function Get-CostAdvisor { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Azure cost advisor recommendations for one or more subscriptions. .DESCRIPTION Invokes the Get-AzAdvisorRecommendation cmdlet against one or more subscriptions and returns recommendations categorised as "Cost". .PARAMETER SubscriptionName The name or name/s of the Subscriptions to query. If not specified all subscriptions available in the current context will be used. .PARAMETER Impact Use to filter the results to one or more impact categories: High, Medium or Low. .PARAMETER Raw Switch: Include the raw advisor recommendation data as a property on the returned object. .EXAMPLE Get-CostAdvisor Description ----------- Returns the current cost advisor recommendations for all subscriptions in the current Azure context. .EXAMPLE Get-CostAdvisor -SubscriptionName 'MySubscriptionA','MySubscriptionB' Description ----------- Returns the current cost advisor recommendations for the specified subscription names. .EXAMPLE Get-CostAdvisor -Impact Medium,High Description ----------- Returns the current cost advisor recommendations that match the specified impact levels. #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string[]] $SubscriptionName, [ValidateSet('High','Medium','Low')] [string[]] $Impact, [switch] $Raw ) begin { # Store the users current AZ context before we start $PreAzContext = Get-AzContext } process { if (-not $SubscriptionName) { $SubscriptionName = (Get-AzSubscription -ErrorAction Stop).Name } foreach ($Subscription in $SubscriptionName) { $AdvisorRecommendations = $null if ($PreAzContext.Subscription.Name -ne $Name) { Set-AzContext -Subscription $Subscription -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } $AdvisorRecommendations = Get-AzAdvisorRecommendation | Where-Object { $_.Category -eq 'Cost' } if ($Impact) { $AdvisorRecommendations = $AdvisorRecommendations | Where-Object { $_.Impact -in $Impact } } foreach ($AdvisorRecommendation in $AdvisorRecommendations) { $RecommendationObject = [ordered]@{ PSTypeName = 'CostAdvisor.Recommendation' Resource = $AdvisorRecommendation.ImpactedValue ResourceType = $AdvisorRecommendation.ImpactedField SubscriptionName = $Subscription Impact = $AdvisorRecommendation.Impact Recommendation = $AdvisorRecommendation.ShortDescriptionProblem AnnualSavings = $AdvisorRecommendation.ExtendedProperty.AdditionalProperties.annualSavingsAmount Savings = $AdvisorRecommendation.ExtendedProperty.AdditionalProperties.savingsAmount Currency = $AdvisorRecommendation.ExtendedProperty.AdditionalProperties.savingsCurrency LookbackPeriod = $AdvisorRecommendation.ExtendedProperty.AdditionalProperties.lookbackPeriod Region = $AdvisorRecommendation.ExtendedProperty.AdditionalProperties.region } if ($Raw) { $RawRecommendationObject = [ordered]@{ Recommendation_Raw = $AdvisorRecommendation } $RecommendationObject += $RawRecommendationObject } [PSCustomObject]$RecommendationObject } } } } |