
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
networkhud_management_feature_not_installed = Feature {0} is not installed on computer {1}.
networkhud_management_cluster_module_not_installed = Module {0} is not installed.
networkhud_management_remote_node_cluster = Remote Node {0} is part of the Cluster. Use parameter {1} instead.
networkhud_management_service_start_failure = Failed to start service {0} on computer: {1}. Please check {2} event log channel for more details.
networkhud_management_service_stop_failure = Failed to stop service {0} on computer: {1}. Please check {2} event log channel for more details.
networkhud_management_install_failure = Failed to install service and module {0} on computer: {1}.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_lldp = Network HUD requires LLDP RSAT tools to be installed.\n\nTo resolve this issue, run the following command: Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-DataCenterBridging-LLDP-Tools.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_hyperv = Network HUD requires Hyper-V and Hyper-V-PowerShell to be installed.\n\nTo resolve this issue, run the following command: Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V -IncludeManagementTools.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_atc = Network HUD requires NetworkATC to be installed.\n\nTo resolve this issue, run the following command: Install-WindowsFeature -Name NetworkATC.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_cluster = Network HUD requires Failover-Clustering to be installed.\n\nTo resolve this issue, run the following command: Install-WindowsFeature -Name Failover-Clustering -IncludeManagementTools.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_dcb = Network HUD requires Data-Center-Bridging to be installed.\n\nTo resolve this issue, run the following command: Install-WindowsFeature -Name Data-Center-Bridging -IncludeManagementTools.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_dcbmodule = This machine must have the DataCenterBridging Module version 2021.6.23.36 or greater installed for Network HUD.\n\nTo resolve this issue, run the following command: Install-Module -Name DataCenterBridging -Force.\n\nIf this system is not connected to the internet, from an internet-connected system, run Save-Module DataCenterBridging -Path c:\\folderpath then move the module to the disconnected system under the 'C:\\Program Files\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules' folder.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_netstack = This machine must have the Test-NetStack Module version 2021.1.1.1 or greater installed for Network HUD.\n\nTo resolve this issue, run the following command: Install-Module -Name Test-NetStack -Force.\n\nIf this system is not connected to the internet, from an internet-connected system, run Save-Module DataCenterBridging -Path c:\\folderpath then move the module to the disconnected system under the 'C:\\Program Files\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules' folder.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_nocluster = The local machine is not a member of a failover cluster. To resolve this issue, join the machine to a failover cluster.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_noserviceacc = Network HUD is using the localsystem account. Change to an account with cluster permissions.
networkhud_prerequisite_req_fail = Network HUD has stopped due to a missing prerequisite. Review the prior errors in the Network HUD log, then try again.
networkhud_watchlinkstate_linkstatechange = The following interface changed state to DOWN:\nName: [{0}]\nInterfaceDescription: [{1}]\nInterfaceIndex: [{2}]\nMacAddress: [{3}]\nState: [{4}]\nLinkSpeed: [{5}]\n\nIf this continues, Network HUD will attempt to take corrective action. Please investigate the physical adapter, cable, and switchports.
networkhud_watchlinkstate_detectedflap = The Network HUD service has determined that adapter [{0}] is unstable due to frequent disconnect. Remediation actions may be attempted to improve stability. Actions will be indicated in this log.
networkhud_watchlinkstate_notenoughadapters = The Network HUD service has determined that [{0}] has reached a threshold of {1} disconnections inside {2} minute. However, there are not enough usable adapters to take remediation actions. An administrator should take immediate action to identify whether the problem is the adapter, the cable, or the switchport.\n\nTo convert this event data back to readable text, use the following sequence of commands:\n 1) `$Event = Get-EventLog -LogName 'NetworkHUD' -Source 'Network-HUD-Service' -InstanceId 1015 -EntryType Error | Select -First 1\n 2) [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString(`$Event.Data) | ConvertFrom-Json
networkhud_watchlinkstate_disable = The Network HUD service has determined that [{0}] has reached a threshold of {1} disconnections inside {2} minute. The adapter will be removed from Intent {3} in order to improve system stability.
networkhud_watchlinkstate_faultdescription = The Network HUD service has determined that [{0}] in the [{1}] intent is unstable due to too many disconnections.
networkhud_watchlinkstate_faultAction = The Network HUD service has determined that [{0}] has reached a threshold of {1} disconnections inside {2} minutes. The adapter may be removed from the [{3}] intent to improve system stability. An administrator should take immediate action to identify whether the problem is the adapter, cable, or the switchport and replace the malfunctioning hardware.
