function Set-DotNetBuildAndVersionStrings { [CmdletBinding()] param( # This file must contain the AssemblyFileVersion (preferred) or AssemblyVersion attribute. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$assemblyInfoPath, # TFS build ID. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$buildId, # Git commit ID. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$commitId, # Name of the primary branch. Builds in any other branch get the branch name as a version string prefix. [Parameter()] [string]$primaryBranchName = "master" ) if (!(Test-Path $assemblyInfoPath)) { Write-Error "AssemblyInfo file not found at $assemblyInfoPath." } if ($commitId.Length -lt 7) { Write-Error "The Git commit ID is too short to be a valid commit ID." } # Convert to absolute paths because .NET does not understand PowerShell relative paths. $assemblyInfoPath = Resolve-Path $assemblyInfoPath # All versions built using this process must be release versions. There is no concept of a debug version. # Try to ensure this is so by looking for the BuildConfiguration environment variable that is present in automated builds. if ($env:BuildConfiguration -and $env:BuildConfiguration -ne "Release") { Write-Error "Only release-mode builds are compatible with build automation." } $assemblyInfo = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($assemblyInfoPath) $primaryRegex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex('AssemblyFileVersion(?:Attribute)?\("(.*)"\)') $fallbackRegex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex('AssemblyVersion(?:Attribute)?\("(.*)"\)') $versionMatch = $primaryRegex.Matches($assemblyInfo) if (!$versionMatch.Success) { $versionMatch = $fallbackRegex.Matches($assemblyInfo) if (!$versionMatch.Success) { Write-Error "Unable to find AssemblyFileVersion or AssemblyVersion attribute." } } $version = $versionMatch.Groups[1].Value Write-Host "AssemblyInfo version is $version" # Shorten the commit ID. 7 characters seem to be the standard. $commitId = $commitId.Substring(0, 7) if ($buildId -gt 999999) { Write-Error "Build ID too large! Values over 999999 are not supported." } # Zero-pad the build ID to 6 digits. $buildIdString = $buildId.ToString("000000") $version = "$version-$buildIdString-$commitId" Write-Host "Version string is $version" # VSTS does not immediately update it, so update it manually. $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER = $version $version = Set-VersionStringBranchPrefix -primaryBranchName $primaryBranchName -skipBuildNumberUpdate Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$version" Write-Host "Version string set!" } |