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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lists all of the available SQL Virtual Machine Rest API operations.
Lists all of the available SQL Virtual Machine Rest API operations.
{{ Add code here }}
{{ Add code here }}

function Get-AzSqlVMOperation {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Alias('AzureRMContext', 'AzureCredential')]
    # The DefaultProfile parameter is not functional.
    # Use the SubscriptionId parameter when available if executing the cmdlet against a different subscription.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

        $mapping = @{
            List = 'Az.SqlVirtualMachine.private\Get-AzSqlVMOperation_List';

        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {


process {
    try {
    } catch {


end {
    try {

    } catch {


Creates or updates an availability group listener.
Creates or updates an availability group listener.
New-AzAvailabilityGroupListener -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -SqlVMGroupName 'sqlvmgroup01' -Name 'AgListener01' -AvailabilityGroupName 'AG01' -IpAddress '' -LoadBalancerResourceId $LoadBalancerResourceId -SubnetId $SubnetResourceId -ProbePort 9999 -SqlVirtualMachineId $sqlvmResourceId1,$sqlvmResourceId2
$msconfig1 = New-AzSqlVirtualMachineMultiSubnetIPConfigurationObject -PrivateIPAddressSubnetResourceId $SubnetResourceId1 -PrivateIPAddressIpaddress '' -SqlVirtualMachineInstance $sqlvmResourceId1
$msconfig2 = New-AzSqlVirtualMachineMultiSubnetIPConfigurationObject -PrivateIPAddressSubnetResourceId $SubnetResourceId2 -PrivateIPAddressIpaddress '' -SqlVirtualMachineInstance $sqlvmResourceId2
New-AzAvailabilityGroupListener -Name 'AgListener02' -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -SqlVMGroupName 'sqlvmgroup01' -AvailabilityGroupName 'AG02' -MultiSubnetIPConfiguration $msconfig1,$msconfig2
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
  [Commit <Commit?>]: Replica commit mode in availability group.
  [Failover <Failover?>]: Replica failover mode in availability group.
  [ReadableSecondary <ReadableSecondary?>]: Replica readable secondary mode in availability group.
  [Role <Role?>]: Replica Role in availability group.
  [SqlVirtualMachineInstanceId <String>]: Sql VirtualMachine Instance Id.
INPUTOBJECT <ISqlVirtualMachineIdentity>: Identity Parameter
  [AvailabilityGroupListenerName <String>]: Name of the availability group listener.
  [Id <String>]: Resource identity path
  [ResourceGroupName <String>]: Name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
  [SqlVirtualMachineGroupName <String>]: Name of the SQL virtual machine group.
  [SqlVirtualMachineName <String>]: Name of the SQL virtual machine.
  [SubscriptionId <String>]: Subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription.
LOADBALANCERCONFIGURATION <ILoadBalancerConfiguration[]>: List of load balancer configurations for an availability group listener.
  [LoadBalancerResourceId <String>]: Resource id of the load balancer.
  [PrivateIPAddressIpaddress <String>]: Private IP address bound to the availability group listener.
  [PrivateIPAddressSubnetResourceId <String>]: Subnet used to include private IP.
  [ProbePort <Int32?>]: Probe port.
  [PublicIPAddressResourceId <String>]: Resource id of the public IP.
  [SqlVirtualMachineInstance <String[]>]: List of the SQL virtual machine instance resource id's that are enrolled into the availability group listener.
MULTISUBNETIPCONFIGURATION <IMultiSubnetIPConfiguration[]>: List of multi subnet IP configurations for an AG listener.
  SqlVirtualMachineInstance <String>: SQL virtual machine instance resource id that are enrolled into the availability group listener.
  [PrivateIPAddressIpaddress <String>]: Private IP address bound to the availability group listener.
  [PrivateIPAddressSubnetResourceId <String>]: Subnet used to include private IP.
PARAMETER <IAvailabilityGroupListener>: A SQL Server availability group listener.
  [AvailabilityGroupConfigurationReplica <IAgReplica[]>]: Replica configurations.
    [Commit <Commit?>]: Replica commit mode in availability group.
    [Failover <Failover?>]: Replica failover mode in availability group.
    [ReadableSecondary <ReadableSecondary?>]: Replica readable secondary mode in availability group.
    [Role <Role?>]: Replica Role in availability group.
    [SqlVirtualMachineInstanceId <String>]: Sql VirtualMachine Instance Id.
  [AvailabilityGroupName <String>]: Name of the availability group.
  [CreateDefaultAvailabilityGroupIfNotExist <Boolean?>]: Create a default availability group if it does not exist.
  [LoadBalancerConfiguration <ILoadBalancerConfiguration[]>]: List of load balancer configurations for an availability group listener.
    [LoadBalancerResourceId <String>]: Resource id of the load balancer.
    [PrivateIPAddressIpaddress <String>]: Private IP address bound to the availability group listener.
    [PrivateIPAddressSubnetResourceId <String>]: Subnet used to include private IP.
    [ProbePort <Int32?>]: Probe port.
    [PublicIPAddressResourceId <String>]: Resource id of the public IP.
    [SqlVirtualMachineInstance <String[]>]: List of the SQL virtual machine instance resource id's that are enrolled into the availability group listener.
  [MultiSubnetIPConfiguration <IMultiSubnetIPConfiguration[]>]: List of multi subnet IP configurations for an AG listener.
    SqlVirtualMachineInstance <String>: SQL virtual machine instance resource id that are enrolled into the availability group listener.
    [PrivateIPAddressIpaddress <String>]: Private IP address bound to the availability group listener.
    [PrivateIPAddressSubnetResourceId <String>]: Subnet used to include private IP.
  [Port <Int32?>]: Listener port.
  [SystemDataCreatedAt <DateTime?>]: The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
  [SystemDataCreatedBy <String>]: The identity that created the resource.
  [SystemDataCreatedByType <CreatedByType?>]: The type of identity that created the resource.
  [SystemDataLastModifiedAt <DateTime?>]: The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
  [SystemDataLastModifiedBy <String>]: The identity that last modified the resource.
  [SystemDataLastModifiedByType <CreatedByType?>]: The type of identity that last modified the resource.

