name Status
    type string
    name SuiteMask
    type int
    name SystemDevice
    type string
    name SystemDirectory
    type string
    name SystemDrive
    type string
    name TotalSwapSpaceSize
    type dynamic
    name TotalVirtualMemorySize
    type int
    name TotalVisibleMemorySize
    type int
    name UserLoggedOn
    type string
    name Version
    type string
    name WindowsDirectory
    type string
    # build schema to be used for DCR
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType DCR -Verbose:$verbose
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType DCR -Verbose:$verbose
    # Output
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    name BootDevice
    type string
    name BuildNumber
    type string
    name BuildType
    type string
    name Caption
    type string
    name CodeSet
    type string
    name CollectionTime
    type datetime
    name Computer
    type string
    name CountryCode
    type string
    name CreationClassName
    type string
    name CSCreationClassName
    type string
    name CSDVersion
    type dynamic
    name CSName
    type string
    name CurrentTimeZone
    type int
    name DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications
    type boolean
    name DataExecutionPrevention_Available
    type boolean
    name DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers
    type boolean
    name DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy
    type int
    name Debug
    type boolean
    name Description
    type string
    name Distributed
    type boolean
    name EncryptionLevel
    type int
    name ForegroundApplicationBoost
    type int
    name FreePhysicalMemory
    type int
    name FreeSpaceInPagingFiles
    type int
    name FreeVirtualMemory
    type int
    name InstallDate
    type datetime
    name LargeSystemCache
    type dynamic
    name LastBootUpTime
    type datetime
    name LocalDateTime
    type datetime
    name Locale
    type string
    name Manufacturer
    type string
    name MaxNumberOfProcesses
    type long
    name MaxProcessMemorySize
    type long
    name MUILanguages
    type dynamic
    name Name
    type string
    name NumberOfLicensedUsers
    type int
    name NumberOfProcesses
    type int
    name NumberOfUsers
    type int
    name OperatingSystemSKU
    type int
    name Organization
    type dynamic
    name OSArchitecture
    type string
    name OSLanguage
    type int
    name OSProductSuite
    type int
    name OSType
    type int
    name OtherTypeDescription
    type dynamic
    name PAEEnabled
    type dynamic
    name PlusProductID
    type dynamic
    name PlusVersionNumber
    type dynamic
    name PortableOperatingSystem
    type boolean
    name Primary
    type boolean
    name ProductType
    type int
    name PSComputerName
    type dynamic
    name RegisteredUser
    type string
    name SerialNumber
    type string
    name ServicePackMajorVersion
    type int
    name ServicePackMinorVersion
    type int
    name SizeStoredInPagingFiles
    type int
    name Status
    type string
    name SuiteMask
    type int
    name SystemDevice
    type string
    name SystemDirectory
    type string
    name SystemDrive
    type string
    name TotalSwapSpaceSize
    type dynamic
    name TotalVirtualMemorySize
    type int
    name TotalVisibleMemorySize
    type int
    name UserLoggedOn
    type string
    name Version
    type string
    name WindowsDirectory
    type string

                [ValidateSet("Table", "DCR")]

        $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormat = @()
        $SchemaArrayDcrFormat = @()
        $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormatHash = @()
        $SchemaArrayDcrFormatHash = @()

        # Requirement - Add TimeGenerated to array
        $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormatHash += @{
                                                     name        = "TimeGenerated"
                                                     type        = "datetime"
                                                     description = ""

        $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormat += [PSCustomObject]@{
                                                     name        = "TimeGenerated"
                                                     type        = "datetime"
                                                     description = ""

        # Loop source object and build hash for table schema
        ForEach ($Entry in $Data)
                $ObjColumns = $Entry | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty
                ForEach ($Column in $ObjColumns)
                        $ObjDefinitionStr = $Column.Definition
                                If ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "int*")                                            { $ObjType = "int" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "real*")                                           { $ObjType = "int" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "long*")                                           { $ObjType = "long" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "guid*")                                           { $ObjType = "dynamic" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "string*")                                         { $ObjType = "string" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "datetime*")                                       { $ObjType = "datetime" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "bool*")                                           { $ObjType = "boolean" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "object*")                                         { $ObjType = "dynamic" }
                            ElseIf ($ObjDefinitionStr -like "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject*")    { $ObjType = "dynamic" }

                        # build for array check
                        $SchemaLogAnalyticsTableFormatObjHash = @{
                                                                   name        = $Column.Name
                                                                   type        = $ObjType
                                                                   description = ""

                        $SchemaLogAnalyticsTableFormatObj     = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                                                   name        = $Column.Name
                                                                   type        = $ObjType
                                                                   description = ""
                        $SchemaDcrFormatObjHash = @{
                                                      name        = $Column.Name
                                                      type        = $ObjType

                        $SchemaDcrFormatObj     = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                                      name        = $Column.Name
                                                      type        = $ObjType

