
A template describes your AWS infrastructure.
Templates include several major sections. The Resources section is the only section that is required:
 * Parameters
 * Mappings
 * Conditions
 * Resources
 * Outputs
Some sections in a template can be in any order. However, as you build your template, it might be helpful to use the logical ordering of the previous example, as values in one section might refer to values from a previous section.

function New-CfnTemplate {



    $tMetadata   = [ordered]@{}
    $tParameters = [ordered]@{}
    $tMappings   = [ordered]@{}
    $tConditions = [ordered]@{}
    $tResources  = [ordered]@{}
    $tOutputs    = [ordered]@{}

    ## Copy over any Metadata that's available as a Param
    if ($Metadata) {
        foreach ($k in $Metadata.Keys) {
            $tMetadata[$k] = $Metadata[$k]

    & $TemplateBlock

    $t = [ordered]@{ Body = [ordered]@{} }

    if ($Version    ) { $t.Body.AWSTemplateFormatVersion = $Version }
    if ($Description) { $t.Body.Description = $Description }

    if ($tMetadata   -and $tMetadata.Count  ) { $t.Body.Metadata   = $tMetadata   }
    if ($tParameters -and $tParameters.Count) { $t.Body.Parameters = $tParameters }
    if ($tMappings   -and $tMappings.Count  ) { $t.Body.Mappings   = $tMappings   }
    if ($tConditions -and $tConditions.Count) { $t.Body.Conditions = $tConditions }
    if ($tResources  -and $tResources.Count ) { $t.Body.Resources  = $tResources  }
    if ($tOutputs    -and $tOutputs.Count   ) { $t.Body.Outputs    = $tOutputs    }

    if ($JSON) {
        $convertParams = @{ Compress = $Compress }
        $t.Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 @convertParams
    else {
Set-Alias -Name Template -Value New-CfnTemplate