function New-AzDnsAsCodeZone { <# .SYNOPSIS Execute a request to create a new Azure DNS Zone .DESCRIPTION Execute a request to create a new Azure DNS Zone .PARAMETER DNSZoneName Which rest method to use. Defaults to PUT .PARAMETER SubscriptionID Set Subscription ID .PARAMETER ResourceGroup Set ResourceGroup NAME (NOT ID!!!) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-AzDnsAsCodeZone -Name '' -RessourceGroupid '<RessourceGroupid>' -SubscriptionId '<SubscriptionId>' PS C:\> New-AzDnsAsCodeZone -Name '' -RessourceGroupid '<RessourceGroupid>' -SubscriptionId '<SubscriptionId>' -MetaData @{ 'Company'= 'consto' } Set up a new Zone in Azure DNS Service #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)][String]$DNSZoneName, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)][String]$SubscriptionID, [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)][String]$ResourceGroup ) $ScriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $body = Get-Content $ScriptDir\internal\configurations\newzone.json #| ConvertFrom-Json <# MetaData If ($Null -eq $MetaData) { #$'key1') $body.PSObject.Properties.Remove('tags') } else { $body.tags = $MetaData }#> #$body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 $uri = "$SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/dnszones/$($DNSZoneName)?api-version=$($script:APIversion)" Write-Output "Create DNS Zone -> $($DNSZoneName)" $response = AzAPICall -uri $Uri -Method PUT -currentTask "Creating new DNSZone $($DNSZoneName)" -body $body -listenOn Content ###Todo check if Zone is already exist with (Request Header IF-MATCH) $response | Select-Object name, ` @{Name = "maxNumberOfRecordSets"; Expression = {"$($"}}, ` @{Name = "NameServer"; Expression = {"$($"}} | Format-Table -AutoSize } |