#Requires -Modules Az.BootStrapper $global:testProfileMap = "{`"Profile1`": { `"Module1`": [`"1.0`", `"0.1`"], `"Module2`": [`"1.0`", `"0.2`"] }, `"Profile2`": { `"Module1`": [`"2.0`", `"1.0`"], `"Module2`": [`"2.0`"] }}" Describe "Get-ProfileCachePath" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $false } Mock New-Item -Verifiable {} Context "Windows OS Admin" { $IsWindows = $true $Script:IsAdmin = $true It "Should return ProgramData path" { $result = Get-ProfileCachePath $result | Should Match "(.*)ProfileCache$" $result.Contains("ProgramData") | Should Be $true Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Windows OS Non-Admin" { $IsWindows = $true $Script:IsAdmin = $false It "Should return LOCALAPPDATA path" { $result = Get-ProfileCachePath $result | Should Match "(.*)ProfileCache$" $result.Contains("AppData\Local") | Should Be $true Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Linux OS Admin" { $IsWindows = $false $Script:IsCoreEdition = $true It "Should return .config path" { $result = Get-ProfileCachePath $result | Should Match "(.*)ProfileCache$" $result.Contains(".config") | Should Be $true Assert-VerifiableMock } } # Cleanup $Script:IsCoreEdition = ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') $script:IsAdmin = $false if ((-not $Script:IsCoreEdition) -or ($IsWindows)) { If (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { $script:IsAdmin = $true } } else { # on Linux, tests run via sudo will generally report "root" for whoami if ( (whoami) -match "root" ) { $script:IsAdmin = $true } } } } Describe "Get-LatestProfileMapPath" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Get-ProfileCachePath -Verifiable { "foo\bar" } Context "ProfileCache is empty/no profilemaps available" { Mock Get-ChildItem -Verifiable { $null } It "Should return null" { Get-LatestProfileMapPath | Should be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } context "Largest number did not exist" { Mock Get-LargestNumber -Verifiable { $null } Mock Get-ChildItem -Verifiable { "foo" } It "Should return null" { Get-LatestProfileMapPath | Should be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Two profile maps available at profile cache" { $profilemap1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $profilemap1 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value '123-pmap1.json' $profilemap2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $profilemap2 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value '42-pmap2.json' Mock Get-ChildItem -Verifiable { @($profilemap1, $profilemap2)} Mock Get-LargestNumber -Verifiable { 123 } It "Should return Latest map" { Get-LatestProfileMapPath | Should Be $profilemap1 Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Get-LargestNumber" { InModuleScope Az.BootStrapper { Context "Profile cache is empty" { Mock Get-ChildItem -Verifiable { } It "Should return null" { Get-LargestNumber | Should Be $null } } Context "ProfileMaps weren't numbered" { $profilemap1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $profilemap1 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value 'pmap1.json' $profilemap2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $profilemap2 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value 'pmap2.json' Mock Get-ChildItem -Verifiable { @($profilemap1, $profilemap2) } It "Should return null" { Get-LargestNumber | Should Be $null } } Context "Two numbered Profiles were returned" { $profilemap1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $profilemap1 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value '123-pmap1.json' $profilemap2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $profilemap2 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value '456-pmap2.json' Mock Get-ChildItem -Verifiable { @($profilemap1, $profilemap2) } It "Should return largest number" { Get-LargestNumber | Should Be 456 } } } } Describe "Get-StorageBlob" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Invoke-WebRequest is properly made" { $response = New-Object -TypeName psobject $response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "StatusCode" -Value "200" $response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Content" -Value "ProfileMap json" Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable { $response } It "Returns proper response" { $result = Get-StorageBlob $result.Content | Should Not Be $null $result.StatusCode | Should Be "200" Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke-WebRequest threw exception at all retries" { Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable { throw } It "Throws exception" { { Get-StorageBlob } | Should throw Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Get-AzProfileMapFromEndpoint" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $script:LatestProfileMapPath = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $script:LatestProfileMapPath | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "FullName" -Value "C:\mock\123-MockETag.json" Mock Get-ProfileCachePath -Verifiable { return "MockPath\ProfileCache"} $WebResponse = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $Header = @{"Headers" = @{"ETag" = "MockETag"}} $WebResponse | Add-Member $Header Mock Get-StorageBlob -Verifiable { return $WebResponse } Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable { ($testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } Context "ProfileCachePath Exists and Etags are equal" { Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $true } It "Returns Correct ProfileMap" { $result = Get-AzProfileMapFromEndpoint $result.Profile1 | Should Not Be Empty $result.Profile2 | Should Not Be Empty Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "ProfileCachePath Exists and ETags are different" { Mock Out-File -Verifiable {} $script:LatestProfileMapPath.FullName = "123-MockedDifferentETag.json" Mock RetrieveProfileMap -Verifiable {$global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json} Mock Get-LargestNumber -Verifiable {} $ProfileMapPath = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $ProfileMapPath | Add-Member NoteProperty 'FullName' -Value '124-MockedDifferentETag.json' Mock Get-ChildItem -Verifiable { @($ProfileMapPath)} Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $true } It "Returns Correct ProfileMap and