#Region '.\Private\Find-ObjectIdByReference.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Validates an object and returns an ID .DESCRIPTION This function handles two needs: Validating a given object is likely valid, and returning a logical ID for the object. It is used by functions that accept custom object input as a simple and consistent method to handle these needs. .PARAMETER Reference The reference to be evaluated. Valid inputs are integers, strings, objects containing an id property and possibly an objectschema property, and $null. All other inputs raise a warning to the console and return $null. .PARAMETER Schema The schema name to compare against the provided Reference object. If the object has an objectschema property the function will return the object ID if the schema matches the provided schema. If the schema does not match the function will return $null and write a warning to the console. [int] and [string] values are not evaluated and process as if the parameter is not specified. .PARAMETER Validation If set, the function completes as normal but returns only $true if the Reference is valid and $false otherwise. This is used in parameter definition blocks as part of a ValidateScript attribute. #> function Find-ObjectIdByReference { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [object]$Reference, [Parameter()] [string]$Schema, [Parameter()] [switch]$Validation # Added because 0 is falsy but a valid id ) process { Write-Debug "Find-ObjectIdByReference: $Reference" switch ($Reference) { { $null -eq $_ } { $null } { $Schema -and $_.objectschema } { if ($_.objectschema -ieq $Schema) { $Validation ? $true : $ } else { Write-Warning "Find-ObjectIdByReference: Schema mismatch: Expected '$Schema' but got '$($_.objectschema)'" $null } } { $_.objectschema -and -not $Schema } { $Validation ? $true : $ } { $_ -is [int64] -or $_ -is [int] } { $Validation ? $true : $_ } { $_ -is [string] } { $_result = -1 if ([int]::TryParse($_, [ref]$_result)) { $Validation ? $true : $_result } else { Write-Warning "Find-ObjectIdByReference: Unable to parse string to Int: $_" $null } } default { Write-Warning "Find-ObjectIdByReference: Could not parse object reference: $_" $null } } } } #EndRegion '.\Private\Find-ObjectIdByReference.ps1' 69 #Region '.\Private\Invoke-AxcientAPI.ps1' -1 function Invoke-AxcientAPI { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Endpoint, [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod]$Method = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod]::Get, [object]$Body ) if (-not $Script:AxcientBaseUrl) { Write-Error -Message "Axcient API is not initialized. Please execute Initialize-AxcientAPI to configure for prod or mock environments." -ErrorAction Stop } $ReturnErrors = $Script:AxcientReturnErrors $_uri = "$Script:AxcientBaseUrl/$Endpoint" Write-Debug -Message "Axcient API: $Method $_uri" $splat = @{ Uri = $_uri Method = $Method Headers = @{ 'X-API-Key' = $AxcientApiKey; 'Accept' = 'application/json' } SkipHttpErrorCheck = $true } if ($Body) { $splat.Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json $splat.Headers.'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } $response = Invoke-WebRequest @splat Write-Debug -Message "API Returned: $($response.StatusCode) $($response.StatusDescription) $($response.Content.Length) bytes of $($response.Headers.'Content-Type')" if ($response.StatusCode -ne 200) { # Attempt to parse the body $parsedContent = switch ($response.Headers.'Content-Type') { 'application/problem+json' { [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($response.Content) | ConvertFrom-Json } 'application/json' { $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json } default { if ($response.Content | Test-Json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json } # some responses arrive as JSON but with a text/html content type else { Write-Debug "The API did not return an expected body. Body: $($response.Content)" $null } } } # Bad API Key if ($response.StatusCode -eq 401 -and $parsedContent.PSObject.Properties.Count -eq 1 -and $parsedContent.message -eq 'Unauthorized') { $_keyLength = $AxcientApiKey.Length $_keySample = $_keyLength -gt 5 ? "[$($AxcientAPIKey.Substring(0,5))...] Verify key is active and the user account that generated the API key is active." : "Key is too short. Verify input to Initialize-AxcientAPI and retry." $_errorMessage = "API returned 401 Unauthorized. It's likely a problem with your API Key. Key: $_keySample" } # Bad endpoint elseif ($response.StatusCode -eq 401 -and $parsedContent.code -eq 401 -and $parsedContent.msg -eq 'Unauthorized' ) { $_errorMessage = "API returned 401 Unauthorized. There may be an issue with the specified endpoint or requested object. Endpoint: $Endpoint" } # Returned a full error object elseif ($parsedContent.detail -and $parsedContent.title) { $_errorMessage = "API returned {0} {1}: {2}" -f $response.StatusCode, $parsedContent.title, $parsedContent.detail } # Unknown response else { $httpCodeMessage = switch ($response.StatusCode) { # This is from the OpenAPI schema 400 { 'One or more specified IDs are invalid' } 401 { 'Access token is missing or invalid' } 404 { 'Resource not found or delegated to authenticating user' } default { "$($response.StatusCode) $($response.StatusDescription)" } } $parsedContent = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ detail = $httpCodeMessage status = $response.StatusCode title = $response.StatusDescription type = 'UndefiniedHTTPErrorResponse' } $_errorMessage = "API returned an unexpected result: {0} {1}. Possible reason per API documentation is: {2}" -f $response.StatusCode, $response.StatusDescription, $httpCodeMessage } Write-Error $_errorMessage Write-Debug -Message "Failed to invoke Axcient API. StatusCode: $($response.StatusCode). Content: $($parsedContent | Convertto-json -Depth 5 -Compress)" if ($ReturnErrors) { $parsedContent } } else { $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json } } #EndRegion '.