                        If ($Column.Name -notin $
                                $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormat       += $SchemaLogAnalyticsTableFormatObj
                                $SchemaArrayDcrFormat                     += $SchemaDcrFormatObj

                                $SchemaArrayLogAnalyticsTableFormatHash   += $SchemaLogAnalyticsTableFormatObjHash
                                $SchemaArrayDcrFormatHash                 += $SchemaDcrFormatObjHash

            If ($ReturnType -eq "Table")
                # Return schema format for Table
        ElseIf ($ReturnType -eq "DCR")
                # Return schema format for DCR

Function Post-AzLogAnalyticsLogIngestCustomLogDcrDce-Output
    Send data to LogAnalytics using Log Ingestion API and Data Collection Rule (combined)
    Combined function which will combine 3 functions in one call:
    Data is either sent as one record (if only one exist), batches (calculated value of number of records to send per batch)
    - or BatchAmount (used only if the size of the records changes so you run into problems with limitations.
    In case of diffent sizes, use 1 for BatchAmount
    Sending data in UTF8 format
    Here you can put in the DCE uri - typically found using Get-DceDcrDetails
    .PARAMETER DcrImmutableId
    Here you can put in the DCR ImmunetableId - typically found using Get-DceDcrDetails
    .PARAMETER DcrStream
    Here you can put in the DCR Stream name - typically found using Get-DceDcrDetails
    .PARAMETER Tablename
    Specifies the table name in LogAnalytics
    This is the data array
    .PARAMETER BatchAmount
    Sometimes it happens, that the data entries are of very different sizes. This parameter will allow you to force to specific amount per batch
    This is the Azure app id og an app with Contributor permissions in LogAnalytics + Resource Group for DCRs
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    # Variables
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine = @()
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine = $true
    # building global variable with all DCEs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # building global variable with all DCRs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable
    # Create/Update Schema for LogAnalytics Table & Data Collection Rule schema
    CheckCreateUpdate-TableDcr-Structure -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId `
                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId `
                                        -DceName $DceName -DcrName $DcrName -TableName $TableName -Data $DataVariable `
                                        -LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId `
                                        -AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel `
                                        -AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine `
                                        -AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine
    # Upload data to LogAnalytics using DCR / DCE / Log Ingestion API
    Post-AzLogAnalyticsLogIngestCustomLogDcrDce-Output -DceName $DceName -DcrName $DcrName -Data $DataVariable -TableName $TableName `
                                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1468-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1342-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1317-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
      [ 1 / 1 ] - Posting data to Loganalytics table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received -1-byte response of content type
      SUCCESS - data uploaded to LogAnalytics
    BootDevice : \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    BuildNumber : 22621
    BuildType : Multiprocessor Free
    Caption : Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise
    CodeSet : 1252
    CollectionTime : 12-03-2023 19:11:15
    Computer : STRV-MOK-DT-02
    CountryCode : 1
    CreationClassName : Win32_OperatingSystem
    CSCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem
    CSDVersion :
    CSName : STRV-MOK-DT-02
    CurrentTimeZone : 60
    DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications : True
    DataExecutionPrevention_Available : True
    DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers : True
    DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy : 2
    Debug : False
    Description :
    Distributed : False
    EncryptionLevel : 256
    ForegroundApplicationBoost : 2
    FreePhysicalMemory : 7385644
    FreeSpaceInPagingFiles : 14208308
    FreeVirtualMemory : 13526060
    InstallDate : 21-09-2022 05:56:02
    LargeSystemCache :
    LastBootUpTime : 08-03-2023 22:19:03
    LocalDateTime : 12-03-2023 18:11:15
    Locale : 0409
    Manufacturer : Microsoft Corporation
    MaxNumberOfProcesses : 4294967295
    MaxProcessMemorySize : 137438953344
    MUILanguages : {en-US, en-GB}
    Name : Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition3
    NumberOfLicensedUsers : 0
    NumberOfProcesses : 336
    NumberOfUsers : 2
    OperatingSystemSKU : 4
    Organization :
    OSArchitecture : 64-bit
    OSLanguage : 1033
    OSProductSuite : 256
    OSType : 18
    OtherTypeDescription :
    PAEEnabled :
    PlusProductID :
    PlusVersionNumber :
    PortableOperatingSystem : False
    Primary : True
    ProductType : 1
    PSComputerName :
    RegisteredUser : mok
    SerialNumber : 00330-80000-00000-AA032
    ServicePackMajorVersion : 0
    ServicePackMinorVersion : 0
    SizeStoredInPagingFiles : 15728640
    Status : OK
    SuiteMask : 272
    SystemDevice : \Device\HarddiskVolume3
    SystemDirectory : C:\WINDOWS\system32
    SystemDrive : C:
    TotalSwapSpaceSize :
    TotalVirtualMemorySize : 32210960
    TotalVisibleMemorySize : 16482320
    UserLoggedOn :
    Version : 10.0.22621
    WindowsDirectory : C:\WINDOWS

