#Requires -Version 4.0 #Version <# .COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) ECIT Solutions AS. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. See https://github.com/ecitsolutions/Autotask/blob/master/LICENSE.md for license information. #> Function Set-AtwsAccount { <# .SYNOPSIS This function sets parameters on the Account specified by the -InputObject parameter or pipeline through the use of the Autotask Web Services API. Any property of the Account that is not marked as READ ONLY by Autotask can be speficied with a parameter. You can specify multiple paramters. .DESCRIPTION This function one or more objects of type [Autotask.Account] as input. You can pipe the objects to the function or pass them using the -InputObject parameter. You specify the property you want to set and the value you want to set it to using parameters. The function modifies all objects and updates the online data through the Autotask Web Services API. The function supports all properties of an [Autotask.Account] that can be updated through the Web Services API. The function uses PowerShell parameter validation and supports IntelliSense for selecting picklist values. Entities that have fields that refer to the base entity of this CmdLet: Account AccountAlert AccountLocation AccountNote AccountPhysicalLocation AccountTeam AccountToDo BillingItem ComanagedAssociation Contact Contract ContractServiceUnit ExpenseItem InstalledProduct Invoice NotificationHistory Opportunity Product ProductVendor Project PurchaseOrder Quote SalesOrder Service ServiceCall Subscription SurveyResults Ticket .INPUTS [Autotask.Account[]]. This function takes one or more objects as input. Pipeline is supported. .OUTPUTS Nothing or [Autotask.Account]. This function optionally returns the updated objects if you use the -PassThru parameter. .EXAMPLE Set-AtwsAccount -InputObject $Account [-ParameterName] [Parameter value] Passes one or more [Autotask.Account] object(s) as a variable to the function and sets the property by name 'ParameterName' on ALL the objects before they are passed to the Autotask Web Service API and updated. .EXAMPLE $Account | Set-AtwsAccount -ParameterName <Parameter value> Same as the first example, but now the objects are passed to the funtion through the pipeline, not passed as a parameter. The end result is identical. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsAccount -Id 0 | Set-AtwsAccount -ParameterName <Parameter value> Gets the instance with Id 0 directly from the Web Services API, modifies a parameter and updates Autotask. This approach works with all valid parameters for the Get function. .EXAMPLE Get-AtwsAccount -Id 0,4,8 | Set-AtwsAccount -ParameterName <Parameter value> Gets multiple instances by Id, modifies them all and updates Autotask. .EXAMPLE $result = Get-AtwsAccount -Id 0,4,8 | Set-AtwsAccount -ParameterName <Parameter value> -PassThru Gets multiple instances by Id, modifies them all, updates Autotask and returns the updated objects. .LINK New-AtwsAccount .LINK Get-AtwsAccount #> [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName='InputObject', ConfirmImpact='Low')] Param ( # An object that will be modified by any parameters and updated in Autotask [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object', ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Autotask.Account[]] $InputObject, # The object.ids of objects that should be modified by any parameters and updated in Autotask [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [long[]] $Id, # Return any updated objects through the pipeline [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [switch] $PassThru, # Client Name [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Alias('Name')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateLength(0,100)] [string] $AccountName, # Address 1 [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,128)] [string] $Address1, # Address 2 [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,128)] [string] $Address2, # City [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,30)] [string] $City, # County [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,40)] [string] $State, # Postal Code [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,10)] [string] $PostalCode, # Country [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,100)] [string] $Country, # Phone [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateLength(0,25)] [string] $Phone, # Alternate Phone 1 [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,25)] [string] $AlternatePhone1, # Alternate Phone 2 [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,25)] [string] $AlternatePhone2, # Fax [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,25)] [string] $Fax, # Web [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,255)] [string] $WebAddress, # Client Type [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $AccountType, # Key Account Icon [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [string] $KeyAccountIcon, # Client Owner [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Nullable[Int]] $OwnerResourceID, # Territory Name [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [string] $TerritoryID, # Market Segment [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [string] $MarketSegmentID, # Competitor [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [string] $CompetitorID, # Parent Client [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[Int]] $ParentAccountID, # Stock Symbol [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,10)] [string] $StockSymbol, # Stock Market [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,10)] [string] $StockMarket, # SIC Code [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,32)] [string] $SICCode, # Asset Value [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[double]] $AssetValue, # Client Number [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,50)] [string] $AccountNumber, # Account Active [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[boolean]] $Active, # Tax Region ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[Int]] $TaxRegionID, # Tax Exempt [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[boolean]] $TaxExempt, # Tax ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,50)] [string] $TaxID, # Additional Address Information [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,100)] [string] $AdditionalAddressInformation, # Country ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[Int]] $CountryID, # Bill To Attention [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [ValidateLength(0,50)] [string] $BillToAttention, # Transmission Method [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [string] $InvoiceMethod, # Invoice non contract items to Parent Client [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[boolean]] $InvoiceNonContractItemsToParentAccount, # Quote Template ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[Int]] $QuoteTemplateID, # Quote Email Message ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[Int]] $QuoteEmailMessageID, # Invoice Template ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[Int]] $InvoiceTemplateID, # Invoice Email Message ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[Int]] $InvoiceEmailMessageID, # Currency ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[Int]] $CurrencyID, # Bill To Account Physical Location ID [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[Int]] $BillToAccountPhysicalLocationID, # Enabled For Comanaged [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'Input_Object' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_parameters' )] [Parameter( ParametersetName = 'By_Id' )] [Nullable[boolean]] $EnabledForComanaged ) begin { $entityName = 'Account' # Enable modern -Debug behavior if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Debug'].IsPresent) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' } else { # Respect configured preference $DebugPreference = $Script:Atws.Configuration.DebugPref } Write-Debug ('{0}: Begin of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) if (!($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'].IsPresent)) { # No local override of central preference. Load central preference $VerbosePreference = $Script:Atws.Configuration.VerbosePref } $ModifiedObjects = @() } process { # Collect fresh copies of InputObject if passed any IDs # Has to collect in batches, or we are going to get the # dreaded 'too nested SQL' error If ($Id.count -gt 0) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Id.count; $i += 200) { $j = $i + 199 if ($j -ge $Id.count) { $j = $Id.count - 1 } # Create a filter with the current batch $Filter = 'Id -eq {0}' -F ($Id[$i .. $j] -join ' -or Id -eq ') $InputObject += Get-AtwsData -Entity $entityName -Filter $Filter } # Remove the ID parameter so we do not try to set it on every object $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('id') } $caption = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $verboseDescription = '{0}: About to modify {1} {2}(s). This action cannot be undone.' -F $caption, $InputObject.Count, $entityName $verboseWarning = '{0}: About to modify {1} {2}(s). This action cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?' -F $caption, $InputObject.Count, $entityName if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($verboseDescription, $verboseWarning, $caption)) { Write-Verbose $verboseDescription # Process parameters and update objects with their values $processObject = $InputObject | Update-AtwsObjectsWithParameters -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -EntityName $EntityName # If using pipeline this block (process) will run once pr item in the pipeline. make sure to return them all $ModifiedObjects += Set-AtwsData -Entity $processObject } } end { Write-Debug ('{0}: End of function, returning {1} {2}(s)' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $ModifiedObjects.count, $entityName) if ($PassThru.IsPresent) { Return $ModifiedObjects } } } |