
# In this file all global functions are configured.
function AuthenticationCheck {
    This function is used as a precheck step by all the functions to test if authentication is Ok.
    Run the test
    NAME: precheck

    if ($null -eq $global:tokenRequest) {
        Throw "Please connect to AVD first using the Connect-Avd command"
    if ($null -eq $global:subscriptionId) {
        Write-Warning "No subscription ID provided yet"
        $global:subscriptionId = Read-Host -Prompt "Please fill in the subscription Id"
        Write-Information "Subscription ID is set, if you want to changed the context, use Set-AvdContext -SubscriptionID <GUID>" -InformationAction Continue

function GetAuthToken {
    param (

    if ($null -eq $global:tokenRequest.access_token) {
        Throw "Please connect to AVD first using the Connect-Avd command"
    if ($null -eq $global:subscriptionId) {
        Write-Warning "No subscription ID provided yet"
        $global:subscriptionId = Read-Host -Prompt "Please fill in the subscription Id"
        Write-Information "Subscription ID is set, if you want to changed the context, use Set-AvdContext -SubscriptionID <GUID>" -InformationAction Continue
    $tokenInfo = Convert-JWTtoken -token $global:tokenRequest.access_token
    $expireTime = Get-Date -UnixTimeSeconds $tokenInfo.exp
    if ((Get-Date) -gt $expireTime) {
        Write-Warning "Current token has expired. Requesting a new token based on the refresh token."
        $global:authHeader = Connect-Avd -RefreshToken $global:tokenRequest.refresh_token -TenantID $TenantId
    return $global:authHeader

function Create-CategoryArray ($Categories) {
    $categoryArray = @()
    $Categories | foreach {
        $category = @{
            Category = $_
            Enabled  = $true
        $categoryArray += ($category)
    return  $categoryArray

function Remove-Resource () {
    param (
    try {
        Write-Information "Removing resource with ID $resourceId" -InformationAction Continue
        $apiVersion = "?api-version={0}" -f $apiVersion
        $deleteResourceParameters = @{
            uri     = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $global:AzureApiUrl, $resourceId, $apiVersion
            Method  = "DELETE"
            Headers = (GetAuthToken -resource $global:AzureApiUrl)
        Invoke-RestMethod @deleteResourceParameters
    catch {
        Write-Error "Removing $resourceId not succesful, $_"

function Get-Resource () {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'api')]

        [ValidateSet("GET", "POST")]
        [string]$Method = "GET",

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'api')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'api')]

    try {
        $token = (GetAuthToken -resource $global:AzureApiUrl)
        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            api {
                Write-Verbose 'API version provided, searching in specific API'
                $resourceParameters = @{
                    uri     = "{0}/{1}{2}?api-version={3}" -f $global:AzureApiUrl, $ResourceId, $UrlAddition, $ApiVersion
                    Method  = $Method
                    Headers = $token
                Write-Verbose "Request URI is $($resourceParameters.uri)"
            default {
                Write-Information "Searching resource with ID $resourceId" -InformationAction Continue
                $subscriptionId = ($ResourceId | Select-String -Pattern '(?<=\/subscriptions\/)(.*?)(?=\/resourcegroups)').Matches.Groups[-1].Value
                $resourceParameters = @{
                    uri     = "{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resources?api-version=2014-04-01-preview&`$filter=resourceId eq '{2}'" -f $global:AzureApiUrl, $subscriptionId, $ResourceId
                    Method  = $Method
                    Headers = $token
        $resource = Invoke-RestMethod @resourceParameters
    catch {
        Write-Verbose "$resourceId not found, $_"
        Throw $_
    finally {

function CheckForce {
    param (
    if (!$Force) {
        Write-Verbose "No specific host provided, starting all hosts in $hostpoolName"
        Write-Information -MessageData "HINT: use -Force to skip this message." -InformationAction Continue
        $confirmation = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to run $Task to all session hosts? [y/n]"
        while ($confirmation -ne "y") {
            if ($confirmation -eq 'n') {
            $confirmation = Read-Host "Yes/No? [y/n]"

function ConcatSessionHostName {
    param (
    if ($Name -match '^(?:(?!\/).)*$') {
        $Name = $Name.Split('/')[-1]
        Write-Verbose "It looks like you also provided a hostpool, a sessionhost name is enough. Provided value {0}"
        Write-Verbose "Picking only the hostname which is $Name"
    else {
        Write-Verbose "Session hostname provided, looking for sessionhost $Name"

function TestAzResource($resourceId, $apiVersion) {
    $testParameters = @{
        method  = "GET"
        headers = GetAuthToken -resource $global:AzureApiUrl
        uri     = "{0}{1}?api-version={2}" -f $global:AzureApiUrl, $resourceId, $apiVersion
    Invoke-RestMethod @testParameters

function Get-RandomCharacters($length, $characters) {
    $random = 1..$length | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Maximum $characters.length }
    $private:ofs = ""
    return [String]$characters[$random]
function Get-RandomString($type) {
    if ($type -eq 'string') {
        $username = Get-RandomCharacters -length 8 -characters 'abcdefghiklmnoprstuvwxyz'
        return $username
    if ($type -eq 'password') {
        $password = Get-RandomCharacters -length 6 -characters 'abcdefghiklmnoprstuvwxyz'
        $password += Get-RandomCharacters -length 2 -characters 'ABCDEFGHKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ'
        $password += Get-RandomCharacters -length 2 -characters '1234567890'
        $password += Get-RandomCharacters -length 2 -characters '!%&()=#+'
        return $password

function IsValidTime {
    param (
    # Define a regular expression pattern to match "09:30" format
    $pattern = "^([01]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d)$"

    # Check if the time matches the pattern
    if ($time -match $pattern) {
        $hour = [int]$matches[1]
        $minute = [int]$matches[2]

        # Check if the hour and minute values are within valid range
        if ($hour -ge 0 -and $hour -le 23 -and $minute -ge 0 -and $minute -le 59) {
            $timeObject = @{
                hour   = $hour
                minute = $minute
            return $timeObject
    return $false
function GetHostpoolRgFromId() {
    param (
    # Define the regex pattern to extract host pool name and resource group name
    $regexPattern = "/subscriptions/[^/]+/resourcegroups/(?<ResourceGroupName>[^/]+)/providers/Microsoft\.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/(?<HostPoolName>[^/]+)/"

    # Use Select-String to find matches based on the regex pattern
    $matches = $resourceId | Select-String -Pattern $regexPattern

    # Extract the host pool name and resource group name from the matched results
    $hostPoolName = $matches.Matches[0].Groups["HostPoolName"].Value
    $resourceGroupName = $matches.Matches[0].Groups["ResourceGroupName"].Value

    $results = @{
        HostPoolName = $hostPoolName
        ResourceGroupName = $resourceGroupName}
    # Output the results
    return $results