function New-AzAvailabilityGroupListener {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # Name of the availability group listener.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # Name of the resource group that contains the resource.
    # You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # Name of the SQL virtual machine group.

    # Subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Replica configurations.
    # To construct, see NOTES section for AVAILABILITYGROUPCONFIGURATIONREPLICA properties and create a hash table.

    # Name of the availability group.

    # Create a default availability group if it does not exist.

    # List of load balancer configurations for an availability group listener.
    # To construct, see NOTES section for LOADBALANCERCONFIGURATION properties and create a hash table.

    # List of multi subnet IP configurations for an AG listener.
    # To construct, see NOTES section for MULTISUBNETIPCONFIGURATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Listener port.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # A SQL Server availability group listener.
    # To construct, see NOTES section for PARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    [Alias('AzureRMContext', 'AzureCredential')]
    # The DefaultProfile parameter is not functional.
    # Use the SubscriptionId parameter when available if executing the cmdlet against a different subscription.

    # Run the command as a job

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Run the command asynchronously

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

        $mapping = @{
            CreateExpanded = 'Az.SqlVirtualMachine.private\New-AzAvailabilityGroupListener_CreateExpanded';
            CreateViaIdentity = 'Az.SqlVirtualMachine.private\New-AzAvailabilityGroupListener_CreateViaIdentity';
        if (('CreateExpanded') -contains $parameterSet -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SubscriptionId')) {
            $testPlayback = $false
            $PSBoundParameters['HttpPipelinePrepend'] | Foreach-Object { if ($_) { $testPlayback = $testPlayback -or ('Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.SqlVirtualMachine.Runtime.PipelineMock' -eq $_.Target.GetType().FullName -and 'Playback' -eq $_.Target.Mode) } }
            if ($testPlayback) {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..' 'utils' 'Get-SubscriptionIdTestSafe.ps1')
            } else {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id
        if (('CreateExpanded') -contains $parameterSet -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Port')) {
            $PSBoundParameters['Port'] = 1433