                [boolean]$EnableUploadViaLogHub = $false,

        # Endpoint sends data directly to Azure, either using public endpoint - or via private link
        If ( ($EnableUploadViaLogHub -eq $false) -or ($EnableUploadViaLogHub -eq $null) )

                $AzDcrDceDetails = Get-AzDcrDceDetails -DcrName $DcrName -DceName $DceName `
                                                       -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

                Post-AzLogAnalyticsLogIngestCustomLogDcrDce -DceUri $AzDcrDceDetails[2] -DcrImmutableId $AzDcrDceDetails[6] -TableName $TableName `
                                                            -DcrStream $AzDcrDceDetails[7] -Data $Data -BatchAmount $BatchAmount `
                                                            -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose


        # log-hub support - endpoint sends log-data via log-hub (remote internal path). Then Log-hub forwards data to Azure
        ElseIf ( ( $EnableUploadViaLogHub -eq $true ) -and ($LogHubPath) )
                If ($Data)
                        # Mandatory
                        $LogHubData = New-Object PsCustomObject
                        $LogHubData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Source -Value $Env:ComputerName
                        $LogHubData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UploadTime -Value (get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss)
                        $LogHubData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TableName -Value $TableName
                        $LogHubData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DceName -Value $DceName
                        $LogHubData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DcrName $DcrName
                        $LogHubData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Data -Value @($Data)

                        # optional
                        If ($BatchAmount)
                                $LogHubData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name BatchAmount -Value $BatchAmount
                        # Export to JSON format
                        $LogHubFileName = $LogHubPath + "\" + $ENV:ComputerName + "-" + $TableName + "-" + (get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss) + ".json"

                        $LogHubDataJson = $LogHubData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 25
                        $LogHubDataJson | Out-File -FilePath $LogHubFileName -Encoding utf8 -Force

        # Write result to screen
        $DataVariable | Out-String | Write-Verbose 

Function Post-AzLogAnalyticsLogIngestCustomLogDcrDce
    Send data to LogAnalytics using Log Ingestion API and Data Collection Rule
    Data is either sent as one record (if only one exist), batches (calculated value of number of records to send per batch)
    - or BatchAmount (used only if the size of the records changes so you run into problems with limitations.
    In case of diffent sizes, use 1 for BatchAmount
    Sending data in UTF8 format
    Here you can put in the DCE uri - typically found using Get-DceDcrDetails
    .PARAMETER DcrImmutableId
    Here you can put in the DCR ImmunetableId - typically found using Get-DceDcrDetails
    .PARAMETER DcrStream
    Here you can put in the DCR Stream name - typically found using Get-DceDcrDetails
    This is the data array
    This is the Azure app id og an app with Contributor permissions in LogAnalytics + Resource Group for DCRs
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    $verbose = $true
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoV2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information ... Please Wait !"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # We change the tablename to something - for example add TEST (InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2) - table doesn't exist
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable
    $StructureCheck = Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -TableName $TableName -DcrName $DcrName -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                        -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # build schema to be used for DCR
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType DCR
    $StructureCheck = Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -TableName $TableName -DcrName $DcrName -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # build schema to be used for LogAnalytics Table
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType Table -Verbose:$Verbose
    CreateUpdate-AzLogAnalyticsCustomLogTableDcr -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -SchemaSourceObject $Schema -TableName $TableName `
                                                    -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # build schema to be used for DCR
    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $DataVariable -ReturnType DCR
    CreateUpdate-AzDataCollectionRuleLogIngestCustomLog -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                        -DceName $DceName -DcrName $DcrName -TableName $TableName `
                                                        -LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId `
                                                        -AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel `
                                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # here we post the data
    $AzDcrDceDetails = Get-AzDcrDceDetails -DcrName $DcrName -DceName $DceName `
                                            -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    Post-AzLogAnalyticsLogIngestCustomLogDcrDce -DceUri $AzDcrDceDetails[2] -DcrImmutableId $AzDcrDceDetails[6] -TableName $TableName `
                                                    -DcrStream $AzDcrDceDetails[7] -Data $DataVariable -BatchAmount $BatchAmount `
                                                    -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Preparing data structure
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1317-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
      [ 1 / 1 ] - Posting data to LogAnalytics table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTESTV2_CL ] .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received -1-byte response of content type
      SUCCESS - data uploaded to LogAnalytics


    # Data check
    # On a newly created DCR, sometimes we cannot retrieve the DCR info fast enough. So we skip trying to send in data !
    If ( ($DcrImmutableId -eq $null) -or ($DcrStream -eq $null) )
            # skipping as this is a newly created DCR. Just rerun the script and it will work !
            If ($DceURI -and $DcrImmutableId -and $DcrStream -and $Data)
                    # Add assembly to upload using http
                    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web

