Import-Module AWSPowershell Import-Module AzureRM if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus').Type) { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" public enum EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus { Registered, ReadyToRegister, NotReadyToRegister, CannotRegister } "@ } # Converts a System.IO.MemoryStream to a base 64 string function ConvertTo-Base64FromMemoryStream { [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.IO.MemoryStream]$InputStream ) #$streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($InputStream) $InputStream.Position = 0 $base64Output = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($InputStream.ToArray()) return $base64Output } # Converts a string to a System.IO.MemoryStream function ConvertFrom-StringToMemoryStream { [OutputType([System.IO.MemoryStream])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$InputString ) $memoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $streamWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($memoryStream) $streamWriter.Write($InputString) $streamWriter.Flush() return $memoryStream } # Retrieves the first AWS encryption key on the account function Get-AwsEncryptionKeyId { param ( [string] $AccessKey, [string] $SecretKey, [string] $Region ) $keys = @() $keys += AWSPowershell\Get-KMSKeys -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region if (-not $keys -or $keys.Count -eq 0) { throw "There are no encryption keys available to encrypt the Azure Automation registration key. Please create an encryption key via the AWS console." } $keyId = $keys[0].KeyId return $keyId } # Converts a hashtable of protected settings to an encryted base 64 string using the AWS Key Management Service function ConvertTo-EncryptedProtectedSettingsString { [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$KeyId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$AccessKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$SecretKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Region, [Hashtable]$ProtectedSettings ) $encryptedProtectedSettings = $null if ($ProtectedSettings) { #Convert protected settings to JSON string $protectedSettingsJson = ConvertTo-Json $ProtectedSettings #Convert JSON string to memory stream $protectedSettingsMemoryStream = ConvertFrom-StringToMemoryStream $protectedSettingsJson #Get a key id if (-not $KeyId) { $KeyId = Get-AwsEncryptionKeyId -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion } #Encrypt memory stream $encryptedResponse = AWSPowershell\Invoke-KMSEncrypt -Plaintext $protectedSettingsMemoryStream -KeyId $keyId -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region #Convert response memory stream to base 64 $encryptedProtectedSettings = ConvertTo-Base64FromMemoryStream $encryptedResponse.CiphertextBlob -Verbose } return $encryptedProtectedSettings } # Converts a hashtable of configuration arguments to a string for AWS user data function ConvertTo-ConfigArgStringFromHashtable { [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Hashtable]$Hashtable ) if (-not $Hashtable) { return '@{}' } #Set up the beginning of the hashtable $hashtableString = '@{' #Process the hashtable arguments foreach ($key in $Hashtable.Keys) { if ($Hashtable[$key].GetType() -ieq "".GetType()) { #If the argument is a string, put single quotes around it $hashtableString += "$key = '$($Hashtable[$key])';" } elseif ($Hashtable[$key].GetType() -ieq @{}.GetType()) { #If the argument is a hashtable, recurse to convert that hashtable to a string as well $hashtableString += "$key = $(ConvertTo-ConfigArgStringFromHashtable $Hashtable[$key]);" } elseif ($Hashtable[$key].GetType() -ieq $true.GetType()) { #If the argument is a boolean, convert it to 1 or 0 if ($Hashtable[$key]) { $hashtableString += "$key = 1;" } else { $hashtableString += "$key = 0;" } } else { #Otherwise, leave the argument as is $hashtableString += "$key = $($Hashtable[$key]);" } } #Set up the end of the hashtable $hashtableString = $hashtableString.TrimEnd(';') + '}' return $hashtableString } # Waits for the EC2 Instance with the given instance ID to reach the desired state function Invoke-WaitForEC2InstanceState { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$InstanceId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$DesiredState, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$AccessKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$SecretKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Region ) $instance = AWSPowershell\Get-EC2Instance $InstanceId -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region #Wait until the instance is in the desired state while ($instance.RunningInstance.State.Name -ne $DesiredState) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Instance state is $($instance.RunningInstance.State.Name). Waiting for 10 seconds..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 $instance = AWSPowershell\Get-EC2Instance $InstanceId -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region } } # Returns base-64 encoded user data to install the desired configuration through the DSC extension on an AWS VM function Get-AwsDscUserData { [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ConfigurationSpecified', Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ConfigurationUrl, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ConfigurationSpecified', Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ConfigurationScript, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ConfigurationSpecified', Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ConfigurationFunction, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ConfigurationSpecified')] [Hashtable]$ConfigurationArguments, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ConfigurationSpecified')] [Hashtable]$ProtectedConfigurationArguments, [string]$ExtensionVersion = '', [string]$WmfVersion = 'latest', [string]$KeyId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$AccessKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$SecretKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Region ) Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Generating user data..." #AWS Bootstrapper download info $extensionDownloadUrl = '' $extensionFileLocation = 'C:\AWSDSCBootstrapper.ps1' #Convert public arguments to a string so that the AWS agent will process the command correctly $configurationArgumentsString = ConvertTo-ConfigArgStringFromHashtable $ConfigurationArguments #Configure and encrypt protected arguments $protectedSettingsContainer = @{ configurationArguments = $ProtectedConfigurationArguments } $encryptedProtectedArguments = ConvertTo-EncryptedProtectedSettingsString -ProtectedSettings $protectedSettingsContainer -KeyId $KeyId -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region #Create the user data with given config and arguments Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Creating user data..." $userData = @" <powershell> (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('$extensionDownloadUrl', '$extensionFileLocation') powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command "& {$extensionFileLocation -WMFVersion $WmfVersion -ConfigurationURL '$ConfigurationUrl' -ConfigurationScript '$ConfigurationScript' -ConfigurationFunction '$ConfigurationFunction' -ConfigurationArguments $configurationArgumentsString -EncryptedProtectedArguments '$encryptedProtectedArguments' -ExtensionVersion '$ExtensionVersion'}" </powershell> <persist>true</persist> <runAsLocalSystem>false</runAsLocalSystem> "@ #Convert user data to base 64 Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Encoding user data..." $userDataBase64Encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($userData)) return $userDataBase64Encoded } # Tests whether or not Azure credentials are defined. If not, prompts log in. function Test-AzureRmCredential { param () # Check for Azure login try { AzureRM.Profile\Get-AzureRmContext | Out-Null } catch { AzureRM.Profile\Add-AzureRmAccount | Out-Null } } # Tests whether or not AWS credentials are defined. function Test-AwsCredential { param ( [string]$AwsProfile ) # Check for AWS credentials try { AWSPowershell\Get-AWSCredentials -ProfileName $AwsProfile | Out-Null } catch { throw "No AWS credentials found under the profile '$AwsProfile'. Please follow the guide here to log in to your AWS account:" } } # If a region is provided, sets the AWS default region. Otherwise, checks if the AWS default region has already been set. function Test-AwsRegion { param ( [string]$AwsRegion ) # Check for AWS region if (-not $AwsRegion -and -not (AWSPowershell\Get-DefaultAWSRegion)) { throw "No default AWS region. Please specify an AWS region or follow the guide here to set your default region:" } } # Invokes the given user data on the specified instance function Invoke-UserDataOnEC2Instance { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$InstanceId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$UserData, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$AccessKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$SecretKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Region ) Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Running command to set persist flag for user data..." #Send a run command to enable user data to run the next time the machine boots up $setPersistFlagCommand = @' $EC2SettingsFile="C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Settings\Config.xml" $xml = [xml](get-content $EC2SettingsFile) $xmlElement = $xml.get_DocumentElement() $xmlElementToModify = $xmlElement.Plugins foreach ($element in $xmlElementToModify.Plugin) { if ($ -eq "Ec2SetPassword") { $element.State="Enabled" } elseif ($ -eq "Ec2HandleUserData") { $element.State="Enabled" } } $xml.Save($EC2SettingsFile) '@ $runPSCommand = AWSPowershell\Send-SSMCommand ` -InstanceId $InstanceId ` -DocumentName 'AWS-RunPowerShellScript' ` -Comment 'Set persist flag for user data' ` -Parameter @{'commands' = @($setPersistFlagCommand)} ` -AccessKey $AccessKey ` -SecretKey $SecretKey ` -Region $Region #Wait until the command has succeeded while ($runPSCommand.Status -ne "Success") { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Command status is $($runPSCommand.Status). Waiting for 10 seconds..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 $runPSCommand = AWSPowershell\Get-SSMCommand -CommandId $runPSCommand.CommandId -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region if ($runPSCommand.Status -eq 'TimedOut') { throw "The AWS Run-Command has timed out." } } #Stop the instance Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Stopping instance..." AWSPowershell\Stop-EC2Instance -Instance $InstanceId -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region | Out-Null #Wait until the instance stops Invoke-WaitForEC2InstanceState -InstanceId $InstanceId -DesiredState 'stopped' -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region #Set the user data Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Editting user data..." AWSPowershell\Edit-EC2InstanceAttribute -InstanceId $InstanceId -UserData $UserData -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region #Start the instance again Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Starting instance..." AWSPowershell\Start-EC2Instance -InstanceId $InstanceId -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region | Out-Null #Wait until the instance is running Invoke-WaitForEC2InstanceState -InstanceId $InstanceId -DesiredState 'running' -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Azure Automation onboarding is running remotely. You should see your AWS VM in Azure Automation as a DSC Node soon." } # Retrieves the Azure Automation resource group for an Azure Automation account function Get-AzureAutomationResourceGroup { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $AzureAutomationAccountName ) $accounts = AzureRM.Automation\Get-AzureRmAutomationAccount $matchingAccounts = @() foreach ($account in $accounts) { if ($account.AutomationAccountName -eq $AzureAutomationAccountName) { $matchingAccounts += $account } } if ($matchingAccounts.Count -eq 0) { throw "Azure Automation account $AzureAutomationAccountName not found." } elseif ($matchingAccounts.Count -gt 1) { throw "Multiple Azure Automation accounts found with the name $AzureAutomationAccountName. Please specify AzureAutomationResourceGroup." } return $matchingAccounts[0].ResourceGroupName } # Gives an IAM instance profile access to an encryption key function Set-IAMInstanceProfileEncryptionKeyAccess { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$RoleArn, [string]$KeyId, # AWS info [string]$AwsRegion, [string]$AwsAccessKey, [string]$AwsSecretKey ) #Give new custom instance profile access to encryption keys $keyPolicyInsert = @" , { "Sid": "Allow use of the key", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "$RoleArn" }, "Action": [ "kms:Encrypt", "kms:Decrypt", "kms:ReEncrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey*", "kms:DescribeKey" ], "Resource": "*" } ] } "@ if (-not $KeyId) { $KeyId = Get-AwsEncryptionKeyId -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion } $keyPolicies = @() $keyPolicies += AWSPowershell\Get-KMSKeyPolicies -KeyId $KeyId -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion if ($keyPolicies -and $keyPolicies.Count -gt 0) { $keyPolicyName = $keyPolicies[0] } $keyPolicy = AWSPowershell\Get-KMSKeyPolicy -KeyId $KeyId -PolicyName $keyPolicyName -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion $modifiedKeyPolicy = $keyPolicy.Remove($keyPolicy.LastIndexOf(']'), $keyPolicy.Length - $keyPolicy.LastIndexOf(']')) + $keyPolicyInsert if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($KeyId)) { AWSPowershell\Write-KMSKeyPolicy -KeyId $KeyId -PolicyName $keyPolicyName -Policy $modifiedKeyPolicy -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion | Out-Null } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an AWS EC2 instance profile for registering an EC2 instance to Azure Automation. .DESCRIPTION This function creates a new EC2 instance profile with a new IAM role of either the same name as the instance profile or of the name specified by the role name parameter. The instance profile will be given access to the first IAM encryption key it can find or the key specified by the KeyId parameter. If the ExistingInstance flag is present, the role will also be given permission to use the AWS SSM Run Command feature which is needed to register existing instances. Please note that you cannot assign an IAM role to an EC2 instance that was not created with one. .PARAMETER Name The name of the instance profile. .PARAMETER RoleName The name of the new role that will be added to the instance profile. By default, this is the same as the name given by the Name parameter. .PARAMETER ExistingInstance A flag indicating that this instance should be modified to register an existing instance. The function will then give the instance profile permission to use the AWS SSM Run Command feature. .PARAMETER KeyId The id of the encryption key to give the instance profile access to. .PARAMETER AwsRegion The AWS region in which to run all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsAccessKey The AWS access key to use when running all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsSecretKey The AWS secret key to use when running all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsProfile The name of an AWS credentials profile to use when running all AWS commands. The default value is 'default'. .EXAMPLE # Create a valid IAM instance profile for a new instance $instanceProfileName = 'MyInstanceProfile' $instanceProfile = Set-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $instanceProfileName .EXAMPLE # Modify an existing IAM instance profile to be valid to register a new instance $existingInstanceProfileName = 'MyExistingInstanceProfile' Set-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $existingInstanceProfileName .EXAMPLE # Modify an existing IAM instance profile to be valid to register an existing instance $existingInstanceProfileName = 'MyExistingInstanceProfile' Set-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $existingInstanceProfileName -ExistingInstance .OUTPUTS Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.InstanceProfile #> function Set-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name, [string]$RoleName, [switch]$ExistingInstance, [string]$KeyId, # AWS info [string]$AwsRegion, [string]$AwsAccessKey, [string]$AwsSecretKey, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$AwsProfile = 'default' ) # Test for AWS credentials if (-not ($AwsAccessKey -and $AwsSecretKey)) { Test-AwsCredential -AwsProfile $AwsProfile | Out-Null $profileCredentials = (AWSPowershell\Get-AWSCredentials $AwsProfile).GetCredentials() $AwsAccessKey = $profileCredentials.AccessKey $AwsSecretKey = $profileCredentials.SecretKey } # Test for AWS region Test-AwsRegion -AwsRegion $AwsRegion | Out-Null if (-not $AwsRegion) { $AwsRegion = AWSPowershell\Get-DefaultAWSRegion } # Test if the instance exists try { $instanceProfile = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName $Name -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion } catch { $instanceProfile = $null } # If the instance exists, test if it already has access if ($instanceProfile) { if ($ExistingInstance) { $alreadySet = Test-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $Name -ExistingInstance -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion } else { $alreadySet = Test-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $Name -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion } if ($alreadySet) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) This instance profile is already set for registration." return $instanceProfile } else { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) This instance profile is not set for registration. Modifying now..." } } $roleTrustPolicyDocument = '{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"Service": ""}, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } }' $managedRolePolicyArn = 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM' if (-not $RoleName) { $RoleName = $Name } # Create a new custom instance profile if (-not $instanceProfile) { Write-Verbose "Creating new IAM instance profile..." $instanceProfile = AWSPowershell\New-IAMInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName $Name -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion } $role = $null if ($instanceProfile.Roles -and $instanceProfile.Roles.Count -gt 0) { try { $role = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMRole -RoleName $RoleName -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion } catch { $role = $null } } if (-not $role) { Write-Verbose "Creating new IAM role..." $role = AWSPowershell\New-IAMRole -RoleName $RoleName -AssumeRolePolicyDocument $roleTrustPolicyDocument -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion Write-Verbose "Adding IAM role to IAM instance profile..." AWSPowershell\Add-IAMRoleToInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName $instanceProfile.InstanceProfileName -RoleName $role.RoleName -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Waiting for 10 seconds while permissions propogate..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } if ($ExistingInstance -and -not (Test-IAMInstanceProfileRunCommandPermission -Name $Name -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion)) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($role.RoleName)) { Register-IAMRolePolicy -RoleName $role.RoleName -PolicyArn $managedRolePolicyArn -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion } } Write-Verbose "Retrieving updated IAM instance profile..." $instanceProfile = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName $Name -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion $role = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMRole -RoleName $RoleName -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion while (-not $instanceProfile -or -not $instanceProfile.Roles -or -not ($instanceProfile.Roles | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Where-Object { $_.Arn -eq $role.Arn })) { Write-Verbose "IAM instance profile is still propogating. Waiting 5 seconds..