        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {


process {
    try {
    } catch {


end {
    try {

    } catch {


Creates or updates a SQL virtual machine group.
Creates or updates a SQL virtual machine group.
# $accessKey is a valid access key for the storage account
$storageAccountPrimaryKey = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $accessKey -AsPlainText -Force
New-AzSqlVMGroup -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -Name 'sqlvmgroup01' -Location 'eastus' -Offer 'SQL2022-WS2022' -Sku 'Developer' -DomainFqdn 'yourdomain.com' -ClusterOperatorAccount 'operatoruser@yourdomain.com' -ClusterBootstrapAccount 'bootstrapuser@yourdomain.com' -StorageAccountUrl 'https://yourstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/' -StorageAccountPrimaryKey $storageAccountPrimaryKey -SqlServiceAccount 'sqladmin@yourdomain.com' -ClusterSubnetType 'SingleSubnet'
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
INPUTOBJECT <ISqlVirtualMachineIdentity>: Identity Parameter
  [AvailabilityGroupListenerName <String>]: Name of the availability group listener.
  [Id <String>]: Resource identity path
  [ResourceGroupName <String>]: Name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
  [SqlVirtualMachineGroupName <String>]: Name of the SQL virtual machine group.
  [SqlVirtualMachineName <String>]: Name of the SQL virtual machine.
  [SubscriptionId <String>]: Subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription.
PARAMETER <ISqlVirtualMachineGroup>: A SQL virtual machine group.
  Location <String>: Resource location.
  [Tag <ITrackedResourceTags>]: Resource tags.
    [(Any) <String>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  [SqlImageOffer <String>]: SQL image offer. Examples may include SQL2016-WS2016, SQL2017-WS2016.
  [SqlImageSku <SqlVMGroupImageSku?>]: SQL image sku.
  [SystemDataCreatedAt <DateTime?>]: The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
  [SystemDataCreatedBy <String>]: The identity that created the resource.
  [SystemDataCreatedByType <CreatedByType?>]: The type of identity that created the resource.
  [SystemDataLastModifiedAt <DateTime?>]: The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
  [SystemDataLastModifiedBy <String>]: The identity that last modified the resource.
  [SystemDataLastModifiedByType <CreatedByType?>]: The type of identity that last modified the resource.
  [WsfcDomainProfileClusterBootstrapAccount <String>]: Account name used for creating cluster (at minimum needs permissions to 'Create Computer Objects' in domain).
  [WsfcDomainProfileClusterOperatorAccount <String>]: Account name used for operating cluster i.e. will be part of administrators group on all the participating virtual machines in the cluster.
  [WsfcDomainProfileClusterSubnetType <ClusterSubnetType?>]: Cluster subnet type.
  [WsfcDomainProfileDomainFqdn <String>]: Fully qualified name of the domain.
  [WsfcDomainProfileFileShareWitnessPath <String>]: Optional path for fileshare witness.
  [WsfcDomainProfileOuPath <String>]: Organizational Unit path in which the nodes and cluster will be present.
  [WsfcDomainProfileSqlServiceAccount <String>]: Account name under which SQL service will run on all participating SQL virtual machines in the cluster.
  [WsfcDomainProfileStorageAccountPrimaryKey <SecureString>]: Primary key of the witness storage account.
  [WsfcDomainProfileStorageAccountUrl <String>]: Fully qualified ARM resource id of the witness storage account.

function New-AzSqlVMGroup {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentity', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # A SQL virtual machine group.
    # To construct, see NOTES section for PARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    [Alias('AzureRMContext', 'AzureCredential')]
    # The DefaultProfile parameter is not functional.
    # Use the SubscriptionId parameter when available if executing the cmdlet against a different subscription.

    # Run the command as a job

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Run the command asynchronously

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

        $mapping = @{
            CreateViaIdentity = 'Az.SqlVirtualMachine.private\New-AzSqlVMGroup_CreateViaIdentity';