                    # Obtain a bearer token used to authenticate against the data collection endpoint using Azure App & Secret

                        $scope       = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode("")   
                        $bodytoken   = "client_id=$AzAppId&scope=$scope&client_secret=$AzAppSecret&grant_type=client_credentials";
                        $headers     = @{"Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
                        $uri         = "$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"

                        $bearerToken = (invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $uri -Method "Post" -Body $bodytoken -Headers $headers).access_token

                        $headers = @{
                                        "Authorization" = "Bearer $bearerToken";
                                        "Content-Type" = "application/json";

                    # Upload the data using Log Ingesion API using DCE/DCR
                        # initial variable
                        $indexLoopFrom = 0

                        # calculate size of data (entries)
                        $TotalDataLines = ($Data | Measure-Object).count
                        # calculate number of entries to send during each transfer - log ingestion api limits to max 1 mb per transfer
                        If ( ($TotalDataLines -gt 1) -and (!($BatchAmount)) )
                                $SizeDataSingleEntryJson  = (ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -InputObject @($Data[0]) -Compress).length
                                $DataSendAmountDecimal    = (( 1mb - 300Kb) / $SizeDataSingleEntryJson)   # 500 Kb is overhead (my experience !)
                                $DataSendAmount           = [math]::Floor($DataSendAmountDecimal)
                        ElseIf ($BatchAmount)
                                $DataSendAmount           = $BatchAmount
                                $DataSendAmount           = 1

                        # loop - upload data in batches, depending on possible size & Azure limits
                                $DataSendRemaining = $TotalDataLines - $indexLoopFrom

                                If ($DataSendRemaining -le $DataSendAmount)
                                        # send last batch - or whole batch
                                        $indexLoopTo    = $TotalDataLines - 1   # cause we start at 0 (zero) as first record
                                        $DataScopedSize = $Data   # no need to split up in batches
                                ElseIf ($DataSendRemaining -gt $DataSendAmount)
                                        # data must be splitted in batches
                                        $indexLoopTo    = $indexLoopFrom + $DataSendAmount
                                        $DataScopedSize = $Data[$indexLoopFrom..$indexLoopTo]

                                # Convert data into JSON-format
                                $JSON = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -InputObject @($DataScopedSize) -Compress

                                If ($DataSendRemaining -gt 1)    # batch
                                        # we are showing as first record is 1, but actually is is in record 0 - but we change it for gui purpose
                                        Write-host " [ $($indexLoopFrom + 1)..$($indexLoopTo + 1) / $($TotalDataLines) ] - Posting data to LogAnalytics table [ $($TableName)_CL ] .... Please Wait !"
                                ElseIf ($DataSendRemaining -eq 1)   # single record
                                        Write-host " [ $($indexLoopFrom + 1) / $($TotalDataLines) ] - Posting data to LogAnalytics table [ $($TableName)_CL ] .... Please Wait !"

                                $uri = "$DceURI/dataCollectionRules/$DcrImmutableId/streams/$DcrStream"+"?api-version=2021-11-01-preview"
                                # set encoding to UTF8
                                $JSON = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($JSON)

                                $Result = invoke-webrequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $uri -Method POST -Body $JSON -Headers $headers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                                $StatusCode = $Result.StatusCode

                                If ($StatusCode -eq "204")
                                        Write-host " SUCCESS - data uploaded to LogAnalytics"
                                ElseIf ($StatusCode -eq "RequestEntityTooLarge")
                                        Write-Error " Error 513 - You are sending too large data - make the dataset smaller"
                                        Write-Error $result

                                # Set new Fom number, based on last record sent
                                $indexLoopFrom = $indexLoopTo

                        Until ($IndexLoopTo -ge ($TotalDataLines - 1 ))
              return $Result
            Write-host ""

Function Update-AzDataCollectionRuleDceEndpoint
    Updates the DceEndpointUri of the Data Collection Rule
    Used to change the Data Collection Endpoint in a Data Collection Rule
    .PARAMETER DcrResourceId
    This is resource id of the Data Collection Rule which should be changed
    .PARAMETER DceResourceId
    This is resource id of the Data Collection Endpoint to change to (target)
    This is the Azure app id og an app with Contributor permissions in LogAnalytics + Resource Group for DCRs
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine = @()
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine = $true
    # building global variable with all DCEs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # building global variable with all DCRs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # make sure the DCR & DCE actually exists
    $DcrName = "dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest5V2_CL"
    $DceNameTarget = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    # Get details about DCR using Azure Resource Graph
    $AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrDceDetails -DcrName $DcrName -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$verbose
    # check that it found a DCR
    $DcrResourceId = $AzDcrDetails[0]
    # check that it found a DCR
    $AzDceDetails = Get-AzDcrDceDetails -DceName $DceNameTarget -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$verbose
    $DceResourceId = $AzDceDetails[0]
    # update data collection endpoint - getting details about DCE using Azure Resource Graph
    Update-AzDataCollectionRuleDceEndpoint -DcrResourceId $DcrResourceId -DceResourceId $DceResourceId -Verbose:$verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 4797-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    Updating DCE EndpointId for DCR
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 4769-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8