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $instanceProfile = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName $Name -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion } if (-not (Test-IAMInstanceProfileEncryptionKeyAccess -Name $Name -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion)) { Set-IAMInstanceProfileEncryptionKeyAccess -RoleArn $role.Arn -KeyId $KeyId -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion } return $instanceProfile } <# .SYNOPSIS Registers a new or existing AWS EC2 Instance as an Azure Automation DSC Node. .DESCRIPTION This method registers a new or existing AWS EC2 instance to Azure Automation as a DSC Node. To create and register a new EC2 instance use the New flag. Then specify parameters as you normally would when calling New-EC2Instance. When the New flag is set, this cmdlet acts as a proxy for New-EC2Instance. To register an existing instance, use the InstanceId parameter. Not all EC2Instances can be registered using this cmdlet. Please use the Test-EC2InstanceRegistration cmdlet to test whether your instance can be registered or not. .PARAMETER AzureAutomationAccount The name of the Azure Automation account you would like to register an instance with. If there is more than one Azure Automation account with the same name, you will also need to define the AzureAutomationResourceGroup parameter to specify which one you would like to use. .PARAMETER AzureAutomationResourceGroup The name of the Azure Automation resource group that contains the Azure Automation account specified by AzureAutomationAccount. .PARAMETER NodeConfigurationName The DSC configuration already uploaded to your Azure Automation account that should be applied to this instance. .PARAMETER ConfigurationMode The DSC configuration mode to apply to this instance. The default is 'ApplyAndMonitor'. .PARAMETER ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins The frequency in minutes of how often to update the DSC configuration mode for this instance. The default is 15 minutes. .PARAMETER RefreshFrequencyMins The frequency in minutes of how often to update the DSC configuration for this instance. The default is 30 minutes. .PARAMETER RebootNodeIfNeeded A boolean indicating to DSC whether or not to reboot the VM if it is needed. This will only be effective after registration is complete. The default is false. .PARAMETER AllowModuleOverwrite A boolean indicating to DSC whether or not overwriting modules is allowed. The default is false. .PARAMETER ActionAfterReboot The action that DSC should take after a reboot. This will only be effective after registration is complete. The default is 'ContinueConfiguration'. .PARAMETER DscBootstrapperVersion The version of the DSC bootstrapper that will register your VM. The default is ''. .PARAMETER WmfVersion The version of WMF to install on your VM. Possible values are 4.0, 5.0, and latest.The default is latest. .PARAMETER AwsEncryptionKeyId The AWS encryption key id to use to encrypt the Azure Automation registration key. .PARAMETER AwsRegion The AWS region in which to run all AWS commands. You can also use Set-DefaultAWSRegion to set the default region for your session. .PARAMETER AwsAccessKey The AWS access key to use when running all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsSecretKey The AWS secret key to use when running all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsProfile The name of an AWS credentials profile to use when running all AWS commands. The default profile is 'default'. To see the list of your AWS profiles, use AWSPowershell\Get-AWSCredentials -ListProfiles. .PARAMETER InstanceId The instance id of the existing EC2 Instance you would like to register. Not all existing instances can be registered. Please use the Test-EC2InstanceRegistration cmdlet to test if an existing instance can be registered. .PARAMETER New A switch parameter that indicates you would like to create and register a new EC2 instance. If you are creating a new instance, you must specify a valid IAM role and a valid security group for the instance to register successfully. .PARAMETER ImageId This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. If this parameter is not specified, the function will install the most recent version of the AWS image with the name 'WINDOWS_2012R2_BASE'. .PARAMETER AssociatePublicIp This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER MinCount This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER MaxCount This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER KeyName This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. You may not be able to connect to your new instance if you do not specify this parameter. .PARAMETER SecurityGroup This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER SecurityGroupId This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER InstanceType This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. By default, this function will create t2.micro instances. .PARAMETER AvailabilityZone This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER PlacementGroup This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER Tenancy This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER KernelId This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER RamdiskId This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER BlockDeviceMapping This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER Monitoring_Enabled This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER SubnetId This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER DisableApiTermination This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER PrivateIpAddress This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER ClientToken This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER NetworkInterface This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER EbsOptimized This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER InstanceProfile_Arn This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER InstanceProfile_Name This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER AdditionalInfo This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .PARAMETER Force This parameter is passed directly to the New-EC2Instance cmdlet. See help for New-EC2Instance for more information on this parameter. .EXAMPLE # Register a new instance # Create a valid security group or supply the name of an exisitng one $securityGroupName = 'MySecurityGroup' New-EC2SecurityGroup -GroupName $securityGroupName -Description 'Security group for registration to Azure Automation' # Create a valid IAM instance profile for a new instance $instanceProfileName = 'MyInstanceProfile' $instanceProfile = Set-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $instanceProfileName # OR # Test that an existing IAM instance profile is valid to register a new instance Test-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $instanceProfileName # AND # Modify an existing IAM instance profile to be valid to register a new instance Set-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $instanceProfileName # Get the image id of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to use - By default the cmdlet will create a VM with the most recent version of 'WINDOWS_2012R2_BASE' $imageName = 'WINDOWS_2012R2_BASE' $imageId = $(Get-EC2ImageByName -Name $imageName).ImageId # Choose an instance type - By default the cmdlet will create a t2.micro instance. $instanceType = 't2.micro' $keyPairName = 'MyKeyPair' $azureAutomationAccountName = 'MyAzureAutomationAccount' Register-EC2Instance ` -AzureAutomationAccount $azureAutomationAccountName ` -New ` -ImageId $imageId ` -KeyName $keyPairName ` -SecurityGroup $securityGroupName ` -InstanceType $instanceType ` -InstanceProfile_Name $instanceProfile.InstanceProfileName .EXAMPLE # Register an existing instance $azureAutomationAccountName = 'MyAzureAutomationAccount' $existingInstanceId = 'MyExistingInstanceId' Register-EC2Instance -AzureAutomationAccount $azureAutomationAccountName -InstanceId $existingInstanceId .LINK New-EC2Instance Test-EC2InstanceRegistration Set-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration Test-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration .OUTPUTS Amazon.EC2.Model.Reservation #> function Register-EC2Instance { [OutputType([Amazon.EC2.Model.Reservation])] [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] param( #--- Required parameters --- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $AzureAutomationAccount, #--- Azure Automation parameters --- [string] $AzureAutomationResourceGroup, #--- Azure Automation registration configuration parameters --- [string] $NodeConfigurationName = '', [string] $ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyAndMonitor', [int] $ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = 15, [int] $RefreshFrequencyMins = 30, [boolean] $RebootNodeIfNeeded = $false, [boolean] $AllowModuleOverwrite = $false, [string] $ActionAfterReboot = 'ContinueConfiguration', #--- DSC bootstrapper info parameters --- [string] $DscBootstrapperVersion = '', [string] $WmfVersion = 'latest', [string] $AwsEncryptionKeyId, #--- AWS credentials parameters --- [string] $AwsRegion, [string] $AwsAccessKey, [string] $AwsSecretKey, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $AwsProfile = 'default', #--- Existing instance parameters --- [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$InstanceId, #--- New instance parameters --- [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'New')] [switch] $New, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] ${ImageId}, [System.Nullable[bool]] ${AssociatePublicIp}, [int] ${MinCount}, [int] ${MaxCount}, [string] ${KeyName}, [Alias('SecurityGroups')] [string[]] ${SecurityGroup}, [Alias('SecurityGroupIds')] [string[]] ${SecurityGroupId}, [string] ${InstanceType} = 't2.micro', [Alias('Placement_AvailabilityZone')] [string] ${AvailabilityZone}, [Alias('Placement_GroupName')] [string] ${PlacementGroup}, [Alias('Placement_Tenancy')] [string] ${Tenancy}, [string] ${KernelId}, [string] ${RamdiskId}, [Amazon.EC2.Model.BlockDeviceMapping[]] ${BlockDeviceMapping}, [System.Nullable[bool]] ${Monitoring_Enabled}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] ${SubnetId}, [System.Nullable[bool]] ${DisableApiTermination}, [string] ${InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior}, [string] ${PrivateIpAddress}, [string] ${ClientToken}, [Alias('NetworkInterfaceSet,NetworkInterfaces')] [Amazon.EC2.Model.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification[]] ${NetworkInterface}, [System.Nullable[bool]] ${EbsOptimized}, [string] ${InstanceProfile_Arn}, [Alias('InstanceProfile_Id')] [string] ${InstanceProfile_Name}, [string] ${AdditionalInfo}, [switch] ${Force} ) dynamicparam { $command = Get-Command New-EC2Instance -Module AWSPowerShell -CommandType Cmdlet $dynamicParams = @($command.Parameters.GetEnumerator() | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Where-Object { $_.Value.IsDynamic }) if ($dynamicParams.Length -gt 0) { $paramDictionary = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new() foreach ($param in $dynamicParams) { $param = $param.Value if(-not $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.ContainsKey($param.Name)) { $dynParam = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new($param.Name, $param.ParameterType, $param.Attributes) $paramDictionary.Add($param.Name, $dynParam) } } return $paramDictionary } } begin { $outBuffer = $null if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) { $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1 } # If both the instance id and the new flag are set, throw an error if ($InstanceId -and $New) { throw 'Cannot register an existing instance and a new instance at the same time.' } # If neither the instance id nor the new flag are set, throw an error if (-not $InstanceId -and -not $New) { throw 'Either the new flag or an existing instance id must be specified.' } # If AWS credential keys are not provided, get them from the profile if (-not ($AwsAccessKey -and $AwsSecretKey)) { Test-AwsCredential -AwsProfile $AwsProfile | Out-Null $profileCredentials = (AWSPowershell\Get-AWSCredentials $AwsProfile).GetCredentials() $AwsAccessKey = $profileCredentials.AccessKey $AwsSecretKey = $profileCredentials.SecretKey } # Check for the AWS region Test-AwsRegion -AwsRegion $AwsRegion | Out-Null if (-not $AwsRegion) { $AwsRegion = AWSPowershell\Get-DefaultAWSRegion } # Check for Azure credentials Test-AzureRmCredential | Out-Null # Retrieve the specified Azure Automation account and its resource group Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Retrieving Azure Automation account $AzureAutomationAccount..." if (-not $AzureAutomationResourceGroup) { $AzureAutomationResourceGroup = Get-AzureAutomationResourceGroup -AzureAutomationAccountName $AzureAutomationAccount } $automationAccount = AzureRM.Automation\Get-AzureRmAutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $AzureAutomationResourceGroup -Name $AzureAutomationAccount # Gather registration info from Azure Automation account Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Gathering Azure Automation registration info..." $registrationInfo = $automationAccount | AzureRM.Automation\Get-AzureRmAutomationRegistrationInfo # Set up Azure Automation configuration info Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Setting up Azure Automation registration configuration..." $azureAutomationConfigurationUrl = '' $azureAutomationConfigurationScript = 