function Get-AzDevOpsBlueprintParameters { <# .SYNOPSIS Determines the Blueprint Parameters and creates two Variable Groups (required/not-required) containing the Variables required to match Parameters in the Blueprint. .DESCRIPTION The parameters in the Blueprint, follow a pattern where the first part of the parameter matches a Blueprint artifact. For example: keyvault_ad-domain-admin-user-password artifact | separator | parameter keyvault | _ | ad-domain-admin-user-password .PARAMETER InputPath A string containing the path to the Blueprint JSON File e.g. 'C:\Repos\Blueprints\Small_ISO27001_Shared-Services' .PARAMETER DevOpsUri A string containing the Azure DevOps Project Uri. This is the value assigned the Azure DevOps predefined variable 'System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri'. See e.g. .PARAMETER DevOpsProject A string containing the Name of Azure DevOps Project. This is the value assigned the Azure DevOps predefined variable 'System.TeamProject'. See e.g. myProject .PARAMETER DevOpsPAT A string containing the Azure DevOps Person Access Token required to communicate with the Azure DevOps API .PARAMETER DevOpsApiVersion A string containing the Azure DevOps API Version. Defaults to 5.0-preview.1 .EXAMPLE Get-AzDevOpsBlueprintParameters ` -InputPath 'C:\Repos\Blueprints\Small_ISO27001_Shared-Services' ` -DevOpsUri $env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDTIONCOLLECTIONURI ` -DevOpsProject $env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT ` -DevOpsPAT $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN Result: 3 x Variable Groups: - BLUEPRINT_Parameters_Required - BLUEPRINT_Parameters_Not_Required - BLUEPRINT_Resource_Groups #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string]$InputPath, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string]$DevOpsUri, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string]$DevOpsProject, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string]$DevOpsPAT, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DevOpsApiVersion = "5.0-preview.1" ) try { # Checking if Commandlet is running on Azure DevOps if (!$env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI) { Write-Warning "It appears you are not running this command in Azure DevOps." Write-Warning "This command will still work, but is designed as a job in Azure DevOps. See for more information.`r`n" } # variables $DevOpsHeader = @{Authorization = 'Basic ' + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$DevOpsPAT"))} $getVarGrpsUri = "{0}{1}/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version={2}" -f $DevOpsUri, $DevOpsProject, $DevOpsApiVersion $VariableGroups = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $getVarGrpsUri -Method GET -Header $DevOpsHeader).value $rawBlueprint = Get-Content -Path "$($InputPath)\Blueprint.json" | ConvertFrom-Json #region Resource Group Parameters $json = @{ variables = @{} type = "Vsts" name = "BLUEPRINT_Resource_Groups" description = "These Variables in Azure DevOps map to Resource Group Parameters in the Blueprint" } Write-Output "Create these Variables in Azure DevOps for Resource Groups and assign values:" foreach ($param in $ { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($param.Value.Name)) { $key = "RG_$($param.Name)" $value = Test-ParameterValue -Value @{type = "resourceGroup"} Write-Output "`tName: $($key)" Write-Output "`tBlueprint Resource Group: $($param.Name)`r`n" $json.variables.Add($key, $value) } } New-AzDevOpsBlueprintVariableGroup ` -Json $json ` -VariableGroups $VariableGroups ` -DevOpsUri $DevOpsUri ` -DevOpsProject $DevOpsProject ` -DevOpsPAT $DevOpsPAT #endregion #region Parameters that need Values $json = @{ variables = @{} type = "Vsts" name = "BLUEPRINT_Parameters_Required" description = "These Variables in Azure DevOps map to Parameters in the Blueprint that need values" } Write-Output "Create these Variables in Azure DevOps and assign values:" foreach ($param in $ { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($param.Value.defaultValue)) { $key = "BP_$($param.Name -Replace '-','')" $value = Test-ParameterValue -Value $param.Value Write-Output "`tName: $($key)" Write-Output "`tType: $($param.Value.Type)`r`n" $json.variables.Add($key, $value) } } New-AzDevOpsBlueprintVariableGroup ` -Json $json ` -VariableGroups $VariableGroups ` -DevOpsUri $DevOpsUri ` -DevOpsProject $DevOpsProject ` -DevOpsPAT $DevOpsPAT #endregion #region Parameters that have Default Values and can be overridden $json = @{ variables = @{} type = "Vsts" name = "BLUEPRINT_Parameters_Not_Required" description = "These Variables in Azure DevOps map to Parameters in the Blueprint that have default values and can be overridden." } Write-Output "These Variables have Default Values. Create any of these Variable, assign a value to override the Default Value:" foreach ($param in $ { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($param.Value.defaultValue)) { $key = "BP_$($param.Name -Replace '-','')" $value = Test-ParameterDefaultValue -Value $param.Value Write-Output "`tName: BP_$($param.Name -Replace '-','')" Write-Output "`tValue: $($value)" Write-Output "`tType: $($param.Value.Type)`r`n" $json.variables.Add($key, $value) } } New-AzDevOpsBlueprintVariableGroup ` -Json $json ` -VariableGroups $VariableGroups ` -DevOpsUri $DevOpsUri ` -DevOpsProject $DevOpsProject ` -DevOpsPAT $DevOpsPAT } catch { if ($_.ErrorDetails.Message) {$ErrDetails = $_.ErrorDetails.Message } else {$ErrDetails = $_} Get-StandardError -Exception $($ErrDetails) } } |