    # Connection

        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # get existing DCR

        $DcrUri = "" + $DcrResourceId + "?api-version=2022-06-01"
        $DCR = invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $DcrUri -Method GET -Headers $headers

    # update payload object

        $ = $DceResourceId

    # update existing DCR

        Write-host "Updating DCE EndpointId for DCR"
        Write-host $DcrResourceId

        # convert modified payload to JSON-format
        $DcrPayload = $Dcr | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

        # update changes to existing DCR
        $DcrUri = "" + $DcrResourceId + "?api-version=2022-06-01"
        $DCR = invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $DcrUri -Method PUT -Body $DcrPayload -Headers $Headers


Function Update-AzDataCollectionRuleResetTransformKqlDefault
    Updates the tranformKql parameter on an existing DCR - and resets it back to default
    Used to set transformation back to default, where all data is being sent in - with needed TimeGenerated column
    .PARAMETER $DcrResourceId
    This is the resource id of the data collection rule
    This is the Azure app id og an app with Contributor permissions in LogAnalytics + Resource Group for DCRs
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoTest5V2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine = @()
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine = $true
    # building global variable with all DCEs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # building global variable with all DCRs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting Defender demo data"
    $DataVariable = Get-MpComputerStatus
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn -Verbose:$verbose
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$verbose
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$verbose
    # Create/Update Schema for LogAnalytics Table & Data Collection Rule schema
    CheckCreateUpdate-TableDcr-Structure -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId `
                                        -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId `
                                        -DceName $DceName -DcrName $DcrName -TableName $TableName -Data $DataVariable `
                                        -LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId `
                                        -AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel `
                                        -AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine `
                                        -AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine
    # building global variable with all DCEs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # building global variable with all DCRs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    $AzDcrDceDetails = Get-AzDcrDceDetails -DcrName $DcrName `
                                           -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # make a DCR Event Log collection of security events - can be done through Sentinel
    $DcrResourceId = $AzDcrDceDetails[0]
    # check the schema for an column name where we want to retrieve data from
    Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # set new transformation where we are adding a column AntivirusVersion with data from AMEngineVersion
    $transformKql = "source | extend TimeGenerated = now() | extend AntivirusVersion = AMEngineVersion"
    Update-AzDataCollectionRuleTransformKql -DcrResourceId $DcrResourceId -transformKql $transformKql -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 4735-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    Updating transformKql for DCR
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 4735-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    # force a reset of the tranformation
    Update-AzDataCollectionRuleResetTransformKqlDefault -DcrResourceId $DcrResourceId -Verbose:$true
    # Output
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 4735-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
      Resetting transformKql to default for DCR
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 4691-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8


    # Variables

        $DefaultTransformKqlDcrLogIngestCustomLog = "source | extend TimeGenerated = now()"

    # Connection

        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # get existing DCR

        $DcrUri = "" + $DcrResourceId + "?api-version=2022-06-01"
        $DCR = invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $DcrUri -Method GET -Headers $Headers

    # update payload object

        If ($[0].transformKql)
                # changing value on existing property
                $[0].transformKql = $DefaultTransformKqlDcrLogIngestCustomLog
                # Adding new property to object
                $[0] | Add-Member -NotePropertyName transformKql -NotePropertyValue $transformKql -Force

    # update existing DCR

        Write-host " Resetting transformKql to default for DCR"
        Write-host $DcrResourceId

        # convert modified payload to JSON-format
        $DcrPayload = $Dcr | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

        # update changes to existing DCR
        $DcrUri = "" + $DcrResourceId + "?api-version=2022-06-01"
        $DCR = invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $DcrUri -Method PUT -Body $DcrPayload -Headers $Headers

Function Update-AzDataCollectionRuleTransformKql
    Updates the tranformKql parameter on an existing DCR with the provided parameter
    Used to enable transformation on a data collection rule
    .PARAMETER $DcrResourceId
    This is the resource id of the data collection rule
    .PARAMETER $tranformKql
    This is tranformation query to use
    This is the Azure app id og an app with Contributor permissions in LogAnalytics + Resource Group for DCRs
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    $Verbose = $true
    # make a DCR Event Log collection of security events - can be done through Sentinel
    $DcrResourceId = "/subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/microsoft.insights/dataCollectionRules/dcr-ingest-exclude-security-eventid"
    # Remove transformation - send all data through pipeline
    $transformKql = "source"
    Update-AzDataCollectionRuleTransformKql -DcrResourceId $DcrResourceId -transformKql $transformKql -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Output
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1419-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    Updating transformKql for DCR
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1419-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    # Add transformation to exclude event 8002, 5058, 4662, 4688
    $transformKql = "source | where (EventID != 8002) and (EventID != 5058) and (EventID != 4662) and (EventID != 4688)"
    Update-AzDataCollectionRuleTransformKql -DcrResourceId $DcrResourceId -transformKql $transformKql -Verbose:$true
    # Output
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1511-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    Updating transformKql for DCR
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1511-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8