removes old profilemap" { $result = Get-AzProfileMapFromEndpoint $result.Profile1 | Should Not Be Empty $result.Profile2 | Should Not Be Empty Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Get-StorageBlob throws exception" { Mock Get-StorageBlob { throw [System.Net.WebException] } Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $true } It "Throws Web Exception" { { Get-AzProfileMapFromEndpoint } | Should throw } } } } Describe "RetrieveProfileMap" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "WebResponse content has extra line breaks" { $WebResponse = "{`n`"Profile1`":`t { `"Module1`": [`"1.0`"], `n`"Module2`": [`"1.0`"] }, `"Profile2`": `n{ `"Module1`": [`"2.0`", `"1.0`"],`n `r`"Module2`": `t[`"2.0`"] }}" It "Should return proper profile map" { (RetrieveProfileMap -WebResponse $WebResponse) -like ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) | Should Be $true } } Context "WebResponse content has no extra line breaks" { $WebResponse = $global:testProfileMap It "Should return proper profile map" { (RetrieveProfileMap -WebResponse $WebResponse) -like ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) | Should Be $true } } } } Describe "Get-AzProfileMap" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Forces update from Azure Endpoint" { Mock Get-AzProfileMapFromEndpoint { ($testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } It "Should get ProfileMap from Azure Endpoint" { $result = Get-AzProfileMap -Update $result.Profile1 | Should Not Be Empty $result.Profile2 | Should Not Be Empty } It "Checks Mock calls to Get-AzProfileMapFromEndpoint" { Assert-MockCalled Get-AzProfileMapFromEndpoint -Exactly 1 } } Context "Gets Azure ProfileMap from Cache" { $script:LatestProfileMapPath = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $script:LatestProfileMapPath | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "FullName" -Value "C:\mock\MockETag.json" Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable { $global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json } Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $true } It "Should get ProfileMap from Cache" { $result = Get-AzProfileMap $result.Profile1 | Should Not Be Empty $result.Profile2 | Should Not Be Empty Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "ProfileMap is not available from cache" { Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $false } Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable { return $global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json} It "Should get ProfileMap from Embedded source" { $result = Get-AzProfileMap $result.Profile1 | Should Not Be Empty $result.Profile2 | Should Not Be Empty Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "ProfileMap is not available in cache or Embedded source" { Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $false } Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable {} It "Should throw FileNotFound Exception" { { Get-AzProfileMap } | Should Throw Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Get-ProfilesInstalled" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Valid ProfileMap and Invoke with IncompleteProfiles parameter" { # Arrange $VersionObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "1.0" $moduleObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version($VersionObj) $Script:mockCalled = 0 $mockTestPath = { $Script:mockCalled++ if ($Script:mockCalled -le 4) { return $moduleObj } else { return $null } } Mock -CommandName Get-Module -MockWith $mockTestPath $IncompleteProfiles = @() $expected = @{'Profile1'= @{'Module1' = @('1.0') ;'Module2'= @('1.0')}} # Act $result = (Get-ProfilesInstalled -ProfileMap ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) ([REF]$IncompleteProfiles)) # Assert It "Should return profiles installed" { $expected -like $result | Should Be $true } It "Should return Incomplete profiles" { $incompleteprofiles[0] -eq 'Profile2' | Should Be $true } } Context "No profiles Installed and invoke without IncompleteProfiles parameter" { Mock Get-Module -Verifiable {} It "Should return empty" { $result = (Get-ProfilesInstalled -ProfileMap ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json)) $result.count | Should Be 0 } } Context "Null ProfileMap" { It "Should throw exception" { { Get-ProfilesInstalled -ProfileMap $null } | Should Throw } } } } Describe "Test-ProfilesInstalled" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Profile associated with Module version is installed" { $AllProfilesInstalled = @{'Module11.0'= @('Profile1', 'Profile2'); 'Module22.0'= @('Profile2')} It "Should return ProfilesAssociated" { $Result = (Test-ProfilesInstalled -version '1.0' -Module 'Module1' -Profile 'Profile1' -PMap ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) -AllProfilesInstalled $AllProfilesInstalled) $Result[0] | Should Be 'Profile1' } } Context "Profile associated with Module version is not installed" { $AllProfilesInstalled = @{'Module11.0'= @('Profile1', 'Profile2')} It "Should return empty array" { $Result = (Test-ProfilesInstalled -version '1.0' -Module 'Module2' -Profile 'Profile2' -PMap ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) -AllProfilesInstalled $AllProfilesInstalled) $Result.Count | Should Be 0 } } } } Describe "Uninstall-ModuleHelper" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Remove-Module -Verifiable { } Mock Uninstall-Module -Verifiable { } Context "Modules are installed" { # Arrange $VersionObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "1.0" $moduleObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version($VersionObj) $Script:mockCalled = 0 $mockTestPath = { $Script:mockCalled++ if ($Script:mockCalled -eq 1) { return $moduleObj } else { return $null } } Mock -CommandName Get-Module -MockWith $mockTestPath It "Should call Remove-Module and Uninstall-Module" { Uninstall-ModuleHelper -Module 'Module1' -Version '1.0' -Profile 'Profile1' -RemovePreviousVersions $Script:mockCalled | Should Be 2 Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Modules are not installed" { Mock Get-Module -Verifiable {} It "Should not call Remove-Module or Uninstall-Module" { Uninstall-ModuleHelper -Module 'Module1' -Version '1.0' -Profile 'Profile1' Assert-MockCalled Remove-Module -Exactly 0 Assert-MockCalled Uninstall-Module -Exactly 