function Set-AzApiCallContext { <# .SYNOPSIS Set-Context for Auth .DESCRIPTION Set-Context for Auth .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-AzApiCallContext Set Context #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) #region checkAzContext $script:checkContext = Get-AzContext -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Checking Az Context" if (-not $checkContext) { Write-Host " Context test failed: No context found. Please connect to Azure (run: Connect-AzAccount) and re-run AzApiCall" -ForegroundColor Red Throw "Error - check the last console output for details" } else { $accountType = $script:checkContext.Account.Type $accountId = $ Write-Host " Context AccountId: '$($accountId)'" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host " Context AccountType: '$($accountType)'" -ForegroundColor Yellow <#if ($SubscriptionId4AzContext -ne "undefined") { Write-Host " Setting AzContext to SubscriptionId: '$SubscriptionId4AzContext'" -ForegroundColor Yellow try { Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId4AzContext } catch { Throw "Error - check the last console output for details" } $checkContext = Get-AzContext -ErrorAction Stop }#> #else{ if (-not $script:checkContext.Subscription) { #Maybe delete $checkContext Write-Host " Context test failed: Context is not set to any Subscription. Set your context to a subscription by running: Set-AzContext -subscription <subscriptionId> (run Get-AzSubscription to get the list of available Subscriptions). When done re-run script" -ForegroundColor Red Throw "Error - check the last console output for details" } else { Write-Host " Context test passed: Context OK" -ForegroundColor Green } #} } } |