#ipmo -Force AwsCfn Template -Description "Sample CloudFormation Template" -JSON -Compress { Parameter DBName String -Default "MyDatabase" ` -MinLength 1 -MaxLength 64 -AllowedPattern "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*" ` -Description "The database name" ` -ConstraintDescription "must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters." Parameter DBPassword String -NoEcho ` -MinLength 1 -MaxLength 41 -AllowedPattern "[a-zA-Z0-9]+" ` -Description "The database admin account password" ` -ConstraintDescription "must contain only alphanumeric characters." Condition "Is-EC2-VPC" (Fn-Or @( (Fn-Equals (Pseudo Region) "eu-central-1") (Fn-Equals (Pseudo Region) "cn-north-1") )) ## Strongly-typed Resource definition Res-RDS-DBInstance MasterDB -DeletionPolicy Snapshot ` -Engine MySQL -DBName MyDB -AllocatedStorage 5 ` -DBInstanceClass db.m1.large -MasterUsername dbuser { Property MasterUserPassword (Fn-Ref DBPassword) } Output MasterJDBCConnectionString ` -Description "JDBC connection string for the master database" ` -Value (Fn-Join "" @( "jdbc:mysql://" (Fn-GetAtt MasterDB "Endpoint.Address") ":" (Fn-GetAtt MasterDB "Endpoint.Port") "/" (Fn-Ref DBName) )) } | & "$PSScriptRoot\..\tools\Format-Json.ps1" |