Function ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates the column names in the schema are valid according the requirement for LogAnalytics tables Fixes any issues by rebuild the source object .DESCRIPTION Checks for prohibited column names - and adds new column with <name>_ - and removes prohibited column name Checks for column name length is under 45 characters Checks for column names must not start with _ (underscore) - or contain " " (space) or . (period) In case of issues, an new source object is build .PARAMETER Data This is the data array .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects .OUTPUTS Updated $DataVariable with valid column names .EXAMPLE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Verbose = $true # $true or $false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collecting data (in) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $DNSName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName +"." + (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).Domain $ComputerName = (Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).DNSHostName [datetime]$CollectionTime = ( Get-date ([datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime()) -format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK" ) $UserLoggedOnRaw = Get-Process -IncludeUserName -Name explorer | Select-Object UserName -Unique $UserLoggedOn = $UserLoggedOnRaw.UserName Write-Output "Get-Process is pretty slow .... take a cup coffee :-)" $DataVariable = Get-Process #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preparing data structure #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose # add CollectionTime to existing array $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn -Verbose:$Verbose # adding prohibted columns to data - to demonstrate how it works $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name "Type" -Column1Data "MyDataType" -Verbose:$Verbose $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name "Id" -Column1Data "MyId" -Verbose:$Verbose # schema - before changes - we see columns named Type and Id (prohibited) Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose # Data before changes - we see columns named Type and Id (prohibited) $DataVariable[0] # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$verbose # schema - after changes - we see data was transferred to new columns (type_ and id_ - and the wrong columns (type, id) were removed Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $DataVariable -Verbose:$Verbose # Data after changes - we see data was transferred to new columns (type_ and id_ - and the wrong columns (type, id) were removed $DataVariable[0] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERBOSE: Converting CIM array to Object & removing CIM class data in array .... please wait ! VERBOSE: Adding CollectionTime to all entries in array .... please wait ! VERBOSE: Adding columns to all entries in array .... please wait ! VERBOSE: Adding columns to all entries in array .... please wait ! VERBOSE: Adding columns to all entries in array .... please wait ! VERBOSE: Validating schema structure of source data ... Please Wait ! VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ Id ] VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ Type ] VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name must start with character [ __NounName ] VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ Id ] VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ Type ] VERBOSE: ISSUE - Column name must start with character [ __NounName ] VERBOSE: Issues found .... fixing schema structure of source data ... Please Wait ! name type ---- ---- BasePriority int CollectionTime datetime Company dynamic Computer string Container dynamic CPU dynamic Description dynamic EnableRaisingEvents boolean ExitCode dynamic ExitTime dynamic FileVersion dynamic Handle int HandleCount int Handles int HasExited boolean Id string MachineName string MainModule dynamic MainWindowHandle int MainWindowTitle string MaxWorkingSet int MinWorkingSet int Modules dynamic Name string NonpagedSystemMemorySize int NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 int NPM int PagedMemorySize int PagedMemorySize64 int PagedSystemMemorySize int PagedSystemMemorySize64 int Path string PeakPagedMemorySize int PeakPagedMemorySize64 int PeakVirtualMemorySize int PeakVirtualMemorySize64 int PeakWorkingSet int PeakWorkingSet64 int PM int PriorityBoostEnabled boolean PriorityClass int PrivateMemorySize int PrivateMemorySize64 int PrivilegedProcessorTime dynamic ProcessName string ProcessorAffinity int Product dynamic ProductVersion dynamic Responding boolean SafeHandle dynamic SessionId int SI int Site dynamic StandardError dynamic