    # Connection

        $Headers = Get-AzAccessTokenManagement -AzAppId $AzAppId `
                                               -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret `
                                               -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

    # get existing DCR

        $DcrUri = "" + $DcrResourceId + "?api-version=2022-06-01"
        $DCR = invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $DcrUri -Method GET -Headers $Headers

    # update payload object

        If ($[0].transformKql)
                # changing value on existing property
                $[0].transformKql = $transformKql
                # Adding new property to object
                $[0] | Add-Member -NotePropertyName transformKql -NotePropertyValue $transformKql -Force

    # update existing DCR

        Write-host "Updating transformKql for DCR"
        Write-host $DcrResourceId

        # convert modified payload to JSON-format
        $DcrPayload = $Dcr | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

        # update changes to existing DCR
        $DcrUri = "" + $DcrResourceId + "?api-version=2022-06-01"
        $DCR = invoke-restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $DcrUri -Method PUT -Body $DcrPayload -Headers $Headers


Function ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames
    Validates the column names in the schema are valid according the requirement for LogAnalytics tables
    Fixes any issues by rebuild the source object
    Checks for prohibited column names - and adds new column with <name>_ - and removes prohibited column name
    Checks for column name length is under 45 characters
    Checks for column names must not start with _ (underscore) - or contain " " (space) or . (period)
    In case of issues, an new source object is build
    This is the data array
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Updated $DataVariable with valid column names
    # Variables
    $Verbose = $true # $true or $false
    # Collecting data (in)
    $DNSName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName +"." + (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).Domain
    $ComputerName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName
    [datetime]$CollectionTime = ( Get-date ([datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK" )
    $UserLoggedOnRaw = Get-Process -IncludeUserName -Name explorer | Select-Object UserName -Unique
    $UserLoggedOn = $UserLoggedOnRaw.UserName
    Write-Output "Get-Process is pretty slow .... take a cup coffee :-)"
    $DataVariable = Get-Process
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn -Verbose:$Verbose
    # adding prohibted columns to data - to demonstrate how it works
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name "Type" -Column1Data "MyDataType" -Verbose:$Verbose
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name "Id" -Column1Data "MyId" -Verbose:$Verbose
    # schema - before changes - we see columns named Type and Id (prohibited)
    Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Data before changes - we see columns named Type and Id (prohibited)
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$verbose
    # schema - after changes - we see data was transferred to new columns (type_ and id_ - and the wrong columns (type, id) were removed
    Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Data after changes - we see data was transferred to new columns (type_ and id_ - and the wrong columns (type, id) were removed
    # Output
    VERBOSE: Converting CIM array to Object & removing CIM class data in array .... please wait !
    VERBOSE: Adding CollectionTime to all entries in array .... please wait !
    VERBOSE: Adding columns to all entries in array .... please wait !
    VERBOSE: Adding columns to all entries in array .... please wait !
    VERBOSE: Adding columns to all entries in array .... please wait !
    VERBOSE: Validating schema structure of source data ... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ Id ]
    VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ Type ]
    VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name must start with character [ __NounName ]
    VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ Id ]
    VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ Type ]
    VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name must start with character [ __NounName ]
    VERBOSE: Issues found .... fixing schema structure of source data ... Please Wait !
    name type
    ---- ----
    BasePriority int
    CollectionTime datetime
    Company dynamic
    Computer string
    Container dynamic
    CPU dynamic
    Description dynamic
    EnableRaisingEvents boolean
    ExitCode dynamic
    ExitTime dynamic
    FileVersion dynamic
    Handle int
    HandleCount int
    Handles int
    HasExited boolean
    Id string
    MachineName string
    MainModule dynamic
    MainWindowHandle int
    MainWindowTitle string
    MaxWorkingSet int
    MinWorkingSet int
    Modules dynamic
    Name string
    NonpagedSystemMemorySize int
    NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 int
    NPM int
    PagedMemorySize int
    PagedMemorySize64 int
    PagedSystemMemorySize int
    PagedSystemMemorySize64 int
    Path string
    PeakPagedMemorySize int
    PeakPagedMemorySize64 int
    PeakVirtualMemorySize int
    PeakVirtualMemorySize64 int
    PeakWorkingSet int
    PeakWorkingSet64 int
    PM int
    PriorityBoostEnabled boolean
    PriorityClass int
    PrivateMemorySize int
    PrivateMemorySize64 int
    PrivilegedProcessorTime dynamic
    ProcessName string
    ProcessorAffinity int
    Product dynamic
    ProductVersion dynamic
    Responding boolean
    SafeHandle dynamic
    SessionId int
    SI int
    Site dynamic
    StandardError dynamic
    StandardInput dynamic
    StandardOutput dynamic
    StartInfo dynamic
    StartTime datetime
    SynchronizingObject dynamic
    Threads dynamic
    TotalProcessorTime dynamic
    Type string
    UserLoggedOn string
    UserProcessorTime dynamic
    VirtualMemorySize int
    VirtualMemorySize64 int
    VM int
    WorkingSet int
    WorkingSet64 int
    WS int
    __NounName string