\Private\Invoke-AxcientAPI.ps1' 80 #Region '.\Public\Get-Appliance.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Get information about an Appliance. .DESCRIPTION Gets information about appliances. Can accept Appliance or Client objects from the pipeline or from parameters. You can also specify an appliance by its service ID. .PARAMETER Appliance Appliance object or ID to retrieve information on. .PARAMETER Client Specifies the client object or reference to retrieve information for all appliances associated with a specific client. .PARAMETER InputObject Specifies the appliance or client object received through the pipeline to retrieve information. .PARAMETER ServiceID Specifies the service ID of the appliance. Must be a 4-character alphanumeric string. .PARAMETER IncludeDevices Indicates whether to include device information along with the appliance information. By default, it is set to $true. .INPUTS Appliance or Client object .OUTPUTS An Appliance object or array or Appliance objects .EXAMPLE Get-Appliance # Returns all appliances avaialble to the user account at this organization .EXAMPLE Get-Appliance -Appliance 12345 .EXAMPLE $client | Get-Appliance #> function Get-Appliance { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Appliance')] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'appliance' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Appliance, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Client')] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'client' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Client, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline', DontShow)] [ValidateScript({ $_.objectschema -iin 'appliance', 'client' }, ErrorMessage = 'Only Appliance and Client objects are accepted via the pipeline.' )] [object]$InputObject, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Alias('service_id')] [ValidatePattern('^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}$', ErrorMessage = 'Service ID must be a 4-character alphanumeric string')] [string]$ServiceID, [Parameter()] [Alias('include_devices')] [bool]$IncludeDevices = $true ) process { $_queryParameters = @() switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Appliance' { $_applianceId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Appliance $_endpoint = "appliance/$_applianceId" } 'Client' { $_clientId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Client $_endpoint = "client/$_clientId/appliance" } 'Pipeline' { if ($InputObject.objectschema -eq 'appliance') { $_applianceId = $ $_endpoint = "appliance/$_applianceId" } elseif ($InputObject.objectschema -eq 'client') { $_clientId = $ $_endpoint = "client/$_clientId/appliance" } } default { $_endpoint = "appliance" if ($ServiceID) { $_queryParameters += "service_id=$ServiceID" } } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IncludeDevices')) { $_queryParameters += "include_devices=$IncludeDevices" } if ($_queryParameters) { $_endpoint += '?' + ($_queryParameters -join '&') } Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint $_endpoint -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'appliance' -PassThru } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-Appliance.ps1' 104 #Region '.\Public\Get-BackupJob.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Get backup job information for a device. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the Job configuration for a device. May return more than one Job. .PARAMETER Device Device to retrieve information for. Accepts device ID or Device Object. If specifying a device object, function will also use Client ID if available. Not required if present on Job object .PARAMETER Client Relevant Client ID or Object. Not required if Client ID is avilable on Device or Job object .PARAMETER Job A specific Job to retrieve information for. .INPUTS Accepts Device or Job objects. If Client ID or Device ID is not present on passed object it must be specified as a separate parameter. .OUTPUTS A Job object or array of Job objects .EXAMPLE Get-BackupJob -Device 12345 -Client 67890 -Job 54321 .EXAMPLE # Get all Jobs for all devices for a client. PS > Get-Client -Client 49282 | Get-Device | Get-BackupJob #> function Get-BackupJob { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject],[PScustomObject[]])] param ( [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'device' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Device, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'client' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Client, [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'job' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Job, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, DontShow)] [ValidateScript({ $_.objectschema -iin 'device', 'job' }, ErrorMessage = 'Only Device or Job objects are accepted via the