StandardInput dynamic StandardOutput dynamic StartInfo dynamic StartTime datetime SynchronizingObject dynamic Threads dynamic TotalProcessorTime dynamic Type string UserLoggedOn string UserProcessorTime dynamic VirtualMemorySize int VirtualMemorySize64 int VM int WorkingSet int WorkingSet64 int WS int __NounName string AcrobatNotificationClient MyDataType BasePriority : 8 CollectionTime : 12-03-2023 17:10:15 Company : Computer : STRV-MOK-DT-02 Container : CPU : 0,015625 Description : EnableRaisingEvents : False ExitCode : ExitTime : FileVersion : Handle : 10044 HandleCount : 377 Handles : 377 HasExited : False Id_ : MyId MachineName : . MainModule : @{ModuleName=AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; FileName=C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AcrobatNotificationClient_\AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; BaseAddress=6225920; ModuleMemorySize=438272; Entr yPointAddress=6460140; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=} MainWindowHandle : 0 MainWindowTitle : MaxWorkingSet : 1413120 MinWorkingSet : 204800 Modules : {@{ModuleName=AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; FileName=C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AcrobatNotificationClient _1.0.4.0_x86__e1rzdqpraam7r\AcrobatNotificationClient.exe; BaseAddress=6225920; ModuleMemorySize=438272; Ent ryPointAddress=6460140; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}, @{ModuleName=ntdll.dll; FileName=C:\WINDOWS\SY STEM32\ntdll.dll; BaseAddress=140715251924992; ModuleMemorySize=2179072; EntryPointAddress=0; FileVersionInf o=; Site=; Container=}, @{ModuleName=wow64.dll; FileName=C:\WINDOWS\System32\wow64.dll; BaseAddress=14071524 5764608; ModuleMemorySize=356352; EntryPointAddress=140715245870880; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}, @ {ModuleName=wow64base.dll; FileName=C:\WINDOWS\System32\wow64base.dll; BaseAddress=140715221450752; ModuleMe morySize=36864; EntryPointAddress=140715221454864; FileVersionInfo=; Site=; Container=}...} Name : AcrobatNotificationClient NonpagedSystemMemorySize : 23424 NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 : 23424 NPM : 23424 PagedMemorySize : 10592256 PagedMemorySize64 : 10592256 PagedSystemMemorySize : 466384 PagedSystemMemorySize64 : 466384 Path : C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AcrobatNotificationClient_1.0.4.0_x86__e1rzdqpraam7r\AcrobatNotificationClient. exe PeakPagedMemorySize : 11440128 PeakPagedMemorySize64 : 11440128 PeakVirtualMemorySize : 318820352 PeakVirtualMemorySize64 : 318820352 PeakWorkingSet : 39202816 PeakWorkingSet64 : 39202816 PM : 10592256 PriorityBoostEnabled : True PriorityClass : 32 PrivateMemorySize : 10592256 PrivateMemorySize64 : 10592256 PrivilegedProcessorTime : @{Ticks=156250; Days=0; Hours=0; Milliseconds=15; Minutes=0; Seconds=0; TotalDays=1,80844907407407E-07; Tota lHours=4,34027777777778E-06; TotalMilliseconds=15,625; TotalMinutes=0,00026041666666666666; TotalSeconds=0,0 15625} ProcessName : AcrobatNotificationClient ProcessorAffinity : 65535 Product : ProductVersion : Responding : True SafeHandle : @{IsInvalid=False; IsClosed=False} SessionId : 1 SI : 1 Site : StandardError : StandardInput : StandardOutput : StartInfo : @{Verb=; Arguments=; CreateNoWindow=False; EnvironmentVariables=System.Object[]; Environment=System.Object[] ; RedirectStandardInput=False; RedirectStandardOutput=False; RedirectStandardError=False; StandardErrorEncod ing=; StandardOutputEncoding=; UseShellExecute=True; Verbs=System.Object[]; UserName=; Password=; PasswordIn ClearText=; Domain=; LoadUserProfile=False; FileName=; WorkingDirectory=; ErrorDialog=False; ErrorDialogPare ntHandle=0; WindowStyle=0} StartTime : 08-03-2023 22:22:46 SynchronizingObject : Threads : {@{BasePriority=8; CurrentPriority=8; Id=24524; PriorityBoostEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProces sorTime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; U serProcessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}, @{BasePriority=8; CurrentPriority=9; Id=18836; Priority BoostEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProcessorTime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03- 2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; UserProcessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}, @{B asePriority=8; CurrentPriority=8; Id=18608; PriorityBoostEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProcessorT ime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; UserP rocessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}, @{BasePriority=8; CurrentPriority=9; Id=18832; PriorityBoos tEnabled=True; PriorityLevel=0; PrivilegedProcessorTime=; StartAddress=140715252309904; StartTime=08-03-2023 22:22:46; ThreadState=5; TotalProcessorTime=; UserProcessorTime=; WaitReason=5; Site=; Container=}...