0 } } Context "Uninstall-Module threw error" { # Arrange $VersionObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "1.0" $moduleObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Path" -Value "TestPath" $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version($VersionObj) $Script:mockCalled = 0 $mockTestPath = { $Script:mockCalled++ if ($Script:mockCalled -eq 1) { return $moduleObj } else { return $null } } Mock -CommandName Get-Module -MockWith $mockTestPath Mock Uninstall-Module -Verifiable { throw "No match was found for the specified search criteria and module names" } It "Should write error 'custom directory' to error pipeline" { Uninstall-ModuleHelper -Module 'Module1' -Version '1.0' -Profile 'Profile1' -RemovePreviousVersions -ErrorVariable ev -ea SilentlyContinue ($null -ne ($ev -match "If you installed the module to a custom directory in your path")) | Should be $true $Script:mockCalled | Should Be 1 Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Uninstall-Module threw error MSI Install" { # Arrange $VersionObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "1.0" $moduleObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Path" -Value "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\" $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version($VersionObj) $Script:mockCalled = 0 $mockTestPath = { $Script:mockCalled++ if ($Script:mockCalled -eq 1) { return $moduleObj } else { return $null } } Mock -CommandName Get-Module -MockWith $mockTestPath Mock Uninstall-Module -Verifiable { throw "No match was found for the specified search criteria and module names" } It "Should write error 'msi' to error pipeline" { Uninstall-ModuleHelper -Module 'Module1' -Version '1.0' -Profile 'Profile1' -RemovePreviousVersions -ErrorVariable ev -ea SilentlyContinue ($ev -match "If you installed via an MSI") | Should not be $null $Script:mockCalled | Should Be 1 Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Uninstall-Module threw error In Use" { # Arrange $VersionObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "1.0" $moduleObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Path" -Value "TestPath" $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version($VersionObj) $Script:mockCalled = 0 $mockTestPath = { $Script:mockCalled++ if ($Script:mockCalled -eq 1) { return $moduleObj } else { return $null } } Mock -CommandName Get-Module -MockWith $mockTestPath Mock Uninstall-Module -Verifiable { throw "The module is currently in use" } It "Should write error 'in use' to error pipeline" { Uninstall-ModuleHelper -Module 'Module1' -Version '1.0' -Profile 'Profile1' -RemovePreviousVersions -ErrorVariable ev -ea SilentlyContinue ($ev -match "The module is currently in use") | Should not be $null $Script:mockCalled | Should Be 1 Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Uninstall-ProfileHelper" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Get-AllProfilesInstalled -Verifiable {} Mock Invoke-UninstallModule -Verifiable {} Context "Profile associated with the module is installed" { It "Should call Invoke-UninstallModule: With Force param" { Uninstall-ProfileHelper -Profile 'Profile1' -PMap ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) -Force Assert-VerifiableMock Assert-MockCalled Invoke-UninstallModule -Exactly 4 } } Context "Profile associated with the module is installed" { It "Should call Invoke-UninstallModule: Without Force param" { Uninstall-ProfileHelper -Profile 'Profile1' -PMap ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) Assert-VerifiableMock Assert-MockCalled Invoke-UninstallModule -Exactly 4 } } } } Describe "Invoke-UninstallModule" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Module not associated with any other profile" { Mock Test-ProfilesInstalled -Verifiable { 'profile1'} Mock Uninstall-ModuleHelper -Verifiable {} It "Should Call Uninstall module helper" { Invoke-UninstallModule -PMap ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) -Profile 'profile1' -module 'module1' Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Module associated with more than one profile" { Mock Test-ProfilesInstalled -Verifiable { @('Profile1', 'Profile2')} Mock Uninstall-ModuleHelper {} It "Should not invoke Uninstall module helper" { Invoke-UninstallModule -PMap ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) -Profile 'profile1' -module 'module1' Assert-MockCalled Uninstall-ModuleHelper -Exactly 0 Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Remove-PreviousVersion" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $AllProfilesInstalled = @{} Context "Previous versions are installed" { $VersionObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "0.1" $moduleObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version($VersionObj) Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { $moduleObj} Mock Import-Module -Verifiable {} Mock Invoke-UninstallModule -Verifiable {} It "Should call Invoke-UninstallModule" { Remove-PreviousVersion -Profile 'Profile1' -LatestMap ($global:testProfileMap|ConvertFrom-Json) Assert-VerifiableMock } It "Invoke with Module parameter: Should call Invoke-UninstallModule" { Remove-PreviousVersion -Profile 'Profile1' -Module 'Module1' -LatestMap ($global:testProfileMap|ConvertFrom-Json) Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Previous versions are not installed" { Mock Get-Module -Verifiable {} Mock Import-Module -Verifiable {} Mock Invoke-UninstallModule {} It "Should not call Invoke-UninstallModule" { Remove-PreviousVersion -Profile 'Profile1' -LatestMap ($global:testProfileMap|ConvertFrom-Json) Assert-VerifiableMock Assert-MockCalled Invoke-UninstallModule -Exactly 0 } } Context "No previous versions" { Mock Get-Module -Verifiable {} Mock Invoke-UninstallModule -Verifiable {} Mock Import-Module -Verifiable {} It "Should not call Invoke-UninstallModule" { Remove-PreviousVersion -Profile 'Profile2' -module 'Module2' -LatestMap ($global:testProfileMap|ConvertFrom-Json) Assert-MockCalled Get-Module -Exactly 0 Assert-MockCalled Invoke-UninstallModule -Exactly 0 } } Context "Previous version is same as the latest version" { Mock Get-Module -Verifiable {} Mock Invoke-UninstallModule -Verifiable {} Mock Import-Module -Verifiable {} It "Should not call Invoke-UninstallModule" { Remove-PreviousVersion -Profile 