about_azdevops_projects ABOUT TOPIC NOTE: The first header of the about topic should be the topic name. The second header contains the lookup name used by the help system. IE: # Some Help Topic Name ## SomeHelpTopicFileName This will be transformed into the text file as `about_SomeHelpTopicFileName`. Do not include file extensions. The second header should have no spaces. SHORT DESCRIPTION The Projects module provides functions for working with and manging projects in Azure Devops. ABOUT TOPIC NOTE: About topics can be no longer than 80 characters wide when rendered to text. Any topics greater than 80 characters will be automatically wrapped. The generated about topic will be encoded UTF-8. LONG DESCRIPTION A project, which was previously known as a team project, provides a repository for source code. A project provides a place where a group of people can plan, track progress, and collaborate on building software solutions. A project is defined for an Azure DevOps Services organization or within a TFS project collection. You can use it to focus on those objects defined within the project. Get-AzDevOpsProject This function returns a project from an Azure Devop Organization. This function will be used for almost all types of operations as we are typically working with resources within a given project. Get-AzDevOpsProjectProperty This function will return some extended information about a given project. New-AzDevOpsProject This function allows you to create a new project. Remove-AzDevOpsProject This function will remove a project from an Azure Devops Organization. You will need to provide confirmation as it's a destructive operation. EXAMPLES PS C:\> Get-AzDevOpsProject -ProjectId 2e6901c2-7cfb-40ea-901b-dfb439566e13 id : 2e6901c2-7cfb-40ea-901b-dfb439566e13 name : sample url : state : wellFormed revision : 515330550 _links : @{self=; collection=; web=} visibility : private defaultTeam : @{id=cb24c842-7e32-4438-bf5d-fc67ac28a5c1; name=sample Team; url=} lastUpdateTime : 2015-08-13T01:10:08.653Z Get a single project EXAMPLES PS C:\> Get-AzDevOpsProject -ProjectId d5cf30dd-c965-43f3-9f4e-3dce76ed226a |Get-AzDevOpsProjectProperty name value ---- ----- System.CurrentProcessTemplateId 330f7e99-d497-42eb-9fcd-8f8fec59bc13 System.OriginalProcessTemplateId 330f7e99-d497-42eb-9fcd-8f8fec59bc13 System.ProcessTemplateType adcc42ab-9882-485e-a3ed-7678f01f66bc System.MSPROJ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>... System.Process Template Agile System.Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Team.Default 49cf33f8-4c32-4fa2-aa67-b8b49a873ea6 System.SourceControlCapabilityFlags 2 System.SourceControlGitEnabled True System.SourceControlGitPermissionsInitialized True Passing a project by pipeline EXAMPLES PS C:\> New-AzDevOpsProject -Name TestProject -Description 'this is a new project' id status url -- ------ --- 859ba28b-918b-4eaf-a819-b0024b9dd9e5 notSet Creating a new project EXAMPLES PS C:\> $Project = Get-AzDevOpsProject 4027d479-6afb-4201-9646-c580bf8d7251 $Project id : 4027d479-6afb-4201-9646-c580bf8d7251 name : newproject description : this is a new project url : state : wellFormed revision : 515330653 _links : @{self=; collection=; web=} visibility : private defaultTeam : @{id=25008b15-01a6-4b27-a9f9-5872e2713b87; name=newproject Team; url=} lastUpdateTime : 2020-04-08T19:28:13.077Z Remove-AzDevOpsProject -Project $Project id status url -- ------ --- 1569ba20-7ed2-4ff0-8c1f-412bbcc3700d notSet Deleting a project NOTE You will need to be authenticated with a PAT in order for these functions to work. Additionally the PAT will need to be scoped appropriately in order to perform create and delete operations. TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE The most commone source of issues are around the scope of the token. Please verify that your token is able to access projects. SEE ALSO Azure Devops Projects KEYWORDS Project - Connect-AzDevOpsOrganization - Get-AzDevOpsProject - Get-AzDevOpsProjectProperty - New-AzDevOpsProject - Remove-AzDevOpsProject |