'RegistrationMetaConfigV2.ps1' $azureAutomationConfigurationFunction = 'RegistrationMetaConfigV2' $azureAutomationConfigArgs = @{ RegistrationUrl = $registrationInfo.Endpoint NodeConfigurationName = $NodeConfigurationName ConfigurationMode = $ConfigurationMode ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = $ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins RefreshFrequencyMins = $RefreshFrequencyMins RebootNodeIfNeeded = $RebootNodeIfNeeded ActionAfterReboot = $ActionAfterReboot AllowModuleOverwrite = $AllowModuleOverwrite } $azureAutomationProtectedConfigArgs = @{ RegistrationKey = @{ UserName = 'notused' Password = $registrationInfo.PrimaryKey } } # Generate the user data to run the DSC boostrapper with the Azure Automation registration configuration if (-not $DscBootstrapperVersion) { $DscBootstrapperVersion = '' } Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Creating Azure Automation registration encoded user data..." $userData = Get-AwsDscUserData ` -ConfigurationUrl $azureAutomationConfigurationUrl ` -ConfigurationScript $azureAutomationConfigurationScript ` -ConfigurationFunction $azureAutomationConfigurationFunction ` -ConfigurationArguments $azureAutomationConfigArgs ` -ProtectedConfigurationArguments $azureAutomationProtectedConfigArgs ` -ExtensionVersion $DscBootstrapperVersion ` -KeyId $AwsEncryptionKeyId ` -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey ` -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey ` -Region $AwsRegion # Add user data parameter $PSBoundParameters.Add('UserData', $userData) if ($New) { # If no image ID, set a default image ID if (-not $ImageId) { $defaultImageName = 'WINDOWS_2012R2_BASE' Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) No image ID specified. Retrieving image ID for $defaultImageName..." $image = AWSPowershell\Get-EC2ImageByName -Name $defaultImageName -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion $imageIdFromName = $image.ImageId $PSBoundParameters.Add('ImageId', $imageIdFromName) } # If no instance type, set a default instance type if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InstanceType')) { $defaultInstanceType = 't2.micro' Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) No instance type specified. Setting instance type to $defaultInstanceType..." $PSBoundParameters.Add('InstanceType', $defaultInstanceType) } # Add AWS credential parameters $PSBoundParameters.Add('AccessKey', $AwsAccessKey) $PSBoundParameters.Add('SecretKey', $AwsSecretKey) $PSBoundParameters.Add('Region', $AwsRegion) # Remove extra parameters $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AzureAutomationResourceGroup') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AzureAutomationAccount') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('NodeConfigurationName') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ConfigurationMode') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('RefreshFrequencyMins') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('RebootNodeIfNeeded') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AllowModuleOverwrite') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ActionAfterReboot') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('DscBootstrapperVersion') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AwsEncryptionKeyId') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('New') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AwsAccessKey') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AwsSecretKey') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AwsRegion') | Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AwsProfile') | Out-Null $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('AWSPowerShell\New-EC2Instance', [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet) if ($PSBoundParameters['UseTab']) { $PSBoundParameters.Remove('UseTab') | Out-Null If ($PSBoundParameters['Delimiter']) { $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Delimiter') | Out-Null } $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters -Delimiter "`t"} } else { $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters } } $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($myInvocation.CommandOrigin) $steppablePipeline.Begin($PSCmdlet) } } process { if ($New) { # Run the proxy command (New-EC2Instance) $steppablePipeline.Process($_) } else { $instance = Get-EC2Instance -Instance $InstanceId -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion if ($instance) { # Run the command to register an existing instance Invoke-UserDataOnEC2Instance ` -InstanceId $InstanceId ` -UserData $userData ` -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey ` -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey ` -Region $AwsRegion } else { throw "There is no EC2 instance with the id $InstanceId." } return $instance } } end { if ($New) { $steppablePipeline.End() } } } # Tests if an IAM instance profile has permission to use Run Command function Test-IAMInstanceProfileRunCommandPermission { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name, # AWS info [string]$AwsRegion, [string]$AwsAccessKey, [string]$AwsSecretKey ) $instanceProfile = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName $Name -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion # Check for Run Command permissions $instanceRoles = @() $instanceRoles += $instanceProfile.Roles $instanceRoleArns = @() $attachedPolicyAccess = $false $inlinePolicyAccess = $false foreach ($instanceRole in $instanceRoles) { $instanceRoleArns += $instanceRole.Arn $attachedPolicies = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMAttachedRolePolicies -RoleName $instanceRole.RoleName -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion $inlinePolicies = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMRolePolicies -RoleName $instanceRole.RoleName -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion # If this is one of the named managed policies, check the name if ($attachedPolicies) { foreach ($attachedPolicy in $attachedPolicies) { if ($attachedPolicy.PolicyArn -eq 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM') { $attachedPolicyAccess = $true break } } } # If there was not a valid managed policy, check the inline policies if (-not $attachedPolicyAccess -and $inlinePolicies) { foreach ($inlinePolicy in $inlinePolicies) { $inlineRolePolicy = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMRolePolicy -PolicyName $inlinePolicy -RoleName $instanceRole.RoleName -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.web") |Out-Null $urlDecodedPolicyDocument = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($inlineRolePolicy.PolicyDocument) $ec2InstanceRolePolicy = ConvertFrom-Json $urlDecodedPolicyDocument $statementActionsNeeded = @( "ssm:DescribeAssociation", "ssm:GetDocument", "ssm:ListAssociations", "ssm:UpdateAssociationStatus", "ssm:UpdateInstanceInformation", "ec2messages:AcknowledgeMessage", "ec2messages:DeleteMessage", "ec2messages:FailMessage", "ec2messages:GetEndpoint", "ec2messages:GetMessages", "ec2messages:SendReply", "ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus" ) $roleStatementActions = @() foreach ($statement in $ec2InstanceRolePolicy.Statement) { if ($statement.Effect -eq 'Allow' -and $statement.Resource -eq '*') { $roleStatementActions += $statement.Action } } $inlinePolicyAccess = $true foreach ($statementAction in $statementActionsNeeded) { if (-not $roleStatementActions.Contains($statementAction)) { $inlinePolicyAccess = $false break } } } } } return ($attachedPolicyAccess -or $inlinePolicyAccess) } # Tests if an IAM profile has access to an AWS encryption key function Test-IAMInstanceProfileEncryptionKeyAccess { [OutputType([System.Boolean])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name, # AWS info [string]$AwsRegion, [string]$AwsAccessKey, [string]$AwsSecretKey ) Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Checking for encryption key access..." # Retrieve the ARNs of each of the instance's roles $instanceProfile = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName $Name -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion $instanceRoles = @() $instanceRoles += $instanceProfile.Roles $instanceRoleArns = @() foreach ($instanceRole in $instanceRoles) { $instanceRoleArns += $instanceRole.Arn } # Retrieve the AWS encryption keys Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Retrieving encryption keys..." $keys = AWSPowershell\Get-KMSKeys -AccessKey $AccessKey -SecretKey $SecretKey -Region $Region if (-not $keys -or $keys.Count -lt 1) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) There are no AWS encryption keys available to this user." } # Check each key policy for permissions for the instance's role(s) foreach ($key in $keys) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Checking key ($($key.KeyId)) for policy with role access permssions..." $keyPolicyNames = AWSPowershell\Get-KMSKeyPolicies -KeyId $key.KeyId -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion foreach ($keyPolicyName in $keyPolicyNames) { $keyPolicyString = AWSPowershell\Get-KMSKeyPolicy -KeyId $key.KeyId -PolicyName $keyPolicyName -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion $keyPolicy = ConvertFrom-Json $keyPolicyString foreach ($statement in $keyPolicy.Statement) { if ($statement.Effect -eq 'Allow' -and $statement.Principal.AWS -and $instanceRoleArns -contains $statement.Principal.AWS) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Encryption key access found." return $true } } } } return $false } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests whether an IAM Instance Profile has the correct permissions to allow the EC2 instance assigned to it to register with Azure Automation. .DESCRIPTION This function tests whether an IAM Instance Profile has the correct permissions to allow the EC2 instance assigned to it to register with Azure Automation. By default, this function only checks if the instance profile is valid to register a new instance. Please use the ExistingInstance flag to check if it is valid to register an existing instance. .PARAMETER Name The name of the IAM instance profile to test. .PARAMETER ExistingInstance A flag indicating that this instance profile will be used to register an existing instance. The function will then check that the instance profile has permissions to use Run Command. .PARAMETER AwsRegion The AWS region in which to run all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsAccessKey The AWS access key to use when running all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsSecretKey The AWS secret key to use when running all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsProfile The name of an AWS credentials profile to use when running all AWS commands. The default value is 'default'. .EXAMPLE # Test that an existing IAM instance profile is valid to register a new instance Test-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $instanceProfileName .EXAMPLE # Test that an existing IAM instance profile is valid to register an existing instance $existingInstanceProfileName = 'MyExistingInstanceProfile' Test-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration -Name $existingInstanceProfileName -ExistingInstance .OUTPUTS System.Boolean #> function Test-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration { [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name, [switch]$ExistingInstance, # AWS info [string]$AwsRegion, [string]$AwsAccessKey, [string]$AwsSecretKey, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$AwsProfile = 'default' ) $instanceProfile = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMInstanceProfile -InstanceProfileName $Name -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion $runCommandPermission = $false if ($ExistingInstance) { $runCommandPermission = Test-IAMInstanceProfileRunCommandPermission -Name $Name -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion } $encryptionKeyAccess = Test-IAMInstanceProfileEncryptionKeyAccess -Name $Name -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion return ($encryptionKeyAccess -and (-not $ExistingInstance -or $runCommandPermission)) } # Tests if an EC2 instance is registered with Azure Automation function Test-EC2InstanceRegistered { param ( # Required parameters [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$InstanceId, # Azure info [string]$AzureAutomationAccount, [string]$AzureAutomationResourceGroup, # AWS info [string]$AwsRegion, [string]$AwsAccessKey, [string]$AwsSecretKey ) #Test Azure credentials Test-AzureRmCredential | Out-Null $instanceReservation = AWSPowershell\Get-EC2Instance $InstanceId -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Checking for instance registration..." # If an Azure Automation resource group was not provided, find the resource group for the given account if (-not $AzureAutomationResourceGroup) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Retrieving Azure Automation resource group for account $AzureAutomationAccount..." $AzureAutomationResourceGroup = Get-AzureAutomationResourceGroup -AzureAutomationAccountName $AzureAutomationAccount } # Check if the instance's IP address matches an IP address in the Azure Automation account's DSC nodes Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Retrieving AWS VM IP address..." $vmIpAddress = $instanceReservation.Instances[0].PrivateIpAddress Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Retrieving Azure Automation DSC nodes..." $dscNodes = AzureRM.Automation\Get-AzureRmAutomationDscNode -ResourceGroupName $AzureAutomationResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $AzureAutomationAccount Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Checking instance IP address against DSC nodes..." foreach ($dscNode in $dscNodes) { if ($dscNode.IpAddress.Split(';')[0] -eq $vmIpAddress) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Instance is registered." return $true } } Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Instance is not registered." return $false } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests the Azure Automation registration status of the EC2 instance with the given instance ID. .DESCRIPTION This function tests the Azure Automation registration status of the EC2 instance with the given instance ID. The registration status can be one of four values specified in the EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus enum. These values are: CannotRegister - This instance does not have an IAM role. AWS does not let you assign an IAM role to an instance that is already running so you will not be able to register this instance. As a workaround, you can create an image of this instance and then re-create it with an IAM role. NotReadyToRegister - This instance can be registered with some modifications to its permissions. Use this method with the Verbose flag to see more details on what you need to do to register this instance. If you just created a new instance with the Register-EC2Instance cmdlet, it may return as this value until registration has completed. ReadyToRegister - This instance is ready to register. If you just registered an existing instance with the Register-EC2Instance cmdlet, it may return as this value until registration has completed. Registered - This instance is registered. .PARAMETER InstanceId The instance ID of the AWS EC2 Instance for which to get the Azure Automation registration status. .PARAMETER AzureAutomationAccount The name of the Azure Automation account where the instance should be registered. .PARAMETER AzureAutomationResourceGroup The name of the Azure Automation resource group that contains the Azure Automation account specified by AzureAutomationAccount. .PARAMETER AwsRegion The AWS region in which to run all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsAccessKey The AWS access key to use when running all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsSecretKey The AWS secret key to use when running all AWS commands. .PARAMETER AwsProfile The name of an AWS credentials profile to use when running all AWS commands. The default value is 'default'. .EXAMPLE # Test if the instance can be registered $existingInstanceId = 'MyExistingInstanceId' Test-EC2InstanceRegistration -InstanceId $existingInstanceId -Verbose .EXAMPLE # Test if the instance is registered $azureAutomationAccountName = 'MyAzureAutomation' $registeredInstanceId = 'MyRegisteredInstanceId' Test-EC2InstanceRegistration -AzureAutomationAccount $azureAutomationAccountName -InstanceId $registeredInstanceId .INPUTS The instance id can be piped into this function. .OUTPUTS EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus #> function Test-EC2InstanceRegistration { [OutputType([EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Required parameters [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$InstanceId, # Azure info [string]$AzureAutomationAccount, [string]$AzureAutomationResourceGroup, # AWS info [string]$AwsRegion, [string]$AwsAccessKey, [string]$AwsSecretKey, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$AwsProfile = 'default' ) # Test for AWS credentials if (-not ($AwsAccessKey -and $AwsSecretKey)) { Test-AwsCredential -AwsProfile $AwsProfile | Out-Null $profileCredentials = (AWSPowershell\Get-AWSCredentials $AwsProfile).GetCredentials() $AwsAccessKey = $profileCredentials.AccessKey $AwsSecretKey = $profileCredentials.SecretKey } # Test for AWS region Test-AwsRegion -AwsRegion $AwsRegion | Out-Null if (-not $AwsRegion) { $AwsRegion = AWSPowershell\Get-DefaultAWSRegion } # If an Azure Automation account is provided, check if the instance is already registered if ($AzureAutomationAccount) { if (Test-EC2InstanceRegistered -InstanceId $InstanceId -AzureAutomationAccount $AzureAutomationAccount -AzureAutomationResourceGroup $AzureAutomationResourceGroup -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Instance is registered." return [EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus]::Registered } else { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Instance is not registered." } } else { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Azure Automation account information missing. Skipping check for instance registration." } # Retrieve the instance by its ID $instanceReservation = AWSPowershell\Get-EC2Instance $InstanceId -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion # Check that the instance has an IAM role Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Retrieving the instance's IAM role..." $iamProfile = $instanceReservation.Instances[0].IamInstanceProfile $allInstanceProfiles = AWSPowershell\Get-IAMInstanceProfiles -AccessKey $AwsAccessKey -SecretKey $AwsSecretKey -Region $AwsRegion $matchingProfile = $null foreach ($profile in $allInstanceProfiles) { if ($profile.Arn -eq $iamProfile.Arn) { $matchingProfile = $profile break } } # If the instance has a role, check that the role has the correct permissions to use Run Command and has access the an AWS encryption key if ($matchingProfile) { # Check for encryption key access if (-not (Test-IAMInstanceProfileEncryptionKeyAccess -Name $matchingProfile.InstanceProfileName -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion)) { Write-Verbose "This instance does not have access to an AWS encryption key." return [EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus]::NotReadyToRegister } # Check for Run Command permissions if (-not (Test-IAMInstanceProfileRunCommandPermission -Name $matchingProfile.InstanceProfileName -AwsAccessKey $AwsAccessKey -AwsSecretKey $AwsSecretKey -AwsRegion $AwsRegion)) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) This instance's instance profile does not have permission to use Run Command." return [EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus]::NotReadyToRegister } } else { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) This instance does not have an IAM Role. It cannot be registered." return [EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus]::CannotRegister } Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) This instance is ready to register." return [EC2InstanceRegistrationStatus]::ReadyToRegister } Export-ModuleMember -Function ` Register-EC2Instance, ` Test-EC2InstanceRegistration, ` Set-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration, ` Test-IAMInstanceProfileForRegistration |