function Test-ParameterDefaultValue { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks the Default Value of Blueprint Parameter .DESCRIPTION Depending on the type of Blueprint Parameter, the Default Value is modified and returned as a string. .PARAMETER Value A PSCustomObject containing the Blueprint Parameter information .EXAMPLE Test-ParameterDefaultValue ` -Value [PSCustomObject]@{ type = "string" metadata = [PSCustomObject]@{displayName = "app_tshirt-size (WebApp Template)"; description = "What T-Shirt size is required for the Web App"} defaultValue = "Medium" allowedValues = @("Small", "Medium", "Large") } #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Value ) if ($Value.type -eq "array") { $tmpValue = $Value.defaultValue -join "`n" $tmpValue = $tmpValue -replace "`n", "," } elseif ($Value.type -eq "object") { $tmpValue = ($Value.defaultValue | ConvertTo-Json) -replace "`n", "" $tmpValue = $tmpValue -replace " ", "" } else { $tmpValue = $Value.defaultValue } return $tmpValue.toString() } |