'Profile2' -module 'Module2' -LatestMap ($global:testProfileMap|ConvertFrom-Json) Assert-MockCalled Get-Module -Exactly 0 Assert-MockCalled Invoke-UninstallModule -Exactly 0 Assert-MockCalled Import-Module -Times 1 } } } } Describe "Get-AllProfilesInstalled" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry { $global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json } Context "Profile Maps are available from cache" { Mock Get-ProfilesInstalled -Verifiable { @{'Profile1'= @{'Module1'= '1.0'}}} $expectedResult = @{"Module21.0"=@('Profile1'); "Module11.0"=@('Profile1')} It "Should return Modules & Profiles Installed" { (Get-AllProfilesInstalled) -like $expectedResult | Should Be $true Assert-MockCalled Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled Get-ProfilesInstalled -exactly 1 Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Profiles are not installed" { Mock Get-ProfilesInstalled -Verifiable {} It "Should return empty" { $AllProfilesInstalled = @() $result = (Get-AllProfilesInstalled) $result.Count | Should Be 0 Assert-MockCalled Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled Get-ProfilesInstalled -exactly 1 Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Cache is empty" { $script:LatestProfileMapPath = $null Mock Get-Item -Verifiable {} Mock Get-ProfilesInstalled {} It "Should return empty" { $result = (Get-AllProfilesInstalled) $result.Count | Should Be 0 Assert-MockCalled Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled Get-ProfilesInstalled -exactly 1 Assert-VerifiableMock } # Cleanup $script:LatestProfileMapPath = Get-LatestProfileMapPath } } } Describe "Update-ProfileHelper" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable { $global:testProfileMap } $script:LatestProfileMapPath = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $script:LatestProfileMapPath | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "FullName" -Value "C:\mock\MockETag.json" Mock Get-AllProfilesInstalled -Verifiable {} Mock Remove-PreviousVersion -Verifiable {} Context "Previous Versions were present" { It "Should invoke Remove-PreviousVersion" { Update-ProfileHelper -profile 'Profile1' Assert-VerifiableMock } It "Invoke with -Module param: Should invoke Remove-PreviousVerison" { Update-ProfileHelper -profile 'Profile1' -Module 'Module1' -RemovePreviousVersions Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Find-PotentialConflict" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Modules are installed in other scope" { $script:IsAdmin = $true $moduleobj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleobj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Path" -Value $Env:HOMEPATH Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { $moduleobj} It "Should return false, because force is present" { (Find-PotentialConflict -Module 'Module1' -Force) | Should Be $false } } Context "Modules are not installed in other scope" { $script:IsAdmin = $false $moduleobj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleobj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Path" -Value $Env:HOMEPATH Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { $moduleobj} It "Should return false, no conflict" { (Find-PotentialConflict -Module 'Module1') | Should Be $false } } Context "Modules were not installed before" { Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { $null } It "Should return false, no conflict" { Find-PotentialConflict -Module 'Module1' | Should Be $false } } } } Describe "Invoke-InstallModule" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Install-Module has AllowClobber param" { $cmd = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $cmd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Parameters" -Value @{"AllowClobber" = $true } Mock Get-Command -Verifiable { $cmd } <# It "Should invoke install-module with AllowClobber: No Scope" { Mock Install-Module -Verifiable {} Invoke-InstallModule -module "Module1" -version "1.0" Assert-VerifiableMock } It "Should invoke install-module with AllowClobber: CurrentUser Scope" { Mock Install-Module -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Scope -eq "CurrentUser"} {} Invoke-InstallModule -module "Module1" -version "1.0" -scope "CurrentUser" Assert-VerifiableMock } #> } Context "Install-Module doesn not have AllowClobber" { $cmd = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $cmd | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Parameters" -Value @{} Mock Get-Command -Verifiable { $cmd } It "Should invoke install-module with Force: No Scope" { Mock Install-Module -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { '$Force'} {} Invoke-InstallModule -module "Module1" -version "1.0" Assert-VerifiableMock } It "Should invoke install-module with Force: CurrentUser Scope" { Mock Install-Module -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { '$Force' -and ($Scope -eq "CurrentUser")} {} Invoke-InstallModule -module "Module1" -version "1.0" -scope "CurrentUser" Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Invoke-CommandWithRetry" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $scriptBlock = { Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction Stop } Context "Executes script block successfully at first attempt" { Mock Get-ChildItem -Verifiable { "contents" } It "Should return successfully" { $result = Invoke-CommandWithRetry -scriptBlock $scriptBlock $result | Should Be "contents" Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Executes script successfully at one of the retries" { $Script:mockCalled = 0 $mockTestPath = { $Script:mockCalled++ if ($Script:mockCalled -eq 1) { throw } else { return "contents" } } Mock -CommandName Get-ChildItem -MockWith $mockTestPath Mock Start-Sleep -Verifiable {} It "Should return successfully" { $result = Invoke-CommandWithRetry -scriptBlock $scriptBlock $result | Should Be "contents" Assert-MockCalled Get-ChildItem -Times 2 Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Fails to execute script during all retries" { Mock Get-ChildItem -Verifiable { throw } Mock Start-Sleep -Verifiable {} It "Throws exception" { { Invoke-CommandWithRetry -scriptBlock $scriptBlock } | Should throw } } } } Describe "Select-Profile" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $true } Context "Scope AllUsers with Admin rights" { $script:IsAdmin = $true It "Should return AllUsersAllHosts profile" { Select-Profile -scope "AllUsers" | Should Be $profile.AllUsersAllHosts Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Scope CurrentUser" { It "Should return CurrentUserAllHosts profile" { Select-Profile -scope "CurrentUser" | Should Be $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Scope AllUsers no admin rights" { $script:IsAdmin = $false It "Should throw for admin rights" { { Select-Profile -scope "AllUsers" } | Should throw } } Context "ProfilePath does not exist" { $script:IsAdmin = $false Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $false } Mock New-Item -Verifiable {} It "Should create a new file for profile" { Select-Profile -scope "CurrentUser" | Should Be $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Get-LatestModuleVersion" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Returns latest version in a version array" { $versionarray = @("2.0", "1.5", "1.0") It "Should return the latest version" { $result = Get-LatestModuleVersion -versions $versionarray $result | Should Be "2.0" } } } } Describe "Get-ModuleVersion" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { $testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json } Mock Get-LatestModuleVersion -Verifiable { "2.0" } Context "Gets module version" { $RollupModule = "Azure.Module1" It "Should return script block" { Get-ModuleVersion -armProfile "Profile1" -invocationLine "ipmo ${RollupModule}" | Should Be "2.0" Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Get-ScriptBlock" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Creates a script block" { It "Should return script block" { $result = Get-ScriptBlock -ProfilePath "Profilepath" $result[1].contains("Import-Module:RequiredVersion") | Should Be $true Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Remove-ProfileSetting" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Set-Content -Verifiable {} Context "Profile contents had bootstrapper scripts" { $contents = @" Temp Line 1 ##BEGIN Az.Bootstrapper scripts Temp Line 2 Temp Line 3 ##END Az.Bootstrapper scripts Temp Line 4 "@ Mock Get-Content -Verifiable { $contents } It "Should return lines 1 and 4" { Remove-ProfileSetting -profilePath "testpath" Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Add-ScopeParam" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $params = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary It "Should return Scope parameter object" { (Add-ScopeParam $params) $params.ContainsKey("Scope") | Should Be $true } } } Describe "Add-ProfileParam" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $params = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } It "Should return Profile parameter object" { (Add-ProfileParam $params) $params.ContainsKey("Profile") | Should Be $true Assert-VerifiableMock } } } Describe "Add-ForceParam" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $params = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary It "Should return Force parameter object" { Add-ForceParam $params $params.ContainsKey("Force") | Should Be $true } } } Describe "Add-RemoveParam" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $params = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary It "Should return RemovePreviousVersions parameter object" { (Add-RemoveParam $params) $params.ContainsKey("RemovePreviousVersions") | Should Be $true } } } Describe "Add-SwitchParam" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $params = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary It "Should return Switch parameter object" { Add-SwitchParam $params "TestParam" $params.ContainsKey("TestParam") | Should Be $true } } } Describe "Add-ModuleParam" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "ProfileMap has more than one profile" { $params = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } It "Should return Module parameter object" { (Add-ModuleParam $params) $params.ContainsKey("Module") | Should Be $true Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "ProfileMap has one profile" { $params = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ("{`"Profile1`": { `"Module1`": [`"1.0`", `"0.1`"], `"Module2`": [`"1.0`", `"0.2`"] }}" ) | ConvertFrom-Json } It "Should return Module parameter object" { (Add-ModuleParam $params) $params.ContainsKey("Module") | Should Be $true Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Get-AzModule" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } Context "Module is installed" { Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { @( [PSCustomObject] @{ Name='Module1'; Version='1.0'; RepositorySourceLocation='foo\bar' }, [PSCustomObject] @{ Name='Module1'; Version='2.0'}) } It "Should return installed version" { Get-AzModule -Profile 'Profile1' -Module 'Module1' | Should Be "1.0" Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Module is not installed" { Mock Get-Module -Verifiable {} It "Should return null" { Get-AzModule -Profile 'Profile1' -Module 'Module1' | Should be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Module not in the list" { Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { @( [PSCustomObject] @{ Name='Module1'; Version='1.0'; RepositorySourceLocation='foo\bar' }, [PSCustomObject] @{ Name='Module1'; Version='2.0'}) } It "Should return null" { Get-AzModule -Profile 'Profile2' -Module 'Module2' | Should be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with invalid parameters" { It "Should throw" { { Get-AzModule -Profile 'XYZ' -Module 'ABC' } | Should Throw } } Context "Invoke with null parameters" { It "Should throw" { { Get-AzModule -Profile $null -Module $null } | Should Throw } } Context "ProfileMap has one profile" { $params = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ("{`"Profile1`": { `"Module1`": [`"1.0`", `"0.1`"], `"Module2`": [`"1.0`", `"0.2`"] }}" ) | ConvertFrom-Json } Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { @( [PSCustomObject] @{ Name='Module1'; Version='1.0'; RepositorySourceLocation='foo\bar' }, [PSCustomObject] @{ Name='Module1'; Version='2.0'}) } It "Should return installed version" { Get-AzModule -Profile 'Profile1' -Module 'Module1' | Should Be "1.0" Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Get-AzApiProfile" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } Context "With ListAvailable Switch" { It "Should return available profiles" { $Result = (Get-AzApiProfile -ListAvailable) $Result.Count | Should be 2 $Result.ProfileName | Should Not Be $null $Result.Module1 | Should Not Be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "With ListAvailable and update Switches" { It "Should return available profiles" { $Result = (Get-AzApiProfile -ListAvailable -Update) $Result.Count | Should be 2 $Result.ProfileName | Should Not Be $null $Result.Module1 | Should Not Be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Without ListAvailable Switch" { $IncompleteProfiles = @('Profile2') Mock Get-ProfilesInstalled -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {[REF]$IncompleteProfiles} { @{'Profile1'= @{'Module1' = @('1.0') ;'Module2'= @('1.0')}} } It "Returns installed Profile" { $Result = (Get-AzApiProfile) $Result.ProfileName | Should Not Be $null $Result.Module1 | Should Not Be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "No profiles installed" { Mock Get-ProfilesInstalled -Verifiable {} It "Returns null" { (Get-AzApiProfile) | Should Be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Use-AzProfile" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $RollupModule = 'Module1' Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } Mock Install-Module { "Installing module..."} Mock Import-Module -Verifiable { "Importing Module..."} Mock Find-PotentialConflict {} Context "Modules not installed" { Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter {$Profile -eq "Profile1" -and $Module -eq "Module1"} It "Should install modules" { $Result = (Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Force) $Result.Length | Should Be 3 # Includes "Loading module" $Result[1] | Should Be "Installing module..." $Result[2] | Should Be "Importing Module..." Assert-VerifiableMock } It "Invoke with Module param: Should install modules" { $Result = (Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Module 'Module1' -Force) $Result.Length | Should Be 3 $Result[1] | Should Be "Installing module..." $Result[2] | Should Be "Importing Module..." Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Modules are installed" { $RollupModule = "None" Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable { "1.0" } -ParameterFilter {$Profile -eq "Profile1" -and $Module -eq "Module1"} Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable { "1.0" } -ParameterFilter {$Profile -eq "Profile1" -and $Module -eq "Module2"} Mock Import-Module { "Module1 1.0 Imported"} -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq "Module1" -and $RequiredVersion -eq "1.0"} Mock Import-Module { "Module2 1.0 Imported"} -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq "Module2" -and $RequiredVersion -eq "1.0"} It "Should skip installing modules, imports the right version module" { $Result = (Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Force) $Result.length | Should Be 3 $Result[1] | Should Be "Module1 1.0 Imported" Assert-MockCalled Install-Module -Exactly 0 Assert-MockCalled Import-Module -Exactly 2 Assert-VerifiableMock } It "Invoke with Module param: Should skip installing modules, imports the right version module" { $Result = (Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Module 'Module1', 'Module2' -Force) $Result.length | Should Be 3 $Result[1] | Should Be "Module1 1.0 Imported" Assert-MockCalled Install-Module -Exactly 0 Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with invalid profile" { It "Should throw" { { Use-AzProfile -Profile 'WrongProfileName'} | Should Throw } } Context "Invoke with $null profile" { It "Should throw" { { Use-AzProfile -Profile $null} | Should Throw } } Context "Invoke with Scope as CurrentUser" { Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter {$Profile -eq "Profile1" -and $Module -eq "Module1"} Mock Install-Module -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter { $Scope -eq "CurrentUser"} It "Should invoke Install-ModuleHelper with scope currentuser" { (Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Force -scope CurrentUser) Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with Scope as AllUsers" { Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter {$Profile -eq "Profile1" -and $Module -eq "Module1"} Mock Install-Module -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter { $Scope -eq "AllUsers"} It "Should invoke Install-ModuleHelper with scope AllUsers" { (Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Force -scope AllUsers) Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with invalide module name" { It "Should throw" { { Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Module 'MockModule'} | Should Throw } } Context "Potential Conflict found" { Mock Find-PotentialConflict -Verifiable { $true } It "Should skip installing module" { $Result = (Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Force) $Result.Contains("Installing module...") | Should Be $false Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Other versions of the same module found imported" { Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable { "1.0" } $VersionObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "2.0" $moduleObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value "Module1" $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version($VersionObj) Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { $moduleObj } It "Should skip importing module" { $result = Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -ErrorVariable useError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $useError.exception.message.contains("A different profile version of module") | Should Be $true } } # User tries to execute Use-AzProfile with different profiles & different modules Context "A different profile's module was previously imported" { Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable { "1.0" } $VersionObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "2.0" $moduleObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value "Module1" $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version($VersionObj) Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { $moduleObj } It "Should skip importing module" { $result = Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Module 'Module1' -ErrorVariable