pipeline.' )] [object]$InputObject ) begin { $deviceParamID = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Device $clientParamID = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Client } process { if ($InputObject.objectschema -eq 'job' -xor $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Job')) { $_io = $InputObject ?? $Job $_jobId = $_io | Find-ObjectIdByReference $_clientId = $_io.client_id ?? $clientParamID $_deviceId = $_io.device_id ?? $deviceParamID Write-Debug "Get-BackupJob: Per-Job flow: Client: $_clientId, Device: $_deviceId, Job: $_jobId" $_endpoint = "client/$_clientId/device/$_deviceId/job/$_jobId" if (-not ($_clientId -and $_deviceId)) { Write-Error "Missing client ID or device ID on job object. Specify with -Client and -Device parameters." return } } elseif ($InputObject.objectschema -eq 'device' -xor $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Device')) { $_io = $InputObject ?? $Device $_clientId = $_io.client_id ?? $clientParamID $_deviceId = $ ?? $deviceParamID Write-Debug "Get-BackupJob: Device flow: Client: $_clientId, Device: $_deviceId, Job: $_jobId" $_endpoint = "client/$_clientId/device/$_deviceId/job" if (-not $_clientId) { Write-Error "Missing client ID on device object. Specify with -Client parameter." return } } else { if ($InputObject.objectschema -eq 'Device' -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Device')) { Write-Error 'Device specified via pipeline and -Device parameter. Use one or the other.' } elseif ($InputObject.objectschema -eq 'Job' -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Job')) { Write-Error 'Job specified via pipeline and -Job parameter. Use one or the other.' } else { Write-Error "At least Device and Client ID must be specified as an object member or via parameters." } return } Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint $_endpoint -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'client_id' -Value $_clientId -Force -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'device_id' -Value $_deviceId -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'job' -PassThru } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-BackupJob.ps1' 97 #Region '.\Public\Get-BackupJobHistory.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Get history of runs for a backup job. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves run history for a backup job .PARAMETER Device Device to retrieve information for. Accepts device ID or Device Object. If specifying a device object, function will also use Client ID if available. Not required if present on Job object .PARAMETER Client Relevant Client ID or Object. Not required if Client ID is avilable on Device or Job object .PARAMETER Job A specific Job to retrieve information for. .PARAMETER StartTimeBegin The oldest date / time start time you want to return history for. .EXAMPLE Get-BackupJobHistory -Device 12345 -Client 67890 -Job 54321 .EXAMPLE $job | Get-BackupJobHistory .EXAMPLE $job | Get-BackupJobHistory -StartTimeBegin (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) # This example returns history only for jobs starting less than 30 days ago .EXAMPLE $job | Get-BackupJobHistory -StartTimeBegin '2024-08-12' # This example returns history for jobs starting after August 12, 2024 00:00 .NOTES As of v0.4.0 this function utilizes pagination to ensure all results are returned. History is requested in sets of 1500. #> function Get-BackupJobHistory { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'device' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Device, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'client' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Client, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'job' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Job, [Parameter()] [Alias('starttime_begin')] [DateTime]$StartTimeBegin ) begin { $deviceParamID = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Device $clientParamID = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Client } process { $_jobId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Job $_clientId = $Job.client_id ?? $clientParamID $_deviceId = $Job.device_id ?? $deviceParamID Write-Debug "Get-BackupJobHistory: Client: $_clientId, Device: $_deviceId, Job: $_jobId" if ($null -eq $_jobId -or $null -eq $_clientId -or $null -eq $_deviceId) { Write-Error "Missing client ID, device ID, or job ID. All three are required and may be included in the Job object or specified as parameters." continue } $_endpoint = "client/$_clientId/device/$_deviceId/job/$_jobId/history" if ($StartTimeBegin) { $unixTimestamp = [int][double]::Parse((Get-Date $StartTimeBegin -UFormat %s)) $_endpoint += "?starttime_begin=$unixTimestamp" } else { $_endpoint += "?" } $offset = 0 do { Write-Debug "Pagination Offset: $offset" $thisPage = Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint "$_endpoint`&limit=1500&offset=$offset" -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'client_id' -Value $_clientId -Force -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'device_id' -Value $_deviceId -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'job_id' -Value $_jobId -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'job.history' -PassThru } $offset += $thisPage.Count $thisPage } while ($thisPage.Count -eq 1500) } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-BackupJobHistory.ps1' 92 #Region '.