        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {


process {
    try {
    } catch {


end {
    try {

    } catch {


Creates or updates a SQL virtual machine.
Creates or updates a SQL virtual machine.
New-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -Name 'sqlvm1' -Location 'eastus'
New-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -Name 'sqlvm1' -Location 'eastus' -Sku 'Developer' -LicenseType 'PAYG'
New-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -Name 'sqlvm1' -Location 'eastus' -LicenseType 'AHUB'
New-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -Name 'sqlvm1' -Location 'eastus' -LicenseType 'DR'
New-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -Name 'sqlvm1' -Location 'eastus' -AutoBackupSettingEnable `
-AutoBackupSettingBackupScheduleType manual -AutoBackupSettingFullBackupFrequency Weekly -AutoBackupSettingFullBackupStartTime 5 `
-AutoBackupSettingFullBackupWindowHour 2 -AutoBackupSettingStorageAccessKey 'keyvalue' -AutoBackupSettingStorageAccountUrl `
'https://storagename.blob.core.windows.net/' -AutoBackupSettingRetentionPeriod 10 -AutoBackupSettingLogBackupFrequency 60 `
-AutoBackupSettingStorageContainerName 'storagecontainername'
New-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -Name 'sqlvm1' -Location 'eastus' -AutoPatchingSettingDayOfWeek Thursday `
-AutoPatchingSettingMaintenanceWindowDuration 120 -AutoPatchingSettingMaintenanceWindowStartingHour 3 -AutoPatchingSettingEnable
New-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -Name 'sqlvm1' -Location 'eastus' -AssessmentSettingEnable
New-AzSqlVM -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -Name 'sqlvm1' -Location 'eastus' -AsJob
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
INPUTOBJECT <ISqlVirtualMachineIdentity>: Identity Parameter
  [AvailabilityGroupListenerName <String>]: Name of the availability group listener.
  [Id <String>]: Resource identity path
  [ResourceGroupName <String>]: Name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
  [SqlVirtualMachineGroupName <String>]: Name of the SQL virtual machine group.
  [SqlVirtualMachineName <String>]: Name of the SQL virtual machine.
  [SubscriptionId <String>]: Subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription.
PARAMETER <ISqlVirtualMachine>: A SQL virtual machine.
  Location <String>: Resource location.
  [Tag <ITrackedResourceTags>]: Resource tags.
    [(Any) <String>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  [AdditionalFeatureServerConfigurationIsRServicesEnabled <Boolean?>]: Enable or disable R services (SQL 2016 onwards).
  [AssessmentSettingEnable <Boolean?>]: Enable or disable SQL best practices Assessment feature on SQL virtual machine.
  [AssessmentSettingRunImmediately <Boolean?>]: Run SQL best practices Assessment immediately on SQL virtual machine.
  [AutoBackupSettingBackupScheduleType <BackupScheduleType?>]: Backup schedule type.
  [AutoBackupSettingBackupSystemDb <Boolean?>]: Include or exclude system databases from auto backup.
  [AutoBackupSettingDaysOfWeek <AutoBackupDaysOfWeek[]>]: Days of the week for the backups when FullBackupFrequency is set to Weekly.
  [AutoBackupSettingEnable <Boolean?>]: Enable or disable autobackup on SQL virtual machine.
  [AutoBackupSettingEnableEncryption <Boolean?>]: Enable or disable encryption for backup on SQL virtual machine.
  [AutoBackupSettingFullBackupFrequency <FullBackupFrequencyType?>]: Frequency of full backups. In both cases, full backups begin during the next scheduled time window.
  [AutoBackupSettingFullBackupStartTime <Int32?>]: Start time of a given day during which full backups can take place. 0-23 hours.
  [AutoBackupSettingFullBackupWindowHour <Int32?>]: Duration of the time window of a given day during which full backups can take place. 1-23 hours.
  [AutoBackupSettingLogBackupFrequency <Int32?>]: Frequency of log backups. 5-60 minutes.
  [AutoBackupSettingPassword <SecureString>]: Password for encryption on backup.
  [AutoBackupSettingRetentionPeriod <Int32?>]: Retention period of backup: 1-90 days.
  [AutoBackupSettingStorageAccessKey <String>]: Storage account key where backup will be taken to.
  [AutoBackupSettingStorageAccountUrl <String>]: Storage account url where backup will be taken to.
  [AutoBackupSettingStorageContainerName <String>]: Storage container name where backup will be taken to.
  [AutoPatchingSettingDayOfWeek <DayOfWeek?>]: Day of week to apply the patch on.
  [AutoPatchingSettingEnable <Boolean?>]: Enable or disable autopatching on SQL virtual machine.
  [AutoPatchingSettingMaintenanceWindowDuration <Int32?>]: Duration of patching.
  [AutoPatchingSettingMaintenanceWindowStartingHour <Int32?>]: Hour of the day when patching is initiated. Local VM time.
  [AzureAdAuthenticationSettingClientId <String>]: The client Id of the Managed Identity to query Microsoft Graph API. An empty string must be used for the system assigned Managed Identity
  [EnableAutomaticUpgrade <Boolean?>]: Enable automatic upgrade of Sql IaaS extension Agent.
  [GroupResourceId <String>]: ARM resource id of the SQL virtual machine group this SQL virtual machine is or will be part of.
  [IdentityType <IdentityType?>]: The identity type. Set this to 'SystemAssigned' in order to automatically create and assign an Azure Active Directory principal for the resource.