    AcrobatNotificationClient MyDataType
    BasePriority : 8
    CollectionTime : 12-03-2023 17:10:15
    Company :
    Computer : STRV-MOK-DT-02
    Container :
    CPU : 0,015625
    Description :
    EnableRaisingEvents : False
    ExitCode :
    ExitTime :
    FileVersion :
    Handle : 10044
    HandleCount : 377
    Handles : 377
    HasExited : False
    Id_ : MyId
    MachineName : .
    MainModule : @{ModuleName=AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; FileName=C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AcrobatNotificationClient_
                       \AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; BaseAddress=6225920; ModuleMemorySize=438272; Entr
                                 yPointAddress=6460140; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}
    MainWindowHandle : 0
    MainWindowTitle :
    MaxWorkingSet : 1413120
    MinWorkingSet : 204800
    Modules : {@{ModuleName=AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; FileName=C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AcrobatNotificationClient
                                 _1.0.4.0_x86__e1rzdqpraam7r\AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; BaseAddress=6225920; ModuleMemorySize=438272; Ent
                                 ryPointAddress=6460140; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}, @{ModuleName=ntdll.dll; FileName=C:\WINDOWS\SY
                                 STEM32\ntdll.dll; BaseAddress=140715251924992; ModuleMemorySize=2179072; EntryPointAddress=0; FileVersionInf
                                 o=; Site=; Container=}, @{ModuleName=wow64.dll; FileName=C:\WINDOWS\System32\wow64.dll; BaseAddress=14071524
                                 5764608; ModuleMemorySize=356352; EntryPointAddress=140715245870880; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}, @
                                 {ModuleName=wow64base.dll; FileName=C:\WINDOWS\System32\wow64base.dll; BaseAddress=140715221450752; ModuleMe
                                 morySize=36864; EntryPointAddress=140715221454864; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}...}
    Name : AcrobatNotificationClient
    NonpagedSystemMemorySize : 23424
    NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 : 23424
    NPM : 23424
    PagedMemorySize : 10592256
    PagedMemorySize64 : 10592256
    PagedSystemMemorySize : 466384
    PagedSystemMemorySize64 : 466384
    Path : C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AcrobatNotificationClient_1.0.4.0_x86__e1rzdqpraam7r\AcrobatNotificationClient.
    PeakPagedMemorySize : 11440128
    PeakPagedMemorySize64 : 11440128
    PeakVirtualMemorySize : 318820352
    PeakVirtualMemorySize64 : 318820352
    PeakWorkingSet : 39202816
    PeakWorkingSet64 : 39202816
    PM : 10592256
    PriorityBoostEnabled : True
    PriorityClass : 32
    PrivateMemorySize : 10592256
    PrivateMemorySize64 : 10592256
    PrivilegedProcessorTime : @{Ticks=156250; Days=0; Hours=0; Milliseconds=15; Minutes=0; Seconds=0; TotalDays=1,80844907407407E-07; Tota
                                 lHours=4,34027777777778E-06; TotalMilliseconds=15,625; TotalMinutes=0,00026041666666666666; TotalSeconds=0,0
    ProcessName : AcrobatNotificationClient
    ProcessorAffinity : 65535
    Product :
    ProductVersion :
    Responding : True
    SafeHandle : @{IsInvalid=False; IsClosed=False}
    SessionId : 1
    SI : 1
    Site :
    StandardError :
    StandardInput :
    StandardOutput :
    StartInfo : @{Verb=; Arguments=; CreateNoWindow=False; EnvironmentVariables=System.Object[]; Environment=System.Object[]
                                 ; RedirectStandardInput=False; RedirectStandardOutput=False; RedirectStandardError=False; StandardErrorEncod
                                 ing=; StandardOutputEncoding=; UseShellExecute=True; Verbs=System.Object[]; UserName=; Password=; PasswordIn
                                 ClearText=; Domain=; LoadUserProfile=False; FileName=; WorkingDirectory=; ErrorDialog=False; ErrorDialogPare
                                 ntHandle=0; WindowStyle=0}
    StartTime : 08-03-2023 22:22:46
    SynchronizingObject :
    Threads : {@{BasePriority=8; CurrentPriority=8; Id=24524; PriorityBoostEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProces
                                 sorTime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; U
                                 serProcessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}, @{BasePriority=8; CurrentPriority=9; Id=18836; Priority
                                 BoostEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProcessorTime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-
                                 2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; UserProcessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}, @{B
                                 asePriority=8; CurrentPriority=8; Id=18608; PriorityBoostEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProcessorT
                                 ime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; UserP
                                 rocessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}, @{BasePriority=8; CurrentPriority=9; Id=18832; PriorityBoos
                                 tEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProcessorTime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-2023
                                  22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; UserProcessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}...}
    TotalProcessorTime : @{Ticks=156250; Days=0; Hours=0; Milliseconds=15; Minutes=0; Seconds=0; TotalDays=1,80844907407407E-07; Tota
                                 lHours=4,34027777777778E-06; TotalMilliseconds=15,625; TotalMinutes=0,00026041666666666666; TotalSeconds=0,0
    Type_ : MyDataType
    UserLoggedOn : 2LINKIT\mok
    UserProcessorTime : @{Ticks=0; Days=0; Hours=0; Milliseconds=0; Minutes=0; Seconds=0; TotalDays=0; TotalHours=0; TotalMillisecon
                                 ds=0; TotalMinutes=0; TotalSeconds=0}
    VirtualMemorySize : 289554432
    VirtualMemorySize64 : 289554432
    VM : 289554432
    WorkingSet : 6762496
    WorkingSet64 : 6762496
    WS : 6762496
    NounName :