\Public\Get-Client.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves information on a client or clients .DESCRIPTION Retrieves information for for one or multiple clients, including client ID, name, health status, and device counters. Optionally basic information about the client's appliances can be included. .PARAMETER Client Client or clients to retrieve information for. Accepts one or more integer client IDs or objects. Parameter accepts from the pipeline. .PARAMETER IncludeAppliances Return basic information about appliances for this client. .INPUTS Accepts a Client object. .OUTPUTS Returns a Client object or array of Client objects. .EXAMPLE $clients = Get-Client PS > $clients.Count 42 .EXAMPLE $oneClientFreshData = Get-Client -Client $clients[0] # Returns updated client information .EXAMPLE $oneClientFreshData = $clients[0] | Get-Client -IncludeAppliances # Returns updated client information, now with basic appliance information .EXAMPLE $oneClient = Get-Client -Client 12345 PS > $ 12345 #> function Get-Client { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] [OutputType([PSCustomObject], [PSCustomObject[]])] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Client')] [Alias('Id')] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'client' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object[]]$Client, [Parameter()] [switch]$IncludeAppliances ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Client') { foreach ($thisClient in $Client) { $_id = Find-ObjectIdByReference $thisClient $_endpoint = "client/$_id" if ($IncludeAppliances) { $_endpoint += '?include_appliances=true' } Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint $_endpoint -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'client' -PassThru } } } else { $_endpoint = "client" if ($IncludeAppliances) { $_endpoint += '?include_appliances=true' } Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint $_endpoint -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'client' -PassThru } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-Client.ps1' 72 #Region '.\Public\Get-D2CAgentToken.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) agent token for a client and vault. .DESCRIPTION The Get-D2CAgentToken function retrieves a Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) agent token for a specified client and vault. This token is used for authenticating D2C agents with the Axcient cloud service. .PARAMETER Client Specifies the client for which to retrieve the D2C agent token. Can be a client ID (integer) or a client object with an 'id' property. .PARAMETER Vault Specifies the vault for which to retrieve the D2C agent token. Can be a vault ID (integer) or a vault object with an 'id' property. .PARAMETER PassThru If specified, adds the token_id as a property to the input Client object instead of returning a new object. .EXAMPLE Get-D2CAgentToken -Client 123 -Vault 456 This example retrieves a D2C agent token for client ID 123 and vault ID 456. .EXAMPLE $client | Get-D2CAgentToken -Vault 789 This example retrieves a D2C agent token for the client object in the pipeline and vault ID 789. .EXAMPLE Get-D2CAgentToken -Client $clientObj -Vault $vaultObj -PassThru This example retrieves a D2C agent token for the specified client and vault objects, and adds the token_id to the client object. .INPUTS [System.Object] You can pipe a client object to Get-D2CAgentToken. .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject] Returns a custom object with client_id, vault_id, token_id, and objectschema properties. #> function Get-D2CAgentToken { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'client' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object[]]$Client, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'vault' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Vault, [Parameter()] [switch]$PassThru ) begin { $vaultParamId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Vault } process { foreach ($C in $Client) { $clientParamId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $C $result = Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint "client/$clientParamId/vault/$vaultParamId/d2c_agent" -Method Post if ($result.token_id) { if ($PassThru -and $C -is [PSCustomObject] ) { $Client | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'd2c_token_id' -Value $result.token_id -Force -PassThru } else { [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ client_id = $clientParamId vault_id = $vaultParamId token_id = $result.token_id objectschema = 'd2c_agent_token' } } } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-D2CAgentToken.ps1' 80 #Region '.\Public\Get-Device.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves information about devices. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves information about protected devices, including agent status, version, IP Address, host OS, and more. You can specify by Client or Device. If no parameters are provided, the function returns all devices available under the authenticated account. .PARAMETER Client Client to retrieve a list of devices for. Accepts one or more integer client IDs or objects. You may pipe Client objects to this function. .PARAMETER Device A specific device or devices to retrieve information for. Accepts one or more integer device IDs or objects. .PARAMETER ServiceId The four-character service id for the desired device. Only available when specifying a client .PARAMETER D2COnly Return D2C devices only. Available when specifying a client Note: This parameter is ignored if ServiceId is specified .INPUTS Client objects .OUTPUTS A Device object or array of Device objects .EXAMPLE Get-Device # Returns a list of all devices available under the authenticated account. # Note: This parameter set paginates calls in offsets of 100 to retrieve all devices. .EXAMPLE $client | Get-Device # Returns a list of devices for the given client .EXAMPLE Get-Device -Client $client,$client2 # Returns a list of devices for two clients .EXAMPLE Get-Device -Device 12345 .EXAMPLE Get-Device -Device $myDevice #> function Get-Device { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] [OutputType([PSCustomObject], [PSCustomObject[]])] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Client')] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'client' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object[]]$Client, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Device')] [Alias('Id')] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'device' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object[]]$Device, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Client')] [Alias('service_id')] [ValidateLength(4,4)] [string]$ServiceId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Client')] [Alias('d2c_only')] [switch]$D2COnly ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Device') { foreach ($thisDevice in $Device) { $_deviceId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $thisDevice $_endpoint = "device/$_deviceId" Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint $_endpoint -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'device' -PassThru } } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Client') { foreach ($thisClient in $Client) { $_clientId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $thisClient $_endpoint = "client/$_clientId/device" If ($ServiceId -and $D2COnly) { Write-Warning -Message 'Only one of service_id and d2c_only may be specified. Ignoring d2c_only switch.' } if ($ServiceId) { $_endpoint += "?service_id=$ServiceId"} elseif ($D2COnly) { $_endpoint += "?d2c_only=true" } Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint $_endpoint -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'device' -PassThru } } } else { $offset = 0 do { Write-Debug "Pagination Offset: $offset" $thisPage = Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint "device?limit=100&offset=$offset" -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'device' -PassThru } $offset += $thisPage.Count $thisPage } while ($thisPage.Count -eq 100) } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-Device.ps1' 109 #Region '.\Public\Get-DeviceAutoVerify.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves auto-verify information for one or more devices. .DESCRIPTION Returns information about auto-verify tests. Each device returns an auto-verify object with one or more runs detailed. .PARAMETER Device The device or devices to retrieve auto-verify information. Accepts integer IDs or Device objects. Accepts from the pipeline. .INPUTS Device objects .OUTPUTS An Autoverify object or array of Autoverify objects. .EXAMPLE Get-DeviceAutoVerify -Device $device1, $device2 Retrieves auto-verify information for $device1 and $device2. .EXAMPLE $clientDevices | Get-DeviceAutoVerify Returns auto-verify information for all devices. #> function Get-DeviceAutoVerify { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject], [PSCustomObject[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'device' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object[]]$Device ) process { foreach ($thisDevice in $Device) { $_deviceId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $thisDevice Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint "device/$_deviceId/autoverify" -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'client_id' -Value $thisDevice.client_id -Force -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'device_id' -Value $ -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'device.autoverify' -PassThru } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-DeviceAutoVerify.ps1' 46 #Region '.\Public\Get-DeviceRestorePoint.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves restore points for a device. .DESCRIPTION For each specified device, returns an object with current status and a list of restore points. .PARAMETER Device One or more Device objects or integers to retrieve restore points for. .INPUTS Restore point object .OUTPUTS Restore point object or array of Restore point objects .EXAMPLE $devices = Get-Device PS > $restorePoints = $devices | Get-DeviceRestorePoint #> function Get-DeviceRestorePoint { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'device' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object[]]$Device ) process { foreach ($thisDevice in $Device) { $_deviceId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $thisDevice Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint "device/$_deviceId/restore_point" -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'client_id' -Value $thisDevice.client_id -Force -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'device_id' -Value $_deviceId -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'device.restorepoint' -PassThru } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-DeviceRestorePoint.ps1' 39 #Region '.