  [KeyVaultCredentialSettingAzureKeyVaultUrl <String>]: Azure Key Vault url.
  [KeyVaultCredentialSettingCredentialName <String>]: Credential name.
  [KeyVaultCredentialSettingEnable <Boolean?>]: Enable or disable key vault credential setting.
  [KeyVaultCredentialSettingServicePrincipalName <String>]: Service principal name to access key vault.
  [KeyVaultCredentialSettingServicePrincipalSecret <String>]: Service principal name secret to access key vault.
  [LeastPrivilegeMode <LeastPrivilegeMode?>]: SQL IaaS Agent least privilege mode.
  [ScheduleDayOfWeek <AssessmentDayOfWeek?>]: Day of the week to run assessment.
  [ScheduleEnable <Boolean?>]: Enable or disable assessment schedule on SQL virtual machine.
  [ScheduleMonthlyOccurrence <Int32?>]: Occurrence of the DayOfWeek day within a month to schedule assessment. Takes values: 1,2,3,4 and -1. Use -1 for last DayOfWeek day of the month
  [ScheduleStartTime <String>]: Time of the day in HH:mm format. Eg. 17:30
  [ScheduleWeeklyInterval <Int32?>]: Number of weeks to schedule between 2 assessment runs. Takes value from 1-6
  [SqlConnectivityUpdateSettingConnectivityType <ConnectivityType?>]: SQL Server connectivity option.
  [SqlConnectivityUpdateSettingPort <Int32?>]: SQL Server port.
  [SqlConnectivityUpdateSettingSqlAuthUpdatePassword <SecureString>]: SQL Server sysadmin login password.
  [SqlConnectivityUpdateSettingSqlAuthUpdateUserName <String>]: SQL Server sysadmin login to create.
  [SqlDataSettingDefaultFilePath <String>]: SQL Server default file path
  [SqlDataSettingLun <Int32[]>]: Logical Unit Numbers for the disks.
  [SqlImageOffer <String>]: SQL image offer. Examples include SQL2016-WS2016, SQL2017-WS2016.
  [SqlImageSku <SqlImageSku?>]: SQL Server edition type.
  [SqlInstanceSettingCollation <String>]: SQL Server Collation.
  [SqlInstanceSettingIsIfiEnabled <Boolean?>]: SQL Server IFI.
  [SqlInstanceSettingIsLpimEnabled <Boolean?>]: SQL Server LPIM.
  [SqlInstanceSettingIsOptimizeForAdHocWorkloadsEnabled <Boolean?>]: SQL Server Optimize for Adhoc workloads.
  [SqlInstanceSettingMaxDop <Int32?>]: SQL Server MAXDOP.
  [SqlInstanceSettingMaxServerMemoryMb <Int32?>]: SQL Server maximum memory.
  [SqlInstanceSettingMinServerMemoryMb <Int32?>]: SQL Server minimum memory.
  [SqlLogSettingDefaultFilePath <String>]: SQL Server default file path
  [SqlLogSettingLun <Int32[]>]: Logical Unit Numbers for the disks.
  [SqlManagement <SqlManagementMode?>]: SQL Server Management type.
  [SqlServerLicenseType <SqlServerLicenseType?>]: SQL Server license type.
  [SqlStorageUpdateSettingDiskConfigurationType <DiskConfigurationType?>]: Disk configuration to apply to SQL Server.
  [SqlStorageUpdateSettingDiskCount <Int32?>]: Virtual machine disk count.
  [SqlStorageUpdateSettingStartingDeviceId <Int32?>]: Device id of the first disk to be updated.
  [SqlTempDbSettingDataFileCount <Int32?>]: SQL Server tempdb data file count
  [SqlTempDbSettingDataFileSize <Int32?>]: SQL Server tempdb data file size
  [SqlTempDbSettingDataGrowth <Int32?>]: SQL Server tempdb data file autoGrowth size
  [SqlTempDbSettingDefaultFilePath <String>]: SQL Server default file path
  [SqlTempDbSettingLogFileSize <Int32?>]: SQL Server tempdb log file size
  [SqlTempDbSettingLogGrowth <Int32?>]: SQL Server tempdb log file autoGrowth size
  [SqlTempDbSettingLun <Int32[]>]: Logical Unit Numbers for the disks.
  [SqlTempDbSettingPersistFolder <Boolean?>]: SQL Server tempdb persist folder choice
  [SqlTempDbSettingPersistFolderPath <String>]: SQL Server tempdb persist folder location
  [SqlWorkloadTypeUpdateSettingSqlWorkloadType <SqlWorkloadType?>]: SQL Server workload type.
  [StorageConfigurationSettingDiskConfigurationType <DiskConfigurationType?>]: Disk configuration to apply to SQL Server.
  [StorageConfigurationSettingSqlSystemDbOnDataDisk <Boolean?>]: SQL Server SystemDb Storage on DataPool if true.
  [StorageConfigurationSettingStorageWorkloadType <StorageWorkloadType?>]: Storage workload type.
  [SystemDataCreatedAt <DateTime?>]: The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
  [SystemDataCreatedBy <String>]: The identity that created the resource.
  [SystemDataCreatedByType <CreatedByType?>]: The type of identity that created the resource.
  [SystemDataLastModifiedAt <DateTime?>]: The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
  [SystemDataLastModifiedBy <String>]: The identity that last modified the resource.
  [SystemDataLastModifiedByType <CreatedByType?>]: The type of identity that last modified the resource.
  [UnhealthyReplicaInfoAvailabilityGroupName <String>]: The name of the availability group
  [VirtualMachineResourceId <String>]: ARM Resource id of underlying virtual machine created from SQL marketplace image.
  [WsfcDomainCredentialsClusterBootstrapAccountPassword <SecureString>]: Cluster bootstrap account password.
  [WsfcDomainCredentialsClusterOperatorAccountPassword <SecureString>]: Cluster operator account password.
  [WsfcDomainCredentialsSqlServiceAccountPassword <SecureString>]: SQL service account password.
  [WsfcStaticIP <String>]: Domain credentials for setting up Windows Server Failover Cluster for SQL availability group.

