function Export-WvdConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Exports the complete Windows Virtual Desktop environment, based on the hostpool name. .DESCRIPTION The function will help you exporting the complete WVD environment to common output types as HTML and CSV. .PARAMETER HostpoolName Enter the WVD hostpoolname name. .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName Enter the WVD hostpool resource group name. .PARAMETER .EXAMPLE Export-WvdConfig -Hostpoolname $hostpoolName -resourceGroup $ResourceGroup -Scope Hostpool,SessionHosts -Verbose -FilePath .\wvdexport.html Add a comment to existing incidnet #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Hostpool')] param ( [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Hostpool')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$HostpoolName, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Hostpool')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ResourceGroupName, [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'InputObject')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject]$InputObject, [parameter()] [switch]$Html, [parameter()] [switch]$CSV, [parameter()] [string]$FilePath, [parameter()] [ValidateSet("Hostpool", "Sessionhosts","SubnetConfig")] [array]$Scope ) if ($null -eq $FilePath) { Write-Verbose "Filepath is null, using default .\WvdExport.Html" $FilePath = ".\WvdExport.Html" } $HtmlBody = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() $Parameters = @{ HostpoolName = $HostpoolName ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName } switch -wildcard ($Scope) { Hostpool* { $HtmlBody.Add((Get-HostpoolHtmlContent @Parameters)) } SessionHosts* { $HtmlBody.Add((Get-SessionHostHtmlContent @Parameters)) } SubnetConfig* { $HtmlBody.Add((Get-SubnetConfigHtmlContent @Parameters)) } Default { $HtmlBody.Add((Get-SessionHostHtmlContent @Parameters)) } } $Css = Get-Content -Path '.\Private\exportconfig.css' -Raw $style= ("<style>`n") + $Css + ("`n</style>") $HtmlParameters = @{ Title = "WVD Information Report for $HostpoolName" body = $HtmlBody Head = $style PostContent = "<H5><i>$(get-date)</i></H5>" } Write-Verbose "Exporting config to $FilePath" ConvertTo-HTML @HtmlParameters | Out-File $FilePath } |