networkhud_measureresettingnic_detectedflap = The Network HUD service has determined that adapter [{0}] is unstable due to frequent reset. Remediation actions may be attempted to improve stability. Actions will be indicated in this log.
networkhud_measureresettingnic_notenoughadapters = The Network HUD service has determined that [{0}] has reached a threshold of {1} resets inside {2} minute. However, there are not enough usable adapters to take remediation actions. An administrator should take immediate action to identify whether the problem is the adapter, the cable, or the switchport.
networkhud_measureresettingnic_disable = The Network HUD service has determined that [{0}] has reached a threshold of {1} resets inside {2} minute. The adapter will be disabled in order to improve system stability.
networkhud_measureresettingnic_FaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined a ResettingNIC fault has been detected on the following NIC : [{0}]"
networkhud_measureresettingnic_FaultAction = The Network HUD service has determined that [{0}] has reached a threshold of {1} resets inside {2} minute. The adapter may be disabled in order to improve system stability. An administrator should take immediate action to identify whether the problem is the adapter, the cable, or the switchport.
networkhud_DriverValidation_InboxDriver = The Network HUD service has determined that adapter [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] is using an inbox driver. Inbox drivers are not supported.
networkhud_DriverValidation_FailAge = The Network HUD service has determined that the [{0}] driver for adapter [{1}] in the Intent named [{2}] is more than 1 year old. The listed date of the [{0}] driver is [{3}]
networkhud_DriverValidation_WarnAge = The Network HUD service has determined that the [{0}] driver for adapter [{1}] in the Intent named [{2}] is more than 6 months old.The listed date of the [{0}] driver is [{3}]
networkhud_DriverValidation_VersionMissMatch = The Network HUD service has determined that the drivers in Network ATC intent [{0}] are not running the same version. The detected versions are {1}
networkhud_DriverValidation_InboxDriverFaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that a driver fault has been detected on the following adapter(s) [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}]. Inbox drivers are not supported.
networkhud_DriverValidation_InboxDriverFaultAction = Contact your the vendor and install an updated driver.
networkhud_DriverValidation_FailAgeFaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that the [{0}] driver used for the adapter [{1}] in the Intent named [{2}] is over one year old. Out of date drivers reduce system stability and performance. The listed date of the [{0}] driver is [{3}]
networkhud_DriverValidation_FailAgeFaultAction = Contact your the vendor immediately and obtain an updated driver for the adapter or replace the device.
networkhud_DriverValidation_WarnAgeFaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that the [{0}] driver used for the adapter [{1}] in the Intent named [{2}] is over six months old. Out of date drivers reduce system stability and performance. The listed date of the [{0}] driver is [{3}]
networkhud_DriverValidation_WarnAgeFaultAction = Contact your the vendor and obtain an updated driver for the adapter or replace the device.
networkhud_DriverValidation_DriverVersionDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that the drivers in Network ATC intent [{0}] are not running the same version. The detected versions are {1}
networkhud_DriverValidation_DriverVersionAction = Update the drivers for the adapter in the Network ATC intent [{0}] to the same version.
networkhud_InfrastructureValidation_MissingIntentTypes = The Network HUD service has determined that the cluster is not configured with the following Network ATC intent types: {0}
networkhud_InfrastructureValidation_MissingIntentTypesFaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that the cluster is not configured with the following Network ATC intent types: {0}
networkhud_InfrastructureValidation_MissingIntentTypesFaultAction = Review the Network ATC documentation and add the {0} intent type(s) to the cluster.
networkhud_InfrastructureValidation_FailedIntent = The Network HUD service has determined that the following Network ATC intents [{0}] are in a failed state on node [{1}] since [{2}]. Review the error message from Get-NetIntentStatus and use the command "Set-NetIntentRetryState -Name {0} -NodeName {1}" to reinitiate intent provisioning.
networkhud_InfrastructureValidation_FailedIntentFaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that the following Network ATC intents [{0}] are in a failed state on node [{1}] since [{2}].
networkhud_InfrastructureValidation_FailedIntentFaultAction = Review the error message from Get-NetIntentStatus and use the command "Set-NetIntentRetryState -Name {0} -NodeName {1}" to reinitiate intent provisioning.
