function Install-PSModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Fetches a Powershell module using PackageManagement. Default is a server-local Modules folder. .NOTES Uses Save-Module because Install-Module doesn't work in Azure Functions due to a permissions issue (investigating) #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [String[]]$ModuleName, [String]$PSLocalModulePath = "$($env:UserProfile)\Documents\WindowsPowershell\Modules" ) if (-not (Test-Path $PSLocalModulePath)) { mkdir $PSLocalModulePath > $null } Add-PSModulePath $PSLocalModulePath #Silently Installs the NuGET requirement for Powershell Gallery if it isn't present. get-packageprovider Nuget -forcebootstrap > $null foreach ($ModuleToInstall in $ModuleName) { write-verbose "Checking for $ModuleToInstall" if (-not (get-module $ModuleToInstall -listavailable)) { write-verbose "$ModuleToInstall Not Found, Installing to $PSLocalModulePath" #Install-Module fails with unauthorized operation for some reason save-module $ModuleToInstall -Path $PSLocalModulePath -verbose 4>&1 } } } #function Install-PSModule |