} TotalProcessorTime : @{Ticks=156250; Days=0; Hours=0; Milliseconds=15; Minutes=0; Seconds=0; TotalDays=1,80844907407407E-07; Tota lHours=4,34027777777778E-06; TotalMilliseconds=15,625; TotalMinutes=0,00026041666666666666; TotalSeconds=0,0 15625} Type_ : MyDataType UserLoggedOn : 2LINKIT\mok UserProcessorTime : @{Ticks=0; Days=0; Hours=0; Milliseconds=0; Minutes=0; Seconds=0; TotalDays=0; TotalHours=0; TotalMillisecon ds=0; TotalMinutes=0; TotalSeconds=0} VirtualMemorySize : 289554432 VirtualMemorySize64 : 289554432 VM : 289554432 WorkingSet : 6762496 WorkingSet64 : 6762496 WS : 6762496 NounName : #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(mandatory)] [Array]$Data ) $ProhibitedColumnNames = @("_ResourceId","id","_ResourceId","_SubscriptionId","TenantId","Type","UniqueId","Title","Date") Write-Verbose " Validating schema structure of source data ... Please Wait !" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initial check $IssuesFound = $false # loop through data ForEach ($Entry in $Data) { $ObjColumns = $Entry | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty ForEach ($Column in $ObjColumns) { # get column name $ColumnName = $Column.Name If ($ColumnName -in $ProhibitedColumnNames) # prohibited column names { $IssuesFound = $true Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column name is prohibited [ $($ColumnName) ]" } ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "_*") # remove any leading underscores - column in DCR/LA must start with a character { $IssuesFound = $true Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column name must start with character [ $($ColumnName) ]" } ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "*.*") # includes . (period) { $IssuesFound = $true Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column name include . (period) - must be removed [ $($ColumnName) ]" } ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "* *") # includes whitespace " " { $IssuesFound = $true Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column name include whitespace - must be removed [ $($ColumnName) ]" } ElseIf ($ColumnName.Length -gt 45) # trim the length to maximum 45 characters { $IssuesFound = $true Write-Verbose " ISSUE - Column length is greater than 45 characters (trimming column name is neccessary) [ $($ColumnName) ]" } } } If ($IssuesFound) { Write-Verbose " Issues found .... fixing schema structure of source data ... Please Wait !" $DataCount = ($Data | Measure-Object).Count $DataVariableQA = @() $Data | ForEach-Object -Begin { $i = 0 } -Process { # get column names $ObjColumns = $_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty ForEach ($Column in $ObjColumns) { # get column name $ColumnName = $Column.Name If ($ColumnName -in $ProhibitedColumnNames) # phohibited column names { $UpdColumn = $ColumnName + "_" $ColumnData = $_.$ColumnName $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove($ColumnName) } ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "*.*") # remove any . (period) { $UpdColumn = $ColumnName.Replace(".","") $ColumnData = $Entry.$Column $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove($ColumnName) } ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "_*") # remove any leading underscores - column in DCR/LA must start with a character { $UpdColumn = $ColumnName.TrimStart("_") $ColumnData = $Entry.$Column $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove($ColumnName) } ElseIf ($ColumnName -like "* *") # remove any whitespaces { $UpdColumn = $ColumnName.TrimStart() $ColumnData = $Entry.$Column $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove($ColumnName) } ElseIf ($ColumnName.Length -gt 45) # trim the length to maximum 45 characters { $UpdColumn = $ColumnName.Substring(0,45) $ColumnData = $_.$Column $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UpdColumn -Value $ColumnData -Force $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove($ColumnName) } Else # write column name and data (OK) { $ColumnData = $_.$ColumnName $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ColumnName -Value $ColumnData -Force } } $DataVariableQA += $_ # Increment the $i counter variable which is used to create the progress bar. $i = $i+1 # Determine the completion percentage $Completed = ($i/$DataCount) * 100 Write-Progress -Activity "Validating/fixing schema structure of source object" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete $Completed } -End { $Data = $DataVariableQA Write-Progress -Activity "Validating/fixing schema structure of source object" -Status "Ready" -Completed } } Else { Write-Verbose " SUCCESS - No issues found in schema structure" } Return [array]$Data } |