networkhud_PCIE_missinginfo = The Network HUD service has determined that adapter(s) [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] does not have PCIE information
networkhud_PCIE_insufficient = The Network HUD service has determined that adapter [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] does not have sufficient PCIE bandwidth to reach its maximum linkspeed. The detected linkspeed of this adapter is [{2}] but the available PCIe bandwidth is [{3}]. This can lead to stability problems and should be remediated. To address this issue, move the adapter to a slot with enough PCIe bandwidth or limit the linkspeed of the adapter.
networkhud_PCIE_slotinsufficient = The Network HUD service has determined that the following adapter(s) [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] in PCIe slot [{2}] do not have sufficient PCIE bandwidth to reach maximum linkspeed on all adapters simultaneously. The detected linkspeed of the adapter(s) is [{3}] Gbps but the available PCIe bandwidth is [{4}] Gbps. This can lead to stability problems and should be remediated. To address this issue, move the adapter(s) to a PCIe slot with enough PCIe bandwidth or limit the linkspeed of the adapter(s).
networkhud_PCIE_disableadapters = The Network HUD service has determined that adapter(s) [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] does not have sufficient PCIE bandwidth. The adapter will be disabled in order to improve system stability.
networkhud_PCIE_notenoughadapters = The Network HUD service has determined that adapter(s) [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] does not have sufficient PCIE bandwidth. However, there are not enough usable adapters to take remediation actions. An administrator should take immediate action to identify the problem.
networkhud_PCIE_FaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that a PCIE fault has been detected on the following adapter(s) [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}].
networkhud_PCIE_FaultAction = To address this issue, move the adapter(s) [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] to a PCIe slot with enough PCIe bandwidth or limit the linkspeed of the adapter(s).
networkhud_PCIE_SlotFaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that adapter(s) [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] in slot [{2}] does not have sufficient PCIE bandwidth.
networkhud_PCIE_SlotFaultAction = To address this issue, move the adapter(s) [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] to a PCIe slot with enough PCIe bandwidth or limit the linkspeed of the adapter(s).
networkhud_LLDP_PropertyChange = The LLDP Property [{0}] on adapter [{1}] has changed.
networkhud_LLDP_UnkownPropertyChange = The unkown LLDP Property [{0}] has changed.
networkhud_LLDP_MissingProperty = The LLDP Property [{0}] on adapter [{1}] is missing.
networkhud_LLDP_FaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that adapter [{0}] on host [{1}] is missing the LLDP property [{2}]
networkhud_LLDP_FaultAction = To resolve this issue, ensure that the physical switchport is configured to send the specified LLDP information. Physcial switch requirements can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure-stack/hci/concepts/physical-network-requirements
networkhud_VLANs_MissingLocalSymmetry = The Network HUD service has determined that the neighbor connected to adapter [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] is missing VLANID(s) [{2}] advertised to other adapters in the same intent on this host. The MAC address of the neighbor is [{3}].
networkhud_VLANs_MissingLocalSymmetry_FaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that the neighbor connected to adapter [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] is missing VLANID(s) [{2}] advertised to the other adapters in the same intent on this host. The MAC address of the neighbor is [{3}].
networkhud_VLANs_MissingLocalSymmetry_FaultAction = To resolve this issue, ensure that all switchports connected to the Network ATC intent [{0}] have the same VLANs configured.
networkhud_VLANs_MissingClusterSymmetry = The Network HUD service has determined that the neighbor connected to adapter [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] on cluster node [{2}] is missing VLANID(s) [{3}] advertised to other adapters in the same intent on one or more nodes in the cluster. The MAC address of the neighbor is [{4}].
networkhud_VLANs_MissingClusterSymmetry_FaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that the neighbor connected to adapter [{0}] in the Intent named [{1}] on cluster node [{2}] is missing VLANID(s) [{3}] advertised to the other adapters in the same intent on one or more nodes in the cluster. The MAC address of the neighbor is [{4}].
networkhud_VLANs_MissingClusterSymmetry_FaultAction = To resolve this issue, ensure that all switchports connected to the Network ATC intent [{0}] have the same VLANs configured.
networkhud_VLAN_MissingLocalWorkloadVLAN = The Network HUD service has determined that the virtual NICs on cluster node [{0}] uses the following VLANs [{1}] but the VLANs are not available on the neighbors connected to the adapters in intent [{2}].
networkhud_VLAN_MissingLocalWorkloadVLAN_FaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that the virtual NICs on cluster node [{0}] uses the following VLANs [{1}] but the VLANs are not available on the neighbors connected to the adapters in intent [{2}].