\Public\Get-Organization.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves information about the partner organization. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves basic information about the partner organization related to the authenticating user API Key. .EXAMPLE Get-Organization id : 26 name : Spacely Sprockets active : True brand_id : SPACELY salesforce_id : reseller_salesforce_id #> function Get-Organization { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param() Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint 'organization' -Method Get | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'organization' -PassThru } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-Organization.ps1' 25 #Region '.\Public\Get-Vault.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Get information about vaults .DESCRIPTION Get information about a vaults related to an organization or on a specific vault. If requesting information for all vaults you can filter by type, state, and URL presence. .PARAMETER Vault Vault object or ID to retrieve information on. .PARAMETER Type Specifies the type of vaults to retrieve. Valid values are 'Private' and 'Cloud'. Returns both types if not specified. .PARAMETER Active Specifies whether to retrieve active vaults only. If set to $true, only active vaults will be retrieved. If set to $false, only inactive vaults will be retrieved. If not set, the result is not filtered by active state. .PARAMETER WithUrl Filter on presence of URL. If true, only vaults with a URL will be retrieved. If false, only vaults without a URL will be retrieved. If not set, the result is not filtered by URL presence. .PARAMETER Limit Specifies the maximum number of vaults to retrieve. .PARAMETER IncludeDevices Specifies whether to include devices associated with the vaults in the retrieved information. If set to $true, devices will be included. .EXAMPLE Get-Vault -Vault 12345 .EXAMPLE Get-Vault -Type 'Private' -Active $true -WithUrl $true -IncludeDevices $false .INPUTS Pipeline input is not accepted. .OUTPUTS Returns a Vault object or array of Vault objects [PSCustomObject],[PScustomObject[]] #> function Get-Vault { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Vault')] [Alias('Id')] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'vault' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Vault, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Alias('vault_type')] [ValidateSet('Private', 'Cloud')] [string]$Type, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [bool]$Active, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Alias('with_url')] [bool]$WithUrl, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [int]$Limit, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Alias('include_devices')] [bool]$IncludeDevices = $true ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Vault') { $_vaultId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Vault $_endpoint = "vault/$_vaultId" } else { $_queryParameters = @() if ($Type) { $_queryParameters += "type=$Type" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Active')) { $_queryParameters += "active=$Active" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WithUrl')) { $_queryParameters += "with_url=$WithUrl" } if ($Limit) { $_queryParameters += "limit=$Limit" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IncludeDevices')) { $_queryParameters += "include_devices=$IncludeDevices" } if ($_queryParameters) { $_endpoint = "vault?" + ($_queryParameters -join '&') } else { $_endpoint = "vault" } } Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint $_endpoint -Method Get | Foreach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'objectschema' -Value 'vault' -PassThru } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-Vault.ps1' 103 #Region '.\Public\Get-VaultThreshold.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a threshold value for a vault. .DESCRIPTION The Get-VaultThreshold function retrieves the threshold value for a specified vault. Currently the only threshold available is connectivity, in minutes. If additional thresholds become available in the future they will be added via the -Type parameter. By default returns a custom object for the threshold value. Provide a Vault object and specify -PassThru and it will return a Vault object with the vault_thresholds property populated. .PARAMETER Vault Specifies the vault for which to retrieve the threshold. This can be a vault ID (integer) or a vault object. .PARAMETER Type Specifies the type of threshold to retrieve. Currently, only 'Connectivity' is supported. .PARAMETER PassThru When specified, and when a vault object is provided as input, the function will return the input object with the threshold value added to it. .EXAMPLE Get-VaultThreshold -Vault 123 vault_id : 123 type : Connectivity threshold : 240 objectschema : vault.threshold .EXAMPLE $vault = $vault | Get-VaultThreshold -PassThru PS > $vault | select id, vault_thresholds id : 14536 vault_thresholds : @{connectivity_threshold=240} This example retrieves the threshold for the vault object in $vault and adds the threshold value to the vault object. .INPUTS [PSCustomObject] Accepts a Vault object from the pipeline .