
function Get-SubscriptionCost {
        Retrieves the Azure costs for one or more billing months for one or more subscriptions.
        Invokes the Get-AzConsumptionUsageDetail cmdlet against one or more subscriptions to return billing data for a specified number of months.
        If you are interested to see how costs have changed since the previous mont use the -ComparePrevious switch to return additional properties
        that contain the cost data for the previous month and properties that calculate the cost difference.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionName
        The name or name/s of the Subscriptions to query. If not specified all subscriptions available in the current context will be used.
    .PARAMETER BillingMonth
        The billing month to query for cost data, specified as a [datetime] object. You can specify just month/year, e.g 10/2023. If not specified uses the current date.
    .PARAMETER PreviousMonths
        The number of previous billing months to query. Default: 0.
    .PARAMETER SparkLineSize
        The row height of sparklines to generate (requires PSparkines module). Default: 1.
    .PARAMETER ComparePrevious
        Switch: Include values for the previous billing month and adds additional properties that compare the current month to the previous.
        Switch: Include the raw cost consumption data as a property on the returned object.
        Returns costs for the current billing month for all subscriptions in the current Azure context.
        Get-SubscriptionCost -SubscriptionName 'MySubscriptionA'
        Returns costs for the current billing month for the specified subscription name.
        Get-SubscriptionCost -SubscriptionName 'MySubscriptionA','MySubscriptionB'
        Returns costs for the current billing month for the specified subscription names.
        Get-SubscriptionCost -BillingMonth 01/2024 -PreviousMonths 3
        Returns costs from October 2023 to January 2024 for all subscriptions in the current Azure context.
        Get-SubscriptionCost -BillingMonth 01/2024 -PreviousMonths 3 -ComparePrevious
        Returns costs from October 2023 to January 2024 for all subscriptions in the current Azure context and includes properties
        for comparing each month with the one prior.


        $BillingMonth = (Get-Date),

        [ValidateRange(0, 12)]
        $PreviousMonths = 0,

        [ValidateRange(1, 10)]
        $SparkLineSize = 1,



    # Store the users current AZ context before we start
    $PreAzContext = Get-AzContext

    try {

        if (-not $SubscriptionName) {
            $SubscriptionName = (Get-AzSubscription).Name

        foreach ($Name in $SubscriptionName) {

            $Consumption = $null
            $PrevConsumption = $null

            Set-AzContext -Subscription $Name -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

            for ($BillingMonthCount = 0; $BillingMonthCount -le $PreviousMonths; $BillingMonthCount++) {

                $BillingDate = (Get-Date $BillingMonth).AddMonths(-$BillingMonthCount)
                $BillingPeriod = $BillingDate.ToString('yyyyMM')

                $PrevBillingDate = (Get-Date $BillingMonth).AddMonths( - (1 + $BillingMonthCount))
                $PrevBillingPeriod = $PrevBillingDate.ToString('yyyyMM')

                try {
                    $Consumption = if ($PrevConsumption) {
                    else {
                        Write-Progress -Activity "Getting data for billing period $BillingPeriod" -Status $Name

                        Get-AzConsumptionUsageDetail -BillingPeriodName $BillingPeriod -ErrorAction Stop
                    $Currency = ($Consumption | Select-Object -First 1).Currency
                    $Cost = ($Consumption | Measure-Object -Property PretaxCost -Sum).Sum

                    $DailyCost = Get-DailyCost -Consumption $Consumption
                    $DailyCostCalc = $DailyCost.Cost | Measure-Object -Maximum -Minimum -Average -Sum
                    $CostPerService = Get-ServiceCost -Consumption $Consumption
                    $Budgets = Get-AzConsumptionBudget

                    $ActiveBudgets = foreach ($Budget in $Budgets) {

                        if ($BillingDate -ge $Budget.TimePeriod.StartDate -and $Budget.TimePeriod.EndDate -ge $BillingDate) {
                                BudgetAmount    = $Budget.Amount
                                BudgetTimeGrain = $Budget.TimeGrain

                    if (Test-PSparklinesModule) {
                        $CostSparkLine = Get-Sparkline $DailyCost.Cost -NumLines $SparkLineSize | Write-Sparkline