function New-AzSqlVM {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    [Alias('SqlVirtualMachineName', 'SqlVMName')]
    # Name of the SQL virtual machine.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # Name of the resource group that contains the resource.
    # You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.

    # Subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # Resource location.

    # Enable or disable R services (SQL 2016 onwards).

    # Enable or disable SQL best practices Assessment feature on SQL virtual machine.

    # Run SQL best practices Assessment immediately on SQL virtual machine.

    # Backup schedule type.

    # Include or exclude system databases from auto backup.

    # Days of the week for the backups when FullBackupFrequency is set to Weekly.

    # Enable or disable autobackup on SQL virtual machine.

    # Enable or disable encryption for backup on SQL virtual machine.

    # Frequency of full backups.
    # In both cases, full backups begin during the next scheduled time window.

    # Start time of a given day during which full backups can take place.
    # 0-23 hours.

    # Duration of the time window of a given day during which full backups can take place.
    # 1-23 hours.

    # Frequency of log backups.
    # 5-60 minutes.

    # Password for encryption on backup.

    # Retention period of backup: 1-90 days.

    # Storage account key where backup will be taken to.

    # Storage account url where backup will be taken to.

    # Storage container name where backup will be taken to.

    # Day of week to apply the patch on.

    # Enable or disable autopatching on SQL virtual machine.

    # Duration of patching.

    # Hour of the day when patching is initiated.
    # Local VM time.

    # The client Id of the Managed Identity to query Microsoft Graph API.
    # An empty string must be used for the system assigned Managed Identity

    # Enable automatic upgrade of Sql IaaS extension Agent.

    # The identity type.
    # Set this to 'SystemAssigned' in order to automatically create and assign an Azure Active Directory principal for the resource.