useError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $useError.exception.message.contains("A different profile version of module") | Should Be $true } } # User has module2 from profile1 imported; tries to execute Use-AzProfile for profile1 with module1. Should import. Context "A different module from same profile was previously imported" { Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable { "1.0" } $VersionObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "1.0" $moduleObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value "Module2" $moduleObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version($VersionObj) Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { $moduleObj } It "Should import module" { $result = Use-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Module 'Module1' Assert-MockCalled Import-Module -Times 1 } } } } Describe "Install-AzProfile" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter { $Profile -eq 'Profile1' -and $Module -eq 'Module1'} Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable { "1.0"} -ParameterFilter { $Profile -eq 'Profile1' -and $Module -eq 'Module2'} Mock Find-PotentialConflict -Verifiable { $false } Context "Invoke with valid profile name" { Mock Invoke-InstallModule -Verifiable { "Installing module Module1... Version 1.0"} It "Should install Module1" { (Install-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1') | Should be "Installing module Module1... Version 1.0" Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with invalid profile name" { It "Should throw" { { Install-AzProfile -Profile 'WrongProfileName'} | Should Throw } } Context "Invoke with null profile name" { It "Should throw" { { Install-AzProfile -Profile $null } | Should Throw } } Context "Invoke with Scope as CurrentUser" { Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter {$Profile -eq "Profile1" -and $Module -eq "Module1"} Mock Invoke-InstallModule -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter { $Scope -eq "CurrentUser"} It "Should invoke Install-ModuleHelper with scope currentuser" { (Install-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -scope CurrentUser) Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with Scope as AllUsers" { Mock Get-AzModule -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter {$Profile -eq "Profile1" -and $Module -eq "Module1"} Mock Invoke-InstallModule -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter { $Scope -eq "AllUsers"} It "Should invoke Install-ModuleHelper with scope AllUsers" { (Install-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -scope AllUsers) Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Potential Conflict found" { Mock Find-PotentialConflict -Verifiable { $true } Mock Invoke-InstallModule {} It "Should skip installing module" { Install-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' Assert-MockCalled Invoke-InstallModule -Exactly 0 Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Uninstall-AzProfile" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } Mock Uninstall-ProfileHelper -Verifiable {} Context "Valid profile name" { It "Should invoke Uninstall-ProfileHelper" { Uninstall-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -Force Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with invalid profile name" { It "Should throw" { { Uninstall-AzProfile -Profile 'WrongProfileName' } | Should Throw } } Context "Invoke with null profile name" { It "Should throw" { { Uninstall-AzProfile -Profile $null } | Should Throw } } } } Describe "Update-AzProfile" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { # Arrange Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Update.IsPresent } { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } Context "Proper profile with '-RemovePreviousVersions' and '-Force' params" { Mock Use-AzProfile -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter { ($Force.IsPresent)} Mock Update-ProfileHelper -Verifiable {} It "Imports profile modules and invokes Update-ProfileHelper" { Update-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile2' -RemovePreviousVersions -Force Assert-VerifiableMock } It "Invoke with Module param: Imports profile modules and invokes Update-ProfileHelper" { Update-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile2' -module 'Module1' -RemovePreviousVersions -Force Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with invalid profile name" { It "Should throw" { { Update-AzProfile -Profile 'WrongProfileName'} | Should Throw } } Context "Invoke with null profile name" { It "Should throw" { { Update-AzProfile -Profile $null } | Should Throw } } Context "Invoke with Scope as CurrentUser" { Mock Use-AzProfile -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter { ($Force.IsPresent) -and {$Scope -like 'CurrentUser'}} Mock Update-ProfileHelper -Verifiable {} It "Should invoke Use-AzProfile with scope currentuser" { (Update-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -scope CurrentUser -Force -r) Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with Scope as AllUsers" { Mock Use-AzProfile -Verifiable {} -ParameterFilter { ($Force.IsPresent) -and {$Scope -like 'CurrentUser'}} Mock Update-ProfileHelper -Verifiable {} It "Should invoke Use-AzProfile with scope AllUsers" { (Update-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -scope AllUsers -Force -r) Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Invoke with invalid module name" { It "Should throw" { { Update-AzProfile -Profile 'Profile1' -module 'MockModule' } | Should Throw } } # Cleanup if (Test-Path '.\MockPath') { Remove-Item -Path '.