                    $CostObject = [ordered]@{
                        PSTypeName                 = 'Subscription.Cost'
                        Name                       = $Name
                        BillingPeriod              = $BillingPeriod
                        Currency                   = $Currency
                        Cost                       = [math]::Round($Cost, 2)
                        DailyCost_SparkLine        = ($CostSparkLine -join "`n")
                        DailyCost_Min              = [math]::Round(($DailyCostCalc).Minimum, 2)
                        DailyCost_Max              = [math]::Round(($DailyCostCalc).Maximum, 2)
                        DailyCost_Avg              = [math]::Round(($DailyCostCalc).Average, 2)
                        MostExpensive_Date         = ($DailyCost | Sort-Object Cost -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Date
                        LeastExpensive_Date        = ($DailyCost | Sort-Object Cost | Select-Object -First 1).Date
                        DailyCost                  = $DailyCost
                        CostPerService             = $CostPerService
                        MostExpensiveService       = ($CostPerService | Sort-Object Cost -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Service
                        MostExpensiveService_Cost  = [math]::Round(($CostPerService | Sort-Object Cost -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Cost, 2)
                        LeastExpensiveService      = ($CostPerService | Sort-Object Cost | Select-Object -First 1).Service
                        LeastExpensiveService_Cost = [math]::Round(($CostPerService | Sort-Object Cost | Select-Object -First 1).Cost, 2)
                        ActiveBudgets              = $ActiveBudgets

                    if ($ComparePrevious) {

                        Write-Progress -Activity "Getting data for previous billing period $PrevBillingPeriod" -Status $Name

                        $PrevConsumption = Get-AzConsumptionUsageDetail -BillingPeriodName $PrevBillingPeriod -ErrorAction Stop

                        $PrevCost = ($PrevConsumption | Measure-Object -Property PretaxCost -Sum).Sum
                        $PrevDailyCost = Get-DailyCost -Consumption $PrevConsumption
                        $PrevDailyCostCalc = $PrevDailyCost.Cost | Measure-Object -Maximum -Minimum -Average -Sum        
                        $PrevCostPerService = Get-ServiceCost -Consumption $PrevConsumption

                        $CostChange = $Cost - $PrevCost
                        $ChangePct = $CostChange / $PrevCost
                        $DailyCostChange = Get-DailyCostChange -DailyCost $DailyCost -PrevDailyCost $PrevDailyCost

                        if (Test-PSparklinesModule) {
                            $PrevCostSparkLine = Get-Sparkline $PrevDailyCost.Cost -NumLines $SparkLineSize | Write-Sparkline

                        $ComparePreviousCostObject = [ordered]@{
                            PrevBillingPeriod              = $PrevBillingPeriod
                            PrevCost                       = [math]::Round($PrevCost, 2)
                            PrevDailyCost_SparkLine        = ($PrevCostSparkLine -join "`n")
                            PrevDailyCost_Min              = [math]::Round(($PrevDailyCostCalc).Minimum, 2)
                            PrevDailyCost_Max              = [math]::Round(($PrevDailyCostCalc).Maximum, 2)
                            PrevDailyCost_Avg              = [math]::Round(($PrevDailyCostCalc).Average, 2)
                            PrevMostExpensiveDate          = ($DailyCost | Sort-Object Cost -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Date
                            PrevLeastExpensiveDate         = ($DailyCost | Sort-Object Cost | Select-Object -First 1).Date
                            PrevDailyCost                  = $PrevDailyCost
                            PrevCostPerService             = $PrevCostPerService
                            PrevMostExpensiveService       = ($PrevCostPerService | Sort-Object Cost -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Service
                            PrevMostExpensiveService_Cost  = [math]::Round(($PrevCostPerService | Sort-Object Cost -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Cost, 2)
                            PrevLeastExpensiveService      = ($PrevCostPerService | Sort-Object Cost | Select-Object -First 1).Service
                            PrevLeastExpensiveService_Cost = [math]::Round(($PrevCostPerService | Sort-Object Cost | Select-Object -First 1).Cost, 2)
                            CostChange                     = [math]::Round($CostChange, 2)
                            CostChange_Pct                 = "{0:p2}" -f $ChangePct
                            DailyCostChange                = $DailyCostChange

                        $CostObject += $ComparePreviousCostObject

                        $CostObject['PSTypeName'] = 'Subscription.Cost.ComparePrev'

                    if ($Raw) {

                        $RawCostObject = [ordered]@{
                            Consumption_Raw = $Consumption

                        $CostObject += $RawCostObject

                    if ($ComparePrevious -and $Raw) {

                        $PrevRawCostObject = [ordered]@{
                            PrevConsumption_Raw = $PrevConsumption

                        $CostObject += $PrevRawCostObject

                catch {
                    Write-Error "Error retrieving costs for subscription ${Name}: $($_.Exception)"

    catch {
        throw $_
    finally {
        # Return the user to their previous AZ context (in case it has changed).
        $PreAzContext | Set-AzContext | Out-Null