$ManifestPath = $Env:Onedrive + "\Documents\GitHub\AzLogDcrIngestPS\AzLogDcrIngestPS.psd1" New-ModuleManifest ` -Path $ManifestPath ` -Author "Morten Knudsen | Microsoft MVP | | @knudsenmortendk" ` -CompanyName "unknown" ` -Copyright "(c) 2023 Morten Knudsen (@knudsenmortendk)" ` -ModuleVersion "1.0.1" ` -PowerShellVersion "5.1" ` -FunctionsToExport "*" ` -CmdletsToExport '*' ` -VariablesToExport '*' ` -AliasesToExport '*' ` -NestedModules @() ` -ModuleList @() ` -ModuleToProcess 'AzLogDcrIngestPS.psm1' ` -FileList @("AzLogDcrIngestPS.psm1", "AzLogDcrIngestPS.psd1") ` -CompatiblePSEditions @("Core", "Desktop") ` -ReleaseNotes '' ` -Tags @("Microsoft","Azure","LogAnalytics","LogIngestion","REST","Logging","CustomLogs","DataCollectionRule","DCR") ` -LicenseUri '' ` -ProjectUri "" ` -HelpInfoUri "" ` -Description " ` This module includes cmdlets to automate all the processes to create and update Azure LogAnalytics tables and Azure Data Collection Rules to do log ingestion to Azure Loganalytics custom logs using Log ingestion API and Azure Data Collection Rules from Powershell. ` ` Functions can be used for: (1) manipulation of source object (fix invalid structure + remove unnecessary properties + add info like UserLoggedOn, Computer, CollectionTime) ` (2) Validation of environment (Azure LogAnalytics custom log tables, Azure Data Collection Rules, schema) ` (3) Management (create/update) of Azure LogAnalytics tables & Azure Data Collection Rules Management - with required schema-format and valid data set ` (4) Targetting of where to send data using names - lookup of DCR/DCE infrastructure using Azure Resource Graph ` (5) Post data to Azure LogAnalytics custom log tables using log ingestion API and Azure Data Collection Rules ` (6) Management of existing Azure Data Collection Rules ` (7) Management of existing Azure LogAnalytics custom log tables & Azure Data Collection Rules to update schema when source object structure changes, ` (8) Clean-up/maintenance of existing Azure LogAnalytics tables & Azure Data Collection Rules ` (9) Clean-up/maintenance of existing Azure LogAnalytics custom log tables & Azure Data Collection Rules ` (10) Support functions needed (e.g. REST API connectivity) ` ` Change Log: ` v1.0.0 - Initial version " <# Register-PSRepository -Default -InstallationPolicy Trusted $parameters = @{ Name = "myNuGetSource" SourceLocation = "" PublishLocation = "" InstallationPolicy = 'Trusted' } Register-PSRepository @parameters Get-PSRepository Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer Publish-Module -Name AzLogDcrIngestPS -NuGetApiKey oy2oodeh3ecun7bjtcfaswbd5honzrnuhj5gm2j7nubt7m #> |