networkhud_VLAN_MissingLocalWorkloadVLAN_FaultAction = To resolve this issue, ensure that all switchports connected to the Network ATC intent [{0}] have the VLANs [{1}] configured.
networkhud_DCB_MissingSMBPFC = The Network HUD service has determined that the adapter [{0}] on cluster node [{1}] in the intent [{2}] uses the SMB Priority [{3}] but the physical switchport it is connected to does not have that PFC priority enabled.
networkhud_DCB_MissingSMBPFC_FaultDescription = The Network HUD service has determined that the adapter [{0}] on cluster node [{1}] in the intent [{2}] uses the SMB Priority [{3}] but the physical switchport it is connected to does not have that PFC priority enabled.
networkhud_DCB_MissingSMBPFC_FaultAction = Contact your network administrator and ensure that PFC priority [{0}] is enabled on the physical switches. RDMA environments like RoCE require PFC and ETS. iWARP is optionally enhanced with PFC and ETS.
Config_Description_VLAN_MissingVlanLocalSymmetry = Ensures that each adapter on the node in the same intent has the same VLANs advertised on its respective neighbor (switchport).
Config_Condition_VLAN_MissingVlanLocalSymmetry = If the neighbor (switchport) connected to an adapter does not contain a VLAN advertised by the other adapters on this node in the same intent, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_VLAN_MissingLocalWorkloadVLAN = Ensures that each adapter in the same intent in the cluster has all VLANs needed by the intent and VMs are available on each adapter's neighbor (switchport).
Config_Condition_VLAN_MissingLocalWorkloadVLAN = If the neighbor (switchport) connected to an adapter does not contain a VLAN advertised by the other adapters in the same intent, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_VLAN_MissingVlanClusterSymmetry = Ensures that each adapter in the same intent across the cluster has the same VLANs advertised on its respective neighbor (switchport).
Config_Condition_VLAN_MissingVlanClusterSymmetry = If the neighbor (switchport) connected to an adapter does not contain a VLAN advertised by the other adapters on any node in the cluster in the same intent, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_LLDP_MissingLLDPData = Ensures that the switchport sends the required LLDP information
Config_Condition_LLDP_MissingLLDPData = If the neighbor (switchport) connected to an adapter does advertised the required LLDP information, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_WatchLinkState_Disconnect = Identifies an unstable (disconnecting) adapter in an intent.
Config_Condition_WatchLinkState_Disconnect = If the adapter in the intent disconnects more than 5 times in 5 minutes, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_WatchLinkState_Reset = Identifies an unstable (resetting) adapter in an intent.
Config_Condition_WatchLinkState_Reset = If the adapter in the intent resets more than 5 times in 5 minutes, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_PCIE_OversubscribedSlot = Identifies an adapter in an intent that cannot reach its advertised bandwidth because the PCIe slot is oversubscribed.
Config_Condition_PCIE_OversubscribedSlot = If the PCIe slot does not have enough bandwidth for the adapters in the slot to reach their advertised bandwidth, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_Infrastructure_MissingRequiredATCIntentTypes = Identifies a system that does not have the Management, Compute, or Storage intent types needed for Network HUD functionality.
Config_Condition_Infrastructure_MissingRequiredATCIntentTypes = If Network HUD is not able to detect issues due to a missing intent type, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_DriverValidation_InboxDriverNotSupported = Identifies an adapter in an intent that is using an inbox driver which is not supported.
Config_Condition_DriverValidation_InboxDriverNotSupported = If the adapter in the intent is using an inbox driver, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_DriverValidation_DriverAgeError = Identifies an adapter in an intent that is using a driver that is over one year old.
Config_Condition_DriverValidation_DriverAgeError = If the driver for the adapter in the intent is over one year old, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_DriverValidation_DriverAgeWarning = Identifies an adapter in an intent that is using a driver that is over six months old.
Config_Condition_DriverValidation_DriverAgeWarning = If the driver for the adapter in the intent is over six months old, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_DriverValidation_DriversInconsistent = Identifies adapters in the same intent that are using different drivers on any node in the cluster.
Config_Condition_DriverValidation_DriversInconsistent = If any adapter in the same intent on any node in the cluster has a different driver than the other adapters in the same intent, a fault will fire.
Config_Description_DCB_MissingSMBPFC = Identifies physical switchports with incorrect PFC configuration.
Config_Condition_DCB_MissingSMBPFC = If a switchport connected to an adapter in the intent does not have the required PFC priority enabled, a fault will fire.

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# SIG # End signature block