about_azdevops_operations ABOUT TOPIC NOTE: The first header of the about topic should be the topic name. The second header contains the lookup name used by the help system. IE: # Some Help Topic Name ## SomeHelpTopicFileName This will be transformed into the text file as `about_SomeHelpTopicFileName`. Do not include file extensions. The second header should have no spaces. SHORT DESCRIPTION This module provides access to long-running operations on Azure DevOps ABOUT TOPIC NOTE: About topics can be no longer than 80 characters wide when rendered to text. Any topics greater than 80 characters will be automatically wrapped. The generated about topic will be encoded UTF-8. LONG DESCRIPTION Operations provide a way to monitor the process of an async task. This function gets an operation from the the operationId using the given pluginId. Some scenarios don't require a pluginId. If a pluginId is not included in the call then just the operationId will be used to find an operation Get-AzDevOpsOperation Gets an operation from the the operationId using the given pluginId EXAMPLES PS C:\> Get-AzDevOpsOperations -OperationId 'c92521c2-5599-4a87-aec6-58afe7b14444' id status url _links -- ------ --- ------ c92521c2-5599-4a87-aec6-58afe7b14444 succeeded @{self=} Get the status of a running operation NOTE This is used mostly for internal status checks on long runnin processes, such as creating new projects and such. It can be used externally as well if need be. KEYWORDS operation, operations - Connect-AzDevOpsOrganization - New-AzDevOpsProject |