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject] A vault.threshold object or a Vault object .LINK Set-VaultThreshold .LINK Get-Vault #> function Get-VaultThreshold { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'vault' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Vault, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Connectivity')] [string]$Type = 'Connectivity', [Parameter()] [switch]$PassThru ) process { $vaultId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Vault $result = Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint "vault/$vaultId/threshold/$($Type.ToLower())" if ($Vault -is [PSCustomObject] -and $PassThru) { $newVault = $Vault.PSObject.Copy() if ($null -eq $newVault.vault_thresholds) { $newVault.vault_thresholds = [PSCustomObject]@{ connectivity_threshold = $result.threshold } } else { $newVault.vault_thresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name connectivity_threshold -Value $result.threshold } $newVault } else { [PSCustomObject]@{ vault_id = $vaultId type = 'Connectivity' threshold = $result.threshold objectschema = 'vault.threshold' } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-VaultThreshold.ps1' 96 #Region '.\Public\Initialize-AxcientAPI.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Sets API key, server URL, and error handling for AxcientAPI module functions. .DESCRIPTION Initialize-AxcientAPI sets the API key and server URL for AxcientAPI module functions. The API key is required for both production and mock environments. By default the production server URL is utilized. Use the -MockServer switch to specify the mock environment. .PARAMETER ApiKey API key to authenticate the connection. .PARAMETER MockServer Specifies whether to use the mock server for testing purposes. .PARAMETER ReturnErrors When set, module functions will return the error object if an API call fails. By default nothing is returned on failure. .EXAMPLE Initialize-AxcientAPI -ApiKey "imalumberjackandimokay" -MockServer -ReturnErrors .NOTES As of module version 0.3.0 and the July 2024 API release the error schema is not well-defined. The module attempts to return a consistent object of its own design. #> function Initialize-AxcientAPI { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ApiKey, [Parameter()] [switch]$MockServer, [Parameter()] [switch]$ReturnErrors ) $baseUrl = $MockServer ? '' : '' $Script:AxcientBaseUrl = $baseUrl $Script:AxcientApiKey = $ApiKey if ($ReturnErrors) { $Script:AxcientReturnErrors = $true } else { $Script:AxcientReturnErrors = $false } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Initialize-AxcientAPI.ps1' 44 #Region '.\Public\Set-VaultThreshold.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Sets a threshold value for a vault. .DESCRIPTION The Get-VaultThreshold function sets the threshold value for a specified vault. Currently the only threshold available is connectivity, in minutes. If additional thresholds become available in the future they will be added via the -Type parameter. By default returns a custom object for the threshold value. Provide a Vault object and specify -PassThru and it will return a Vault object with the vault_thresholds property populated. .PARAMETER Vault Specifies the vault for which to set the threshold. This can be a vault ID (integer) or a vault object. .PARAMETER Type Specifies the type of threshold to set. Currently, only 'Connectivity' is supported. .PARAMETER PassThru When specified, and when a vault object is provided as input, the function will return the input object with the updated threshold value added to it. .EXAMPLE Set-VaultThreshold -Vault 123 -ThresholdMinutes 120 vault_id : 123 type : Connectivity threshold : 120 objectschema : vault.threshold .EXAMPLE $vault = $vault | Get-VaultThreshold -ThresholdMinutes 120 -PassThru PS > $vault | select id, vault_thresholds id : 1454132 vault_thresholds : @{connectivity_threshold=120} This example updates the threshold and returns the new value within the vault object. .INPUTS [PSCustomObject] Accepts a Vault object from the pipeline .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject] A vault.threshold object or a Vault object .LINK Get-VaultThreshold #> function Set-VaultThreshold { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateScript({ Find-ObjectIdByReference -Reference $_ -Schema 'vault' -Validation }, ErrorMessage = 'Must be a positive integer or matching object' )] [object]$Vault, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [int]$ThresholdMinutes, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Connectivity')] [string]$Type = 'Connectivity', [Parameter()] [switch]$PassThru ) process { $vaultId = Find-ObjectIdByReference $Vault if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Vault ID $vaultId","Update $Type threshold to $ThresholdMinutes minutes")) { $result = Invoke-AxcientAPI -Endpoint "vault/$vaultId/threshold/$($Type.ToLower())" -Method Post -Body @{ 'threshold' = $ThresholdMinutes } if ($Vault -is [PSCustomObject] -and $PassThru) { $newVault = $Vault.PSObject.Copy() if ($null -eq $newVault.vault_thresholds) { $newVault.vault_thresholds = [PSCustomObject]@{ connectivity_threshold = $result.threshold } } else { $newVault.vault_thresholds | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name connectivity_threshold -Value $result.threshold } $newVault } else { [PSCustomObject]@{ vault_id = $vaultId type = 'Connectivity' threshold = $result.threshold objectschema = 'vault.threshold' } } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Set-VaultThreshold.ps1' 99 |