
#Requires -Version 3

Function InvokeAsmRequest
        # Uri
        'Authorization'="Bearer $AuthToken"
    Write-Verbose "[InvokeAsmRequest] URI:$Uri METHOD:$Method ContentType:$ContentType APIVersion:$ApiVersion"
    try {
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RequestBody)) {
            $Result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -Headers $Headers -ContentType $ContentType -ErrorAction Stop
        else {
            $Result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -Headers $Headers -ContentType $ContentType -Body $RequestBody -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Output $Result        
    catch {
        Write-Warning "[InvokeAsmRequest] Error:$($_)"

        Retrieves the subscriptions
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version to use

Function Get-ASMSubscription
        $ApiVersion= '2013-08-01'  
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubscriptionId)) {
        $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    else {
        $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result

        Retrieves the cloud services within the subscription
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
        The cloud service name
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version to use

Function Get-ASMCloudService
        $ApiVersion= '2013-08-01'  

    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
    else {
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result


        Removes the cloud service within the subscription
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
        The cloud service name
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version to use

Function Remove-ASMCloudService
        $ApiVersion= '2013-08-01'  

    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion -Method 'DELETE'

        Retrieves the virtual networks within the subscription
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
        The virtual network name
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version to use

Function Get-ASMVirtualNetwork
        $ApiVersion= '2012-03-01'

    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
    else {
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result

        Retrieves the sql servers within the subscription
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
        The sql server name
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version to use

Function Get-ASMSqlServer
        $ApiVersion= '2012-03-01',
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
    else {
    if ($MakeGeneric.IsPresent) {
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result    

        Retrieves the sql servers within the subscription
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
        The sql server name
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version to use

Function Get-ASMSqlDatabase
        $ApiVersion= '2012-03-01',
    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'explicit')
        $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    else {
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Server.ServiceResource.SelfLink) -eq $false) {
        elseif ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Server.SelfLink) -eq $false) {
        else {
            throw "Unable to find a ''ServiceResource.SelfLink' or 'SelfLink' property"
        Write-Verbose "Existing DB Server $($BaseUri)"
        $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($BaseUri)
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
    if ($MakeGeneric.IsPresent) {
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result    

        Retrieves the sql server firewall rules within the subscription
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
        The firewall rule name
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version to use

Function Get-ASMSqlServerFirewallRule
        $ApiVersion= '2012-03-01'
    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'explicit')
        $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    else {
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Server.ServiceResource.SelfLink) -eq $false) {
        elseif ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Server.SelfLink) -eq $false) {
        else {
            throw "Unable to find a ''ServiceResource.SelfLink' or 'SelfLink' property"
        Write-Verbose "Existing DB Server $($BaseUri)"
        $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($BaseUri)
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result    

        Returns the list of Os Images associated with the subscription
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version used

Function Get-ASMOsImages
        $ApiVersion= '2013-03-01'
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result

        Returns the list of VM Images associated with the subscription
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version used

Function Get-ASMVmImages
        $ApiVersion= '2014-05-01',
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Location) -ne $false) {
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Publisher) -ne $false) {
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Category) -ne $false) {
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result

        Retrieves the deployments associated with a cloud service
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER CloudServiceName
        The cloud service name
        The deployment name
    .PARAMETER Staging
        Whether to query the staging slot
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version used

Function Get-ASMCloudServiceDeployment
        $ApiVersion= '2012-03-01',
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result

        Removes the deployment associated with a cloud service
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER CloudServiceName
        The cloud service name
        The deployment name
    .PARAMETER Staging
        Whether to query the staging slot
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version used

Function Remove-ASMCloudServiceDeployment
        $ApiVersion= '2012-03-01',
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion -Method 'DELETE'

        Retrieves the roles associated with a cloud service
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER CloudServiceName
        The cloud service name
    .PARAMETER DeploymentName
        The deployment name
    .PARAMETER DeploymentName
        The role name
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version used

Function Get-ASMCloudServiceRole
        $ApiVersion= '2012-03-01'
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result

        Removes the roles associated with a cloud service
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        The subscription id
    .PARAMETER CloudServiceName
        The cloud service name
    .PARAMETER DeploymentName
        The deployment name
    .PARAMETER DeploymentName
        The role name
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The api version used

Function Remove-ASMCloudServiceRole
        $ApiVersion= '2013-08-01'
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    foreach ($RoleName in $Name) {
    [Xml]$RequestBody="<RoleInstances xmlns='' xmlns:i=''>$([String]::Join("`n",$RoleNodes))</RoleInstances>"
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion -Method 'POST' -ContentType 'application/xml' -RequestBody $RequestBody
    Write-Output $Result

Function Get-ASMCloudServiceDeploymentEvent
        $ApiVersion= '2014-06-01',
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    if($EndTime -eq $null)
    if($StartTime -eq $null)
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result

Function Get-ASMCloudServiceRoleIpForwarding
        $ApiVersion= '2015-04-01',
    $UrlBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder("")
    $Result=InvokeAsmRequest -Uri $UrlBld.Uri -AuthToken $AuthToken -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result