    $ProhibitedColumnNames = @("_ResourceId","id","_ResourceId","_SubscriptionId","TenantId","Type","UniqueId","Title","Date")

    Write-Verbose " Validating schema structure of source data ... Please Wait !"

    # Initial check
    $IssuesFound = $false

        # loop through data
        ForEach ($Entry in $Data)
                $ObjColumns = $Entry | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty

                ForEach ($Column in $ObjColumns)
                        # get column name
                        $ColumnName = $Column.Name

                        If ($ColumnName -in $ProhibitedColumnNames)   # prohibited column names
                                $IssuesFound = $true
                                Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ $($ColumnName) ]"

                        ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "_*")   # remove any leading underscores - column in DCR/LA must start with a character
                                $IssuesFound = $true
                                Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column name must start with character [ $($ColumnName) ]"
                        ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "*.*")   # includes . (period)
                                $IssuesFound = $true
                                Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column name include . (period) - must be removed [ $($ColumnName) ]"
                        ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "* *")   # includes whitespace " "
                                $IssuesFound = $true
                                Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column name include whitespace - must be removed [ $($ColumnName) ]"
                        ElseIf ($ColumnName.Length -gt 45)   # trim the length to maximum 45 characters
                                $IssuesFound = $true
                                Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column length is greater than 45 characters (trimming column name is neccessary) [ $($ColumnName) ]"

    If ($IssuesFound)
            Write-Verbose " Issues found .... fixing schema structure of source data ... Please Wait !"

            $DataCount  = ($Data | Measure-Object).Count

            $DataVariableQA = @()

            $Data | ForEach-Object -Begin  {
                    $i = 0
            } -Process {

                    # get column names
                    $ObjColumns = $_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty

                    ForEach ($Column in $ObjColumns)
                            # get column name
                            $ColumnName = $Column.Name

                            If ($ColumnName -in $ProhibitedColumnNames)   # phohibited column names
                                    $UpdColumn  = $ColumnName + "_"
                                    $ColumnData = $_.$ColumnName
                                    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force
                            ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "*.*")   # remove any . (period)
                                    $UpdColumn = $ColumnName.Replace(".","")
                                    $ColumnData = $Entry.$Column
                                    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force
                            ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "_*")   # remove any leading underscores - column in DCR/LA must start with a character
                                    $UpdColumn = $ColumnName.TrimStart("_")
                                    $ColumnData = $Entry.$Column
                                    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force
                            ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "* *")   # remove any whitespaces
                                    $UpdColumn = $ColumnName.TrimStart()
                                    $ColumnData = $Entry.$Column
                                    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force
                            ElseIf ($ColumnName.Length -gt 45)   # trim the length to maximum 45 characters
                                    $UpdColumn = $ColumnName.Substring(0,45)
                                    $ColumnData = $_.$Column
                                    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force
                            Else    # write column name and data (OK)
                                    $ColumnData = $_.$ColumnName
                                    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ColumnName -Value $ColumnData -Force
                    $DataVariableQA += $_

                    # Increment the $i counter variable which is used to create the progress bar.
                    $i = $i+1

                    # Determine the completion percentage
                    $Completed = ($i/$DataCount) * 100
                    Write-Progress -Activity "Validating/fixing schema structure of source object" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete $Completed
            } -End {
                $Data = $DataVariableQA
                Write-Progress -Activity "Validating/fixing schema structure of source object" -Status "Ready" -Completed
            Write-Verbose " SUCCESS - No issues found in schema structure"
    Return [array]$Data