\MockPath' -Force -Recurse } } } Describe "Set-BootstrapRepo" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Context "Repo name is given" { # Arrange $currentBootstrapRepo = $script:BootStrapRepo It "Should set given repo as BootstrapRepo" { Set-BootstrapRepo -Repo "MockName" $script:BootStrapRepo | Should Be "MockName" } # Cleanup $script:BootStrapRepo = $currentBootstrapRepo } Context "Alias name is given" { # Arrange $currentBootstrapRepo = $script:BootStrapRepo It "Should set given repo alias parameter value as BootstrapRepo" { Set-BootstrapRepo -Name "MockName" $script:BootStrapRepo | Should Be "MockName" } # Cleanup $script:BootStrapRepo = $currentBootstrapRepo } } } Describe "Set-AzDefaultProfile" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { $sb = { if ($MyInvocation.Line.Contains("Module1")) { "1.0"} } Mock Get-ScriptBlock -Verifiable { $sb } Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable {} Mock Select-Profile -verifiable {} Mock Remove-ProfileSetting -Verifiable {} Mock Get-AzProfileMap -Verifiable { ($global:testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) } Context "New default profile value is given" { It "Setting default profile succeeds" { $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*-AzProfile:Profile") Set-AzDefaultProfile -Profile "Profile1" -Force $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*-AzProfile:Profile"] | Should Be "Profile1" Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "User wants to update default profile value" { It "Should update default profile value" { $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*-AzProfile:Profile") Set-AzDefaultProfile -Profile "Profile2" -Force $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*-AzProfile:Profile"] | Should Be "Profile2" Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Removing old default profile vaule throws" { Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable { throw } It "Should throw for updating default profile" { $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*-AzProfile:Profile") { Set-AzDefaultProfile -Profile "Profile1" -Force } | Should throw Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Set Default Profile with scope as AllUsers in admin shell" { $script:IsAdmin = $true Mock Select-Profile -Verifiable { "AllUsersProfile"} It "Should succeed setting AllUsers Profile" { $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*-AzProfile:Profile") Set-AzDefaultProfile -Profile "Profile1" -Scope "AllUsers" -Force $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*-AzProfile:Profile"] | Should Be "Profile1" Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Set Default Profile with scope as AllUsers in non-admin shell" { $script:IsAdmin = $false Mock Select-Profile -Verifiable { throw } It "Should throw for AllUsers Profile" { $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*-AzProfile:Profile") { Set-AzDefaultProfile -Profile "Profile2" -Scope "AllUsers" -Force } | Should throw Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Set a Default Profile twice" { It "Should not edit profile content twice" { $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*-AzProfile:Profile") Set-AzDefaultProfile -Profile "Profile1" -Force Set-AzDefaultProfile -Profile "Profile1" -Force Assert-MockCalled Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Exactly 1 Assert-VerifiableMock } } } } Describe "Remove-AzDefaultProfile" { InModuleScope Az.Bootstrapper { Mock Remove-Module -Verifiable {} Mock Remove-ProfileSetting -Verifiable {} Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $true } Mock Get-Module -Verifiable { "Az" } Context "Default profile presents in the profile file & default variable" { It "Should successfully remove default profile from shell & profile file" { Remove-AzDefaultProfile -Force $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*-AzProfile:Profile"] | Should Be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Default profile is not set previously or was removed" { It "Should return null for default profile" { Remove-AzDefaultProfile -Force $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*-AzProfile:Profile"] | Should Be $null Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Profile files do not exist" { Mock Test-Path -Verifiable { $false } It "Should not invoke remove script" { Remove-AzDefaultProfile -Force Assert-MockCalled Remove-ProfileSetting -Exactly 0 } } Context "Remove default profile in admin mode" { Mock Remove-Module -verifiable {} $Script:IsAdmin = $true It "Should remove setting in AllUsersAllHosts and CurrentUserAllHosts profiles" { Remove-AzDefaultProfile -Force # For Admin, two profile paths are tested Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Exactly 2 } } Context "Remove default profile in non-admin mode" { Mock Remove-Module -verifiable {} $Script:IsAdmin = $false Mock Invoke-CommandWithRetry -Verifiable {} It "Should remove setting in CurrentUserAllHosts profile" { Remove-AzDefaultProfile -Force Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -Exactly 1 } } } } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIkWwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIkTDCCJEgCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCDntfI07p81zkiR # OGYcqq28x1v0mcHArbjPmWv694Q9JqCCDYEwggX/MIID56ADAgECAhMzAAABUZ6N # j0Bxow5BAAAAAAFRMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMH4xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYD # VQQIEwpXYXNoaW5ndG9uMRAwDgYDVQQHEwdSZWRtb25kMR4wHAYDVQQKExVNaWNy # b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xKDAmBgNVBAMTH01pY3Jvc29mdCBDb2RlIFNpZ25p # bmcgUENBIDIwMTEwHhcNMTkwNTAyMjEzNzQ2WhcNMjAwNTAyMjEzNzQ2WjB0MQsw # CQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKV2FzaGluZ3RvbjEQMA4GA1UEBxMHUmVkbW9u # ZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMR4wHAYDVQQDExVNaWNy # b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIB # AQCVWsaGaUcdNB7xVcNmdfZiVBhYFGcn8KMqxgNIvOZWNH9JYQLuhHhmJ5RWISy1 # oey3zTuxqLbkHAdmbeU8NFMo49Pv71MgIS9IG/EtqwOH7upan+lIq6NOcw5fO6Os # +12R0Q28MzGn+3y7F2mKDnopVu0sEufy453gxz16M8bAw4+QXuv7+fR9WzRJ2CpU # 62wQKYiFQMfew6Vh5fuPoXloN3k6+Qlz7zgcT4YRmxzx7jMVpP/uvK6sZcBxQ3Wg # B/WkyXHgxaY19IAzLq2QiPiX2YryiR5EsYBq35BP7U15DlZtpSs2wIYTkkDBxhPJ # IDJgowZu5GyhHdqrst3OjkSRAgMBAAGjggF+MIIBejAfBgNVHSUEGDAWBgorBgEE # AYI3TAgBBggrBgEFBQcDAzAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUV4Iarkq57esagu6FUBb270Zijc8w # UAYDVR0RBEkwR6RFMEMxKTAnBgNVBAsTIE1pY3Jvc29mdCBPcGVyYXRpb25zIFB1 # ZXJ0byBSaWNvMRYwFAYDVQQFEw0yMzAwMTIrNDU0MTM1MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFEhu # ZOVQBdOCqhc3NyK1bajKdQKVMFQGA1UdHwRNMEswSaBHoEWGQ2h0dHA6Ly93d3cu # bWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS9wa2lvcHMvY3JsL01pY0NvZFNpZ1BDQTIwMTFfMjAxMS0w # Ny0wOC5jcmwwYQYIKwYBBQUHAQEEVTBTMFEGCCsGAQUFBzAChkVodHRwOi8vd3d3 # Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpb3BzL2NlcnRzL01pY0NvZFNpZ1BDQTIwMTFfMjAx # 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