function Get-CosmosDocument { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a specific or all Documents from a specific Collection .DESCRIPTION Gets a specific or all Documents from a specific Collection in a specific Database .PARAMETER DatabaseName Name of the Database holding the Collection with the Documents you want .PARAMETER CollectionName The name of the Collection with the Documents you want .PARAMETER DocumentId The id of the document you want .PARAMETER All This switch returns all Documents in the Collection you specified in CollectionName .PARAMETER CosmosDBVariables This is the Script variable generated by Connect-CosmosDB - no need to supply this variable, unless you get really creative .EXAMPLE Get-CosmosDocument -All Returns all Documents in the Collection specified .EXAMPLE Get-CosmosDocument -DatabaseName MyPrivateCosmos -CollectionName Chaos -DocumentId 5598ae69-784f-40e6-bfdb-94d74b3706e7 .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Named')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Name of the Database containing the Document')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Name of the Collection containing the Document')] [string]$CollectionName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Named', Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Id of the Document')] [string]$DocumentId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='All')] [switch]$All, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Use Connect-CosmosDB to create this Variable collection")] [hashtable]$CosmosDBVariables=$Script:CosmosDBVariables ) begin { Test-CosmosDBVariable $CosmosDBVariables $Database = $Script:CosmosDBConnection[($DatabaseName + '_db')] if (-not $Database) { Write-Warning "$DatabaseName not found" continue } $Collection = $Script:CosmosDBConnection[$DatabaseName][$CollectionName] if (-not $Collection) { Write-Warning "$CollectionName not found" continue } } process { $Verb = 'GET' $Url = '{0}/{1}docs' -f $CosmosDBVariables['URI'],$Collection._self $ResourceType = 'docs' $Header = New-CosmosDBHeader -resourceId $Collection._rid -resourceType $ResourceType -Verb $Verb try { $Return = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -Headers $Header -Method $Verb -ErrorAction Stop if ($All) { $Return.Documents } if ($DocumentId) { $Return.Documents | Where-Object {$ -match $DocumentId} } } catch { Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message } } end { } } |