    # Azure Key Vault url.

    # Credential name.

    # Enable or disable key vault credential setting.

    # Service principal name to access key vault.

    # Service principal name secret to access key vault.

    # SQL IaaS Agent least privilege mode.

    # SQL Server license type.

    # SQL image offer.
    # Examples include SQL2016-WS2016, SQL2017-WS2016.

    # Day of the week to run assessment.

    # Enable or disable assessment schedule on SQL virtual machine.

    # Occurrence of the DayOfWeek day within a month to schedule assessment.
    # Takes values: 1,2,3,4 and -1.
    # Use -1 for last DayOfWeek day of the month

    # Time of the day in HH:mm format.
    # Eg.
    # 17:30

    # Number of weeks to schedule between 2 assessment runs.
    # Takes value from 1-6

    # SQL Server edition type.

    # SQL Server connectivity option.

    # SQL Server port.

    # SQL Server sysadmin login password.

    # SQL Server sysadmin login to create.

    # SQL Server default file path

    # Logical Unit Numbers for the disks.

    # SQL Server Collation.

    # SQL Server IFI.

    # SQL Server LPIM.

    # SQL Server Optimize for Adhoc workloads.

    # SQL Server MAXDOP.

    # SQL Server maximum memory.

    # SQL Server minimum memory.

    # SQL Server default file path

    # Logical Unit Numbers for the disks.

    # SQL Server Management type.

    # Disk configuration to apply to SQL Server.

    # Virtual machine disk count.

    # Device id of the first disk to be updated.

    # SQL Server tempdb data file count

    # SQL Server tempdb data file size

    # SQL Server tempdb data file autoGrowth size

    # SQL Server default file path

    # SQL Server tempdb log file size

    # SQL Server tempdb log file autoGrowth size

    # Logical Unit Numbers for the disks.

    # SQL Server tempdb persist folder choice

    # SQL Server tempdb persist folder location

    # ARM resource id of the SQL virtual machine group this SQL virtual machine is or will be part of.

    # SQL Server workload type.

    # Disk configuration to apply to SQL Server.

    # SQL Server SystemDb Storage on DataPool if true.

    # Storage workload type.

    # Resource tags.

    # ARM Resource id of underlying virtual machine created from SQL marketplace image.

    # Cluster bootstrap account password.

    # Cluster operator account password.

    # SQL service account password.

    # Domain credentials for setting up Windows Server Failover Cluster for SQL availability group.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # A SQL virtual machine.
    # To construct, see NOTES section for PARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    [Alias('AzureRMContext', 'AzureCredential')]
    # The DefaultProfile parameter is not functional.
    # Use the SubscriptionId parameter when available if executing the cmdlet against a different subscription.

    # Run the command as a job

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Run the command asynchronously

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

        $mapping = @{
            CreateExpanded = 'Az.SqlVirtualMachine.private\New-AzSqlVM_CreateExpanded';
            CreateViaIdentity = 'Az.SqlVirtualMachine.private\New-AzSqlVM_CreateViaIdentity';
        if (('CreateExpanded') -contains $parameterSet -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SubscriptionId')) {
            $testPlayback = $false
            $PSBoundParameters['HttpPipelinePrepend'] | Foreach-Object { if ($_) { $testPlayback = $testPlayback -or ('Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.SqlVirtualMachine.Runtime.PipelineMock' -eq $_.Target.GetType().FullName -and 'Playback' -eq $_.Target.Mode) } }
            if ($testPlayback) {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..' 'utils' 'Get-SubscriptionIdTestSafe.ps1')
            } else {
                $PSBoundParameters['SubscriptionId'] = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id

        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {


process {
    try {
    } catch {


end {
    try {

    } catch {


# SIG # Begin signature block
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# hvcNAQELBQADggEBAC1cdMDEbkRcY2RQqIzvaE4HZKAjEmimvnsiEBkklaFm6rly
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# SIG # End signature block