function Get-AzClassicDeployment { <# .SYNOPSIS Return information about a PaaS service deployment .PARAMETER ServiceName The name of the Service to query for deployment details .PARAMETER Slot The deployment slot (Production or Staging) to query .PARAMETER ApiVersion Resource Provider Api Version to use. Default: 2015-10-01 .PARAMETER Raw Returns the Raw configuration xml configuration (cscfg) .EXAMPLE Get-AzClassicDeployment -ServiceName MyClassicService ServiceName : MyClassicService DeploymentId : 948f665aa7cf4b44b839ca272019c8f7 Status : Running LastModifiedTime : 2019-12-14T06:12:34Z PublicIpAddress : PublicPort : 443 DeploymentLabel : Test Deployment #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('AzClassicDeployment')] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ResourceName')] [string[]]$ServiceName, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('Production', 'Staging')] [string]$Slot = 'Production', [parameter()] [string]$ApiVersion = '2015-10-01', [parameter()] [switch]$Raw ) process { foreach ($service in $ServiceName) { $serviceObject = $null Write-Verbose "Reading $service Cloud Service details" $services = Get-AzClassicService -ServiceName $service foreach ($serviceObject in $services) { foreach ($s in $Slot) { Write-Verbose "Deployment Slot: $s" $deployment = $null Write-Verbose "Reading deploment details" $deployment = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/deploymentSlots/$($s.ToLower())" -ResourceName $serviceObject.Name -ResourceGroupName $serviceObject.ResourceGroupName -ApiVersion $ApiVersion -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' $role = $null $role = Get-AzResource -ApiVersion $ApiVersion -ResourceType "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/$($s.ToLower())/roles" -ResourceName $serviceObject.ServiceName -ResourceGroupName $serviceObject.Name -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' if (! $deployment) { continue } if ($Raw) { Write-Verbose "Return RAW Cloud Service deployment configuration" return $deployment } $outObj = $null $outObj = $deployment | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty 'Properties' -Property *, @{l = 'ServiceName'; e = { $serviceObject.ServiceName } }, @{l = 'ProvisioningState'; e = { $deployment.Properties.provisioningState } }, @{l = 'DeploymentLabel'; e = { $deployment.Properties.DeploymentLabel } }, @{l = 'Status'; e = { $deployment.Properties.status } }, @{l = 'LastModifiedTime'; e = { $deployment.Properties.lastModifiedTime } }, @{l = 'Uri'; e = { $deployment.Properties.uri } }, @{l = 'DeploymentName'; e = { $deployment.Properties.deploymentName } }, @{l = 'DeploymentId'; e = { $deployment.Properties.deploymentId } }, @{l = 'PublicIpAddress'; e = { $role[0].Properties.inputEndpoints.publicIpAddress } }, @{l = 'PublicPort'; e = { $role[0].Properties.inputEndpoints.publicPort } } $outObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'AzClassicDeployment') $outObj } } } } } |